# This file is part of h5py, a Python interface to the HDF5 library. # # http://www.h5py.org # # Copyright 2008-2013 Andrew Collette and contributors # # License: Standard 3-clause BSD; see "license.txt" for full license terms # and contributor agreement. """ Attribute data transfer testing module Covers all data read/write and type-conversion operations for attributes. """ import numpy as np from .common import TestCase, ut import h5py from h5py import h5a, h5s, h5t from h5py import File from h5py._hl.base import is_empty_dataspace class BaseAttrs(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.f = File(self.mktemp(), 'w') def tearDown(self): if self.f: self.f.close() class TestScalar(BaseAttrs): """ Feature: Scalar types map correctly to array scalars """ def test_int(self): """ Integers are read as correct NumPy type """ self.f.attrs['x'] = np.array(1, dtype=np.int8) out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertIsInstance(out, np.int8) def test_compound(self): """ Compound scalars are read as numpy.void """ dt = np.dtype([('a', 'i'), ('b', 'f')]) data = np.array((1, 4.2), dtype=dt) self.f.attrs['x'] = data out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertIsInstance(out, np.void) self.assertEqual(out, data) self.assertEqual(out['b'], data['b']) class TestArray(BaseAttrs): """ Feature: Non-scalar types are correctly retrieved as ndarrays """ def test_single(self): """ Single-element arrays are correctly recovered """ data = np.ndarray((1,), dtype='f') self.f.attrs['x'] = data out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertIsInstance(out, np.ndarray) self.assertEqual(out.shape, (1,)) def test_multi(self): """ Rank-1 arrays are correctly recovered """ data = np.ndarray((42,), dtype='f') data[:] = 42.0 data[10:35] = -47.0 self.f.attrs['x'] = data out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertIsInstance(out, np.ndarray) self.assertEqual(out.shape, (42,)) self.assertArrayEqual(out, data) class TestTypes(BaseAttrs): """ Feature: All supported types can be stored in attributes """ def test_int(self): """ Storage of integer types """ dtypes = (np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64) for dt in dtypes: data = np.ndarray((1,), dtype=dt) data[...] = 42 self.f.attrs['x'] = data out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertEqual(out.dtype, dt) self.assertArrayEqual(out, data) def test_float(self): """ Storage of floating point types """ dtypes = tuple(np.dtype(x) for x in ('f4', '>f8', 'c8', 'c16')) for dt in dtypes: data = np.ndarray((1,), dtype=dt) data[...] = -4.2j + 35.9 self.f.attrs['x'] = data out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertEqual(out.dtype, dt) self.assertArrayEqual(out, data) def test_string(self): """ Storage of fixed-length strings """ dtypes = tuple(np.dtype(x) for x in ('|S1', '|S10')) for dt in dtypes: data = np.ndarray((1,), dtype=dt) data[...] = 'h' self.f.attrs['x'] = data out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertEqual(out.dtype, dt) self.assertEqual(out[0], data[0]) def test_bool(self): """ Storage of NumPy booleans """ data = np.ndarray((2,), dtype=np.bool_) data[...] = True, False self.f.attrs['x'] = data out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertEqual(out.dtype, data.dtype) self.assertEqual(out[0], data[0]) self.assertEqual(out[1], data[1]) def test_vlen_string_array(self): """ Storage of vlen byte string arrays""" dt = h5py.string_dtype(encoding='ascii') data = np.ndarray((2,), dtype=dt) data[...] = "Hello", "Hi there! This is HDF5!" self.f.attrs['x'] = data out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertEqual(out.dtype, dt) self.assertEqual(out[0], data[0]) self.assertEqual(out[1], data[1]) def test_string_scalar(self): """ Storage of variable-length byte string scalars (auto-creation) """ self.f.attrs['x'] = b'Hello' out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertEqual(out, 'Hello') self.assertEqual(type(out), str) aid = h5py.h5a.open(self.f.id, b"x") tid = aid.get_type() self.assertEqual(type(tid), h5py.h5t.TypeStringID) self.assertEqual(tid.get_cset(), h5py.h5t.CSET_ASCII) self.assertTrue(tid.is_variable_str()) def test_unicode_scalar(self): """ Storage of variable-length unicode strings (auto-creation) """ self.f.attrs['x'] = u"Hello" + chr(0x2340) + u"!!" out = self.f.attrs['x'] self.assertEqual(out, u"Hello" + chr(0x2340) + u"!!") self.assertEqual(type(out), str) aid = h5py.h5a.open(self.f.id, b"x") tid = aid.get_type() self.assertEqual(type(tid), h5py.h5t.TypeStringID) self.assertEqual(tid.get_cset(), h5py.h5t.CSET_UTF8) self.assertTrue(tid.is_variable_str()) class TestEmpty(BaseAttrs): def setUp(self): BaseAttrs.setUp(self) sid = h5s.create(h5s.NULL) tid = h5t.C_S1.copy() tid.set_size(10) aid = h5a.create(self.f.id, b'x', tid, sid) self.empty_obj = h5py.Empty(np.dtype("S10")) def test_read(self): self.assertEqual( self.empty_obj, self.f.attrs['x'] ) def test_write(self): self.f.attrs["y"] = self.empty_obj self.assertTrue(is_empty_dataspace(h5a.open(self.f.id, b'y'))) def test_modify(self): with self.assertRaises(IOError): self.f.attrs.modify('x', 1) def test_values(self): # list() is for Py3 where these are iterators values = list(self.f.attrs.values()) self.assertEqual( [self.empty_obj], values ) def test_items(self): items = list(self.f.attrs.items()) self.assertEqual( [(u"x", self.empty_obj)], items ) def test_itervalues(self): values = list(self.f.attrs.values()) self.assertEqual( [self.empty_obj], values ) def test_iteritems(self): items = list(self.f.attrs.items()) self.assertEqual( [(u"x", self.empty_obj)], items ) class TestWriteException(BaseAttrs): """ Ensure failed attribute writes don't leave garbage behind. """ def test_write(self): """ ValueError on string write wipes out attribute """ s = b"Hello\x00Hello" try: self.f.attrs['x'] = s except ValueError: pass with self.assertRaises(KeyError): self.f.attrs['x']