from numbers import Integral, Real import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix import pytest from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut from sklearn.utils import deprecated from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Hidden from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Interval from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Options from sklearn.utils._param_validation import StrOptions from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _ArrayLikes from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _Booleans from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _Callables from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _CVObjects from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _InstancesOf from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _MissingValues from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _PandasNAConstraint from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _IterablesNotString from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _NoneConstraint from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _RandomStates from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _SparseMatrices from sklearn.utils._param_validation import _VerboseHelper from sklearn.utils._param_validation import HasMethods from sklearn.utils._param_validation import make_constraint from sklearn.utils._param_validation import generate_invalid_param_val from sklearn.utils._param_validation import generate_valid_param from sklearn.utils._param_validation import validate_params from sklearn.utils._param_validation import InvalidParameterError # Some helpers for the tests @validate_params({"a": [Real], "b": [Real], "c": [Real], "d": [Real]}) def _func(a, b=0, *args, c, d=0, **kwargs): """A function to test the validation of functions.""" class _Class: """A class to test the _InstancesOf constraint and the validation of methods.""" @validate_params({"a": [Real]}) def _method(self, a): """A validated method""" @deprecated() @validate_params({"a": [Real]}) def _deprecated_method(self, a): """A deprecated validated method""" class _Estimator(BaseEstimator): """An estimator to test the validation of estimator parameters.""" _parameter_constraints: dict = {"a": [Real]} def __init__(self, a): self.a = a def fit(self, X=None, y=None): self._validate_params() @pytest.mark.parametrize("interval_type", [Integral, Real]) def test_interval_range(interval_type): """Check the range of values depending on closed.""" interval = Interval(interval_type, -2, 2, closed="left") assert -2 in interval and 2 not in interval interval = Interval(interval_type, -2, 2, closed="right") assert -2 not in interval and 2 in interval interval = Interval(interval_type, -2, 2, closed="both") assert -2 in interval and 2 in interval interval = Interval(interval_type, -2, 2, closed="neither") assert -2 not in interval and 2 not in interval def test_interval_inf_in_bounds(): """Check that inf is included iff a bound is closed and set to None. Only valid for real intervals. """ interval = Interval(Real, 0, None, closed="right") assert np.inf in interval interval = Interval(Real, None, 0, closed="left") assert -np.inf in interval interval = Interval(Real, None, None, closed="neither") assert np.inf not in interval assert -np.inf not in interval @pytest.mark.parametrize( "interval", [Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="left"), Interval(Real, None, None, closed="both")], ) def test_nan_not_in_interval(interval): """Check that np.nan is not in any interval.""" assert np.nan not in interval @pytest.mark.parametrize( "params, error, match", [ ( {"type": Integral, "left": 1.0, "right": 2, "closed": "both"}, TypeError, r"Expecting left to be an int for an interval over the integers", ), ( {"type": Integral, "left": 1, "right": 2.0, "closed": "neither"}, TypeError, "Expecting right to be an int for an interval over the integers", ), ( {"type": Integral, "left": None, "right": 0, "closed": "left"}, ValueError, r"left can't be None when closed == left", ), ( {"type": Integral, "left": 0, "right": None, "closed": "right"}, ValueError, r"right can't be None when closed == right", ), ( {"type": Integral, "left": 1, "right": -1, "closed": "both"}, ValueError, r"right can't be less than left", ), ], ) def test_interval_errors(params, error, match): """Check that informative errors are raised for invalid combination of parameters""" with pytest.raises(error, match=match): Interval(**params) def test_stroptions(): """Sanity check for the StrOptions constraint""" options = StrOptions({"a", "b", "c"}, deprecated={"c"}) assert options.is_satisfied_by("a") assert options.is_satisfied_by("c") assert not options.is_satisfied_by("d") assert "'c' (deprecated)" in str(options) def test_options(): """Sanity check for the Options constraint""" options = Options(Real, {-0.5, 0.5, np.inf}, deprecated={-0.5}) assert options.is_satisfied_by(-0.5) assert options.is_satisfied_by(np.inf) assert not options.is_satisfied_by(1.23) assert "-0.5 (deprecated)" in str(options) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "type, expected_type_name", [ (int, "int"), (Integral, "int"), (Real, "float"), (np.ndarray, "numpy.ndarray"), ], ) def test_instances_of_type_human_readable(type, expected_type_name): """Check the string representation of the _InstancesOf constraint.""" constraint = _InstancesOf(type) assert str(constraint) == f"an instance of '{expected_type_name}'" def test_hasmethods(): """Check the HasMethods constraint.""" constraint = HasMethods(["a", "b"]) class _Good: def a(self): pass # pragma: no cover def b(self): pass # pragma: no cover class _Bad: def a(self): pass # pragma: no cover assert constraint.is_satisfied_by(_Good()) assert not constraint.is_satisfied_by(_Bad()) assert str(constraint) == "an object implementing 'a' and 'b'" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraint", [ Interval(Real, None, 0, closed="left"), Interval(Real, 0, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, None, None, closed="neither"), StrOptions({"a", "b", "c"}), _MissingValues(), _VerboseHelper(), HasMethods("fit"), _IterablesNotString(), _CVObjects(), ], ) def test_generate_invalid_param_val(constraint): """Check that the value generated does not satisfy the constraint""" bad_value = generate_invalid_param_val(constraint) assert not constraint.is_satisfied_by(bad_value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "integer_interval, real_interval", [ ( Interval(Integral, None, 3, closed="right"), Interval(Real, -5, 5, closed="both"), ), ( Interval(Integral, None, 3, closed="right"), Interval(Real, -5, 5, closed="neither"), ), ( Interval(Integral, None, 3, closed="right"), Interval(Real, 4, 5, closed="both"), ), ( Interval(Integral, None, 3, closed="right"), Interval(Real, 5, None, closed="left"), ), ( Interval(Integral, None, 3, closed="right"), Interval(Real, 4, None, closed="neither"), ), ( Interval(Integral, 3, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, -5, 5, closed="both"), ), ( Interval(Integral, 3, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, -5, 5, closed="neither"), ), ( Interval(Integral, 3, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, 1, 2, closed="both"), ), ( Interval(Integral, 3, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, None, -5, closed="left"), ), ( Interval(Integral, 3, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, None, -4, closed="neither"), ), ( Interval(Integral, -5, 5, closed="both"), Interval(Real, None, 1, closed="right"), ), ( Interval(Integral, -5, 5, closed="both"), Interval(Real, 1, None, closed="left"), ), ( Interval(Integral, -5, 5, closed="both"), Interval(Real, -10, -4, closed="neither"), ), ( Interval(Integral, -5, 5, closed="both"), Interval(Real, -10, -4, closed="right"), ), ( Interval(Integral, -5, 5, closed="neither"), Interval(Real, 6, 10, closed="neither"), ), ( Interval(Integral, -5, 5, closed="neither"), Interval(Real, 6, 10, closed="left"), ), ( Interval(Integral, 2, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="both"), ), ( Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="both"), ), ], ) def test_generate_invalid_param_val_2_intervals(integer_interval, real_interval): """Check that the value generated for an interval constraint does not satisfy any of the interval constraints. """ bad_value = generate_invalid_param_val( real_interval, constraints=[real_interval, integer_interval] ) assert not real_interval.is_satisfied_by(bad_value) assert not integer_interval.is_satisfied_by(bad_value) bad_value = generate_invalid_param_val( integer_interval, constraints=[real_interval, integer_interval] ) assert not real_interval.is_satisfied_by(bad_value) assert not integer_interval.is_satisfied_by(bad_value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraints", [ [_ArrayLikes()], [_InstancesOf(list)], [_Callables()], [_NoneConstraint()], [_RandomStates()], [_SparseMatrices()], [_Booleans()], [Interval(Real, None, None, closed="both")], [ Interval(Integral, 0, None, closed="left"), Interval(Real, None, 0, closed="neither"), ], ], ) def test_generate_invalid_param_val_all_valid(constraints): """Check that the function raises NotImplementedError when there's no invalid value for the constraint. """ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): generate_invalid_param_val(constraints[0], constraints=constraints) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraint", [ _ArrayLikes(), _Callables(), _InstancesOf(list), _NoneConstraint(), _RandomStates(), _SparseMatrices(), _Booleans(), _VerboseHelper(), _MissingValues(), StrOptions({"a", "b", "c"}), Options(Integral, {1, 2, 3}), Interval(Integral, None, None, closed="neither"), Interval(Integral, 0, 10, closed="neither"), Interval(Integral, 0, None, closed="neither"), Interval(Integral, None, 0, closed="neither"), Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="neither"), Interval(Real, 0, None, closed="both"), Interval(Real, None, 0, closed="right"), HasMethods("fit"), _IterablesNotString(), _CVObjects(), ], ) def test_generate_valid_param(constraint): """Check that the value generated does satisfy the constraint.""" value = generate_valid_param(constraint) assert constraint.is_satisfied_by(value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraint_declaration, value", [ (Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="both"), 0.42), (Interval(Integral, 0, None, closed="neither"), 42), (StrOptions({"a", "b", "c"}), "b"), (Options(type, {np.float32, np.float64}), np.float64), (callable, lambda x: x + 1), (None, None), ("array-like", [[1, 2], [3, 4]]), ("array-like", np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])), ("sparse matrix", csr_matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])), ("random_state", 0), ("random_state", np.random.RandomState(0)), ("random_state", None), (_Class, _Class()), (int, 1), (Real, 0.5), ("boolean", False), ("verbose", 1), ("missing_values", -1), ("missing_values", -1.0), ("missing_values", None), ("missing_values", float("nan")), ("missing_values", np.nan), ("missing_values", "missing"), (HasMethods("fit"), _Estimator(a=0)), ("cv_object", 5), ], ) def test_is_satisfied_by(constraint_declaration, value): """Sanity check for the is_satisfied_by method""" constraint = make_constraint(constraint_declaration) assert constraint.is_satisfied_by(value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraint_declaration, expected_constraint_class", [ (Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="both"), Interval), (StrOptions({"option1", "option2"}), StrOptions), (Options(Real, {0.42, 1.23}), Options), ("array-like", _ArrayLikes), ("sparse matrix", _SparseMatrices), ("random_state", _RandomStates), (None, _NoneConstraint), (callable, _Callables), (int, _InstancesOf), ("boolean", _Booleans), ("verbose", _VerboseHelper), ("missing_values", _MissingValues), (HasMethods("fit"), HasMethods), ("cv_object", _CVObjects), ], ) def test_make_constraint(constraint_declaration, expected_constraint_class): """Check that make_constraint dispaches to the appropriate constraint class""" constraint = make_constraint(constraint_declaration) assert constraint.__class__ is expected_constraint_class def test_make_constraint_unknown(): """Check that an informative error is raised when an unknown constraint is passed""" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown constraint"): make_constraint("not a valid constraint") def test_validate_params(): """Check that validate_params works no matter how the arguments are passed""" with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'a' parameter of _func must be" ): _func("wrong", c=1) with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'b' parameter of _func must be" ): _func(*[1, "wrong"], c=1) with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'c' parameter of _func must be" ): _func(1, **{"c": "wrong"}) with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'd' parameter of _func must be" ): _func(1, c=1, d="wrong") # check in the presence of extra positional and keyword args with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'b' parameter of _func must be" ): _func(0, *["wrong", 2, 3], c=4, **{"e": 5}) with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'c' parameter of _func must be" ): _func(0, *[1, 2, 3], c="four", **{"e": 5}) def test_validate_params_missing_params(): """Check that no error is raised when there are parameters without constraints """ @validate_params({"a": [int]}) def func(a, b): pass func(1, 2) def test_decorate_validated_function(): """Check that validate_params functions can be decorated""" decorated_function = deprecated()(_func) with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="Function _func is deprecated"): decorated_function(1, 2, c=3) # outer decorator does not interfer with validation with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="Function _func is deprecated"): with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match=r"The 'c' parameter of _func must be" ): decorated_function(1, 2, c="wrong") def test_validate_params_method(): """Check that validate_params works with methods""" with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'a' parameter of _Class._method must be" ): _Class()._method("wrong") # validated method can be decorated with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="Function _deprecated_method is deprecated"): with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'a' parameter of _Class._deprecated_method must be", ): _Class()._deprecated_method("wrong") def test_validate_params_estimator(): """Check that validate_params works with Estimator instances""" # no validation in init est = _Estimator("wrong") with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'a' parameter of _Estimator must be" ): def test_stroptions_deprecated_subset(): """Check that the deprecated parameter must be a subset of options.