"""Storage providers backends for Memory caching.""" import re import os import os.path import datetime import json import shutil import warnings import collections import operator import threading from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from .backports import concurrency_safe_rename from .disk import mkdirp, memstr_to_bytes, rm_subdirs from . import numpy_pickle CacheItemInfo = collections.namedtuple('CacheItemInfo', 'path size last_access') def concurrency_safe_write(object_to_write, filename, write_func): """Writes an object into a unique file in a concurrency-safe way.""" thread_id = id(threading.current_thread()) temporary_filename = '{}.thread-{}-pid-{}'.format( filename, thread_id, os.getpid()) write_func(object_to_write, temporary_filename) return temporary_filename class StoreBackendBase(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Helper Abstract Base Class which defines all methods that a StorageBackend must implement.""" location = None @abstractmethod def _open_item(self, f, mode): """Opens an item on the store and return a file-like object. This method is private and only used by the StoreBackendMixin object. Parameters ---------- f: a file-like object The file-like object where an item is stored and retrieved mode: string, optional the mode in which the file-like object is opened allowed valued are 'rb', 'wb' Returns ------- a file-like object """ @abstractmethod def _item_exists(self, location): """Checks if an item location exists in the store. This method is private and only used by the StoreBackendMixin object. Parameters ---------- location: string The location of an item. On a filesystem, this corresponds to the absolute path, including the filename, of a file. Returns ------- True if the item exists, False otherwise """ @abstractmethod def _move_item(self, src, dst): """Moves an item from src to dst in the store. This method is private and only used by the StoreBackendMixin object. Parameters ---------- src: string The source location of an item dst: string The destination location of an item """ @abstractmethod def create_location(self, location): """Creates a location on the store. Parameters ---------- location: string The location in the store. On a filesystem, this corresponds to a directory. """ @abstractmethod def clear_location(self, location): """Clears a location on the store. Parameters ---------- location: string The location in the store. On a filesystem, this corresponds to a directory or a filename absolute path """ @abstractmethod def get_items(self): """Returns the whole list of items available in the store. Returns ------- The list of items identified by their ids (e.g filename in a filesystem). """ @abstractmethod def configure(self, location, verbose=0, backend_options=dict()): """Configures the store. Parameters ---------- location: string The base location used by the store. On a filesystem, this corresponds to a directory. verbose: int The level of verbosity of the store backend_options: dict Contains a dictionary of named parameters used to configure the store backend. """ class StoreBackendMixin(object): """Class providing all logic for managing the store in a generic way. The StoreBackend subclass has to implement 3 methods: create_location, clear_location and configure. The StoreBackend also has to provide a private _open_item, _item_exists and _move_item methods. The _open_item method has to have the same signature as the builtin open and return a file-like object. """ def load_item(self, path, verbose=1, msg=None): """Load an item from the store given its path as a list of strings.""" full_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) if verbose > 1: if verbose < 10: print('{0}...'.format(msg)) else: print('{0} from {1}'.format(msg, full_path)) mmap_mode = (None if not hasattr(self, 'mmap_mode') else self.mmap_mode) filename = os.path.join(full_path, 'output.pkl') if not self._item_exists(filename): raise KeyError("Non-existing item (may have been " "cleared).\nFile %s does not exist" % filename) # file-like object cannot be used when mmap_mode is set if mmap_mode is None: with self._open_item(filename, "rb") as f: item = numpy_pickle.load(f) else: item = numpy_pickle.load(filename, mmap_mode=mmap_mode) return item def dump_item(self, path, item, verbose=1): """Dump an item in the store at the path given as a list of strings.""" try: item_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) if not self._item_exists(item_path): self.create_location(item_path) filename = os.path.join(item_path, 'output.pkl') if verbose > 10: print('Persisting in %s' % item_path) def write_func(to_write, dest_filename): with self._open_item(dest_filename, "wb") as f: numpy_pickle.dump(to_write, f, compress=self.compress) self._concurrency_safe_write(item, filename, write_func) except: # noqa: E722 " Race condition in the creation of the directory " def clear_item(self, path): """Clear the item at the path, given as a list of strings.""" item_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) if self._item_exists(item_path): self.clear_location(item_path) def contains_item(self, path): """Check if there is an item at the path, given as a list of strings""" item_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) filename = os.path.join(item_path, 'output.pkl') return self._item_exists(filename) def get_item_info(self, path): """Return information about item.""" return {'location': os.path.join(self.location, *path)} def get_metadata(self, path): """Return actual metadata of an item.""" try: item_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) filename = os.path.join(item_path, 'metadata.json') with