# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Sparse tensors.""" # pylint: disable=g-bad-name import collections import numpy as np from tensorflow.core.protobuf import struct_pb2 from tensorflow.python import pywrap_tensorflow # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python import tf2 from tensorflow.python.framework import composite_tensor from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util from tensorflow.python.framework import type_spec from tensorflow.python.framework import type_spec_registry from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_sparse_ops from tensorflow.python.saved_model import nested_structure_coder from tensorflow.python.types import internal from tensorflow.python.util import _pywrap_utils from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export # pylint: disable=protected-access _eval_using_default_session = ops._eval_using_default_session _override_helper = ops._override_helper # pylint: enable=protected-access @tf_export("sparse.SparseTensor", "SparseTensor") class SparseTensor(internal.NativeObject, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): """Represents a sparse tensor. TensorFlow represents a sparse tensor as three separate dense tensors: `indices`, `values`, and `dense_shape`. In Python, the three tensors are collected into a `SparseTensor` class for ease of use. If you have separate `indices`, `values`, and `dense_shape` tensors, wrap them in a `SparseTensor` object before passing to the ops below. Concretely, the sparse tensor `SparseTensor(indices, values, dense_shape)` comprises the following components, where `N` and `ndims` are the number of values and number of dimensions in the `SparseTensor`, respectively: * `indices`: A 2-D int64 tensor of shape `[N, ndims]`, which specifies the indices of the elements in the sparse tensor that contain nonzero values (elements are zero-indexed). For example, `indices=[[1,3], [2,4]]` specifies that the elements with indexes of [1,3] and [2,4] have nonzero values. * `values`: A 1-D tensor of any type and shape `[N]`, which supplies the values for each element in `indices`. For example, given `indices=[[1,3], [2,4]]`, the parameter `values=[18, 3.6]` specifies that element [1,3] of the sparse tensor has a value of 18, and element [2,4] of the tensor has a value of 3.6. * `dense_shape`: A 1-D int64 tensor of shape `[ndims]`, which specifies the dense_shape of the sparse tensor. Takes a list indicating the number of elements in each dimension. For example, `dense_shape=[3,6]` specifies a two-dimensional 3x6 tensor, `dense_shape=[2,3,4]` specifies a three-dimensional 2x3x4 tensor, and `dense_shape=[9]` specifies a one-dimensional tensor with 9 elements. The corresponding dense tensor satisfies: ```python dense.shape = dense_shape dense[tuple(indices[i])] = values[i] ``` By convention, `indices` should be sorted in row-major order (or equivalently lexicographic order on the tuples `indices[i]`). This is not enforced when `SparseTensor` objects are constructed, but most ops assume correct ordering. If the ordering of sparse tensor `st` is wrong, a fixed version can be obtained by calling `tf.sparse.reorder(st)`. Example: The sparse tensor ```python SparseTensor(indices=[[0, 0], [1, 2]], values=[1, 2], dense_shape=[3, 4]) ``` represents the dense tensor ```python [[1, 0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 2, 0] [0, 0, 0, 0]] ``` """ @classmethod def from_value(cls, sparse_tensor_value): if not is_sparse(sparse_tensor_value): raise TypeError(f"Argument sparse_tensor_value={sparse_tensor_value} " "is neither a SparseTensor nor SparseTensorValue.") return SparseTensor( indices=sparse_tensor_value.indices, values=sparse_tensor_value.values, dense_shape=sparse_tensor_value.dense_shape) def __init__(self, indices, values, dense_shape): """Creates a `SparseTensor`. Args: indices: A 2-D int64 tensor of shape `[N, ndims]`. values: A 1-D tensor of any type and shape `[N]`. dense_shape: A 1-D int64 tensor of shape `[ndims]`. Raises: ValueError: When building an eager SparseTensor if `dense_shape` is unknown or contains unknown elements (None or -1). """ with ops.name_scope(None, "SparseTensor", [indices, values, dense_shape]): indices = ops.convert_to_tensor( indices, name="indices", dtype=dtypes.int64) # TODO(touts): Consider adding mutable_values() when 'values' # is a VariableOp and updating users of SparseTensor. values = ops.convert_to_tensor(values, name="values") dense_shape = ops.convert_to_tensor( dense_shape, name="dense_shape", dtype=dtypes.int64) dense_shape_default = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(dense_shape) self._indices = indices self._values = values self._dense_shape = dense_shape self._dense_shape_default = dense_shape_default indices_shape = indices.shape.with_rank(2) values_shape = values.shape.with_rank(1) dense_shape_shape = dense_shape.shape.with_rank(1) # Assert number of rows in indices match the number of elements in values. indices_shape.dims[0].assert_is_compatible_with(values_shape.dims[0]) # Assert number of columns in indices matches the number of elements in # dense_shape. indices_shape.dims[1].assert_is_compatible_with(dense_shape_shape.dims[0]) def get_shape(self): """Get the `TensorShape` representing the shape of the dense tensor. Returns: A `TensorShape` object. """ return self._dense_shape_default @property def indices(self): """The indices of non-zero values in the represented dense tensor. Returns: A 2-D Tensor of int64 with dense_shape `[N, ndims]`, where `N` is the number of non-zero values in the tensor, and `ndims` is the rank. """ return self._indices @property def values(self): """The non-zero values in the represented dense tensor. Returns: A 1-D Tensor of any data type. """ return self._values def with_values(self, new_values): """Returns a copy of `self` with `values` replaced by `new_values`. This method produces a new `SparseTensor` that has the same nonzero `indices` and same `dense_shape`, but updated values. Args: new_values: The values of the new `SparseTensor`. Needs to have the same shape as the current `.values` `Tensor`. May have a different type than the current `values`. Returns: A `SparseTensor` with identical indices and shape but updated values. Example usage: >>> st = tf.sparse.from_dense([[1, 0, 2, 0], [3, 0, 0, 4]]) >>> tf.sparse.to_dense(st.with_values([10, 20, 30, 40])) # 4 nonzero values """ return SparseTensor(self._indices, new_values, self._dense_shape) @property def op(self): """The `Operation` that produces `values` as an output.""" return self._values.op @property def dtype(self): """The `DType` of elements in this tensor.""" return self._values.dtype @property def dense_shape(self): """A 1-D Tensor of int64 representing the shape of the dense tensor.""" return self._dense_shape @property def shape(self): """Get the `TensorShape` representing the shape of the dense tensor. Returns: A `TensorShape` object. """ return self._dense_shape_default def set_shape(self, shape): """Updates the `TensorShape` representing the shape of the dense tensor. With eager execution this operates as a shape assertion. Here the shapes match: >>> st = tf.SparseTensor( ... indices=[[0, 0], [1, 2]], values=[1, 2], dense_shape=[3, 4]) >>> st.set_shape([3, 4]) Passing a `None` in the new shape allows any value for that axis: >>> st.set_shape([3, None]) An error is raised if an incompatible shape is passed. >>> st.set_shape([1, 4]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Tensor's shape (3, 4) is not compatible with supplied shape [1, 4] When executing in a `tf.function`, or building a model using `tf.keras.Input`, `SparseTensor.set_shape` will *merge* the given `shape` with the current shape of this tensor, and set the tensor's shape to the merged value (see `tf.TensorShape.merge_with` for details): >>> st = tf.keras.Input(shape=[None, None, 3], sparse=True) >>> print(st.shape) (None, None, None, 3) Dimensions set to `None` are not updated: >>> st.set_shape([None, 224, 224, None]) >>> print(st.shape) (None, 224, 224, 3) The main use case for this is to provide additional shape information that cannot be inferred from the graph alone. Caution: `set_shape` ensures that the applied shape is compatible with the existing shape, but it does not check at runtime. Setting incorrect shapes can result in inconsistencies between the statically-known graph and the runtime value of tensors. Args: shape: A `TensorShape` representing the shape of this tensor, a `TensorShapeProto`, a list, a tuple, or None. Raises: ValueError: If `shape` is not compatible with the current shape of this tensor. """ if not isinstance(shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape): shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(shape) self._dense_shape_default = self._dense_shape_default.merge_with(shape) @property def graph(self): """The `Graph` that contains the index, value, and dense_shape tensors.""" return self._indices.graph def __repr__(self): return "SparseTensor(indices=%s, values=%s, dense_shape=%s)" % ( self._indices, self._values, self._dense_shape) def eval(self, feed_dict=None, session=None): """Evaluates this sparse tensor in a `Session`. Calling this method will execute all preceding operations that produce the inputs needed for the operation that produces this tensor. *N.B.