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="deprecated options must be a subset"): StrOptions({"a", "b", "c"}, deprecated={"a", "d"}) def test_hidden_constraint(): """Check that internal constraints are not exposed in the error message.""" @validate_params({"param": [Hidden(list), dict]}) def f(param): pass # list and dict are valid params f({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}) f([1, 2, 3]) with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'param' parameter" ) as exc_info: f(param="bad") # the list option is not exposed in the error message err_msg = str(exc_info.value) assert "an instance of 'dict'" in err_msg assert "an instance of 'list'" not in err_msg def test_hidden_stroptions(): """Check that we can have 2 StrOptions constraints, one being hidden.""" @validate_params({"param": [StrOptions({"auto"}), Hidden(StrOptions({"warn"}))]}) def f(param): pass # "auto" and "warn" are valid params f("auto") f("warn") with pytest.raises( InvalidParameterError, match="The 'param' parameter" ) as exc_info: f(param="bad") # the "warn" option is not exposed in the error message err_msg = str(exc_info.value) assert "auto" in err_msg assert "warn" not in err_msg def test_validate_params_set_param_constraints_attribute(): """Check that the validate_params decorator properly sets the parameter constraints as attribute of the decorated function/method. """ assert hasattr(_func, "_skl_parameter_constraints") assert hasattr(_Class()._method, "_skl_parameter_constraints") def test_boolean_constraint_deprecated_int(): """Check that validate_params raise a deprecation message but still passes validation when using an int for a parameter accepting a boolean. """ @validate_params({"param": ["boolean"]}) def f(param): pass # True/False and np.bool_(True/False) are valid params f(True) f(np.bool_(False)) # an int is also valid but deprecated with pytest.warns( FutureWarning, match="Passing an int for a boolean parameter is deprecated" ): f(1) def test_no_validation(): """Check that validation can be skipped for a parameter.""" @validate_params({"param1": [int, None], "param2": "no_validation"}) def f(param1=None, param2=None): pass # param1 is validated with pytest.raises(InvalidParameterError, match="The 'param1' parameter"): f(param1="wrong") # param2 is not validated: any type is valid. class SomeType: pass f(param2=SomeType) f(param2=SomeType()) def test_pandas_na_constraint_with_pd_na(): """Add a specific test for checking support for `pandas.NA`.""" pd = pytest.importorskip("pandas") na_constraint = _PandasNAConstraint() assert na_constraint.is_satisfied_by(pd.NA) assert not na_constraint.is_satisfied_by(np.array([1, 2, 3])) def test_iterable_not_string(): """Check that a string does not satisfy the _IterableNotString constraint.""" constraint = _IterablesNotString() assert constraint.is_satisfied_by([1, 2, 3]) assert constraint.is_satisfied_by(range(10)) assert not constraint.is_satisfied_by("some string") def test_cv_objects(): """Check that the _CVObjects constraint accepts all current ways to pass cv objects.""" constraint = _CVObjects() assert constraint.is_satisfied_by(5) assert constraint.is_satisfied_by(LeaveOneOut()) assert constraint.is_satisfied_by([([1, 2], [3, 4]), ([3, 4], [1, 2])]) assert constraint.is_satisfied_by(None) assert not constraint.is_satisfied_by("not a CV object") def test_third_party_estimator(): """Check that the validation from a scikit-learn estimator inherited by a third party estimator does not impose a match between the dict of constraints and the parameters of the estimator. """ class ThirdPartyEstimator(_Estimator): def __init__(self, b): self.b = b super().__init__(a=0) def fit(self, X=None, y=None): super().fit(X, y) # does not raise, even though "b" is not in the constraints dict and "a" is not # a parameter of the estimator. ThirdPartyEstimator(b=0).fit() def test_interval_real_not_int(): """Check for the type "real_not_int" in the Interval constraint.""" constraint = Interval("real_not_int", 0, 1, closed="both") assert constraint.is_satisfied_by(1.0) assert not constraint.is_satisfied_by(1)