# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Library of dtypes (Tensor element types).""" import abc import builtins from typing import Type, Sequence, Optional import numpy as np from tensorflow.core.framework import types_pb2 # We need to import pywrap_tensorflow prior to the bfloat wrapper to avoid # protobuf errors where a file is defined twice on MacOS. # pylint: disable=invalid-import-order,g-bad-import-order from tensorflow.python import pywrap_tensorflow # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.framework import _dtypes from tensorflow.python.types import doc_typealias from tensorflow.python.lib.core import _pywrap_bfloat16 from tensorflow.python.lib.core import _pywrap_custom_casts from tensorflow.python.lib.core import _pywrap_float8 from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export from tensorflow.python.types import trace from tensorflow.core.function import trace_type from tensorflow.tools.docs import doc_controls _np_bfloat16 = _pywrap_bfloat16.TF_bfloat16_type() _np_float8_e4m3fn = _pywrap_float8.TF_float8_e4m3fn_type() _np_float8_e5m2 = _pywrap_float8.TF_float8_e5m2_type() _pywrap_custom_casts.TF_register_custom_casts() class DTypeMeta(type(_dtypes.DType), abc.ABCMeta): pass @tf_export("dtypes.DType", "DType") class DType( _dtypes.DType, trace.TraceType, trace_type.Serializable, metaclass=DTypeMeta): """Represents the type of the elements in a `Tensor`. `DType`'s are used to specify the output data type for operations which require it, or to inspect the data type of existing `Tensor`'s. Examples: >>> tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int64) >>> tf.constant(1.0).dtype tf.float32 See `tf.dtypes` for a complete list of `DType`'s defined. """ __slots__ = () @property def _is_ref_dtype(self): """Returns `True` if this `DType` represents a reference type.""" return self._type_enum > 100 @property def _as_ref(self): """Returns a reference `DType` based on this `DType`.""" if self._is_ref_dtype: return self else: return _INTERN_TABLE[self._type_enum + 100] @property def base_dtype(self): """Returns a non-reference `DType` based on this `DType`.""" if self._is_ref_dtype: return _INTERN_TABLE[self._type_enum - 100] else: return self @property def real_dtype(self): """Returns the `DType` corresponding to this `DType`'s real part.""" base = self.base_dtype if base == complex64: return float32 elif base == complex128: return float64 else: return self @property def as_numpy_dtype(self): """Returns a Python `type` object based on this `DType`.""" return _TF_TO_NP[self._type_enum] @property def min(self): """Returns the minimum representable value in this data type. Raises: TypeError: if this is a non-numeric, unordered, or quantized type. """ if (self.is_quantized or self.base_dtype in (bool, string, complex64, complex128)): raise TypeError(f"Cannot find minimum value of {self} with " f"{'quantized type' if self.is_quantized else 'type'} " f"{self.base_dtype}.") # there is no simple way to get the min value of a dtype, we have to check # float and int types separately try: return np.finfo(self.as_numpy_dtype).min except: # bare except as possible raises by finfo not documented try: return np.iinfo(self.as_numpy_dtype).min except: if self.base_dtype == bfloat16: return _np_bfloat16(float.fromhex("-0x1.FEp127")) elif self.base_dtype == float8_e5m2: return _np_float8_e5m2(float.fromhex("-0x1.Cp15")) elif self.base_dtype == float8_e4m3fn: return _np_float8_e4m3fn(float.fromhex("-0x1.Cp8")) raise TypeError(f"Cannot find minimum value of {self}.") @property def max(self): """Returns the maximum representable value in this data type. Raises: TypeError: if this is a non-numeric, unordered, or quantized type. """ if (self.is_quantized or self.base_dtype in (bool, string, complex64, complex128)): raise TypeError(f"Cannot find maximum value of {self} with " f"{'quantized type' if self.is_quantized else 'type'} " f"{self.base_dtype}.") # there is no simple way to get the max value of a dtype, we have to check # float and int types separately try: return np.finfo(self.as_numpy_dtype).max except: # bare except as possible raises by finfo not documented try: return np.iinfo(self.as_numpy_dtype).max except: if self.base_dtype == bfloat16: return _np_bfloat16(float.fromhex("0x1.FEp127")) elif self.base_dtype == float8_e5m2: return _np_float8_e5m2(float.fromhex("0x1.Cp15")) elif self.base_dtype == float8_e4m3fn: return _np_float8_e4m3fn(float.fromhex("0x1.Cp8")) raise TypeError(f"Cannot find maximum value of {self}.") @property def limits(self, clip_negative=True): """Return intensity limits, i.e. (min, max) tuple, of the dtype. Args: clip_negative : bool, optional If True, clip the negative range (i.e. return 0 for min intensity) even if the image dtype allows negative values. Returns min, max : tuple Lower and upper intensity limits. """ if self.as_numpy_dtype in dtype_range: min, max = dtype_range[self.as_numpy_dtype] # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin else: raise ValueError(str(self) + " does not have defined limits.") if clip_negative: min = 0 # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin return min, max def is_compatible_with(self, other): """Returns True if the `other` DType will be converted to this DType. The conversion rules are as follows: ```python DType(T) .is_compatible_with(DType(T)) == True ``` Args: other: A `DType` (or object that may be converted to a `DType`). Returns: True if a Tensor of the `other` `DType` will be implicitly converted to this `DType`. """ other = as_dtype(other) return self._type_enum in (other.as_datatype_enum, other.base_dtype.as_datatype_enum) def is_subtype_of(self, other: trace.TraceType) -> bool: """See tf.types.experimental.TraceType base class.""" return self == other def most_specific_common_supertype( self, types: Sequence[trace.TraceType]) -> Optional["DType"]: """See tf.types.experimental.TraceType base class.""" return self if all(self == other for other in types) else None @doc_controls.do_not_doc_inheritable def placeholder_value(self, placeholder_context=None): """TensorShape does not support placeholder values.""" raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def experimental_type_proto(cls) -> Type[types_pb2.SerializedDType]: """Returns the type of proto associated with DType serialization.""" return types_pb2.SerializedDType @classmethod def experimental_from_proto(cls, proto: types_pb2.SerializedDType) -> "DType": """Returns a Dtype instance based on the serialized proto.""" return DType(proto.datatype) def experimental_as_proto(self) -> types_pb2.SerializedDType: """Returns a proto representation of the Dtype instance.""" return types_pb2.SerializedDType(datatype=self._type_enum) def __eq__(self, other): """Returns True iff this DType refers to the same type as `other`.""" if other is None: return False if type(other) != DType: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck try: other = as_dtype(other) except TypeError: return False return self._type_enum == other._type_enum # pylint: disable=protected-access def __ne__(self, other): """Returns True iff self != other.""" return not self.__eq__(other) # "If a class that overrides __eq__() needs to retain the implementation # of __hash__() from a parent class, the interpreter must be told this # explicitly by setting __hash__ = .__hash__." # TODO(slebedev): Remove once __eq__ and __ne__ are implemented in C++. __hash__ = _dtypes.DType.