2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

787 lines
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# Copyright 2018 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import contextlib
import functools
import itertools as it
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Sequence, Optional, Union
import jax
from jax._src import linear_util as lu
from jax._src.interpreters import partial_eval as pe
from jax import config
from jax.tree_util import (tree_flatten, tree_unflatten,
register_pytree_node, Partial)
from jax._src import core
from jax._src import source_info_util
from jax._src.ad_util import (
add_jaxvals, add_jaxvals_p, replace_internal_symbolic_zeros,
replace_rule_output_symbolic_zeros, Zero, zeros_like_aval,
zeros_like_jaxval, zeros_like_p)
from jax._src.api_util import flatten_fun, flatten_fun_nokwargs
from jax._src.core import (Trace, Tracer, get_aval, call_p, Primitive, Literal,
from jax._src.dtypes import dtype, float0
from jax._src.util import (unzip2, safe_map, safe_zip, split_list, wrap_name,
as_hashable_function, weakref_lru_cache,
zip = safe_zip
map = safe_map
def identity(x): return x
def _update_annotation(
f: lu.WrappedFun,
orig_type: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[core.AbstractValue, bool], ...]],
explicit_nonzeros: List[bool]
) -> lu.WrappedFun:
if orig_type is None:
return f
# By convention, `explicit_nonzeros` only accounts for explicit arguments.
assert len(explicit_nonzeros) == sum(explicit for _, explicit in orig_type)
# Implicit arguments never have tangents, so generate the tangent part of the
# type annotation from explicit arguments only.
explicit_avals = [aval for aval, explicit in orig_type if explicit]
tan_types = [(aval.at_least_vspace(), True)
for nz, aval in zip(explicit_nonzeros, explicit_avals) if nz]
return lu.annotate(f, (*orig_type, *tan_types))
def jvp(fun: lu.WrappedFun, has_aux=False, instantiate=True,
transform_stack=True) -> Any:
if not has_aux:
return jvpfun(jvp_subtrace(fun), instantiate, transform_stack)
fun, aux = jvp_subtrace_aux(fun)
return jvpfun(fun, instantiate, transform_stack), aux
def jvpfun(instantiate, transform_stack, primals, tangents):
tangents = [Zero.from_value(t) if not isinstance(t, Zero)
and dtype(t) == float0 else t for t in tangents]
ctx = (source_info_util.transform_name_stack('jvp') if transform_stack
else contextlib.nullcontext())
with core.new_main(JVPTrace) as main, ctx:
out_primals, out_tangents = yield (main, primals, tangents), {}
del main
if type(instantiate) is bool:
instantiate = [instantiate] * len(out_tangents)
out_tangents = [instantiate_zeros(t) if inst else t for t, inst
in zip(out_tangents, instantiate)]
yield out_primals, out_tangents
def jvp_subtrace(main, primals, tangents):
trace = JVPTrace(main, core.cur_sublevel())
for x in list(primals) + list(tangents):
if isinstance(x, Tracer):
if x._trace.level >= trace.level:
raise core.escaped_tracer_error(
x, f"Tracer from a higher level: {x} in trace {trace}")
assert x._trace.level < trace.level
in_tracers = [JVPTracer(trace, x, t) if type(t) is not Zero else x
for x, t in zip(primals, tangents)]
ans = yield in_tracers, {}
out_tracers = map(trace.full_raise, ans)
yield unzip2([(out_tracer.primal, out_tracer.tangent)
for out_tracer in out_tracers])
def jvp_subtrace_aux(main, primals, tangents):
trace = JVPTrace(main, core.cur_sublevel())
for x in list(primals) + list(tangents):
if isinstance(x, Tracer):
assert x._trace.level < trace.level
ans, aux = yield map(partial(JVPTracer, trace), primals, tangents), {}
ans_tracers = map(trace.full_raise, ans)
out_primals, out_tangents = unzip2((t.primal, t.tangent) for t in ans_tracers)
aux_primals = [core.full_lower(x.primal)
if isinstance(x, JVPTracer) and x._trace.level == trace.level
else x for x in aux]
yield (out_primals, out_tangents), aux_primals
