.. include:: common.txt :mod:`pygame.locals` ==================== .. module:: pygame.locals :synopsis: pygame constants | :sl:`pygame constants` This module contains various constants used by pygame. Its contents are automatically placed in the pygame module namespace. However, an application can use ``pygame.locals`` to include only the pygame constants with a ``from pygame.locals import *``. Detailed descriptions of the various constants can be found throughout the pygame documentation. Here are the locations of some of them. - The :mod:`pygame.display` module contains flags like ``FULLSCREEN`` used by :func:`pygame.display.set_mode`. - The :mod:`pygame.event` module contains the various event types. - The :mod:`pygame.key` module lists the keyboard constants and modifiers (``K_``\* and ``MOD_``\*) relating to the ``key`` and ``mod`` attributes of the ``KEYDOWN`` and ``KEYUP`` events. - The :mod:`pygame.time` module defines ``TIMER_RESOLUTION``. .. ## pygame.locals ##