# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Converter construction support. This module contains a base class for all converters, as well as supporting structures. These structures are referred to as contexts. The class hierarchy is as follows: [extends] converter.Base [extends] transformer.Base [extends] gast.nodeTransformer [uses] transformer.SourceInfo [uses] converter.EntityContext [uses] converter.ProgramContext [uses] transformer.SourceInfo converter.Base is a specialization of transformer.Base for AutoGraph. It's a very lightweight subclass that adds a `ctx` attribute holding the corresponding EntityContext object (see below). Note that converters are not reusable, and `visit` will raise an error if called more than once. converter.EntityContext contains mutable state associated with an entity that the converter processes. converter.ProgramContext contains mutable state across related entities. For example, when converting several functions that call one another, the ProgramContext should be shared across these entities. Below is the overall flow at conversion: program_ctx = ProgramContext(, , ...) while : entity, source_info = entity_ctx = EntityContext(program_ctx, source_info) for : converter = ConverterClass(entity_ctx) # May update entity_ctx and program_ctx entity = converter.visit(entity) Note that pyct contains a small number of transformers used for static analysis. These implement transformer.Base, rather than converter.Base, to avoid a dependency on AutoGraph. """ import enum from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import anno from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import ast_util from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import parser from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import templates from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import transformer from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export # TODO(mdan): These contexts can be refactored into first class objects. # For example, we could define Program and Entity abstractions that hold on # to the actual entity and have conversion methods. # TODO(mdan): Add a test specific to this converter. @tf_export('autograph.experimental.Feature') class Feature(enum.Enum): """This enumeration represents optional conversion options. These conversion options are experimental. They are subject to change without notice and offer no guarantees. _Example Usage_ ```python optionals= tf.autograph.experimental.Feature.EQUALITY_OPERATORS @tf.function(experimental_autograph_options=optionals) def f(i): if i == 0: # EQUALITY_OPERATORS allows the use of == here. tf.print('i is zero') ``` Attributes: ALL: Enable all features. AUTO_CONTROL_DEPS: Insert of control dependencies in the generated code. ASSERT_STATEMENTS: Convert Tensor-dependent assert statements to tf.Assert. BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS: Convert builtin functions applied to Tensors to their TF counterparts. EQUALITY_OPERATORS: Whether to convert the equality operator ('==') to tf.math.equal. LISTS: Convert list idioms, like initializers, slices, append, etc. NAME_SCOPES: Insert name scopes that name ops according to context, like the function they were defined in. """ ALL = 'ALL' AUTO_CONTROL_DEPS = 'AUTO_CONTROL_DEPS' ASSERT_STATEMENTS = 'ASSERT_STATEMENTS' BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS = 'BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS' EQUALITY_OPERATORS = 'EQUALITY_OPERATORS' LISTS = 'LISTS' NAME_SCOPES = 'NAME_SCOPES' @classmethod def all(cls): """Returns a tuple that enables all options.""" return tuple(cls.__members__.values()) @classmethod def all_but(cls, exclude): """Returns a tuple that enables all but the excluded options.""" if not isinstance(exclude, (list, tuple, set)): exclude = (exclude,) return tuple(set(cls.all()) - set(exclude) - {cls.ALL}) STANDARD_OPTIONS = None # Forward definition. class ConversionOptions(object): """Immutable container for global conversion flags. Attributes: recursive: bool, whether to recursively convert any user functions or classes that the converted function may use. user_requested: bool, whether the conversion was explicitly requested by the user, as opposed to being performed as a result of other logic. This value always auto-resets to False in child conversions. optional_features: Union[Feature, Set[Feature]], controls the use of optional features in the conversion process. See Feature for available options. """ def __init__(self, recursive=False, user_requested=False, internal_convert_user_code=True, optional_features=Feature.ALL): self.recursive = recursive self.user_requested = user_requested # TODO(mdan): Rename to conversion_recursion_depth? self.internal_convert_user_code = internal_convert_user_code if optional_features is None: optional_features = () elif isinstance(optional_features, Feature): optional_features = (optional_features,) optional_features = frozenset(optional_features) self.optional_features = optional_features def as_tuple(self): return (self.recursive, self.user_requested, self.internal_convert_user_code, self.optional_features) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.as_tuple()) def __eq__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, ConversionOptions) return self.as_tuple() == other.as_tuple() def __str__(self): return 'ConversionOptions[{}]' def uses(self, feature): return (Feature.ALL in self.optional_features or feature in self.optional_features) def call_options(self): """Returns the corresponding options to be used for recursive conversion.""" return ConversionOptions( recursive=self.recursive, user_requested=False, internal_convert_user_code=self.recursive, optional_features=self.optional_features) def to_ast(self): """Returns a representation of this object as an AST node. The AST node encodes a constructor that would create an object with the same contents. Returns: ast.Node """ if self == STANDARD_OPTIONS: return parser.parse_expression('ag__.STD') template = """ ag__.ConversionOptions( recursive=recursive_val, user_requested=user_requested_val, optional_features=optional_features_val, internal_convert_user_code=internal_convert_user_code_val) """ def list_of_features(values): return parser.parse_expression('({})'.format(', '.join( 'ag__.{}'.format(str(v)) for v in values))) expr_ast = templates.replace( template, recursive_val=parser.parse_expression(str(self.recursive)), user_requested_val=parser.parse_expression(str(self.user_requested)), internal_convert_user_code_val=parser.parse_expression( str(self.internal_convert_user_code)), optional_features_val=list_of_features(self.optional_features)) return expr_ast[0].value STANDARD_OPTIONS = ConversionOptions( recursive=True, user_requested=False, internal_convert_user_code=True, optional_features=None) class ProgramContext(object): """ProgramContext keeps track of converting function hierarchies. Attributes: options: ConversionOptions autograph_module: Deprecated. Do not use. """ def __init__(self, options, autograph_module=None): self.options = options self.autograph_module = autograph_module class Base(transformer.Base): """All converters should inherit from this class. Attributes: ctx: EntityContext """ def __init__(self, ctx): super(Base, self).__init__(ctx) self._used = False self._ast_depth = 0 def get_definition_directive(self, node, directive, arg, default): """Returns the unique directive argument for a symbol. See lang/directives.py for details on directives. Example: # Given a directive in the code: ag.foo_directive(bar, baz=1) # One can write for an AST node Name(id='bar'): get_definition_directive(node, ag.foo_directive, 'baz') Args: node: ast.AST, the node representing the symbol for which the directive argument is needed. directive: Callable[..., Any], the directive to search. arg: str, the directive argument to return. default: Any Raises: ValueError: if conflicting annotations have been found """ defs = anno.getanno(node, anno.Static.ORIG_DEFINITIONS, ()) if not defs: return default arg_values_found = [] for def_ in defs: if (directive in def_.directives and arg in def_.directives[directive]): arg_values_found.append(def_.directives[directive][arg]) if not arg_values_found: return default if len(arg_values_found) == 1: return arg_values_found[0] # If multiple annotations reach the symbol, they must all match. If they do, # return any of them. first_value = arg_values_found[0] for other_value in arg_values_found[1:]: if not ast_util.matches(first_value, other_value): qn = anno.getanno(node, anno.Basic.QN) raise ValueError( '%s has ambiguous annotations for %s(%s): %s, %s' % (qn, directive.__name__, arg, parser.unparse(other_value).strip(), parser.unparse(first_value).strip())) return first_value def visit(self, node): if not self._ast_depth: if self._used: raise ValueError('converter objects cannot be reused') self._used = True self._ast_depth += 1 try: return super(Base, self).visit(node) finally: self._ast_depth -= 1