def linearize(traceable, *primals, **kwargs):
has_aux = kwargs.pop('has_aux', False)
if not has_aux:
jvpfun = jvp(traceable)
jvpfun, aux = jvp(traceable, has_aux=True)
in_pvals = (tuple(pe.PartialVal.known(p) for p in primals)
+ tuple(pe.PartialVal.unknown(get_aval(p).at_least_vspace())
for p in primals))
_, in_tree = tree_flatten(((primals, primals), {}))
jvpfun_flat, out_tree = flatten_fun(jvpfun, in_tree)
jaxpr, out_pvals, consts = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_nounits(jvpfun_flat, in_pvals)
out_primals_pvals, out_tangents_pvals = tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_pvals)
assert all(out_primal_pval.is_known() for out_primal_pval in out_primals_pvals)
out_primals_consts = [pval.get_known() for pval in out_primals_pvals]
if not has_aux:
return out_primals_consts, out_tangents_pvals, jaxpr, consts
return out_primals_consts, out_tangents_pvals, jaxpr, consts, aux()
def vjp(traceable, primals, has_aux=False, reduce_axes=()):
if not has_aux:
out_primals, pvals, jaxpr, consts = linearize(traceable, *primals)
out_primals, pvals, jaxpr, consts, aux = linearize(traceable, *primals, has_aux=True)
def unbound_vjp(pvals, jaxpr, consts, *cts):
cts = tuple(ct for ct, pval in zip(cts, pvals) if not pval.is_known())
dummy_args = [UndefinedPrimal(v.aval) for v in jaxpr.invars]
arg_cts = backward_pass(jaxpr, reduce_axes, True, consts, dummy_args, cts)
return map(instantiate_zeros, arg_cts)
# Ensure that vjp_ is a PyTree so that we can pass it from the forward to the backward
# pass in a custom VJP.
vjp_ = Partial(partial(unbound_vjp, pvals, jaxpr), consts)
if not has_aux:
return out_primals, vjp_
return out_primals, vjp_, aux
def unpair_pval(pval):
aval, const = pval
const_1, const_2 = const
if aval is None:
return (None, const_1), (None, const_2)
aval_1, aval_2 = aval
return (aval_1, const_1), (aval_2, const_2)
def replace_float0s(primal, tangent):
if dtype(tangent) == float0:
return zeros_like_jaxval(primal)
return tangent
def recast_to_float0(primal, tangent):
if core.primal_dtype_to_tangent_dtype(dtype(primal)) == float0:
return Zero(get_aval(primal).at_least_vspace())
return tangent
# NOTE: The FIXMEs below are caused by primal/tangent mixups (type
# errors if you will)
def backward_pass(jaxpr: core.Jaxpr, reduce_axes, transform_stack,
consts, primals_in, cotangents_in):
if all(type(ct) is Zero for ct in cotangents_in) and not jaxpr.effects:
return map(lambda v: Zero(v.aval), jaxpr.invars)
def write_cotangent(prim, v, ct):
# assert v not in primal_env
assert ct is not Zero, (prim, v.aval) # check for an old harmless type error
if ct is None or type(v) is Literal:
if type(ct) is Zero:
# FIXME: This triggers a lot of failures!
# assert v.aval == ct.aval, (prim, v.aval, ct.aval)
axes_to_reduce = tuple(axis_name for axis_name in reduce_axes
if axis_name in core.get_aval(ct).named_shape
and axis_name not in v.aval.named_shape)
if axes_to_reduce:
ct = jax.lax.psum(ct, axis_name=axes_to_reduce)
ct_env[v] = add_tangents(ct_env[v], ct) if v in ct_env else ct
# TODO(mattjj): add back these checks for dynamic shapes
# if config.jax_enable_checks:
# ct_aval = core.get_aval(ct_env[v])
# joined_aval = core.lattice_join(v.aval, ct_aval).strip_weak_type().strip_named_shape()
# assert v.aval.strip_weak_type().strip_named_shape() == joined_aval, (prim, v.aval, ct_aval)
def read_cotangent(v):
return ct_env.pop(v, Zero(v.aval))
def read_primal(v):
if type(v) is Literal:
return v.val
a = v.aval
if type(a) is core.DShapedArray:
shape = [primal_env[d] if type(d) is core.Var else d for d in a.shape]
a = a.update(shape=tuple(shape))
return primal_env.get(v, UndefinedPrimal(a))
def write_primal(v, val):
if not is_undefined_primal(val):
primal_env[v] = val
primal_env: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
map(write_primal, jaxpr.constvars, consts)
