import platform import unittest try: from pygame.tests.test_utils import arrinter except NameError: pass import pygame from pygame.locals import * from pygame.pixelcopy import surface_to_array, map_array, array_to_surface, make_surface IS_PYPY = "PyPy" == platform.python_implementation() def unsigned32(i): """cast signed 32 bit integer to an unsigned integer""" return i & 0xFFFFFFFF @unittest.skipIf(IS_PYPY, "pypy having illegal instruction on mac") class PixelcopyModuleTest(unittest.TestCase): bitsizes = [8, 16, 32] test_palette = [ (0, 0, 0, 255), (10, 30, 60, 255), (25, 75, 100, 255), (100, 150, 200, 255), (0, 100, 200, 255), ] surf_size = (10, 12) test_points = [ ((0, 0), 1), ((4, 5), 1), ((9, 0), 2), ((5, 5), 2), ((0, 11), 3), ((4, 6), 3), ((9, 11), 4), ((5, 6), 4), ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): pygame.display.init() try: unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.sources = [ self._make_src_surface(8), self._make_src_surface(16), self._make_src_surface(16, srcalpha=True), self._make_src_surface(24), self._make_src_surface(32), self._make_src_surface(32, srcalpha=True), ] finally: pygame.display.quit() def _make_surface(self, bitsize, srcalpha=False, palette=None): if palette is None: palette = self.test_palette flags = 0 if srcalpha: flags |= SRCALPHA surf = pygame.Surface(self.surf_size, flags, bitsize) if bitsize == 8: surf.set_palette([c[:3] for c in palette]) return surf def _fill_surface(self, surf, palette=None): if palette is None: palette = self.test_palette surf.fill(palette[1], (0, 0, 5, 6)) surf.fill(palette[2], (5, 0, 5, 6)) surf.fill(palette[3], (0, 6, 5, 6)) surf.fill(palette[4], (5, 6, 5, 6)) def _make_src_surface(self, bitsize, srcalpha=False, palette=None): surf = self._make_surface(bitsize, srcalpha, palette) self._fill_surface(surf, palette) return surf def setUp(self): pygame.display.init() def tearDown(self): pygame.display.quit() def test_surface_to_array_2d(self): alpha_color = (0, 0, 0, 128) for surf in self.sources: src_bitsize = surf.get_bitsize() for dst_bitsize in self.bitsizes: # dst in a surface standing in for a 2 dimensional array # of unsigned integers. The byte order is system dependent. dst = pygame.Surface(surf.get_size(), 0, dst_bitsize) dst.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) view = dst.get_view("2") self.assertFalse(surf.get_locked()) if dst_bitsize < src_bitsize: self.assertRaises(ValueError, surface_to_array, view, surf) self.assertFalse(surf.get_locked()) continue surface_to_array(view, surf) self.assertFalse(surf.get_locked()) for posn, i in self.test_points: sp = surf.get_at_mapped(posn) dp = dst.get_at_mapped(posn) self.assertEqual( dp, sp, "%s != %s: flags: %i" ", bpp: %i, posn: %s" % (dp, sp, surf.get_flags(), surf.get_bitsize(), posn), ) del view if surf.get_masks()[3]: dst.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) view = dst.get_view("2") posn = (2, 1) surf.set_at(posn, alpha_color) self.assertFalse(surf.get_locked()) surface_to_array(view, surf) self.assertFalse(surf.get_locked()) sp = surf.get_at_mapped(posn) dp = dst.get_at_mapped(posn) self.assertEqual( dp, sp, "%s != %s: bpp: %i" % (dp, sp, surf.get_bitsize()) ) if IS_PYPY: return # Swapped endian destination array pai_flags = arrinter.PAI_ALIGNED | arrinter.PAI_WRITEABLE for surf in self.sources: for itemsize in [1, 2, 4, 8]: if itemsize < surf.get_bytesize(): continue a = arrinter.Array(surf.get_size(), "u", itemsize, flags=pai_flags) surface_to_array(a, surf) for posn, i in self.test_points: sp = unsigned32(surf.get_at_mapped(posn)) dp = a[posn] self.assertEqual( dp, sp, "%s != %s: itemsize: %i, flags: %i" ", bpp: %i, posn: %s" % ( dp, sp, itemsize, surf.get_flags(), surf.get_bitsize(), posn, ), ) def test_surface_to_array_3d(self): self.iter_surface_to_array_3d((0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 0)) self.iter_surface_to_array_3d((0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0)) def iter_surface_to_array_3d(self, rgba_masks): dst = pygame.Surface(self.surf_size, 0, 24, masks=rgba_masks) for surf in self.sources: dst.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) src_bitsize = surf.get_bitsize() view = dst.get_view("3") self.assertFalse(surf.get_locked()) surface_to_array(view, surf) self.assertFalse(surf.get_locked()) for posn, i in self.test_points: sc = surf.get_at(posn)[0:3] dc = dst.get_at(posn)[0:3] self.assertEqual( dc, sc, "%s != %s: flags: %i" ", bpp: %i, posn: %s" % (dc, sc, surf.get_flags(), surf.get_bitsize(), posn), ) view = None def test_map_array(self): targets = [ self._make_surface(8), self._make_surface(16), self._make_surface(16, srcalpha=True), self._make_surface(24), self._make_surface(32), self._make_surface(32, srcalpha=True), ] source = pygame.Surface( self.surf_size, 0, 24, masks=[0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 0] ) self._fill_surface(source) source_view = source.get_view("3") # (w, h, 3) for t in targets: map_array(t.get_view("2"), source_view, t) for posn, i in self.test_points: sc = t.map_rgb(source.get_at(posn)) dc = t.get_at_mapped(posn) self.assertEqual( dc, sc, "%s != %s: flags: %i" ", bpp: %i, posn: %s" % (dc, sc, t.get_flags(), t.get_bitsize(), posn), ) color = pygame.Color("salmon") color.set_length(3) for t in targets: map_array(t.get_view("2"), color, t) sc = t.map_rgb(color) for posn, i in self.test_points: dc = t.get_at_mapped(posn) self.assertEqual( dc, sc, "%s != %s: flags: %i" ", bpp: %i, posn: %s" % (dc, sc, t.get_flags(), t.get_bitsize(), posn), ) # mismatched shapes w, h = source.get_size() target = pygame.Surface((w, h + 1), 0, 32) self.assertRaises(ValueError, map_array, target, source, target) target = pygame.Surface((w - 1, h), 0, 32) self.assertRaises(ValueError, map_array, target, source, target) def test_array_to_surface_broadcasting(self): # target surfaces targets = [ self._make_surface(8), self._make_surface(16), self._make_surface(16, srcalpha=True), self._make_surface(24), self._make_surface(32), self._make_surface(32, srcalpha=True), ] w, h = self.surf_size # broadcast column column = pygame.Surface((1, h), 0, 32) for target in targets: source = pygame.Surface((1, h), 0, target) for y in range(h): source.set_at((0, y), pygame.Color(y + 1, y + h + 1, y + 2 * h + 1)) pygame.pixelcopy.surface_to_array(column.get_view("2"), source) pygame.pixelcopy.array_to_surface(target, column.get_view("2")) for x in range(w): for y in range(h): self.assertEqual( target.get_at_mapped((x, y)), column.get_at_mapped((0, y)) ) # broadcast row row = pygame.Surface((w, 1), 0, 32) for target in targets: source = pygame.Surface((w, 1), 0, target) for x in range(w): source.set_at((x, 0), pygame.Color(x + 1, x + w + 1, x + 2 * w + 1)) pygame.pixelcopy.surface_to_array(row.get_view("2"), source) pygame.pixelcopy.array_to_surface(target, row.get_view("2")) for x in