# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Audio summaries and TensorFlow operations to create them, V2 versions. An audio summary stores a rank-2 string tensor of shape `[k, 2]`, where `k` is the number of audio clips recorded in the summary. Each row of the tensor is a pair `[encoded_audio, label]`, where `encoded_audio` is a binary string whose encoding is specified in the summary metadata, and `label` is a UTF-8 encoded Markdown string describing the audio clip. """ import functools from tensorboard.compat import tf2 as tf from tensorboard.plugins.audio import metadata from tensorboard.util import lazy_tensor_creator def audio( name, data, sample_rate, step=None, max_outputs=3, encoding=None, description=None, ): """Write an audio summary. Arguments: name: A name for this summary. The summary tag used for TensorBoard will be this name prefixed by any active name scopes. data: A `Tensor` representing audio data with shape `[k, t, c]`, where `k` is the number of audio clips, `t` is the number of frames, and `c` is the number of channels. Elements should be floating-point values in `[-1.0, 1.0]`. Any of the dimensions may be statically unknown (i.e., `None`). sample_rate: An `int` or rank-0 `int32` `Tensor` that represents the sample rate, in Hz. Must be positive. step: Explicit `int64`-castable monotonic step value for this summary. If omitted, this defaults to `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()`, which must not be None. max_outputs: Optional `int` or rank-0 integer `Tensor`. At most this many audio clips will be emitted at each step. When more than `max_outputs` many clips are provided, the first `max_outputs` many clips will be used and the rest silently discarded. encoding: Optional constant `str` for the desired encoding. Only "wav" is currently supported, but this is not guaranteed to remain the default, so if you want "wav" in particular, set this explicitly. description: Optional long-form description for this summary, as a constant `str`. Markdown is supported. Defaults to empty. Returns: True on success, or false if no summary was emitted because no default summary writer was available. Raises: ValueError: if a default writer exists, but no step was provided and `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()` is None. """ audio_ops = getattr(tf, "audio", None) if audio_ops is None: # Fallback for older versions of TF without tf.audio. from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_audio_ops as audio_ops if encoding is None: encoding = "wav" if encoding != "wav": raise ValueError("Unknown encoding: %r" % encoding) summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata( display_name=None, description=description, encoding=metadata.Encoding.Value("WAV"), ) inputs = [data, sample_rate, max_outputs, step] # TODO(https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/issues/2109): remove fallback summary_scope = ( getattr(tf.summary.experimental, "summary_scope", None) or tf.summary.summary_scope ) with summary_scope(name, "audio_summary", values=inputs) as (tag, _): # Defer audio encoding preprocessing by passing it as a callable to write(), # wrapped in a LazyTensorCreator for backwards compatibility, so that we # only do this work when summaries are actually written. @lazy_tensor_creator.LazyTensorCreator def lazy_tensor(): tf.debugging.assert_rank(data, 3) tf.debugging.assert_non_negative(max_outputs) limited_audio = data[:max_outputs] encode_fn = functools.partial( audio_ops.encode_wav, sample_rate=sample_rate ) encoded_audio = tf.map_fn( encode_fn, limited_audio, dtype=tf.string, name="encode_each_audio", ) # Workaround for map_fn returning float dtype for an empty elems input. encoded_audio = tf.cond( tf.shape(input=encoded_audio)[0] > 0, lambda: encoded_audio, lambda: tf.constant([], tf.string), ) limited_labels = tf.tile([""], tf.shape(input=limited_audio)[:1]) return tf.transpose(a=tf.stack([encoded_audio, limited_labels])) # To ensure that audio encoding logic is only executed when summaries # are written, we pass callable to `tensor` parameter. return tf.summary.write( tag=tag, tensor=lazy_tensor, step=step, metadata=summary_metadata )