# Copyright 2022 The JAX Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from typing import List, Optional, Type, Sequence, Tuple from jax._src.cloud_tpu_init import running_in_cloud_tpu_vm logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ClusterEnv: """Interface for defining a cluster environment. To enable auto bootrapping (aka :func:`jax.distributed.initialize()`), cluster environments need to derive from :class:`ClusterEnv` and implement :func:`is_env_present`, :func:`get_coordinator_address`, :func:`get_process_count`, and :func:`get_process_id`. :class:`ClusterEnv` subclasses are automatically detected when imported. """ _cluster_types: List[Type['ClusterEnv']] = [] def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls._cluster_types.append(cls) @classmethod # pytype: disable=bad-return-type def auto_detect_unset_distributed_params(cls, coordinator_address: Optional[str], num_processes: Optional[int], process_id: Optional[int], local_device_ids: Optional[Sequence[int]] ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[Sequence[int]]]: if all(p is not None for p in (coordinator_address, num_processes, process_id, local_device_ids)): return (coordinator_address, num_processes, process_id, local_device_ids) env = next((env for env in cls._cluster_types if env.is_env_present()), None) if env: logger.debug('Initializing distributed JAX environment via %s', env.__name__) if coordinator_address is None: coordinator_address = env.get_coordinator_address() if num_processes is None: num_processes = env.get_process_count() if process_id is None: process_id = env.get_process_id() # Never automatically set local_device_ids on TPUs # Defaults to single process per device if local_process_id is available. # This only runs if we're in a managed distributed environment. # Otherwise local_device_ids will remain unset, # which will default to all devices being visible. if (local_device_ids is None and not running_in_cloud_tpu_vm and env.get_local_process_id() is not None): local_device_ids = [env.get_local_process_id()] # type: ignore[list-item] else: logger.debug('Could not find a known environment for initializing distributed JAX. ' 'Known environments: %s', ', '.join(e.__name__ for e in cls._cluster_types)) return (coordinator_address, num_processes, process_id, local_device_ids) # pytype: enable=bad-return-type @classmethod def is_env_present(cls) -> bool: """Returns True if process is running in this cluster environment. """ raise NotImplementedError("ClusterEnv subclasses must implement is_env_present") @classmethod def get_coordinator_address(cls) -> str: """Returns address and port used by JAX to bootstrap. Process id 0 will open a tcp socket at "hostname:port" where all the proccesses will connect to initialize the distributed JAX service. The selected port needs to be free. :func:`get_coordinator_address` needs to return the same hostname and port on all the processes. Returns: "hostname:port" """ raise NotImplementedError("ClusterEnv subclasses must implement get_coordinator_address") @classmethod def get_process_count(cls) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("ClusterEnv subclasses must implement get_process_count") @classmethod def get_process_id(cls) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("ClusterEnv subclasses must implement get_process_id") @classmethod def get_local_process_id(cls) -> Optional[int]: """ Get index of current process inside a host. The method is only useful to support single device per process. In that case, each process will see a local device whose ID is the same as its local process ID. If None, JAX will not restrict the visible devices. """ return None