""" Find compiled module linking to Tcl / Tk libraries """ import sys import tkinter from tkinter import _tkinter as tk from ._deprecate import deprecate try: if hasattr(sys, "pypy_find_executable"): TKINTER_LIB = tk.tklib_cffi.__file__ else: TKINTER_LIB = tk.__file__ except AttributeError: # _tkinter may be compiled directly into Python, in which case __file__ is # not available. load_tkinter_funcs will check the binary first in any case. TKINTER_LIB = None tk_version = str(tkinter.TkVersion) if tk_version == "8.4": deprecate( "Support for Tk/Tcl 8.4", 10, action="Please upgrade to Tk/Tcl 8.5 or newer" )