2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

413 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright 2021 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Wadler-Lindig pretty printer.
# References:
# Wadler, P., 1998. A prettier printer. Journal of Functional Programming,
# pp.223-244.
# Lindig, C. 2000. Strictly Pretty.
# Hafiz, A. 2021. Strictly Annotated: A Pretty-Printer With Support for
# Annotations.
import abc
import enum
import sys
from functools import partial
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from jax._src.config import config
import colorama # pytype: disable=import-error
except ImportError:
colorama = None
def _can_use_color() -> bool:
# Check if we're in IPython or Colab
ipython = get_ipython() # type: ignore[name-defined]
shell = ipython.__class__.__name__
if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell":
# Jupyter Notebook
return True
elif "colab" in str(ipython.__class__):
# Google Colab (external or internal)
return True
except NameError:
# Otherwise check if we're in a terminal
return hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty()
CAN_USE_COLOR = _can_use_color()
class Doc(abc.ABC):
__slots__ = ()
def format(self, width: int = 80, use_color: Optional[bool] = None,
annotation_prefix=" # ") -> str:
if use_color is None:
use_color = CAN_USE_COLOR and config.FLAGS.jax_pprint_use_color
return _format(self, width, use_color=use_color,
def __str__(self):
return self.format()
def __add__(self, other: 'Doc') -> 'Doc':
return concat([self, other])
class _NilDoc(Doc):
def __repr__(self): return "nil"
_nil = _NilDoc()
class _TextDoc(Doc):
__slots__ = ("text", "annotation")
text: str
annotation: Optional[str]
def __init__(self, text: str, annotation: Optional[str] = None):
assert isinstance(text, str), text
assert annotation is None or isinstance(annotation, str), annotation
self.text = text
self.annotation = annotation
def __repr__(self):
if self.annotation is not None:
return f"text(\"{self.text}\", annotation=\"{self.annotation}\")"
return f"text(\"{self.text}\")"
class _ConcatDoc(Doc):
__slots__ = ("children",)
children: List[Doc]
def __init__(self, children: Sequence[Doc]):
self.children = list(children)
assert all(isinstance(doc, Doc) for doc in self.children), self.children
def __repr__(self): return f"concat({self.children})"
class _BreakDoc(Doc):
__slots__ = ("text",)
text: str
def __init__(self, text: str):
assert isinstance(text, str), text
self.text = text
def __repr__(self): return f"break({self.text})"
class _GroupDoc(Doc):
__slots__ = ("child",)
child: Doc
def __init__(self, child: Doc):
assert isinstance(child, Doc), child
self.child = child
def __repr__(self): return f"group({self.child})"
class _NestDoc(Doc):
__slots__ = ("n", "child",)
n: int
child: Doc
def __init__(self, n: int, child: Doc):
assert isinstance(child, Doc), child
self.n = n
self.child = child
def __repr__(self): return f"nest({self.n, self.child})"
Color = enum.Enum("_Color", ["BLACK", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "BLUE",
Intensity = enum.Enum("_Intensity", ["DIM", "NORMAL", "BRIGHT"])
class _ColorDoc(Doc):
__slots__ = ("foreground", "background", "intensity", "child")
foreground: Optional[Color]
background: Optional[Color]
intensity: Optional[Intensity]
child: Doc
def __init__(self, child: Doc, *, foreground: Optional[Color] = None,
background: Optional[Color] = None,
intensity: Optional[Intensity] = None):
assert isinstance(child, Doc), child
self.child = child
self.foreground = foreground
self.background = background
self.intensity = intensity
_BreakMode = enum.Enum("_BreakMode", ["FLAT", "BREAK"])
# In Lindig's paper fits() and format() are defined recursively. This is a
# non-recursive formulation using an explicit stack, necessary because Python
# doesn't have a tail recursion optimization.
def _fits(doc: Doc, width: int, agenda: List[Tuple[int, _BreakMode, Doc]]
) -> bool:
while width >= 0 and len(agenda) > 0:
i, m, doc = agenda.pop()
if isinstance(doc, _NilDoc):
elif isinstance(doc, _TextDoc):
width -= len(doc.text)
elif isinstance(doc, _ConcatDoc):
agenda.extend((i, m, d) for d in reversed(doc.children))
elif isinstance(doc, _BreakDoc):
if m == _BreakMode.BREAK:
return True
width -= len(doc.text)
elif isinstance(doc, _NestDoc):
agenda.append((i + doc.n, m, doc.child))
elif isinstance(doc, _GroupDoc):
agenda.append((i, _BreakMode.FLAT, doc.child))
elif isinstance(doc, _ColorDoc):
agenda.append((i, m, doc.child))
raise ValueError("Invalid document ", doc)