# FIXME: invars can contain both primal and tangent values, and this line
# forces primal_in to contain UndefinedPrimals for tangent values!
map(write_primal, jaxpr.invars, primals_in)
ct_env: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
ctx = (source_info_util.transform_name_stack('transpose') if transform_stack
else contextlib.nullcontext())
with ctx:
map(partial(write_cotangent, 'outvars'), jaxpr.outvars, cotangents_in)
for eqn in jaxpr.eqns[::-1]:
invals = map(read_primal, eqn.invars)
if eqn.primitive.multiple_results:
cts_in = map(read_cotangent, eqn.outvars)
cts_in, = map(read_cotangent, eqn.outvars)
name_stack = source_info_util.current_name_stack() + eqn.source_info.name_stack
with source_info_util.user_context(eqn.source_info.traceback, name_stack=name_stack):
if eqn.primitive.call_primitive or eqn.primitive.map_primitive:
cts_in_avals = [v.aval for v in eqn.outvars]
params = dict(eqn.params)
call_jaxpr = params.pop('call_jaxpr')
cts_out = get_primitive_transpose(eqn.primitive)(
params, call_jaxpr, invals, cts_in, cts_in_avals, reduce_axes)
elif eqn.primitive in reducing_transposes:
cts_out = reducing_transposes[eqn.primitive](
reduce_axes, cts_in, *invals, **eqn.params)
cts_out = get_primitive_transpose(eqn.primitive)(
cts_in, *invals, **eqn.params)
cts_out = [Zero(v.aval) for v in eqn.invars] if cts_out is Zero else cts_out
# FIXME: Some invars correspond to primals!
map(partial(write_cotangent, eqn.primitive), eqn.invars, cts_out)
cotangents_out = map(read_cotangent, jaxpr.invars)
return cotangents_out
def closed_backward_pass(jaxpr: core.ClosedJaxpr, reduce_axes, transform_stack,
primals_in, cotangents_in):
return backward_pass(jaxpr.jaxpr, reduce_axes, transform_stack, jaxpr.consts,
primals_in, cotangents_in)
class UndefinedPrimal:
__slots__ = ['aval']
def __init__(self, aval):
self.aval = aval
def __repr__(self):
return f'UndefinedPrimal({self.aval})'
def is_undefined_primal(x):
return type(x) is UndefinedPrimal
lambda z: ((), z.aval),
lambda aval, _: UndefinedPrimal(aval))
def get_primitive_transpose(p):
return primitive_transposes[p]
except KeyError as err:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Transpose rule (for reverse-mode differentiation) for '{}' "
"not implemented".format(p)) from err
def nonzero_tangent_outputs(*args, **kwargs):
results = (_, tangents_out) = yield args, kwargs
yield results, [type(r) is not Zero for r in tangents_out]
class JVPTrace(Trace):
def pure(self, val):
tangent_zero = Zero(get_aval(val).at_least_vspace())
return JVPTracer(self, val, tangent_zero)
def lift(self, val):
tangent_zero = Zero(get_aval(val).at_least_vspace())
return JVPTracer(self, val, tangent_zero)
def sublift(self, val):
return JVPTracer(self, val.primal, val.tangent)
def process_primitive(self, primitive, tracers, params):
primals_in, tangents_in = unzip2((t.primal, t.tangent) for t in tracers)
jvp = primitive_jvps.get(primitive)
if not jvp:
msg = f"Differentiation rule for '{primitive}' not implemented"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
primal_out, tangent_out = jvp(primals_in, tangents_in, **params)
if primitive.multiple_results:
return [JVPTracer(self, x, t) for x, t in zip(primal_out, tangent_out)]
return JVPTracer(self, primal_out, tangent_out)
def process_call(self, call_primitive, f, tracers, params):
assert call_primitive.multiple_results
primals, tangents = unzip2((t.primal, t.tangent) for t in tracers)
which_nz = [ type(t) is not Zero for t in tangents]
tangents = [t if type(t) is not Zero else None for t in tangents]
args, in_tree = tree_flatten((primals, tangents))
f_jvp = jvp_subtrace(f, self.main)
f_jvp, which_nz_out = nonzero_tangent_outputs(f_jvp)
if isinstance(call_primitive, core.MapPrimitive):
in_axes = params['in_axes']
tangent_in_axes = [ax for ax, nz in zip(in_axes, which_nz) if nz]
out_axes_thunk = params['out_axes_thunk']
