2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

1424 lines
49 KiB

# Copyright 2021 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
from functools import partial, reduce
import math
import operator as op
from typing import (Any, Callable, Hashable, Iterator, List, NamedTuple,
Set, Sequence, Tuple, Union)
import numpy as np
from jax import lax
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax import tree_util
from jax._src import ad_util
from jax._src import api
from jax._src import basearray
from jax._src import config as config_lib
from jax._src import core
from jax._src import dispatch
from jax._src import dtypes
from jax._src import pretty_printer as pp
from jax._src import sharding_specs
from jax._src import typing
from jax._src.api import jit, vmap
from jax._src.config import config
from jax._src.dtypes import float0
from jax._src.interpreters import ad
from jax._src.interpreters import batching
from jax._src.interpreters import mlir
from jax._src.interpreters import pxla
from jax._src.interpreters import xla
from jax._src.lax import lax as lax_internal
from jax._src.lax import utils as lax_utils
from jax._src.lib.mlir import ir
from jax._src.lib import gpu_prng
from jax._src.lib import version as jaxlib_version
from jax._src.lib import xla_client as xc
from jax._src.lib.mlir.dialects import hlo
from jax._src.numpy.array_methods import (
_array_operators, _set_array_base_attributes, _IndexUpdateHelper)
from jax._src.partition_spec import PartitionSpec
from jax._src.sharding_impls import (
NamedSharding, PmapSharding, GSPMDSharding, XLACompatibleSharding)
from jax._src.typing import Array
from jax._src.util import safe_map, safe_zip
map, unsafe_map = safe_map, map
zip, unsafe_zip = safe_zip, zip
Device = xc.Device
Shard = Any # TODO(jakevdp): fix circular imports and import Shard
8: jnp.uint8, 16: jnp.uint16, 32: jnp.uint32, 64: jnp.uint64} # type: ignore[has-type]
# -- PRNG implementation interface
class PRNGImpl(NamedTuple):
"""Specifies PRNG key shape and operations.
A PRNG implementation is determined by a key type ``K`` and a
collection of functions that operate on such keys. The key type
``K`` is an array type with element type uint32 and shape specified
by ``key_shape``. The type signature of each operations is::
seed :: int[] -> K
fold_in :: K -> int[] -> K
split[n] :: K -> K[n]
random_bits[shape, bit_width] :: K -> uint<bit_width>[shape]
A PRNG implementation is adapted to an array-like object of keys
``K`` by the ``PRNGKeyArray`` class, which should be created via the
``seed_with_impl`` function.
key_shape: core.Shape
seed: Callable
split: Callable
random_bits: Callable
fold_in: Callable
tag: str = '?'
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.tag)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.tag
def pprint(self):
return (pp.text(f"{self.__class__.__name__} [{self.tag}]:") +
pp.nest(2, + pp.join(pp.brk(), [
pp.text(f"{k} = {v}") for k, v in self._asdict().items()
# -- PRNG key arrays
def _check_prng_key_data(impl, key_data: typing.Array):
ndim = len(impl.key_shape)
if not all(hasattr(key_data, attr) for attr in ['ndim', 'shape', 'dtype']):
raise TypeError("JAX encountered invalid PRNG key data: expected key_data "
f"to have ndim, shape, and dtype attributes. Got {key_data}")
if key_data.ndim < 1:
raise TypeError("JAX encountered invalid PRNG key data: expected "
f"key_data.ndim >= 1; got ndim={key_data.ndim}")
if key_data.shape[-ndim:] != impl.key_shape:
raise TypeError("JAX encountered invalid PRNG key data: expected key_data.shape to "
f"end with {impl.key_shape}; got shape={key_data.shape} for {impl=}")
if key_data.dtype not in [np.uint32, float0]:
raise TypeError("JAX encountered invalid PRNG key data: expected key_data.dtype = uint32; "
f"got dtype={key_data.dtype}")
class PRNGKeyArrayMeta(abc.ABCMeta):
"""Metaclass for overriding PRNGKeyArray isinstance checks."""
def __instancecheck__(cls, instance):
return (isinstance(instance.aval, core.ShapedArray) and
type(instance.aval.dtype) is KeyTy)
except AttributeError:
return super().__instancecheck__(instance)
class PRNGKeyArray(abc.ABC, metaclass=PRNGKeyArrayMeta):
"""An array whose elements are PRNG keys"""
@abc.abstractmethod # TODO(frostig): rename
def unsafe_raw_array(self) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def unsafe_buffer_pointer(self) -> int: ...
def block_until_ready(self) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def copy_to_host_async(self) -> None: ...
def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: ...
def ndim(self) -> int: ...
def size(self) -> int: ...
def dtype(self): ...
def sharding(self): ...
def at(self) -> _IndexUpdateHelper: ...
def __len__(self) -> int: ...
