from typing import ( Any, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union, Type, TypeVar, Protocol, TypedDict, runtime_checkable, ) import numpy as np from ._shape import _ShapeLike from ._generic_alias import _DType as DType from ._char_codes import ( _BoolCodes, _UInt8Codes, _UInt16Codes, _UInt32Codes, _UInt64Codes, _Int8Codes, _Int16Codes, _Int32Codes, _Int64Codes, _Float16Codes, _Float32Codes, _Float64Codes, _Complex64Codes, _Complex128Codes, _ByteCodes, _ShortCodes, _IntCCodes, _IntPCodes, _IntCodes, _LongLongCodes, _UByteCodes, _UShortCodes, _UIntCCodes, _UIntPCodes, _UIntCodes, _ULongLongCodes, _HalfCodes, _SingleCodes, _DoubleCodes, _LongDoubleCodes, _CSingleCodes, _CDoubleCodes, _CLongDoubleCodes, _DT64Codes, _TD64Codes, _StrCodes, _BytesCodes, _VoidCodes, _ObjectCodes, ) _SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=np.generic) _DType_co = TypeVar("_DType_co", covariant=True, bound=DType[Any]) _DTypeLikeNested = Any # TODO: wait for support for recursive types # Mandatory keys class _DTypeDictBase(TypedDict): names: Sequence[str] formats: Sequence[_DTypeLikeNested] # Mandatory + optional keys class _DTypeDict(_DTypeDictBase, total=False): # Only `str` elements are usable as indexing aliases, # but `titles` can in principle accept any object offsets: Sequence[int] titles: Sequence[Any] itemsize: int aligned: bool # A protocol for anything with the dtype attribute @runtime_checkable class _SupportsDType(Protocol[_DType_co]): @property def dtype(self) -> _DType_co: ... # A subset of `npt.DTypeLike` that can be parametrized w.r.t. `np.generic` _DTypeLike = Union[ "np.dtype[_SCT]", Type[_SCT], _SupportsDType["np.dtype[_SCT]"], ] # Would create a dtype[np.void] _VoidDTypeLike = Union[ # (flexible_dtype, itemsize) Tuple[_DTypeLikeNested, int], # (fixed_dtype, shape) Tuple[_DTypeLikeNested, _ShapeLike], # [(field_name, field_dtype, field_shape), ...] # # The type here is quite broad because NumPy accepts quite a wide # range of inputs inside the list; see the tests for some # examples. List[Any], # {'names': ..., 'formats': ..., 'offsets': ..., 'titles': ..., # 'itemsize': ...} _DTypeDict, # (base_dtype, new_dtype) Tuple[_DTypeLikeNested, _DTypeLikeNested], ] # Anything that can be coerced into numpy.dtype. # Reference: DTypeLike = Union[ DType[Any], # default data type (float64) None, # array-scalar types and generic types Type[Any], # NOTE: We're stuck with `Type[Any]` due to object dtypes # anything with a dtype attribute _SupportsDType[DType[Any]], # character codes, type strings or comma-separated fields, e.g., 'float64' str, _VoidDTypeLike, ] # NOTE: while it is possible to provide the dtype as a dict of # dtype-like objects (e.g. `{'field1': ..., 'field2': ..., ...}`), # this syntax is officially discourged and # therefore not included in the Union defining `DTypeLike`. # # See for more details. # Aliases for commonly used dtype-like objects. # Note that the precision of `np.number` subclasses is ignored herein. _DTypeLikeBool = Union[ Type[bool], Type[np.bool_], DType[np.bool_], _SupportsDType[DType[np.bool_]], _BoolCodes, ] _DTypeLikeUInt = Union[ Type[np.unsignedinteger], DType[np.unsignedinteger], _SupportsDType[DType[np.unsignedinteger]], _UInt8Codes, _UInt16Codes, _UInt32Codes, _UInt64Codes, _UByteCodes, _UShortCodes, _UIntCCodes, _UIntPCodes, _UIntCodes, _ULongLongCodes, ] _DTypeLikeInt = Union[ Type[int], Type[np.signedinteger], DType[np.signedinteger], _SupportsDType[DType[np.signedinteger]], _Int8Codes, _Int16Codes, _Int32Codes, _Int64Codes, _ByteCodes, _ShortCodes, _IntCCodes, _IntPCodes, _IntCodes, _LongLongCodes, ] _DTypeLikeFloat = Union[ Type[float], Type[np.floating], DType[np.floating], _SupportsDType[DType[np.floating]], _Float16Codes, _Float32Codes, _Float64Codes, _HalfCodes, _SingleCodes, _DoubleCodes, _LongDoubleCodes, ] _DTypeLikeComplex = Union[ Type[complex], Type[np.complexfloating], DType[np.complexfloating], _SupportsDType[DType[np.complexfloating]], _Complex64Codes, _Complex128Codes, _CSingleCodes, _CDoubleCodes, _CLongDoubleCodes, ] _DTypeLikeDT64 = Union[ Type[np.timedelta64], DType[np.timedelta64], _SupportsDType[DType[np.timedelta64]], _TD64Codes, ] _DTypeLikeTD64 = Union[ Type[np.datetime64], DType[np.datetime64], _SupportsDType[DType[np.datetime64]], _DT64Codes, ] _DTypeLikeStr = Union[ Type[str], Type[np.str_], DType[np.str_], _SupportsDType[DType[np.str_]], _StrCodes, ] _DTypeLikeBytes = Union[ Type[bytes], Type[np.bytes_], DType[np.bytes_], _SupportsDType[DType[np.bytes_]], _BytesCodes, ] _DTypeLikeVoid = Union[ Type[np.void], DType[np.void], _SupportsDType[DType[np.void]], _VoidCodes, _VoidDTypeLike, ] _DTypeLikeObject = Union[ type, DType[np.object_], _SupportsDType[DType[np.object_]], _ObjectCodes, ] _DTypeLikeComplex_co = Union[ _DTypeLikeBool, _DTypeLikeUInt, _DTypeLikeInt, _DTypeLikeFloat, _DTypeLikeComplex, ]