from __future__ import annotations import os.path import re from wheel.cli import WheelError from wheel.wheelfile import WheelFile DIST_INFO_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P(?P.+?)-(?P\d.*?))\.dist-info$") BUILD_NUM_RE = re.compile(rb"Build: (\d\w*)$") def pack(directory: str, dest_dir: str, build_number: str | None): """Repack a previously unpacked wheel directory into a new wheel file. The .dist-info/WHEEL file must contain one or more tags so that the target wheel file name can be determined. :param directory: The unpacked wheel directory :param dest_dir: Destination directory (defaults to the current directory) """ # Find the .dist-info directory dist_info_dirs = [ fn for fn in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, fn)) and DIST_INFO_RE.match(fn) ] if len(dist_info_dirs) > 1: raise WheelError(f"Multiple .dist-info directories found in {directory}") elif not dist_info_dirs: raise WheelError(f"No .dist-info directories found in {directory}") # Determine the target wheel filename dist_info_dir = dist_info_dirs[0] name_version = DIST_INFO_RE.match(dist_info_dir).group("namever") # Read the tags and the existing build number from .dist-info/WHEEL existing_build_number = None wheel_file_path = os.path.join(directory, dist_info_dir, "WHEEL") with open(wheel_file_path, "rb") as f: tags, existing_build_number = read_tags( if not tags: raise WheelError( "No tags present in {}/WHEEL; cannot determine target wheel " "filename".format(dist_info_dir) ) # Set the wheel file name and add/replace/remove the Build tag in .dist-info/WHEEL build_number = build_number if build_number is not None else existing_build_number if build_number is not None: if build_number: name_version += "-" + build_number if build_number != existing_build_number: with open(wheel_file_path, "rb+") as f: wheel_file_content = wheel_file_content = set_build_number(wheel_file_content, build_number) f.truncate() f.write(wheel_file_content) # Reassemble the tags for the wheel file tagline = compute_tagline(tags) # Repack the wheel wheel_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, f"{name_version}-{tagline}.whl") with WheelFile(wheel_path, "w") as wf: print(f"Repacking wheel as {wheel_path}...", end="", flush=True) wf.write_files(directory) print("OK") def read_tags(input_str: bytes) -> tuple[list[str], str | None]: """Read tags from a string. :param input_str: A string containing one or more tags, separated by spaces :return: A list of tags and a list of build tags """ tags = [] existing_build_number = None for line in input_str.splitlines(): if line.startswith(b"Tag: "): tags.append(line.split(b" ")[1].rstrip().decode("ascii")) elif line.startswith(b"Build: "): existing_build_number = line.split(b" ")[1].rstrip().decode("ascii") return tags, existing_build_number def set_build_number(wheel_file_content: bytes, build_number: str | None) -> bytes: """Compute a build tag and add/replace/remove as necessary. :param wheel_file_content: The contents of .dist-info/WHEEL :param build_number: The build tags present in .dist-info/WHEEL :return: The (modified) contents of .dist-info/WHEEL """ replacement = ( ("Build: %s\r\n" % build_number).encode("ascii") if build_number else b"" ) wheel_file_content, num_replaced = BUILD_NUM_RE.subn( replacement, wheel_file_content ) if not num_replaced: wheel_file_content += replacement return wheel_file_content def compute_tagline(tags: list[str]) -> str: """Compute a tagline from a list of tags. :param tags: A list of tags :return: A tagline """ impls = sorted({tag.split("-")[0] for tag in tags}) abivers = sorted({tag.split("-")[1] for tag in tags}) platforms = sorted({tag.split("-")[2] for tag in tags}) return "-".join([".".join(impls), ".".join(abivers), ".".join(platforms)])