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PRNGKeyArray]: ...
def reshape(self, newshape, order=None) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def T(self) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def __getitem__(self, _) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def ravel(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def squeeze(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def swapaxes(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def take(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def transpose(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def flatten(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
def is_fully_addressable(self) -> bool: ...
def is_fully_replicated(self) -> bool: ...
def device(self) -> Device: ...
def devices(self) -> Set[Device]: ...
def delete(self) -> None: ...
def is_deleted(self) -> bool: ...
def on_device_size_in_bytes(self) -> int: ...
def addressable_shards(self) -> List[Shard]: ...
def global_shards(self) -> List[Shard]: ...
def addressable_data(self, index: int) -> PRNGKeyArray: ...
# TODO(jakevdp): potentially add tolist(), tobytes(),
# device_buffer, device_buffers, __cuda_interface__()
class PRNGKeyArrayImpl(PRNGKeyArray):
"""An array of PRNG keys backed by an RNG implementation.
This class lifts the definition of a PRNG, provided in the form of a
``PRNGImpl``, into an array-like pytree class. Instances of this
class behave like an array whose base elements are keys, hiding the
fact that keys are typically arrays (of ``uint32`` dtype) themselves.
PRNGKeyArrays are also restricted relative to JAX arrays in that
they do not expose arithmetic operations. They instead expose
wrapper methods around the PRNG implementation functions (``split``,
``random_bits``, ``fold_in``).
impl: PRNGImpl
_base_array: typing.Array
def __init__(self, impl, key_data: Any):
assert not isinstance(key_data, core.Tracer)
_check_prng_key_data(impl, key_data)
self.impl = impl
self._base_array = key_data
# TODO(frostig): rename to unsafe_base_array, or just offer base_array attr?
def unsafe_raw_array(self):
"""Access the raw numerical array that carries underlying key data.
A uint32 JAX array whose leading dimensions are ``self.shape``.
return self._base_array
def block_until_ready(self):
_ = self._base_array.block_until_ready()
return self
def copy_to_host_async(self):
_ = self._base_array.copy_to_host_async()
def aval(self):
return keys_shaped_array(self.impl, self.shape)
def shape(self):
return base_arr_shape_to_keys_shape(self.impl, self._base_array.shape)
def size(self):
def ndim(self):
return len(self.shape)
def dtype(self):
return KeyTy(self.impl)
_device = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array._device'))
_committed = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array._committed'))
device = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array.device')) # type: ignore[assignment]
devices = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array.devices')) # type: ignore[assignment]
is_fully_addressable = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array.is_fully_addressable')) # type: ignore[assignment]
is_fully_replicated = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array.is_fully_replicated')) # type: ignore[assignment]
delete = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array.delete')) # type: ignore[assignment]
is_deleted = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array.is_deleted')) # type: ignore[assignment]
on_device_size_in_bytes = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array.on_device_size_in_bytes')) # type: ignore[assignment]
unsafe_buffer_pointer = property(op.attrgetter('_base_array.unsafe_buffer_pointer')) # type: ignore[assignment]
def addressable_data(self, index: int) -> PRNGKeyArrayImpl:
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(self.impl, self._base_array.addressable_data(index))
def addressable_shards(self) -> List[Shard]:
return [
data=PRNGKeyArrayImpl(self.impl, s._data),
for s in self._base_array.addressable_shards
def global_shards(self) -> List[Shard]:
return [
data=PRNGKeyArrayImpl(self.impl, s._data),
for s in self._base_array.global_shards
def sharding(self):
phys_sharding = self._base_array.sharding
return KeyTyRules.logical_op_sharding(self.aval, phys_sharding)
def _is_scalar(self):
base_ndim = len(self.impl.key_shape)
return self._base_array.ndim == base_ndim
def __len__(self):
if self._is_scalar():
raise TypeError('len() of unsized object')
return len(self._base_array)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PRNGKeyArrayImpl]:
if self._is_scalar():
raise TypeError('iteration over a 0-d key array')