range(w): for y in range(h): self.assertEqual( target.get_at_mapped((x, y)), row.get_at_mapped((x, 0)) ) # broadcast pixel pixel = pygame.Surface((1, 1), 0, 32) for target in targets: source = pygame.Surface((1, 1), 0, target) source.set_at((0, 0), pygame.Color(13, 47, 101)) pygame.pixelcopy.surface_to_array(pixel.get_view("2"), source) pygame.pixelcopy.array_to_surface(target, pixel.get_view("2")) p = pixel.get_at_mapped((0, 0)) for x in range(w): for y in range(h): self.assertEqual(target.get_at_mapped((x, y)), p) @unittest.skipIf(IS_PYPY, "pypy having illegal instruction on mac") class PixelCopyTestWithArrayNumpy(unittest.TestCase): try: import numpy except ImportError: __tags__ = ["ignore", "subprocess_ignore"] else: pygame.surfarray.use_arraytype("numpy") bitsizes = [8, 16, 32] test_palette = [ (0, 0, 0, 255), (10, 30, 60, 255), (25, 75, 100, 255), (100, 150, 200, 255), (0, 100, 200, 255), ] surf_size = (10, 12) test_points = [ ((0, 0), 1), ((4, 5), 1), ((9, 0), 2), ((5, 5), 2), ((0, 11), 3), ((4, 6), 3), ((9, 11), 4), ((5, 6), 4), ] pixels2d = {8, 16, 32} pixels3d = {24, 32} array2d = {8, 16, 24, 32} array3d = {24, 32} def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): import numpy self.dst_types = [numpy.uint8, numpy.uint16, numpy.uint32] try: self.dst_types.append(numpy.uint64) except AttributeError: pass pygame.display.init() try: unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.sources = [ self._make_src_surface(8), self._make_src_surface(16), self._make_src_surface(16, srcalpha=True), self._make_src_surface(24), self._make_src_surface(32), self._make_src_surface(32, srcalpha=True), ] finally: pygame.display.quit() def _make_surface(self, bitsize, srcalpha=False, palette=None): if palette is None: palette = self.test_palette flags = 0 if srcalpha: flags |= SRCALPHA surf = pygame.Surface(self.surf_size, flags, bitsize) if bitsize == 8: surf.set_palette([c[:3] for c in palette]) return surf def _fill_surface(self, surf, palette=None): if palette is None: palette = self.test_palette surf.fill(palette[1], (0, 0, 5, 6)) surf.fill(palette[2], (5, 0, 5, 6)) surf.fill(palette[3], (0, 6, 5, 6)) surf.fill(palette[4], (5, 6, 5, 6)) def _make_src_surface(self, bitsize, srcalpha=False, palette=None): surf = self._make_surface(bitsize, srcalpha, palette) self._fill_surface(surf, palette) return surf def setUp(self): pygame.display.init() def tearDown(self): pygame.display.quit() def test_surface_to_array_2d(self): try: from numpy import empty, dtype except ImportError: return palette = self.test_palette alpha_color = (0, 0, 0, 128) dst_dims = self.surf_size destinations = [empty(dst_dims, t) for t in self.dst_types] if pygame.get_sdl_byteorder() == pygame.LIL_ENDIAN: swapped_dst = empty(dst_dims, dtype(">u4")) else: swapped_dst = empty(dst_dims, dtype("u4")) else: swapped_dst = empty(dst_dims, dtype("i", "!i", "1i", "=1i", "@q", "q", "4x", "8x", ]: surface.fill((255, 254, 253)) exp = Exporter(shape, format=format) exp._buf[:] = [42] * exp.buflen array_to_surface(surface, exp) for x in range(w): for y in range(h): self.assertEqual(surface.get_at((x, y)), (42, 42, 42, 255)) # Some unsupported formats for array_to_surface and a 32 bit surface for format in ["f", "d", "?", "x", "1x", "2x", "3x", "5x", "6x", "7x", "9x"]: exp = Exporter(shape, format=format) self.assertRaises(ValueError, array_to_surface, surface, exp) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()