import os import shutil import tempfile import warnings from pickle import loads from pickle import dumps from functools import partial import pytest import numpy as np from sklearn.datasets import get_data_home from sklearn.datasets import clear_data_home from sklearn.datasets import load_files from sklearn.datasets import load_sample_images from sklearn.datasets import load_sample_image from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes from sklearn.datasets import load_linnerud from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer from sklearn.datasets import load_wine from sklearn.datasets._base import ( load_csv_data, load_gzip_compressed_csv_data, ) from sklearn.preprocessing import scale from sklearn.utils import Bunch from sklearn.utils.fixes import _is_resource from sklearn.datasets.tests.test_common import check_as_frame def _remove_dir(path): if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def data_home(tmpdir_factory): tmp_file = str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("scikit_learn_data_home_test")) yield tmp_file _remove_dir(tmp_file) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def load_files_root(tmpdir_factory): tmp_file = str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("scikit_learn_load_files_test")) yield tmp_file _remove_dir(tmp_file) @pytest.fixture def test_category_dir_1(load_files_root): test_category_dir1 = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=load_files_root) sample_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=test_category_dir1, delete=False) sample_file.write(b"Hello World!\n") sample_file.close() yield str(test_category_dir1) _remove_dir(test_category_dir1) @pytest.fixture def test_category_dir_2(load_files_root): test_category_dir2 = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=load_files_root) yield str(test_category_dir2) _remove_dir(test_category_dir2) def test_data_home(data_home): # get_data_home will point to a pre-existing folder data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home) assert data_home == data_home assert os.path.exists(data_home) # clear_data_home will delete both the content and the folder it-self clear_data_home(data_home=data_home) assert not os.path.exists(data_home) # if the folder is missing it will be created again data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home) assert os.path.exists(data_home) def test_default_empty_load_files(load_files_root): res = load_files(load_files_root) assert len(res.filenames) == 0 assert len(res.target_names) == 0 assert res.DESCR is None def test_default_load_files(test_category_dir_1, test_category_dir_2, load_files_root): res = load_files(load_files_root) assert len(res.filenames) == 1 assert len(res.target_names) == 2 assert res.DESCR is None assert == [b"Hello World!\n"] def test_load_files_w_categories_desc_and_encoding( test_category_dir_1, test_category_dir_2, load_files_root ): category = os.path.abspath(test_category_dir_1).split("/").pop() res = load_files( load_files_root, description="test", categories=category, encoding="utf-8" ) assert len(res.filenames) == 1 assert len(res.target_names) == 1 assert res.DESCR == "test" assert == ["Hello World!\n"] def test_load_files_wo_load_content( test_category_dir_1, test_category_dir_2, load_files_root ): res = load_files(load_files_root, load_content=False) assert len(res.filenames) == 1 assert len(res.target_names) == 2 assert res.DESCR is None assert res.get("data") is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("allowed_extensions", ([".txt"], [".txt", ".json"])) def test_load_files_allowed_extensions(tmp_path, allowed_extensions): """Check the behaviour of `allowed_extension` in `load_files`.""" d = tmp_path / "sub" d.mkdir() files = ("file1.txt", "file2.json", "file3.json", "") paths = [d / f for f in files] for p in paths: p.write_bytes(b"hello") res = load_files(tmp_path, allowed_extensions=allowed_extensions) assert set([str(p) for p in paths if p.suffix in allowed_extensions]) == set( res.filenames ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "filename, expected_n_samples, expected_n_features, expected_target_names", [ ("wine_data.csv", 178, 13, ["class_0", "class_1", "class_2"]), ("iris.csv", 150, 4, ["setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"]), ("breast_cancer.csv", 569, 30, ["malignant", "benign"]), ], ) def test_load_csv_data( filename, expected_n_samples, expected_n_features, expected_target_names ): actual_data, actual_target, actual_target_names = load_csv_data(filename) assert actual_data.shape[0] == expected_n_samples assert actual_data.shape[1] == expected_n_features assert actual_target.shape[0] == expected_n_samples np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_target_names, expected_target_names) def test_load_csv_data_with_descr(): data_file_name = "iris.csv" descr_file_name = "iris.rst" res_without_descr = load_csv_data(data_file_name=data_file_name) res_with_descr = load_csv_data( data_file_name=data_file_name, descr_file_name=descr_file_name ) assert len(res_with_descr) == 4 assert len(res_without_descr) == 3 np.testing.assert_array_equal(res_with_descr[0], res_without_descr[0]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(res_with_descr[1], res_without_descr[1]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(res_with_descr[2], res_without_descr[2]) assert