# TODO(frostig): we may want to avoid iteration by slicing because
# a very common use of iteration is `k1, k2 = split(key)`, and
# slicing/indexing may be trickier to track for linearity checking
# purposes. Maybe we can:
# * introduce an unpack primitive+traceable (also allow direct use)
# * unpack upfront into shape[0] many keyarray slices
# * return iter over these unpacked slices
# Whatever we do, we'll want to do it by overriding
# ShapedArray._iter when the element type is KeyTy...
return (PRNGKeyArrayImpl(self.impl, k) for k in iter(self._base_array))
# TODO(frostig): are all of the stackable methods below (reshape,
# concat, broadcast_to, expand_dims), and the stackable registration,
# still needed? If, with some work, none are needed, then do we want
# to remove stackables altogether? This may be the only application.
def __repr__(self):
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}[{self.impl.tag}]'
f' {{ {self._base_array} }}')
def pprint(self):
pp_keys = pp.text('shape = ') + pp.text(str(self.shape))
pp_impl = pp.text('impl = ') + self.impl.pprint()
return str(
pp.text('PRNGKeyArray:') +
pp.nest(2, pp.brk() + pp_keys + pp.brk() + pp_impl)))
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.impl, self._base_array.copy())
__hash__ = None # type: ignore[assignment]
__array_priority__ = 100
# Overwritten immediately below
def at(self) -> _IndexUpdateHelper: assert False
def T(self) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
def __getitem__(self, _) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
def flatten(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
def ravel(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
def reshape(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
def squeeze(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
def swapaxes(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
def take(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
def transpose(self, *_, **__) -> PRNGKeyArray: assert False
_set_array_base_attributes(PRNGKeyArrayImpl, include=[
*(f"__{op}__" for op in _array_operators),
'at', 'flatten', 'ravel', 'reshape',
'squeeze', 'swapaxes', 'take', 'transpose', 'T'])
ad_util.jaxval_zeros_likers[PRNGKeyArrayImpl] = jnp.zeros_like # type: ignore[has-type]
# TODO(frostig): remove, rerouting callers directly to random_seed
def seed_with_impl(impl: PRNGImpl, seed: Union[int, Array]) -> PRNGKeyArrayImpl:
return random_seed(seed, impl=impl)
def keys_shaped_array(impl, shape):
return core.ShapedArray(shape, KeyTy(impl))
# TODO(frostig): remove in favor of physical_aval call
def keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval(keys_aval):
return core.physical_aval(keys_aval)
def base_arr_shape_to_keys_shape(impl, base_arr_shape):
base_ndim = len(impl.key_shape)
return base_arr_shape[:-base_ndim]
def make_key_array_phys_sharding(aval, sharding, is_sharding_from_xla):
if dispatch.is_single_device_sharding(sharding):
return sharding
elif isinstance(sharding, PmapSharding):
key_shape = aval.dtype.impl.key_shape
trailing_sharding = [sharding_specs.NoSharding()] * len(key_shape)
phys_sharding_spec = sharding_specs.ShardingSpec(
sharding=(*sharding.sharding_spec.sharding, *trailing_sharding),
return PmapSharding(devices=sharding.devices,
elif isinstance(sharding, NamedSharding):
key_shape = aval.dtype.impl.key_shape
trailing_spec = [None] * len(key_shape)
return NamedSharding(
PartitionSpec(*sharding.spec, *trailing_spec))
elif is_sharding_from_xla:
return sharding
hlos = sharding._to_xla_hlo_sharding(aval.ndim)
return GSPMDSharding(
KeyTyRules.physical_hlo_sharding(aval, hlos))
class KeyTyRules:
def full(shape, fill_value, dtype):
physical_shape = (*shape, *dtype.impl.key_shape)
if isinstance(fill_value, PRNGKeyArray):
key_data = jnp.broadcast_to(random_unwrap(fill_value), physical_shape)
key_data = lax.full(physical_shape, fill_value, dtype=np.dtype('uint32'))