return width >= 0
# Annotation layout: A flat group is sparse if there are no breaks between
# annotations.
def _sparse(doc: Doc) -> bool:
agenda = [doc]
num_annotations = 0
seen_break = False
while len(agenda) > 0:
doc = agenda.pop()
if isinstance(doc, _NilDoc):
elif isinstance(doc, _TextDoc):
if doc.annotation is not None:
if num_annotations >= 1 and seen_break:
return False
num_annotations += 1
elif isinstance(doc, _ConcatDoc):
elif isinstance(doc, _BreakDoc):
seen_break = True
elif isinstance(doc, _NestDoc):
elif isinstance(doc, _GroupDoc):
elif isinstance(doc, _ColorDoc):
raise ValueError("Invalid document ", doc)
return True
class _ColorState(NamedTuple):
foreground: Color
background: Color
intensity: Intensity
class _State(NamedTuple):
indent: int
mode: _BreakMode
doc: Doc
color: _ColorState
class _Line(NamedTuple):
text: str
width: int
annotations: Union[Optional[str], List[str]]
def _update_color(use_color: bool, state: _ColorState, update: _ColorState
) -> Tuple[_ColorState, str]:
if not use_color or colorama is None:
return update, ""
color_str = ""
if state.foreground != update.foreground:
color_str += getattr(colorama.Fore, str(
if state.background != update.background:
color_str += getattr(colorama.Back, str(
if state.intensity != update.intensity:
color_str += colorama.Style.NORMAL # pytype: disable=unsupported-operands
color_str += getattr(colorama.Style, str(
return update, color_str
def _align_annotations(lines):
# TODO: Hafiz also implements a local alignment mode, where groups of lines
# with annotations are aligned together.
maxlen = max(l.width for l in lines)
out = []
for l in lines:
if len(l.annotations) == 0:
elif len(l.annotations) == 1:
out.append(l._replace(text=l.text + " " * (maxlen - l.width),
out.append(l._replace(text=l.text + " " * (maxlen - l.width),
for a in l.annotations[1:]:
out.append(_Line(text=" " * maxlen, width=l.width, annotations=a))
return out
def _format(doc: Doc, width: int, *, use_color, annotation_prefix) -> str:
lines = []
default_colors = _ColorState(Color.RESET, Color.RESET, Intensity.NORMAL)
annotation_colors = _ColorState(Color.RESET, Color.RESET, Intensity.DIM)
color_state = default_colors
agenda = [_State(0, _BreakMode.BREAK, doc, default_colors)]
k = 0
line_text = ""
line_annotations = []
while len(agenda) > 0:
i, m, doc, color = agenda.pop()
if isinstance(doc, _NilDoc):
elif isinstance(doc, _TextDoc):
color_state, color_str = _update_color(use_color, color_state, color)
line_text += color_str
line_text += doc.text
if doc.annotation is not None:
k += len(doc.text)
elif isinstance(doc, _ConcatDoc):
agenda.extend(_State(i, m, d, color)
for d in reversed(doc.children))
elif isinstance(doc, _BreakDoc):
if m == _BreakMode.BREAK:
if len(line_annotations) > 0:
color_state, color_str = _update_color(use_color, color_state,
line_text += color_str
lines.append(_Line(line_text, k, line_annotations))
line_text = " " * i
line_annotations = []
k = i
color_state, color_str = _update_color(use_color, color_state, color)
line_text += color_str
line_text += doc.text
k += len(doc.text)
elif isinstance(doc, _NestDoc):
agenda.append(_State(i + doc.n, m, doc.child, color))
elif isinstance(doc, _GroupDoc):
# In Lindig's paper, _fits is passed the remainder of the document.
# I'm pretty sure that's a bug and we care only if the current group fits!
if (_sparse(doc)
and _fits(doc, width - k, [(i, _BreakMode.FLAT, doc.child)])):
agenda.append(_State(i, _BreakMode.FLAT, doc.child, color))
agenda.append(_State(i, _BreakMode.BREAK, doc.child, color))
elif isinstance(doc, _ColorDoc):
color = _ColorState(doc.foreground or color.foreground,
doc.background or color.background,
doc.intensity or color.intensity)
agenda.append(_State(i, m, doc.child, color))
raise ValueError("Invalid document ", doc)
if len(line_annotations) > 0:
color_state, color_str = _update_color(use_color, color_state,
line_text += color_str
lines.append(_Line(line_text, k, line_annotations))
lines = _align_annotations(lines)
out = "\n".join(
l.text if l.annotations is None
else f"{l.text}{annotation_prefix}{l.annotations}" for l in lines)
color_state, color_str = _update_color(use_color, color_state,
return out + color_str
# Public API.
def nil() -> Doc:
"""An empty document."""
return _nil
def text(s: str, annotation: Optional[str] = None) -> Doc:
"""Literal text."""
return _TextDoc(s, annotation)
def concat(docs: Sequence[Doc]) -> Doc:
"""Concatenation of documents."""
docs = list(docs)
if len(docs) == 1:
return docs[0]
return _ConcatDoc(docs)
def brk(text: str = " ") -> Doc:
"""A break.
Prints either as a newline or as `text`, depending on the enclosing group.
return _BreakDoc(text)
def group(doc: Doc) -> Doc:
"""Layout alternative groups.
Prints the group with its breaks as their text (typically spaces) if the
entire group would fit on the line when printed that way. Otherwise, breaks
inside the group as printed as newlines.
return _GroupDoc(doc)
def nest(n: int, doc: Doc) -> Doc:
"""Increases the indentation level by `n`."""
return _NestDoc(n, doc)
def color(doc: Doc, *, foreground: Optional[Color] = None,
background: Optional[Color] = None,
intensity: Optional[Intensity] = None):
"""ANSI colors.
Overrides the foreground/background/intensity of the text for the child doc.
Requires use_colors=True to be set when printing and the `colorama` package
to be installed; otherwise does nothing.
return _ColorDoc(doc, foreground=foreground, background=background,
type_annotation = partial(color, intensity=Intensity.NORMAL,
keyword = partial(color, intensity=Intensity.BRIGHT, foreground=Color.BLUE)
def join(sep: Doc, docs: Sequence[Doc]) -> Doc:
"""Concatenates `docs`, separated by `sep`."""
docs = list(docs)
if len(docs) == 0:
return nil()
xs = [docs[0]]
for doc in docs[1:]:
return concat(xs)