* Before invoking `SparseTensor.eval()`, its graph must have been launched in a session, and either a default session must be available, or `session` must be specified explicitly. Args: feed_dict: A dictionary that maps `Tensor` objects to feed values. See `tf.Session.run` for a description of the valid feed values. session: (Optional.) The `Session` to be used to evaluate this sparse tensor. If none, the default session will be used. Returns: A `SparseTensorValue` object. """ indices, values, dense_shape = _eval_using_default_session( [self.indices, self.values, self.dense_shape], feed_dict, self.graph, session) return SparseTensorValue(indices, values, dense_shape) @staticmethod def _override_operator(operator, func): _override_helper(SparseTensor, operator, func) @property def _type_spec(self): return SparseTensorSpec(self.shape, self.dtype) def _shape_invariant_to_type_spec(self, shape): # From the tf.while_loop docs: "If a loop variable is a SparseTensor, the # shape invariant must be TensorShape([r]) where r is the rank of the dense # tensor represented by the sparse tensor. It means the shapes of the three # tensors of the SparseTensor are ([None], [None, r], [r]). NOTE: The shape # invariant here is the shape of the SparseTensor.dense_shape property. It # must be the shape of a vector. if shape.ndims is not None and shape.ndims != 1: raise ValueError(f"Expected a shape with 1 dimension. Obtained: {shape} " f"which has {shape.ndims} dimensions.") rank = tensor_shape.dimension_value(shape[0]) return SparseTensorSpec(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(rank), self.dtype) def consumers(self): return self._consumers() def _numpy(self): """Returns a numpy `array` with the values for this `SparseTensor`. Requires that this `SparseTensor` was constructed in eager execution mode. """ if not self._is_eager(): raise ValueError("SparseTensor.numpy() is only supported in eager mode.") arr = np.zeros(self.dense_shape, dtype=self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype()) for i, v in zip(self.indices, self.values): arr[tuple(i)] = v return arr def _is_eager(self): """Returns True if this `SparseTensor` was constructed in eager execution. Requires that each individual component of `SparseTensor` (`indices`, `values` and `dense_shape`) is an instance of `EagerTensor`. """ return all( isinstance(t, ops.EagerTensor) for t in (self.indices, self.values, self.dense_shape)) SparseTensorValue = collections.namedtuple("SparseTensorValue", ["indices", "values", "dense_shape"]) tf_export(v1=["SparseTensorValue"])(SparseTensorValue) _pywrap_utils.RegisterType("SparseTensorValue", SparseTensorValue) @tf_export("SparseTensorSpec") @type_spec_registry.register("tf.SparseTensorSpec") class SparseTensorSpec(type_spec.BatchableTypeSpec): """Type specification for a `tf.sparse.SparseTensor`.""" __slots__ = ["_shape", "_dtype"] value_type = property(lambda self: SparseTensor) def __init__(self, shape=None, dtype=dtypes.float32): """Constructs a type specification for a `tf.sparse.SparseTensor`. Args: shape: The dense shape of the `SparseTensor`, or `None` to allow any dense shape. dtype: `tf.DType` of values in the `SparseTensor`. """ self._shape = tensor_shape.as_shape(shape) self._dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype) def _serialize(self): return (self._shape, self._dtype) @property def dtype(self): """The `tf.dtypes.DType` specified by this type for the SparseTensor.""" return self._dtype @property def shape(self): """The `tf.TensorShape` specified by this type for the SparseTensor.""" return self._shape @property def _component_specs(self): rank = self._shape.ndims num_values = None return [ tensor_spec.TensorSpec([num_values, rank], dtypes.int64), tensor_spec.TensorSpec([num_values], self._dtype), tensor_spec.TensorSpec([rank], dtypes.int64)] def _to_components(self, value): if isinstance(value, SparseTensorValue): value = SparseTensor.from_value(value) return [value.indices, value.values, value.dense_shape] def _from_components(self, tensor_list): if (all(isinstance(t, np.ndarray) for t in tensor_list) and not tf2.enabled()): return SparseTensorValue(*tensor_list) else: return SparseTensor(*tensor_list) # The SparseTensorSpec tensor_list encoding uses (de)serialize_sparse ops # to (un)box the component tensors in a way that allows for batching & # unbatching. @property def _flat_tensor_specs(self): # NOTE(mrry): The default flat shape of a boxed `SparseTensor` is `(3,)`, # but a `SparseTensorSpec` can also represent a batch of boxed # `SparseTensor` objects with shape `(..., 