# NOTE: This assumes that the output tangents being zero is a
# deterministic function of which input tangents were zero.
def new_out_axes_thunk():
out_ax = out_axes_thunk()
return (*out_ax, *(ax for ax, nz in zip(out_ax, which_nz_out()) if nz))
params = dict(params, in_axes=(*in_axes, *tangent_in_axes),
f_jvp, out_tree = traceable(f_jvp, in_tree)
update_params = call_param_updaters.get(call_primitive)
new_params = update_params(params, which_nz) if update_params else params
result = call_primitive.bind(_update_annotation(f_jvp, f.in_type, which_nz),
*args, **new_params)
primal_out, tangent_out = tree_unflatten(out_tree(), result)
tangent_out = [Zero(get_aval(p).at_least_vspace()) if t is None else t
for p, t in zip(primal_out, tangent_out)]
return [JVPTracer(self, p, t) for p, t in zip(primal_out, tangent_out)]
def post_process_call(self, call_primitive, out_tracers, params):
primals, tangents = unzip2((t.primal, t.tangent) for t in out_tracers)
out, treedef = tree_flatten((primals, tangents))
tangents_nz = [type(t) is not Zero for t in tangents]
del primals, tangents
main = self.main
def todo(x):
primals, tangents = tree_unflatten(treedef, x)
trace = JVPTrace(main, core.cur_sublevel())
return map(partial(JVPTracer, trace), primals, tangents)
if call_primitive.map_primitive:
def out_axes_transform(out_axes):
return (*out_axes, *(ax for ax, nz in zip(out_axes, tangents_nz) if nz))
todo = (todo, out_axes_transform)
return out, todo
# The only difference between process_map and process_call is that
# the `in_axes` and `out_axes_thunk` params must be updated;
# that's handled in process_call.
process_map = process_call
post_process_map = post_process_call
def process_custom_jvp_call(self, _, __, f_jvp, tracers, *, symbolic_zeros):
primals_in, tangents_in = unzip2((t.primal, t.tangent) for t in tracers)
primals_in = map(core.full_lower, primals_in)
if not symbolic_zeros:
tangents_in = map(instantiate_zeros, tangents_in)
tangents_in = map(replace_float0s, primals_in, tangents_in)
tangents_in = map(replace_internal_symbolic_zeros, tangents_in)
outs = f_jvp.call_wrapped(*it.chain(primals_in, tangents_in))
primals_out, tangents_out = split_list(outs, [len(outs) // 2])
tangents_out = map(replace_rule_output_symbolic_zeros, tangents_out)
tangents_out = map(recast_to_float0, primals_out, tangents_out)
return map(partial(JVPTracer, self), primals_out, tangents_out)
def post_process_custom_jvp_call(self, out_tracers, _):
raise CustomJVPException()
def process_custom_vjp_call(self, _, __, fwd, bwd, tracers, out_trees,
primals_in, tangents_in = unzip2((t.primal, t.tangent) for t in tracers)
fwd_in = [(core.full_lower(p), type(t) is not Zero)
for p, t in zip(primals_in, tangents_in)]
fwd_in = [x for pair in fwd_in for x in pair] # flatten
res_and_primals_out = fwd.call_wrapped(*fwd_in)
_, res_tree = out_trees()
res, primals_out = split_list(res_and_primals_out, [res_tree.num_leaves])
avals_out = [raise_to_shaped(core.get_aval(x)) for x in primals_out]