__hash__ def __reduce__(self): return as_dtype, (self.name,) trace_type.register_serializable(DType) # Define data type range of numpy dtype dtype_range = { np.bool_: (False, True), np.uint8: (0, 255), np.uint16: (0, 65535), np.int8: (-128, 127), np.int16: (-32768, 32767), np.int64: (-2**63, 2**63 - 1), np.uint64: (0, 2**64 - 1), np.int32: (-2**31, 2**31 - 1), np.uint32: (0, 2**32 - 1), np.float32: (-1, 1), np.float64: (-1, 1) } # Define standard wrappers for the types_pb2.DataType enum. resource = DType(types_pb2.DT_RESOURCE) doc_typealias.document( obj=resource, doc="Handle to a mutable, dynamically allocated resource.") tf_export("dtypes.resource", "resource").export_constant(__name__, "resource") variant = DType(types_pb2.DT_VARIANT) doc_typealias.document( obj=variant, doc="Data of arbitrary type (known at runtime).") tf_export("dtypes.variant", "variant").export_constant(__name__, "variant") uint8 = DType(types_pb2.DT_UINT8) doc_typealias.document( obj=uint8, doc="Unsigned 8-bit (byte) integer.") tf_export("dtypes.uint8", "uint8").export_constant(__name__, "uint8") uint16 = DType(types_pb2.DT_UINT16) doc_typealias.document( obj=uint16, doc="Unsigned 16-bit (word) integer.") tf_export("dtypes.uint16", "uint16").export_constant(__name__, "uint16") uint32 = DType(types_pb2.DT_UINT32) doc_typealias.document( obj=uint32, doc="Unsigned 32-bit (dword) integer.") tf_export("dtypes.uint32", "uint32").export_constant(__name__, "uint32") uint64 = DType(types_pb2.DT_UINT64) doc_typealias.document( obj=uint64, doc="Unsigned 64-bit (qword) integer.") tf_export("dtypes.uint64", "uint64").export_constant(__name__, "uint64") int8 = DType(types_pb2.DT_INT8) doc_typealias.document( obj=int8, doc="Signed 8-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.int8", "int8").export_constant(__name__, "int8") int16 = DType(types_pb2.DT_INT16) doc_typealias.document( obj=int16, doc="Signed 16-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.int16", "int16").export_constant(__name__, "int16") int32 = DType(types_pb2.DT_INT32) doc_typealias.document( obj=int32, doc="Signed 32-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.int32", "int32").export_constant(__name__, "int32") int64 = DType(types_pb2.DT_INT64) doc_typealias.document( obj=int64, doc="Signed 64-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.int64", "int64").export_constant(__name__, "int64") float16 = DType(types_pb2.DT_HALF) half = float16 doc_typealias.document( obj=float16, doc="16-bit (half precision) floating-point.") tf_export("dtypes.float16", "float16").export_constant(__name__, "float16") tf_export("dtypes.half", "half").export_constant(__name__, "half") float32 = DType(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT) doc_typealias.document( obj=float32, doc="32-bit (single precision) floating-point.") tf_export("dtypes.float32", "float32").export_constant(__name__, "float32") float64 = DType(types_pb2.DT_DOUBLE) doc_typealias.document( obj=float64, doc="64-bit (double precision) floating-point.") tf_export("dtypes.float64", "float64").export_constant(__name__, "float64") double = float64 tf_export("dtypes.double", "double").export_constant(__name__, "double") complex64 = DType(types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX64) doc_typealias.document( obj=complex64, doc="64-bit complex.") tf_export("dtypes.complex64", "complex64").export_constant(__name__, "complex64") complex128 = DType(types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX128) doc_typealias.document( obj=complex128, doc="128-bit complex.") tf_export("dtypes.complex128", "complex128").export_constant(__name__, "complex128") string = DType(types_pb2.DT_STRING) doc_typealias.document( obj=string, doc="Variable-length