# TODO(frostig,mattjj,vanderplas,lenamartens): consider this consumed from
# the outset.
return random_wrap(key_data, impl=dtype.impl)
def physical_element_aval(dtype) -> core.ShapedArray:
return core.ShapedArray(dtype.impl.key_shape, jnp.dtype('uint32'))
def physical_const(val) -> Array:
return val.unsafe_raw_array()
def physical_hlo_sharding(aval, hlo_sharding: xc.HloSharding) -> xc.HloSharding:
key_shape = aval.dtype.impl.key_shape
op_sharding_proto = hlo_sharding.to_proto() # type: ignore
new_op_sharding = op_sharding_proto.clone()
tad = list(new_op_sharding.tile_assignment_dimensions)
suffix = [tad.pop()] if op_sharding_proto.replicate_on_last_tile_dim else []
tad.extend([1] * len(key_shape) + suffix)
new_op_sharding.tile_assignment_dimensions = tad
return xc.HloSharding.from_proto(new_op_sharding)
def logical_op_sharding(aval, phys_sharding) -> XLACompatibleSharding:
if dispatch.is_single_device_sharding(phys_sharding):
return phys_sharding
elif isinstance(phys_sharding, PmapSharding):
key_shape = aval.dtype.impl.key_shape
logical_sharding_spec = sharding_specs.ShardingSpec(
return PmapSharding(devices=phys_sharding.devices,
elif isinstance(phys_sharding, NamedSharding):
key_shape = aval.dtype.impl.key_shape
return pxla.create_mesh_pspec_sharding(
key_shape = aval.dtype.impl.key_shape
phys_op_sharding = phys_sharding._to_xla_hlo_sharding(
aval.ndim + len(key_shape)).to_proto()
logical_op_sharding = phys_op_sharding.clone()
tad = list(logical_op_sharding.tile_assignment_dimensions)
tad = tad[:-len(key_shape)]
logical_op_sharding.tile_assignment_dimensions = tad
return GSPMDSharding(phys_sharding._device_assignment,
def result_handler(sticky_device, aval):
def handler(_, buf):
buf.aval = core.ShapedArray(buf.shape, buf.dtype)
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(aval.dtype.impl, buf)
return handler
def local_sharded_result_handler(aval, sharding, indices):
phys_aval = core.physical_aval(aval)
key_shape = aval.dtype.impl.key_shape
phys_handler_maker = pxla.local_result_handlers[core.ShapedArray]
# set up a grounded sharding (with a grounded sharding spec)
if isinstance(sharding, (PmapSharding, NamedSharding)):
phys_sharding = make_key_array_phys_sharding(
aval, sharding, is_sharding_from_xla=False)
assert False, f'impossible sharding {sharding} in local sharded result handler'
# set up grounded indices
trailing_inds = [slice(None)] * len(key_shape)
phys_indices = [(*inds, *trailing_inds) for inds in indices]
# make a physical handler
phys_handler = phys_handler_maker(phys_aval, phys_sharding, phys_indices)
# set up a handler that calls the physical one and wraps back up
def handler(bufs):
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(aval.dtype.impl, phys_handler(bufs))
return handler
def global_sharded_result_handler(aval, out_sharding, committed,
phys_aval = core.physical_aval(aval)
phys_handler_maker = pxla.global_result_handlers[core.ShapedArray]
phys_sharding = make_key_array_phys_sharding(
aval, out_sharding, is_out_sharding_from_xla)
phys_handler = phys_handler_maker(phys_aval, phys_sharding, committed,
def handler(bufs):
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(aval.dtype.impl, phys_handler(bufs))
return handler
def make_sharded_array(aval, sharding, arrays, committed):
phys_aval = core.physical_aval(aval)
phys_handler_maker = pxla.global_result_handlers[core.ShapedArray]
phys_arrays = [random_unwrap(arr) for arr in arrays]
phys_sharding = make_key_array_phys_sharding(aval, sharding, False)
phys_handler = phys_handler_maker(phys_aval, phys_sharding, committed, False)
phys_result = phys_handler(phys_arrays)
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(aval.dtype.impl, phys_result)
def device_put_sharded(vals, aval, sharding, devices):
physical_aval = keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval(aval)
physical_buffers = tree_util.tree_map(random_unwrap, vals)
physical_sharding = make_key_array_phys_sharding(aval, sharding, False)
physical_result = pxla.batched_device_put(physical_aval, physical_sharding, physical_buffers, list(devices))
return random_wrap(physical_result, impl=aval.dtype.impl)
def device_put_replicated(val, aval, sharding, devices):
physical_aval = keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval(aval)
assert len(xla.aval_to_xla_shapes(physical_aval)) == 1
physical_buf = random_unwrap(val)
physical_sharding = make_key_array_phys_sharding(aval, sharding, False)
physical_result = pxla.batched_device_put(physical_aval, physical_sharding, [physical_buf] * len(devices), devices)
return random_wrap(physical_result, impl=aval.dtype.impl)
class KeyTy:
impl: Hashable # prng.PRNGImpl. TODO(mattjj,frostig): protocol really
_rules = KeyTyRules
def __init__(self, impl):
self.impl = impl
def name(self) -> str:
return f'key<{self.impl.tag}>'
def itemsize(self) -> int:
return * np.dtype('uint32').itemsize
def __repr__(self) -> str:
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(other) is KeyTy and self.impl == other.impl
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash((self.__class__, self.impl))
core.pytype_aval_mappings[PRNGKeyArrayImpl] = lambda x: x.aval
xla.pytype_aval_mappings[PRNGKeyArrayImpl] = lambda x: x.aval
xla.canonicalize_dtype_handlers[PRNGKeyArrayImpl] = lambda x: x
def key_array_shard_arg_handler(x: PRNGKeyArrayImpl, devices, indices, sharding):