# TODO(frostig,mattjj): avoid instantiating zeros when we don't have to!
tangents_in = map(instantiate_zeros, tangents_in)
tangents_out = custom_lin_p.bind(
*res, *tangents_in, num_res=res_tree.num_leaves, bwd=bwd,
out_avals=avals_out, symbolic_zeros=symbolic_zeros)
tangents_out = map(recast_to_float0, primals_out, tangents_out)
return map(partial(JVPTracer, self), primals_out, tangents_out)
def post_process_custom_vjp_call(self, out_tracers, _):
raise CustomVJPException()
def process_custom_transpose(self, prim, call, tracers, **params):
ps_in, ts_in = unzip2((t.primal, t.tangent) for t in tracers)
res_ps_in, lin_ps_in = split_list(ps_in, [params['res_tree'].num_leaves])
res_ts_in, lin_ts_in = split_list(ts_in, [params['res_tree'].num_leaves])
# TODO(frostig): Handle differentiation with respect to residual
# operands. Calling `call` twice on all operands invalid, since it
# isn't linear in the residuals. However, we know that if we
# write:
# jvp_call_res = lambda x: partial(jvp, lambda r: call(r, x))
# then:
# jvp(call, (r, x), (dr, dx)) == jvp_call_res(x)(r, dr) + call(r, dx)
# In words: a possible strategy is to take the jvp of `call` with
# respect to residuals, and with linear arguments fixed, then add
# that to a custom-transpose call to `call` (i.e. what we already
# do below in the all-linear argument case).
if any(type(t) is not Zero for t in res_ts_in):
raise NotImplementedError(
'JVP of custom transpose with respect to non-symbolic-zero residuals')
ps_out = prim.bind(call, *ps_in, **params)
lin_ts_in = map(instantiate_zeros, lin_ts_in)
ts_out = prim.bind(call, *res_ps_in, *lin_ts_in, **params)
return map(partial(JVPTracer, self), ps_out, ts_out)
def join(self, xt, yt):
xz, yz = type(xt) is Zero, type(yt) is Zero
if xz == yz:
return xt, yt
elif yz and not xz:
return xt, zeros_like_jaxval(xt)
elif xz and not yz:
return zeros_like_jaxval(yt), yt
raise TypeError((xt, yt))
class JVPTracer(Tracer):
__slots__ = ['primal', 'tangent']
def __init__(self, trace, primal, tangent):
if config.jax_enable_checks:
_primal_tangent_shapes_match(primal, tangent)
self._trace = trace
self.primal = primal
self.tangent = tangent
def aval(self):
# TODO(dougalm): add epsilon ball
return get_aval(self.primal)
def full_lower(self):
if type(self.tangent) is Zero:
return core.full_lower(self.primal)
return self
def _primal_tangent_shapes_match(primal, tangent):
if type(tangent) is not Zero:
primal_aval = raise_to_shaped(get_aval(primal), weak_type=False)
tangent_aval = raise_to_shaped(get_aval(tangent), weak_type=False)
assert core.symbolic_equal_shape(primal_aval.shape, tangent_aval.shape)
expected_tangent_dtype = core.primal_dtype_to_tangent_dtype(primal_aval.dtype)
assert expected_tangent_dtype == tangent_aval.dtype, (expected_tangent_dtype, tangent_aval.dtype)
call_param_updaters: Dict[core.Primitive, Callable] = {}
call_transpose_param_updaters: Dict[core.Primitive, Callable] = {}
# -------------------- Primitives --------------------
primitive_jvps : Dict[core.Primitive, Callable] = {}
primitive_transposes: Dict[core.Primitive, Callable] = {}
# transpose rules that internally perform reductions over the given named axes
reducing_transposes: Dict[core.Primitive, Callable] = {}
def deflinear(primitive, transpose_rule):
primitive_jvps[primitive] = partial(linear_jvp, primitive)
primitive_transposes[primitive] = partial(linear_transpose, transpose_rule)
def linear_jvp(primitive, primals, tangents, **params):
val_out = primitive.bind(*primals, **params)
