# Copyright 2023 The JAX Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Note: import as is required for names to be exported. # See PEP 484 & https://github.com/google/jax/issues/7570 from __future__ import annotations from jax._src.interpreters.ad import ( CustomJVPException as CustomJVPException, CustomVJPException as CustomVJPException, JVPTrace as JVPTrace, JVPTracer as JVPTracer, UndefinedPrimal as UndefinedPrimal, Zero as Zero, add_jaxvals as add_jaxvals, add_jaxvals_p as add_jaxvals_p, add_tangents as add_tangents, backward_pass as backward_pass, bilinear_transpose as bilinear_transpose, call_param_updaters as call_param_updaters, call_transpose as call_transpose, call_transpose_param_updaters as call_transpose_param_updaters, closed_backward_pass as closed_backward_pass, custom_lin_p as custom_lin_p, defbilinear as defbilinear, defjvp as defjvp, defjvp2 as defjvp2, defjvp_zero as defjvp_zero, deflinear as deflinear, deflinear2 as deflinear2, f_jvp_traceable as f_jvp_traceable, get_primitive_transpose as get_primitive_transpose, instantiate_zeros as instantiate_zeros, instantiate_zeros_aval as instantiate_zeros_aval, is_undefined_primal as is_undefined_primal, jvp as jvp, jvp_jaxpr as jvp_jaxpr, jvp_subtrace as jvp_subtrace, jvp_subtrace_aux as jvp_subtrace_aux, jvpfun as jvpfun, linear_jvp as linear_jvp, linear_transpose as linear_transpose, linear_transpose2 as linear_transpose2, linearize as linearize, map_transpose as map_transpose, nonzero_outputs as nonzero_outputs, nonzero_tangent_outputs as nonzero_tangent_outputs, primitive_jvps as primitive_jvps, primitive_transposes as primitive_transposes, rearrange_binders as rearrange_binders, recast_to_float0 as recast_to_float0, reducing_transposes as reducing_transposes, replace_float0s as replace_float0s, standard_jvp as standard_jvp, standard_jvp2 as standard_jvp2, traceable as traceable, unpair_pval as unpair_pval, vjp as vjp, zero_jvp as zero_jvp, zeros_like_aval as zeros_like_aval, zeros_like_jaxval as zeros_like_jaxval, zeros_like_p as zeros_like_p, ) from jax import config from jax._src import source_info_util