string, represented as byte array.") tf_export("dtypes.string", "string").export_constant(__name__, "string") bool = DType(types_pb2.DT_BOOL) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin doc_typealias.document( obj=bool, doc="Boolean.") tf_export("dtypes.bool", "bool").export_constant(__name__, "bool") qint8 = DType(types_pb2.DT_QINT8) doc_typealias.document( obj=qint8, doc="Signed quantized 8-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.qint8", "qint8").export_constant(__name__, "qint8") qint16 = DType(types_pb2.DT_QINT16) doc_typealias.document( obj=qint16, doc="Signed quantized 16-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.qint16", "qint16").export_constant(__name__, "qint16") qint32 = DType(types_pb2.DT_QINT32) doc_typealias.document( obj=qint32, doc="signed quantized 32-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.qint32", "qint32").export_constant(__name__, "qint32") quint8 = DType(types_pb2.DT_QUINT8) doc_typealias.document( obj=quint8, doc="Unsigned quantized 8-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.quint8", "quint8").export_constant(__name__, "quint8") quint16 = DType(types_pb2.DT_QUINT16) doc_typealias.document( obj=quint16, doc="Unsigned quantized 16-bit integer.") tf_export("dtypes.quint16", "quint16").export_constant(__name__, "quint16") bfloat16 = DType(types_pb2.DT_BFLOAT16) doc_typealias.document( obj=bfloat16, doc="16-bit bfloat (brain floating point).") tf_export("dtypes.bfloat16", "bfloat16").export_constant(__name__, "bfloat16") float8_e5m2 = DType(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E5M2) doc_typealias.document( obj=float8_e5m2, doc="8-bit float with 5 exponent bits and 2 mantissa bits.") tf_export("dtypes.experimental.float8_e5m2", "experimental.float8_e5m2").export_constant(__name__, "float8_e5m2") float8_e4m3fn = DType(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E4M3FN) doc_typealias.document( obj=float8_e4m3fn, doc="8-bit float with 4 exponent bits and 3 mantissa bits, with extended " "finite range. This type has no representation for inf, and only two NaN " "values: 0xFF for negative NaN, and 0x7F for positive NaN.") tf_export("dtypes.experimental.float8_e4m3fn", "experimental.float8_e4m3fn").export_constant(__name__, "float8_e4m3fn") resource_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_RESOURCE_REF) variant_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_VARIANT_REF) float16_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_HALF_REF) half_ref = float16_ref float32_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT_REF) float64_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_DOUBLE_REF) double_ref = float64_ref int32_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_INT32_REF) uint32_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_UINT32_REF) uint8_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_UINT8_REF) uint16_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_UINT16_REF) int16_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_INT16_REF) int8_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_INT8_REF) string_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_STRING_REF) complex64_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX64_REF) complex128_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX128_REF) int64_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_INT64_REF) uint64_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_UINT64_REF) bool_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_BOOL_REF) qint8_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_QINT8_REF) quint8_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_QUINT8_REF) qint16_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_QINT16_REF) quint16_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_QUINT16_REF) qint32_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_QINT32_REF) bfloat16_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_BFLOAT16_REF) float8_e5m2_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E5M2_REF) float8_e4m3fn_ref = DType(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E4M3FN_REF) # Maintain an intern table so that we don't have to create a large # number of small objects. _INTERN_TABLE = { types_pb2.DT_HALF: float16, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT: float32, types_pb2.DT_DOUBLE: float64, types_pb2.DT_INT32: int32, types_pb2.DT_UINT8: uint8, types_pb2.DT_UINT16: uint16, types_pb2.DT_UINT32: uint32, types_pb2.DT_UINT64: uint64, types_pb2.DT_INT16: int16, types_pb2.DT_INT8: int8, types_pb2.DT_STRING: string, types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX64: complex64, types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX128: complex128, types_pb2.DT_INT64: int64, types_pb2.DT_BOOL: bool, types_pb2.DT_QINT8: qint8, types_pb2.DT_QUINT8: quint8, types_pb2.DT_QINT16: qint16, types_pb2.DT_QUINT16: quint16, types_pb2.DT_QINT32: qint32, types_pb2.DT_BFLOAT16: bfloat16, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E5M2: float8_e5m2, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E4M3FN: float8_e4m3fn, types_pb2.DT_RESOURCE: resource, types_pb2.DT_VARIANT: variant, types_pb2.DT_HALF_REF: float16_ref, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT_REF: float32_ref, types_pb2.DT_DOUBLE_REF: float64_ref, types_pb2.DT_INT32_REF: int32_ref, types_pb2.DT_UINT32_REF: uint32_ref, types_pb2.DT_UINT8_REF: uint8_ref, types_pb2.DT_UINT16_REF: uint16_ref, types_pb2.DT_INT16_REF: int16_ref, types_pb2.DT_INT8_REF: int8_ref, types_pb2.DT_STRING_REF: string_ref, types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX64_REF: complex64_ref, types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX128_REF: complex128_ref, types_pb2.DT_INT64_REF: int64_ref, types_pb2.DT_UINT64_REF: uint64_ref, types_pb2.DT_BOOL_REF: bool_ref, types_pb2.DT_QINT8_REF: qint8_ref, types_pb2.DT_QUINT8_REF: quint8_ref, types_pb2.DT_QINT16_REF: qint16_ref, types_pb2.DT_QUINT16_REF: quint16_ref, types_pb2.DT_QINT32_REF: qint32_ref, types_pb2.DT_BFLOAT16_REF: bfloat16_ref, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E5M2_REF: float8_e5m2_ref, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E4M3FN_REF: float8_e4m3fn_ref, types_pb2.DT_RESOURCE_REF: resource_ref, types_pb2.DT_VARIANT_REF: variant_ref, } # Standard mappings between types_pb2.DataType values and string names. _TYPE_TO_STRING = { types_pb2.DT_HALF: "float16", types_pb2.DT_FLOAT: "float32", types_pb2.DT_DOUBLE: "float64", types_pb2.DT_INT32: "int32", types_pb2.DT_UINT8: "uint8", types_pb2.DT_UINT16: "uint16", types_pb2.DT_UINT32: "uint32", types_pb2.DT_UINT64: "uint64", types_pb2.DT_INT16: "int16", types_pb2.DT_INT8: "int8", types_pb2.DT_STRING: "string", types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX64: "complex64", types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX128: "complex128", types_pb2.DT_INT64: "int64", types_pb2.DT_BOOL: "bool", types_pb2.DT_QINT8: "qint8", types_pb2.DT_QUINT8: "quint8", types_pb2.DT_QINT16: "qint16", types_pb2.DT_QUINT16: "quint16", types_pb2.DT_QINT32: "qint32", types_pb2.DT_BFLOAT16: "bfloat16", types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E5M2: "float8_e5m2", types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E4M3FN: "float8_e4m3fn", types_pb2.DT_RESOURCE: "resource", types_pb2.DT_VARIANT: "variant", types_pb2.DT_HALF_REF: "float16_ref", types_pb2.DT_FLOAT_REF: "float32_ref", types_pb2.DT_DOUBLE_REF: "float64_ref", types_pb2.DT_INT32_REF: "int32_ref", types_pb2.DT_UINT32_REF: "uint32_ref", types_pb2.DT_UINT8_REF: "uint8_ref", types_pb2.DT_UINT16_REF: "uint16_ref", types_pb2.DT_INT16_REF: "int16_ref", types_pb2.DT_INT8_REF: "int8_ref", types_pb2.DT_STRING_REF: "string_ref", types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX64_REF: "complex64_ref", types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX128_REF: "complex128_ref", types_pb2.DT_INT64_REF: "int64_ref", types_pb2.DT_UINT64_REF: "uint64_ref", types_pb2.DT_BOOL_REF: "bool_ref", types_pb2.DT_QINT8_REF: "qint8_ref", types_pb2.DT_QUINT8_REF: "quint8_ref", types_pb2.DT_QINT16_REF: "qint16_ref", types_pb2.DT_QUINT16_REF: "quint16_ref", types_pb2.DT_QINT32_REF: "qint32_ref", types_pb2.DT_BFLOAT16_REF: "bfloat16_ref", types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E5M2_REF: "float8_e5m2_ref", types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E4M3FN_REF: "float8_e4m3fn_ref", types_pb2.DT_RESOURCE_REF: "resource_ref", types_pb2.DT_VARIANT_REF: "variant_ref", } _STRING_TO_TF = { value: _INTERN_TABLE[key] for key, value in _TYPE_TO_STRING.items() } # Add non-canonical aliases. _STRING_TO_TF["half"] = float16 _STRING_TO_TF["half_ref"] = float16_ref _STRING_TO_TF["float"] = float32 _STRING_TO_TF["float_ref"] = float32_ref _STRING_TO_TF["double"] = float64 _STRING_TO_TF["double_ref"] = float64_ref # Numpy representation for quantized dtypes. # # These are magic strings that are used in the swig wrapper to identify # quantized types. # TODO(mrry,keveman): Investigate Numpy type registration to replace this # hard-coding of names. _np_qint8 = np.dtype([("qint8", np.int8)]) _np_quint8 = np.dtype([("quint8", np.uint8)]) _np_qint16 = np.dtype([("qint16", np.int16)]) _np_quint16 = np.dtype([("quint16", np.uint16)]) _np_qint32 = np.dtype([("qint32", np.int32)]) # _np_bfloat16, _np_float8* are defined by module imports. # Custom struct dtype for directly-fed ResourceHandles of supported type(s). np_resource = np.dtype([("resource", np.ubyte)]) # Standard mappings between types_pb2.DataType values and numpy.dtypes. _NP_TO_TF = { np.float16: float16, np.float32: float32, np.float64: float64, np.int32: int32, np.int64: int64, np.uint8: uint8, np.uint16: uint16, np.uint32: uint32, np.uint64: uint64, np.int16: int16, np.int8: int8, np.complex64: complex64, np.complex128: complex128, np.object_: string, np.bytes_: string, np.str_: string, np.bool_: bool, _np_qint8: qint8, _np_quint8: quint8, _np_qint16: qint16, _np_quint16: quint16, _np_qint32: qint32, _np_bfloat16: bfloat16, _np_float8_e5m2: float8_e5m2, _np_float8_e4m3fn: float8_e4m3fn, } # Map (some) NumPy platform dtypes to TF ones using their fixed-width # synonyms. Note that platform dtypes are not always simples aliases, # i.e. reference equality is not guaranteed. See e.g. numpy/numpy#9799. for pdt in [ np.intc, np.uintc, np.int_, np.uint, np.longlong, np.ulonglong, ]: if pdt not in _NP_TO_TF: _NP_TO_TF[pdt] = next( _NP_TO_TF[dt] for dt in _NP_TO_TF if dt == pdt().dtype) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter TF_VALUE_DTYPES = set(_NP_TO_TF.values()) _TF_TO_NP = { types_pb2.DT_HALF: np.float16, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT: np.float32, types_pb2.DT_DOUBLE: np.float64, types_pb2.DT_INT32: np.int32, types_pb2.DT_UINT8: np.uint8, types_pb2.DT_UINT16: np.uint16, types_pb2.DT_UINT32: np.uint32, types_pb2.DT_UINT64: np.uint64, types_pb2.DT_INT16: np.int16, types_pb2.DT_INT8: np.int8, # NOTE(touts): For strings we use object as it supports variable length # strings. types_pb2.DT_STRING: object, types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX64: np.complex64, types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX128: np.complex128, types_pb2.DT_INT64: np.int64, types_pb2.DT_BOOL: np.bool_, types_pb2.DT_QINT8: _np_qint8, types_pb2.DT_QUINT8: _np_quint8, types_pb2.DT_QINT16: _np_qint16, types_pb2.DT_QUINT16: _np_quint16, types_pb2.DT_QINT32: _np_qint32, types_pb2.DT_BFLOAT16: _np_bfloat16, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E5M2: _np_float8_e5m2, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E4M3FN: _np_float8_e4m3fn, # Ref types types_pb2.DT_HALF_REF: np.float16, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT_REF: np.float32, types_pb2.DT_DOUBLE_REF: np.float64, types_pb2.DT_INT32_REF: np.int32, types_pb2.DT_UINT32_REF: np.uint32, types_pb2.DT_UINT8_REF: np.uint8, types_pb2.DT_UINT16_REF: np.uint16, types_pb2.DT_INT16_REF: np.int16, types_pb2.DT_INT8_REF: np.int8, types_pb2.DT_STRING_REF: np.object_, types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX64_REF: np.complex64, types_pb2.DT_COMPLEX128_REF: np.complex128, types_pb2.DT_INT64_REF: np.int64, types_pb2.DT_UINT64_REF: np.uint64, types_pb2.DT_BOOL_REF: np.bool_, types_pb2.DT_QINT8_REF: _np_qint8, types_pb2.DT_QUINT8_REF: _np_quint8, types_pb2.DT_QINT16_REF: _np_qint16, types_pb2.DT_QUINT16_REF: _np_quint16, types_pb2.DT_QINT32_REF: _np_qint32, types_pb2.DT_BFLOAT16_REF: _np_bfloat16, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E5M2_REF: _np_float8_e5m2, types_pb2.DT_FLOAT8_E4M3FN_REF: _np_float8_e4m3fn, } _QUANTIZED_DTYPES_NO_REF = frozenset([qint8, quint8, qint16, quint16, qint32]) _QUANTIZED_DTYPES_REF = frozenset( [qint8_ref, quint8_ref, qint16_ref, quint16_ref, qint32_ref]) QUANTIZED_DTYPES = _QUANTIZED_DTYPES_REF.union(_QUANTIZED_DTYPES_NO_REF) tf_export( "dtypes.QUANTIZED_DTYPES", v1=["dtypes.QUANTIZED_DTYPES", "QUANTIZED_DTYPES"]).export_constant(__name__, "QUANTIZED_DTYPES") _PYTHON_TO_TF = { builtins.float: float32, builtins.bool: bool, builtins.object: string } _ANY_TO_TF = {} _ANY_TO_TF.update(_INTERN_TABLE) _ANY_TO_TF.update(_STRING_TO_TF) _ANY_TO_TF.update(_PYTHON_TO_TF) _ANY_TO_TF.update(_NP_TO_TF) # Ensure no collisions. assert len(_ANY_TO_TF) == sum( len(d) for d in [_INTERN_TABLE, _STRING_TO_TF, _PYTHON_TO_TF, _NP_TO_TF]) @tf_export("dtypes.as_dtype", "as_dtype") def as_dtype(type_value): """Converts the given `type_value` to a `tf.DType`. Inputs can be existing `tf.DType` objects, a [`DataType` enum](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto), a string type name, or a [`numpy.dtype`](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.dtype.html). Examples: >>> tf.as_dtype(2) # Enum value for float64. tf.float64 >>> tf.as_dtype('float') tf.float32 >>> tf.as_dtype(np.int32) tf.int32 Note: `DType` values are interned (i.e. a single instance of each dtype is stored in a map). When passed a new `DType` object, `as_dtype` always returns the interned value. Args: type_value: A value that can be converted to a `tf.DType` object. Returns: A `DType` corresponding to `type_value`. Raises: TypeError: If `type_value` cannot be converted to a `DType`. """ if isinstance(type_value, DType): return _INTERN_TABLE[type_value.as_datatype_enum] if isinstance(type_value, np.dtype): try: return _NP_TO_TF[type_value.type] except KeyError: pass try: return _ANY_TO_TF[type_value] except (KeyError, TypeError): # TypeError indicates that type_value is not hashable. pass if hasattr(type_value, "dtype"): try: return _NP_TO_TF[np.dtype(type_value.dtype).type] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass if isinstance(type_value, _dtypes.DType): return _INTERN_TABLE[type_value.as_datatype_enum] raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert the argument `type_value`: {type_value!r} " "to a TensorFlow DType.")