if all(type(tangent) is Zero for tangent in tangents):
if primitive.multiple_results:
return val_out, map(Zero.from_value, val_out)
return val_out, Zero.from_value(val_out)
tangents = map(instantiate_zeros, tangents)
return val_out, primitive.bind(*tangents, **params)
def linear_transpose(transpose_rule, cotangent, *args, **kwargs):
return Zero if type(cotangent) is Zero else transpose_rule(cotangent, **kwargs)
def deflinear2(primitive, transpose_rule):
primitive_jvps[primitive] = partial(linear_jvp, primitive)
primitive_transposes[primitive] = partial(linear_transpose2, transpose_rule)
def linear_transpose2(transpose_rule, cotangent, *args, **kwargs):
return Zero if type(cotangent) is Zero else transpose_rule(cotangent, *args, **kwargs)
def defjvp(primitive, *jvprules):
assert isinstance(primitive, Primitive)
assert not primitive.multiple_results
primitive_jvps[primitive] = partial(standard_jvp, jvprules, primitive)
def standard_jvp(jvprules, primitive, primals, tangents, **params):
val_out = primitive.bind(*primals, **params)
tangents_out = [rule(t, *primals, **params) for rule, t in zip(jvprules, tangents)
if rule is not None and type(t) is not Zero]
return val_out, functools.reduce(add_tangents, tangents_out, Zero.from_value(val_out))
def defjvp2(primitive, *jvprules):
assert isinstance(primitive, Primitive)
assert not primitive.multiple_results
primitive_jvps[primitive] = partial(standard_jvp2, jvprules, primitive)
def standard_jvp2(jvprules, primitive, primals, tangents, **params):
val_out = primitive.bind(*primals, **params)
tangents_out = (rule(t, val_out, *primals, **params) for rule, t in zip(jvprules, tangents)
if rule is not None and type(t) is not Zero)
tangents_out = list(tangents_out)
return val_out, functools.reduce(add_tangents, tangents_out, Zero.from_value(val_out))
def add_tangents(x, y):
if type(x) is Zero:
return y
elif type(y) is Zero:
return x
return add_jaxvals(x, y)
def defbilinear(prim, lhs_rule, rhs_rule):
assert isinstance(prim, Primitive)
lhs_jvp = lambda g, x, y, **kwargs: prim.bind(g, y, **kwargs)
rhs_jvp = lambda g, x, y, **kwargs: prim.bind(x, g, **kwargs)
defjvp(prim, lhs_jvp, rhs_jvp)
primitive_transposes[prim] = partial(bilinear_transpose, lhs_rule, rhs_rule)
def bilinear_transpose(lhs_rule, rhs_rule, cotangent, x, y, **kwargs):
assert is_undefined_primal(x) ^ is_undefined_primal(y)
if type(cotangent) is Zero:
return Zero
if is_undefined_primal(x):
out = lhs_rule(cotangent, x, y, **kwargs)
return Zero if out is Zero else (out, None)
out = rhs_rule(cotangent, x, y, **kwargs)
return Zero if out is Zero else (None, out)
def defjvp_zero(primitive):
assert isinstance(primitive, Primitive)
primitive_jvps[primitive] = partial(zero_jvp, primitive)
def zero_jvp(primitive, primals, tangents, **params):
r = primitive.bind(*primals, **params)
return r, Zero.from_value(r)
deflinear2(zeros_like_p, lambda t, _: [Zero.from_value(t)])
deflinear2(add_jaxvals_p, lambda t, *args: (t, t))
def instantiate_zeros(tangent):
if type(tangent) is Zero:
return zeros_like_aval(tangent.aval)
return tangent
# This function seems similar to instantiate_zeros, but it is sometimes used
# to instantiate zero abstract units with a different aval
def instantiate_zeros_aval(aval, tangent):
if type(tangent) is Zero:
assert tangent.aval == aval
return zeros_like_aval(aval)
return tangent
def traceable(in_tree, *primals_and_tangents):
primals, tangents = tree_unflatten(in_tree, primals_and_tangents)
tangents = [Zero(get_aval(p).at_least_vspace()) if t is None else t
