import itertools import weakref from collections import Counter import numpy as np import pytest from opt_einsum import (contract, contract_expression, contract_path, get_symbol, helpers, shared_intermediates) from opt_einsum.backends import to_cupy, to_torch from opt_einsum.contract import _einsum from opt_einsum.parser import parse_einsum_input from opt_einsum.sharing import (count_cached_ops, currently_sharing, get_sharing_cache) try: import cupy cupy_if_found = 'cupy' except ImportError: cupy_if_found = pytest.param('cupy', marks=[pytest.mark.skip(reason="CuPy not installed.")]) try: import torch torch_if_found = 'torch' except ImportError: torch_if_found = pytest.param('torch', marks=[pytest.mark.skip(reason="PyTorch not installed.")]) backends = ['numpy', torch_if_found, cupy_if_found] equations = [ 'ab,bc->ca', 'abc,bcd,dea', 'abc,def->fedcba', 'abc,bcd,df->fa', # test 'prefer einsum' ops 'ijk,ikj', 'i,j->ij', 'ijk,k->ij', 'AB,BC->CA', ] to_backend = { 'numpy': lambda x: x, 'torch': to_torch, 'cupy': to_cupy, } @pytest.mark.parametrize('eq', equations) @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_sharing_value(eq, backend): views = helpers.build_views(eq) shapes = [v.shape for v in views] expr = contract_expression(eq, *shapes) expected = expr(*views, backend=backend) with shared_intermediates(): actual = expr(*views, backend=backend) assert (actual == expected).all() @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_complete_sharing(backend): eq = 'ab,bc,cd->' views = helpers.build_views(eq) expr = contract_expression(eq, *(v.shape for v in views)) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache: expr(*views, backend=backend) expected = count_cached_ops(cache) print('-' * 40) print('With sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache: expr(*views, backend=backend) expr(*views, backend=backend) actual = count_cached_ops(cache) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected)) print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual)) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_sharing_reused_cache(backend): eq = 'ab,bc,cd->' views = helpers.build_views(eq) expr = contract_expression(eq, *(v.shape for v in views)) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache: expr(*views, backend=backend) expected = count_cached_ops(cache) print('-' * 40) print('With sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache: expr(*views, backend=backend) with shared_intermediates(cache): expr(*views, backend=backend) actual = count_cached_ops(cache) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected)) print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual)) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_no_sharing_separate_cache(backend): eq = 'ab,bc,cd->' views = helpers.build_views(eq) expr = contract_expression(eq, *(v.shape for v in views)) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache: expr(*views, backend=backend) expected = count_cached_ops(cache) expected.update(count_cached_ops(cache)) # we expect double print('-' * 40) print('With sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache1: expr(*views, backend=backend) actual = count_cached_ops(cache1) with shared_intermediates() as cache2: expr(*views, backend=backend) actual.update(count_cached_ops(cache2)) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected)) print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual)) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_sharing_nesting(backend): eqs = ['ab,bc,cd->a', 'ab,bc,cd->b', 'ab,bc,cd->c', 'ab,bc,cd->c'] views = helpers.build_views(eqs[0]) shapes = [v.shape for v in views] refs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def method1(views): with shared_intermediates(): w = contract_expression(eqs[0], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend) x = contract_expression(eqs[2], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend) result = contract_expression('a,b->', w.shape, x.shape)(w, x, backend=backend) refs['w'] = w refs['x'] = x del w, x assert 'w' in refs assert 'x' in refs assert 'w' not in refs, 'cache leakage' assert 'x' not in refs, 'cache leakage' return result def method2(views): with shared_intermediates(): y = contract_expression(eqs[2], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend) z = contract_expression(eqs[3], *shapes)(*views, backend=backend) refs['y'] = y refs['z'] = z result = contract_expression('c,d->', y.shape, z.shape)(y, z, backend=backend) result = result + method1(views) # nest method1 in method2 del y, z assert 'y' in refs assert 'z' in refs assert 'y' not in refs assert 'z' not in refs method1(views) method2(views) @pytest.mark.parametrize('eq', equations) @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_sharing_modulo_commutativity(eq, backend): ops = helpers.build_views(eq) ops = [to_backend[backend](x) for x in ops] inputs, output, _ = parse_einsum_input([eq] + ops) inputs = inputs.split(',') print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache: _einsum(eq, *ops, backend=backend) expected = count_cached_ops(cache) print('-' * 40) print('With sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache: for permuted in itertools.permutations(zip(inputs, ops)): permuted_inputs = [p[0] for p in permuted] permuted_ops = [p[1] for p in permuted] permuted_eq = '{}->{}'.format(','.join(permuted_inputs), output) _einsum(permuted_eq, *permuted_ops, backend=backend) actual = count_cached_ops(cache) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(expected)) print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(actual)) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_partial_sharing(backend): eq = 'ab,bc,de->' x, y, z1 = helpers.build_views(eq) z2 = 2.0 * z1 - 1.0 expr = contract_expression(eq, x.shape, y.shape, z1.shape) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing:') num_exprs_nosharing = Counter() with shared_intermediates() as cache: expr(x, y, z1, backend=backend) num_exprs_nosharing.update(count_cached_ops(cache)) with shared_intermediates() as cache: expr(x, y, z2, backend=backend) num_exprs_nosharing.update(count_cached_ops(cache)) print('-' * 40) print('With sharing:') with shared_intermediates() as cache: expr(x, y, z1, backend=backend) expr(x, y, z2, backend=backend) num_exprs_sharing = count_cached_ops(cache) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(num_exprs_nosharing)) print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(num_exprs_sharing)) assert num_exprs_nosharing['einsum'] > num_exprs_sharing['einsum'] @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_sharing_with_constants(backend): inputs = 'ij,jk,kl' outputs = 'ijkl' equations = ['{}->{}'.format(inputs, output) for output in outputs] shapes = (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5) constants = {0, 2} ops = [np.random.rand(*shp) if i in constants else shp for i, shp in enumerate(shapes)] var = np.random.rand(*shapes[1]) expected = [contract_expression(eq, *shapes)(ops[0], var, ops[2]) for eq in equations] with shared_intermediates(): actual = [contract_expression(eq, *ops, constants=constants)(var) for eq in equations] for dim, expected_dim, actual_dim in zip(outputs, expected, actual): assert np.allclose(expected_dim, actual_dim), 'error at {}'.format(dim) @pytest.mark.parametrize('size', [3, 4, 5]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_chain(size, backend): xs = [np.random.rand(2, 2) for _ in range(size)] shapes = [x.shape for x in xs] alphabet = ''.join(get_symbol(i) for i in range(size + 1)) names = [alphabet[i:i + 2] for i in range(size)] inputs = ','.join(names) with shared_intermediates(): print(inputs) for i in range(size + 1): target = alphabet[i] eq = '{}->{}'.format(inputs, target) path_info = contract_path(eq, *xs) print(path_info[1]) expr = contract_expression(eq, *shapes) expr(*xs, backend=backend) print('-' * 40) @pytest.mark.parametrize('size', [3, 4, 5, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_chain_2(size, backend): xs = [np.random.rand(2, 2) for _ in range(size)] shapes = [x.shape for x in xs] alphabet = ''.join(get_symbol(i) for i in range(size + 1)) names = [alphabet[i:i + 2] for i in range(size)] inputs = ','.join(names) with shared_intermediates(): print(inputs) for i in range(size): target = alphabet[i:i + 2] eq = '{}->{}'.format(inputs, target) path_info = contract_path(eq, *xs) print(path_info[1]) expr = contract_expression(eq, *shapes) expr(*xs, backend=backend) print('-' * 40) def _compute_cost(cache): counts = count_cached_ops(cache) return counts['einsum'] + counts['tensordot'] @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_chain_2_growth(backend): sizes = list(range(1, 21)) costs = [] for size in sizes: xs = [np.random.rand(2, 2) for _ in range(size)] alphabet = ''.join(get_symbol(i) for i in range(size + 1)) names = [alphabet[i:i + 2] for i in range(size)] inputs = ','.join(names) with shared_intermediates() as cache: for i in range(size): target = alphabet[i:i + 2] eq = '{}->{}'.format(inputs, target) expr = contract_expression(eq, *(x.shape for x in xs)) expr(*xs, backend=backend) costs.append(_compute_cost(cache)) print('sizes = {}'.format(repr(sizes))) print('costs = {}'.format(repr(costs))) for size, cost in zip(sizes, costs): print('{}\t{}'.format(size, cost)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('size', [3, 4, 5]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', backends) def test_chain_sharing(size, backend): xs = [np.random.rand(2, 2) for _ in range(size)] alphabet = ''.join(get_symbol(i) for i in range(size + 1)) names = [alphabet[i:i + 2] for i in range(size)] inputs = ','.join(names) num_exprs_nosharing = 0 for i in range(size + 1): with shared_intermediates() as cache: target = alphabet[i] eq = '{}->{}'.format(inputs, target) expr = contract_expression(eq, *(x.shape for x in xs)) expr(*xs, backend=backend) num_exprs_nosharing += _compute_cost(cache) with shared_intermediates() as cache: print(inputs) for i in range(size + 1): target = alphabet[i] eq = '{}->{}'.format(inputs, target) path_info = contract_path(eq, *xs) print(path_info[1]) expr = contract_expression(eq, *(x.shape for x in xs)) expr(*xs, backend=backend) num_exprs_sharing = _compute_cost(cache) print('-' * 40) print('Without sharing: {} expressions'.format(num_exprs_nosharing)) print('With sharing: {} expressions'.format(num_exprs_sharing)) assert num_exprs_nosharing > num_exprs_sharing def test_multithreaded_sharing(): from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool def fn(): X, Y, Z = helpers.build_views('ab,bc,cd') with shared_intermediates(): contract('ab,bc,cd->a', X, Y, Z) contract('ab,bc,cd->b', X, Y, Z) return len(get_sharing_cache()) expected = fn() pool = ThreadPool(8) fs = [pool.apply_async(fn) for _ in range(16)] assert not currently_sharing() assert [f.get() for f in fs] == [expected] * 16 pool.close()