res_with_descr[-1].startswith(".. _iris_dataset:") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "filename, kwargs, expected_shape", [ ("diabetes_data_raw.csv.gz", {}, [442, 10]), ("diabetes_target.csv.gz", {}, [442]), ("digits.csv.gz", {"delimiter": ","}, [1797, 65]), ], ) def test_load_gzip_compressed_csv_data(filename, kwargs, expected_shape): actual_data = load_gzip_compressed_csv_data(filename, **kwargs) assert actual_data.shape == tuple(expected_shape) def test_load_gzip_compressed_csv_data_with_descr(): data_file_name = "diabetes_target.csv.gz" descr_file_name = "diabetes.rst" expected_data = load_gzip_compressed_csv_data(data_file_name=data_file_name) actual_data, descr = load_gzip_compressed_csv_data( data_file_name=data_file_name, descr_file_name=descr_file_name, ) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_data, expected_data) assert descr.startswith(".. _diabetes_dataset:") def test_load_sample_images(): try: res = load_sample_images() assert len(res.images) == 2 assert len(res.filenames) == 2 images = res.images # assert is china image assert np.all(images[0][0, 0, :] == np.array([174, 201, 231], dtype=np.uint8)) # assert is flower image assert np.all(images[1][0, 0, :] == np.array([2, 19, 13], dtype=np.uint8)) assert res.DESCR except ImportError: warnings.warn("Could not load sample images, PIL is not available.") def test_load_sample_image(): try: china = load_sample_image("china.jpg") assert china.dtype == "uint8" assert china.shape == (427, 640, 3) except ImportError: warnings.warn("Could not load sample images, PIL is not available.") def test_load_missing_sample_image_error(): pytest.importorskip("PIL") with pytest.raises(AttributeError): load_sample_image("blop.jpg") def test_load_diabetes_raw(): """Test to check that we load a scaled version by default but that we can get an unscaled version when setting `scaled=False`.""" diabetes_raw = load_diabetes(scaled=False) assert == (442, 10) assert, 442 assert len(diabetes_raw.feature_names) == 10 assert diabetes_raw.DESCR diabetes_default = load_diabetes() np.testing.assert_allclose( scale( / (442**0.5),, atol=1e-04 ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "loader_func, data_shape, target_shape, n_target, has_descr, filenames", [ (load_breast_cancer, (569, 30), (569,), 2, True, ["filename"]), (load_wine, (178, 13), (178,), 3, True, []), (load_iris, (150, 4), (150,), 3, True, ["filename"]), ( load_linnerud, (20, 3), (20, 3), 3, True, ["data_filename", "target_filename"], ), (load_diabetes, (442, 10), (442,), None, True, []), (load_digits, (1797, 64), (1797,), 10, True, []), (partial(load_digits, n_class=9), (1617, 64), (1617,), 10, True, []), ], ) def test_loader(loader_func, data_shape, target_shape, n_target, has_descr, filenames): bunch = loader_func() assert isinstance(bunch, Bunch) assert == data_shape assert == target_shape if hasattr(bunch, "feature_names"): assert len(bunch.feature_names) == data_shape[1] if n_target is not None: assert len(bunch.target_names) == n_target if has_descr: assert bunch.DESCR if filenames: assert "data_module" in bunch assert all( [ f in bunch and _is_resource(bunch["data_module"], bunch[f]) for f in filenames ] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "loader_func, data_dtype, target_dtype", [ (load_breast_cancer, np.float64, int), (load_diabetes, np.float64, np.float64), (load_digits, np.float64, int), (load_iris, np.float64, int), (load_linnerud, np.float64, np.float64), (load_wine, np.float64, int), ], ) def test_toy_dataset_frame_dtype(loader_func, data_dtype, target_dtype): default_result = loader_func() check_as_frame( default_result, loader_func, expected_data_dtype=data_dtype, expected_target_dtype=target_dtype, ) def test_loads_dumps_bunch(): bunch = Bunch(x="x") bunch_from_pkl = loads(dumps(bunch)) bunch_from_pkl.x = "y" assert bunch_from_pkl["x"] == bunch_from_pkl.x def test_bunch_pickle_generated_with_0_16_and_read_with_0_17(): bunch = Bunch(key="original") # This reproduces a problem when Bunch pickles have been created # with scikit-learn 0.16 and are read with 0.17. Basically there # is a surprising behaviour because reading bunch.key uses # bunch.__dict__ (which is non empty for 0.16 Bunch objects) # whereas assigning into bunch.key uses bunch.__setattr__. See # for # more details bunch.__dict__["key"] = "set from __dict__" bunch_from_pkl = loads(dumps(bunch)) # After loading from pickle the __dict__ should have been ignored assert bunch_from_pkl.key == "original" assert bunch_from_pkl["key"] == "original" # Making sure that changing the attr does change the value # associated with __getitem__ as well bunch_from_pkl.key = "changed" assert bunch_from_pkl.key == "changed" assert bunch_from_pkl["key"] == "changed" def test_bunch_dir(): # check that dir (important for autocomplete) shows attributes data = load_iris() assert "data" in dir(data) def test_load_boston_error(): """Check that we raise the ethical warning when trying to import `load_boston`.""" msg = "The Boston housing prices dataset has an ethical problem" with pytest.raises(ImportError, match=msg): from sklearn.datasets import load_boston # noqa # other non-existing function should raise the usual import error msg = "cannot import name 'non_existing_function' from 'sklearn.datasets'" with pytest.raises(ImportError, match=msg): from sklearn.datasets import non_existing_function # noqa