# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """AST manipulation utilities.""" import ast import gast from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import anno from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import parser from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import qual_names class CleanCopier(object): """NodeTransformer-like visitor that copies an AST.""" def __init__(self, preserve_annos): super(CleanCopier, self).__init__() self.preserve_annos = preserve_annos def copy(self, node): """Returns a deep copy of node (excluding some fields, see copy_clean).""" if isinstance(node, list): return [self.copy(n) for n in node] elif isinstance(node, tuple): return tuple(self.copy(n) for n in node) elif not isinstance(node, (gast.AST, ast.AST)): # Assuming everything that's not an AST, list or tuple is a value type # and may simply be assigned. return node assert isinstance(node, (gast.AST, ast.AST)) new_fields = {} for f in node._fields: if not f.startswith('__') and hasattr(node, f): new_fields[f] = self.copy(getattr(node, f)) new_node = type(node)(**new_fields) if self.preserve_annos: for k in self.preserve_annos: anno.copyanno(node, new_node, k) return new_node def copy_clean(node, preserve_annos=None): """Creates a deep copy of an AST. The copy will not include fields that are prefixed by '__', with the exception of user-specified annotations. Args: node: ast.AST preserve_annos: Optional[Set[Hashable]], annotation keys to include in the copy Returns: ast.AST """ return CleanCopier(preserve_annos).copy(node) class SymbolRenamer(gast.NodeTransformer): """Transformer that can rename symbols to a simple names.""" def __init__(self, name_map): self.name_map = name_map def _process_name_node(self, node): qn = anno.getanno(node, anno.Basic.QN) if qn in self.name_map: new_node = gast.Name( str(self.name_map[qn]), ctx=node.ctx, annotation=None, type_comment=None) # All annotations get carried over. for k in anno.keys(node): anno.copyanno(node, new_node, k) return new_node return self.generic_visit(node) def _process_list_of_strings(self, names): for i in range(len(names)): qn = qual_names.QN(names[i]) if qn in self.name_map: names[i] = str(self.name_map[qn]) return names def visit_Nonlocal(self, node): node.names = self._process_list_of_strings(node.names) return node def visit_Global(self, node): node.names = self._process_list_of_strings(node.names) return node def visit_Name(self, node): return self._process_name_node(node) def visit_Attribute(self, node): if anno.hasanno(node, anno.Basic.QN): return self._process_name_node(node) # Renaming attributes is not supported. return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): qn = qual_names.QN(node.name) if qn in self.name_map: node.name = str(self.name_map[qn]) return self.generic_visit(node) def rename_symbols(node, name_map): """Renames symbols in an AST. Requires qual_names annotations.""" renamer = SymbolRenamer(name_map) if isinstance(node, list): return [renamer.visit(n) for n in node] elif isinstance(node, tuple): return tuple(renamer.visit(n) for n in node) return renamer.visit(node) def keywords_to_dict(keywords): """Converts a list of ast.keyword objects to a dict.""" keys = [] values = [] for kw in keywords: keys.append(gast.Constant(kw.arg, kind=None)) values.append(kw.value) return gast.Dict(keys=keys, values=values) class PatternMatcher(gast.NodeVisitor): """Matches a node against a pattern represented by a node.""" def __init__(self, pattern): self.pattern = pattern self.pattern_stack = [] self.matches = True def compare_and_visit(self, node, pattern): self.pattern_stack.append(self.pattern) self.pattern = pattern self.generic_visit(node) self.pattern = self.pattern_stack.pop() def no_match(self): self.matches = False return False def is_wildcard(self, p): if isinstance(p, (list, tuple)) and len(p) == 1: p, = p if isinstance(p, gast.Name) and p.id == '_': return True if p == '_': return True return False def generic_visit(self, node): if not self.matches: return pattern = self.pattern for f in node._fields: if f.startswith('__'): continue if not hasattr(node, f): if hasattr(pattern, f) and getattr(pattern, f): return self.no_match() else: continue if not hasattr(pattern, f): return self.no_match() v = getattr(node, f) p = getattr(pattern, f) if self.is_wildcard(p): continue if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): if not isinstance(p, (list, tuple)) or len(v) != len(p): return self.no_match() for v_item, p_item in zip(v, p): self.compare_and_visit(v_item, p_item) elif isinstance(v, (gast.AST, ast.AST)): if not isinstance(v, type(p)) and not isinstance(p, type(v)): return self.no_match() self.compare_and_visit(v, p) else: # Assume everything else is a value type. if v != p: return self.no_match() def matches(node, pattern): """Basic pattern matcher for AST. The pattern may contain wildcards represented by the symbol '_'. A node matches a pattern if for every node in the tree, either there is a node of the same type in pattern, or a Name node with id='_'. Args: node: ast.AST pattern: ast.AST Returns: bool """ if isinstance(pattern, str): pattern = parser.parse_str(pattern) matcher = PatternMatcher(pattern) matcher.visit(node) return matcher.matches # TODO(mdan): Once we have error tracing, we may be able to just go to SSA. def apply_to_single_assignments(targets, values, apply_fn): """Applies a function to each individual assignment. This function can process a possibly-unpacked (e.g. a, b = c, d) assignment. It tries to break down the unpacking if possible. In effect, it has the same effect as passing the assigned values in SSA form to apply_fn. Examples: The following will result in apply_fn(a, c), apply_fn(b, d): a, b = c, d The following will result in apply_fn(a, c[0]), apply_fn(b, c[1]): a, b = c The following will result in apply_fn(a, (b, c)): a = b, c It uses the visitor pattern to allow subclasses to process single assignments individually. Args: targets: Union[List[ast.AST, ...], Tuple[ast.AST, ...], ast.AST, should be used with the targets field of an ast.Assign node values: ast.AST apply_fn: Callable[[ast.AST, ast.AST], None], called with the respective nodes of each single assignment """ if not isinstance(targets, (list, tuple)): targets = (targets,) for target in targets: if isinstance(target, (gast.Tuple, gast.List)): for i in range(len(target.elts)): target_el = target.elts[i] if isinstance(values, (gast.Tuple, gast.List)): value_el = values.elts[i] else: idx = parser.parse_expression(str(i)) value_el = gast.Subscript(values, idx, ctx=gast.Load()) apply_to_single_assignments(target_el, value_el, apply_fn) else: apply_fn(target, values) def parallel_walk(node, other): """Walks two ASTs in parallel. The two trees must have identical structure. Args: node: Union[ast.AST, Iterable[ast.AST]] other: Union[ast.AST, Iterable[ast.AST]] Yields: Tuple[ast.AST, ast.AST] Raises: ValueError: if the two trees don't have identical structure. """ if isinstance(node, (list, tuple)): node_stack = list(node) else: node_stack = [node] if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): other_stack = list(other) else: other_stack = [other] while node_stack and other_stack: assert len(node_stack) == len(other_stack) n = node_stack.pop() o = other_stack.pop() if ((not isinstance(n, (ast.AST, gast.AST, str)) and n is not None) or (not isinstance(o, (ast.AST, gast.AST, str)) and n is not None) or n.__class__.__name__ != o.__class__.__name__): raise ValueError('inconsistent nodes: {} ({}) and {} ({})'.format( n, n.__class__.__name__, o, o.__class__.__name__)) yield n, o if isinstance(n, str): assert isinstance(o, str), 'The check above should have ensured this' continue if n is None: assert o is None, 'The check above should have ensured this' continue for f in n._fields: n_child = getattr(n, f, None) o_child = getattr(o, f, None) if f.startswith('__') or n_child is None or o_child is None: continue if isinstance(n_child, (list, tuple)): if (not isinstance(o_child, (list, tuple)) or len(n_child) != len(o_child)): raise ValueError( 'inconsistent values for field {}: {} and {}'.format( f, n_child, o_child)) node_stack.extend(n_child) other_stack.extend(o_child) elif isinstance(n_child, (gast.AST, ast.AST)): node_stack.append(n_child) other_stack.append(o_child) elif n_child != o_child: raise ValueError( 'inconsistent values for field {}: {} and {}'.format( f, n_child, o_child))