for p, t in zip(primals, tangents)]
primals_out, tangents_out = yield (primals, tangents), {}
tangents_out = [None if type(t) is Zero else t for t in tangents_out]
out_flat, out_tree = tree_flatten((primals_out, tangents_out))
yield out_flat, out_tree
def call_transpose(primitive, params, call_jaxpr, args, ct, _, reduce_axes):
if isinstance(call_jaxpr, core.ClosedJaxpr):
call_jaxpr, consts = call_jaxpr.jaxpr, call_jaxpr.consts
consts = ()
all_args, in_tree_def = tree_flatten((consts, args, ct))
fun = lu.hashable_partial(lu.wrap_init(backward_pass), call_jaxpr,
reduce_axes, False)
fun, out_tree = flatten_fun_nokwargs(fun, in_tree_def)
update_params = call_transpose_param_updaters.get(primitive)
if update_params:
params = update_params(params, map(is_undefined_primal, args),
[type(x) is not Zero for x in ct])
if config.jax_dynamic_shapes:
# TODO(mattjj,dougalm): handle consts, for now assume just args
which_lin = [is_undefined_primal(x) for x in args]
res_invars, _ = partition_list(which_lin, call_jaxpr.invars)
new_invars = [*res_invars, *call_jaxpr.outvars]
dbidx_map = {v: core.DBIdx(i) for i, v in enumerate(new_invars)}
in_type = [(v.aval.update(shape=tuple(dbidx_map.get(d, d) for d in v.aval.shape))
if type(v.aval) is core.DShapedArray else v.aval, True) for v in new_invars]
fun = lu.annotate(fun, tuple(in_type))
out_flat = primitive.bind(fun, *all_args, **params)
return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)
primitive_transposes[core.call_p] = partial(call_transpose, call_p)
def _closed_call_transpose(params, jaxpr, args, ct, cts_in_avals, reduce_axes):
jaxpr_, consts = jaxpr.jaxpr, jaxpr.consts
jaxpr_ = pe.convert_constvars_jaxpr(jaxpr_)
return call_transpose(core.closed_call_p, params, jaxpr_, (*consts, *args),
ct, cts_in_avals, reduce_axes)
primitive_transposes[core.closed_call_p] = _closed_call_transpose
def nonzero_outputs(*args, **kwargs):
results = yield args, kwargs
yield results, [type(r) is not Zero for r in results]
def map_transpose(primitive, params, call_jaxpr, args, ct, _, reduce_axes):
all_args, in_tree_def = tree_flatten(((), args, ct)) # empty consts
fun = lu.hashable_partial(lu.wrap_init(backward_pass), call_jaxpr, reduce_axes, False)
fun, nz_arg_cts = nonzero_outputs(fun)
fun, out_tree = flatten_fun_nokwargs(fun, in_tree_def)
# Preserve axis for primal arguments, skip tangents (represented as undefined primals).
in_axes, out_axes = params['in_axes'], params['out_axes']
new_in_axes = (*[axis for axis, x in zip(in_axes, args)
if not is_undefined_primal(x)],
*[axis for axis, x in zip(out_axes, ct)
if type(x) is not Zero])
# The interim strategy we use below (until avals-with-names) only works
# when all outputs are mapped.
assert all(out_axis is not None for out_axis in out_axes), out_axes
# NOTE: This assumes that the output cotangents being zero is a deterministic
# function of which input cotangents were zero.
@as_hashable_function(closure=(in_axes, tuple(type(c) is Zero for c in ct)))
def out_axes_thunk():
return tuple(axis or 0 for axis, nz in zip(in_axes, nz_arg_cts()) if nz)
new_params = dict(params, name=wrap_name(params['name'], 'transpose'),
in_axes=new_in_axes, out_axes_thunk=out_axes_thunk)
del new_params['out_axes']
update_params = call_transpose_param_updaters.get(primitive)
if update_params:
new_params = update_params(new_params, map(is_undefined_primal, args),
[type(x) is not Zero for x in ct])
out_flat = primitive.bind(fun, *all_args, **new_params)
arg_cts = tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)
