#!/usr/bin/env python """ pg.examples.vgrade This example demonstrates creating an image with numpy python, and displaying that through SDL. You can look at the method of importing numpy and pg.surfarray. This method will fail 'gracefully' if it is not available. I've tried mixing in a lot of comments where the code might not be self explanatory, nonetheless it may still seem a bit strange. Learning to use numpy for images like this takes a bit of learning, but the payoff is extremely fast image manipulation in python. For Pygame 1.9.2 and up, this example also showcases a new feature of surfarray.blit_surface: array broadcasting. If a source array has either a width or height of 1, the array is repeatedly blitted to the surface along that dimension to fill the surface. In fact, a (1, 1) or (1, 1, 3) array results in a simple surface color fill. Just so you know how this breaks down. For each sampling of time, 30% goes to each creating the gradient and blitting the array. The final 40% goes to flipping/updating the display surface The window will have no border decorations. The code also demonstrates use of the timer events. """ import os import pygame as pg try: import numpy as np import numpy.random as np_random except ImportError: raise SystemExit("This example requires numpy and the pygame surfarray module") timer = 0 def stopwatch(message=None): "simple routine to time python code" global timer if not message: timer = pg.time.get_ticks() return now = pg.time.get_ticks() runtime = (now - timer) / 1000.0 + 0.001 print(f"{message} {runtime} seconds\t{(1.0 / runtime):.2f}fps") timer = now def VertGradientColumn(surf, topcolor, bottomcolor): "creates a new 3d vertical gradient array" topcolor = np.array(topcolor, copy=False) bottomcolor = np.array(bottomcolor, copy=False) diff = bottomcolor - topcolor width, height = surf.get_size() # create array from 0.0 to 1.0 triplets column = np.arange(height, dtype="float") / height column = np.repeat(column[:, np.newaxis], [3], 1) # create a single column of gradient column = topcolor + (diff * column).astype("int") # make the column a 3d image column by adding X column = column.astype("uint8")[np.newaxis, :, :] # 3d array into 2d array return pg.surfarray.map_array(surf, column) def DisplayGradient(surf): "choose random colors and show them" stopwatch() colors = np_random.randint(0, 255, (2, 3)) column = VertGradientColumn(surf, colors[0], colors[1]) pg.surfarray.blit_array(surf, column) pg.display.flip() stopwatch("Gradient:") def main(): pg.init() pg.mixer.quit() # remove ALSA underflow messages for Debian squeeze size = 600, 400 os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = "1" screen = pg.display.set_mode(size, pg.NOFRAME, 0) pg.event.set_blocked(pg.MOUSEMOTION) # keep our queue cleaner pg.time.set_timer(pg.USEREVENT, 500) while True: event = pg.event.wait() if event.type in (pg.QUIT, pg.KEYDOWN, pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN): break elif event.type == pg.USEREVENT: DisplayGradient(screen) pg.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()