self._open_item(filename, 'rb') as f: return json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8')) except: # noqa: E722 return {} def store_metadata(self, path, metadata): """Store metadata of a computation.""" try: item_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) self.create_location(item_path) filename = os.path.join(item_path, 'metadata.json') def write_func(to_write, dest_filename): with self._open_item(dest_filename, "wb") as f: f.write(json.dumps(to_write).encode('utf-8')) self._concurrency_safe_write(metadata, filename, write_func) except: # noqa: E722 pass def contains_path(self, path): """Check cached function is available in store.""" func_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) return self.object_exists(func_path) def clear_path(self, path): """Clear all items with a common path in the store.""" func_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) if self._item_exists(func_path): self.clear_location(func_path) def store_cached_func_code(self, path, func_code=None): """Store the code of the cached function.""" func_path = os.path.join(self.location, *path) if not self._item_exists(func_path): self.create_location(func_path) if func_code is not None: filename = os.path.join(func_path, "func_code.py") with self._open_item(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(func_code.encode('utf-8')) def get_cached_func_code(self, path): """Store the code of the cached function.""" path += ['func_code.py', ] filename = os.path.join(self.location, *path) try: with self._open_item(filename, 'rb') as f: return f.read().decode('utf-8') except: # noqa: E722 raise def get_cached_func_info(self, path): """Return information related to the cached function if it exists.""" return {'location': os.path.join(self.location, *path)} def clear(self): """Clear the whole store content.""" self.clear_location(self.location) def reduce_store_size(self, bytes_limit): """Reduce store size to keep it under the given bytes limit.""" items_to_delete = self._get_items_to_delete(bytes_limit) for item in items_to_delete: if self.verbose > 10: print('Deleting item {0}'.format(item)) try: self.clear_location(item.path) except OSError: # Even with ignore_errors=True shutil.rmtree can raise OSError # with: # [Errno 116] Stale file handle if another process has deleted # the folder already. pass def _get_items_to_delete(self, bytes_limit): """Get items to delete to keep the store under a size limit.""" if isinstance(bytes_limit, str): bytes_limit = memstr_to_bytes(bytes_limit) items = self.get_items() size = sum(item.size for item in items) to_delete_size = size - bytes_limit if to_delete_size < 0: return [] # We want to delete first the cache items that were accessed a # long time ago items.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('last_access')) items_to_delete = [] size_so_far = 0 for item in items: if size_so_far > to_delete_size: break items_to_delete.append(item) size_so_far += item.size return items_to_delete def _concurrency_safe_write(self, to_write, filename, write_func): """Writes an object into a file in a concurrency-safe way.""" temporary_filename = concurrency_safe_write(to_write, filename, write_func) self._move_item(temporary_filename, filename) def __repr__(self): """Printable representation of the store location.""" return '{class_name}(location="{location}")'.format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, location=self.location) class FileSystemStoreBackend(StoreBackendBase, StoreBackendMixin): """A StoreBackend used with local or network file systems.""" _open_item = staticmethod(open) _item_exists = staticmethod(os.path.exists) _move_item = staticmethod(concurrency_safe_rename) def clear_location(self, location): """Delete location on store.""" if (location == self.location): rm_subdirs(location) else: shutil.rmtree(location, ignore_errors=True) def create_location(self, location): """Create object location on store""" mkdirp(location) def get_items(self): """Returns the whole list of items available in the store.""" items = [] for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(self.location): is_cache_hash_dir = re.match('[a-f0-9]{32}', os.path.basename(dirpath)) if is_cache_hash_dir: output_filename = os.path.join(dirpath, 'output.pkl') try: last_access = os.path.getatime(output_filename) except OSError: try: last_access = os.path.getatime(dirpath) except OSError: # The directory has already been deleted continue last_access = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(last_access) try: full_filenames = [os.path.join(dirpath, fn) for fn in filenames] dirsize = sum(os.path.getsize(fn) for fn in full_filenames) except OSError: # Either output_filename or one of the files in # dirpath does not exist any more. We assume this # directory is being cleaned by another process already continue items.append(CacheItemInfo(dirpath, dirsize, last_access)) return items def configure(self, location, verbose=1, backend_options=None): """Configure the store backend. For this backend, valid store options are 'compress' and 'mmap_mode' """ if backend_options is None: backend_options = {} # setup location directory self.location = location if not os.path.exists(self.location): mkdirp(self.location) # item can be stored compressed for faster I/O self.compress = backend_options.get('compress', False) # FileSystemStoreBackend can be used with mmap_mode options under # certain conditions. mmap_mode = backend_options.get('mmap_mode') if self.compress and mmap_mode is not None: warnings.warn('Compressed items cannot be memmapped in a ' 'filesystem store. Option will be ignored.', stacklevel=2) self.mmap_mode = mmap_mode self.verbose = verbose