# The freevars are being fanned out (not mapped). During transpose the
# dual of fan-out is fan-in-sum. We apply it to the unmapped invars.
assert len(in_axes) == len(arg_cts)
def unmap_zero(zero, in_axis):
return (zero if in_axis is None else
Zero(core.unmapped_aval(params['axis_size'], params['axis_name'], in_axis, zero.aval)))
arg_cts = (unmap_zero(arg_ct, in_axis) if type(arg_ct) is Zero else
arg_ct if in_axis is not None else
for arg_ct, in_axis in zip(arg_cts, in_axes))
return tuple(arg_cts)
def jvp_jaxpr(jaxpr: core.ClosedJaxpr, nonzeros: Sequence[bool],
instantiate: Union[bool, Sequence[bool]]
) -> Tuple[core.ClosedJaxpr, List[bool]]:
if type(instantiate) is bool:
instantiate = (instantiate,) * len(jaxpr.out_avals)
return _jvp_jaxpr(jaxpr, tuple(nonzeros), tuple(instantiate))
def _jvp_jaxpr(jaxpr, nonzeros, instantiate):
assert len(jaxpr.in_avals) == len(nonzeros)
f = lu.wrap_init(core.jaxpr_as_fun(jaxpr))
f_jvp, out_nonzeros = f_jvp_traceable(jvp(f, instantiate=instantiate, transform_stack=False),
tangent_avals = [aval for aval, nz in zip(jaxpr.in_avals, nonzeros) if nz]
avals_in = list(it.chain(jaxpr.in_avals, tangent_avals))
jaxpr_out, avals_out, literals_out = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(f_jvp, avals_in)
return core.ClosedJaxpr(jaxpr_out, literals_out), out_nonzeros()
def f_jvp_traceable(nonzeros, *primals_and_nztangents):
num_primals = len(nonzeros)
primals = list(primals_and_nztangents[:num_primals])
nonzero_tangents = iter(primals_and_nztangents[num_primals:])
tangents = [next(nonzero_tangents) if nz else Zero.from_value(p)
for p, nz in zip(primals, nonzeros)]
primals_out, tangents_out = yield (primals, tangents), {}
out_nonzeros = [type(t) is not Zero for t in tangents_out]
nonzero_tangents_out = [t for t in tangents_out if type(t) is not Zero]
yield list(primals_out) + nonzero_tangents_out, out_nonzeros
def rearrange_binders(jaxpr: core.ClosedJaxpr, primals_in, tangents_in, primals_out, tangents_out):
new_invars = _perm(primals_in, tangents_in, jaxpr.jaxpr.invars)
new_outvars = _perm(primals_out, tangents_out, jaxpr.jaxpr.outvars)
new_jaxpr = core.Jaxpr(jaxpr.jaxpr.constvars,
new_invars, new_outvars, jaxpr.jaxpr.eqns,
return core.ClosedJaxpr(new_jaxpr, jaxpr.consts)
def _perm(primal_counts, tangent_counts, lst):
n = sum(primal_counts)
primals, tangents = lst[:n], lst[n:]
primal_groups = split_list(primals, primal_counts[:-1])
tangent_groups = split_list(tangents, tangent_counts[:-1])
return _interleave(primal_groups, tangent_groups)
def _interleave(xs, ys):
assert len(xs) == len(ys)
return [e for pair in zip(xs, ys) for l in pair for e in l]
custom_lin_p: core.Primitive = core.Primitive('custom_lin')
custom_lin_p.def_abstract_eval(lambda *_, out_avals, **__: out_avals)
custom_lin_p.multiple_results = True
def raise_custom_vjp_error_on_jvp(*_, **__):
raise TypeError("can't apply forward-mode autodiff (jvp) to a custom_vjp "
def _custom_lin_transpose(cts_out, *invals, num_res, bwd, out_avals,
res, _ = split_list(invals, [num_res])
if symbolic_zeros:
cts_out = map(replace_internal_symbolic_zeros, cts_out)
cts_out = map(instantiate_zeros_aval, out_avals, cts_out)
cts_in = bwd(*res, *cts_out)
cts_in = map(replace_rule_output_symbolic_zeros, cts_in)
return [None] * num_res + list(cts_in)
primitive_transposes[custom_lin_p] = _custom_lin_transpose
class CustomJVPException(Exception):
def __init__(self):
# TODO(mattjj): track source provenance on AD tracers, improve error
msg = ("Detected differentiation of a custom_jvp function with respect to "
"a closed-over value. That isn't supported because the custom JVP "
"rule only specifies how to differentiate the custom_jvp function "
"with respect to explicit input parameters. Try passing the "
"closed-over value into the custom_jvp function as an argument, and "
"adapting the custom_jvp rule.")
class CustomVJPException(Exception):
def __init__(self):
# TODO(mattjj): track source provenance on AD tracers, improve error
msg = ("Detected differentiation of a custom_vjp function with respect to "
"a closed-over value. That isn't supported because the custom VJP "
"rule only specifies how to differentiate the custom_vjp function "
"with respect to explicit input parameters. Try passing the "
"closed-over value into the custom_vjp function as an argument, and "
"adapting the custom_vjp fwd and bwd rules.")