# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Traversing Python modules and classes.""" import enum import sys from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect __all__ = ['traverse'] def _traverse_internal(root, visit, stack, path): """Internal helper for traverse.""" # Only traverse modules and classes if not tf_inspect.isclass(root) and not tf_inspect.ismodule(root): return try: children = tf_inspect.getmembers(root) # Add labels for duplicate values in Enum. if tf_inspect.isclass(root) and issubclass(root, enum.Enum): for enum_member in root.__members__.items(): if enum_member not in children: children.append(enum_member) children = sorted(children) except ImportError: # Children could be missing for one of two reasons: # 1. On some Python installations, some modules do not support enumerating # members, leading to import errors. # 2. Children are lazy-loaded. try: children = [] for child_name in root.__all__: children.append((child_name, getattr(root, child_name))) except AttributeError: children = [] new_stack = stack + [root] visit(path, root, children) for name, child in children: # Do not descend into built-in modules if tf_inspect.ismodule( child) and child.__name__ in sys.builtin_module_names: continue # Break cycles if any(child is item for item in new_stack): # `in`, but using `is` continue child_path = path + '.' + name if path else name _traverse_internal(child, visit, new_stack, child_path) def traverse(root, visit): """Recursively enumerate all members of `root`. Similar to the Python library function `os.path.walk`. Traverses the tree of Python objects starting with `root`, depth first. Parent-child relationships in the tree are defined by membership in modules or classes. The function `visit` is called with arguments `(path, parent, children)` for each module or class `parent` found in the tree of python objects starting with `root`. `path` is a string containing the name with which `parent` is reachable from the current context. For example, if `root` is a local class called `X` which contains a class `Y`, `visit` will be called with `('Y', X.Y, children)`). If `root` is not a module or class, `visit` is never called. `traverse` never descends into built-in modules. `children`, a list of `(name, object)` pairs are determined by `tf_inspect.getmembers`. To avoid visiting parts of the tree, `children` can be modified in place, using `del` or slice assignment. Cycles (determined by reference equality, `is`) stop the traversal. A stack of objects is kept to find cycles. Objects forming cycles may appear in `children`, but `visit` will not be called with any object as `parent` which is already in the stack. Traversing system modules can take a long time, it is advisable to pass a `visit` callable which denylists such modules. Args: root: A python object with which to start the traversal. visit: A function taking arguments `(path, parent, children)`. Will be called for each object found in the traversal. """ _traverse_internal(root, visit, [], '')