3)` (and batches of batches, # etc.), so the flat shape must be unknown. return [tensor_spec.TensorSpec(None, dtypes.variant)] def _to_tensor_list(self, value): value = SparseTensor.from_value(value) return [gen_sparse_ops.serialize_sparse( value.indices, value.values, value.dense_shape, out_type=dtypes.variant)] def _to_batched_tensor_list(self, value): dense_shape = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(value.dense_shape) if self._shape.merge_with(dense_shape).ndims == 0: raise ValueError( "Unbatching a sparse tensor is only supported for rank >= 1. " f"Obtained input: {value}.") return [gen_sparse_ops.serialize_many_sparse( value.indices, value.values, value.dense_shape, out_type=dtypes.variant)] def _from_compatible_tensor_list(self, tensor_list): tensor_list = gen_sparse_ops.deserialize_sparse(tensor_list[0], self._dtype) indices, values, dense_shape = tensor_list rank = self._shape.ndims indices.set_shape([None, rank]) # We restore the dense_shape from the SparseTypeSpec. This is necessary # for shape inference when using placeholder SparseTensors in function # tracing. if self._shape.is_fully_defined(): dense_shape = ops.convert_to_tensor( self._shape, dtype=dtypes.int64, name="shape") elif (self._shape.rank is not None and any(dim.value is not None for dim in self._shape.dims)): # array_ops imports sparse_tensor.py. Local import to avoid import cycle. from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top pieces = array_ops.unstack(dense_shape, num=self._shape.rank) for i, dim in enumerate(self._shape.dims): if dim.value is not None: pieces[i] = constant_op.constant(dim.value, dense_shape.dtype) dense_shape = array_ops.stack(pieces) else: dense_shape.set_shape([rank]) return SparseTensor(indices, values, dense_shape) def _batch(self, batch_size): return SparseTensorSpec( tensor_shape.TensorShape([batch_size]).concatenate(self._shape), self._dtype) def _unbatch(self): if self._shape.ndims == 0: raise ValueError("Unbatching a tensor is only supported for rank >= 1") return SparseTensorSpec(self._shape[1:], self._dtype) def _to_legacy_output_types(self): return self._dtype def _to_legacy_output_shapes(self): return self._shape def _to_legacy_output_classes(self): return SparseTensor @classmethod def from_value(cls, value): if isinstance(value, SparseTensor): return cls(value.shape, value.dtype) if isinstance(value, SparseTensorValue): if isinstance(value.values, np.ndarray): return cls(value.dense_shape, value.values.dtype) else: return cls.from_value(SparseTensor.from_value(value)) else: raise TypeError("Expected SparseTensor or SparseTensorValue. Received: " f"{value} of type {type(value).__name__}.") nested_structure_coder.register_codec( nested_structure_coder.BuiltInTypeSpecCodec( SparseTensorSpec, struct_pb2.TypeSpecProto.SPARSE_TENSOR_SPEC ) ) # TODO(b/133606651) Delete the SparseTensor registration when CompositeTensor # is updated to define a _type_spec field (since registration will be # automatic). Do *not* delete the SparseTensorValue registration. type_spec.register_type_spec_from_value_converter( SparseTensor, SparseTensorSpec.from_value) type_spec.register_type_spec_from_value_converter( SparseTensorValue, SparseTensorSpec.from_value) @tf_export(v1=["convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor"]) def convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(value, dtype=None, name=None): """Converts value to a `SparseTensor` or `Tensor`. Args: value: A `SparseTensor`, `SparseTensorValue`, or an object whose type has a registered `Tensor` conversion function. dtype: Optional element type for the returned tensor. If missing, the type is inferred from the type of `value`. name: Optional name to use if a new `Tensor` is created. Returns: A `SparseTensor` or `Tensor` based on `value`. Raises: RuntimeError: If result type is incompatible with `dtype`. """ if dtype is not None: dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype) if isinstance(value, SparseTensorValue): value = SparseTensor.from_value(value) if isinstance(value, SparseTensor): if dtype and not dtype.is_compatible_with(value.dtype): raise RuntimeError(f"Sparse dtype mismatch. Requested: {dtype.name}, " f" Actual: {value.dtype.name}") return value return ops.convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=dtype, name=name) def is_sparse(x): """Check whether `x` is sparse. Check whether an object is a `tf.sparse.SparseTensor` or `tf.compat.v1.SparseTensorValue`. Args: x: A python object to check. Returns: `True` iff `x` is a `tf.sparse.SparseTensor` or `tf.compat.v1.SparseTensorValue`. """ return isinstance(x, (SparseTensor, SparseTensorValue))