# TODO(frostig): Remove the need for `core.get_aval`.
aval = core.get_aval(x)
key_shape = aval.dtype.impl.key_shape
arr = x.unsafe_raw_array()
# TODO(yashkatariya,frostig): This assumes that the last dimensions are not
# sharded. This is only true when enable_custom_prng is True.
trailing_inds = [slice(None)] * len(key_shape)
phys_indices = [(*inds, *trailing_inds) for inds in indices]
phys_sharding = make_key_array_phys_sharding(
aval, sharding, is_sharding_from_xla=False)
return pxla.shard_arg_handlers[type(arr)](
arr, devices, phys_indices, phys_sharding
pxla.shard_arg_handlers[PRNGKeyArrayImpl] = key_array_shard_arg_handler
def key_array_constant_handler(x, canonicalize_dtypes):
arr = x.unsafe_raw_array()
return mlir.get_constant_handler(type(arr))(arr, canonicalize_dtypes)
mlir.register_constant_handler(PRNGKeyArrayImpl, key_array_constant_handler)
# -- primitives
def iterated_vmap_unary(n, f):
for _ in range(n):
f = api.vmap(f)
return f
# TODO(frostig): Revise the following two functions? These basically
# undo the singleton dimensions added by `batching.defbroadcasting`.
# It works, but introduces some possibly-redundant squeezes. Can we
# borrow from other broadcasting primitives instead?
def squeeze_vmap(f, left):
def squeeze_vmap_f(x, y):
if left:
x = jnp.squeeze(x, axis=0)
axes = (None, 0)
y = jnp.squeeze(y, axis=0)
axes = (0, None)
return api.vmap(f, in_axes=axes, out_axes=0)(x, y)
return squeeze_vmap_f
def iterated_vmap_binary_bcast(shape1, shape2, f):
ndim1, ndim2 = len(shape1), len(shape2)
if ndim1 == ndim2 == 0:
return f
if 0 in [ndim1, ndim2]:
if ndim1 == 0:
return lambda x, y: iterated_vmap_unary(ndim2, lambda y: f(x, y))(y)
return lambda x, y: iterated_vmap_unary(ndim1, lambda x: f(x, y))(x)
assert len(shape1) == len(shape2)
for sz1, sz2 in reversed(zip(shape1, shape2)):
if sz1 == sz2:
f = api.vmap(f, out_axes=0)
assert sz1 == 1 or sz2 == 1, (sz1, sz2)
f = squeeze_vmap(f, sz1 == 1)
return f
def random_seed(seeds, impl):
# Avoid overflow error in X32 mode by first converting ints to int64.
# This breaks JIT invariance for large ints, but supports the common
# use-case of instantiating with Python hashes in X32 mode.
if isinstance(seeds, int):
seeds_arr = jnp.asarray(np.int64(seeds))
seeds_arr = jnp.asarray(seeds)
return random_seed_p.bind(seeds_arr, impl=impl)
random_seed_p = core.Primitive('random_seed')
def random_seed_abstract_eval(seeds_aval, *, impl):
return keys_shaped_array(impl, seeds_aval.shape)
def random_seed_impl(seeds, *, impl):
base_arr = random_seed_impl_base(seeds, impl=impl)
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(impl, base_arr)
def random_seed_impl_base(seeds, *, impl):
seed = iterated_vmap_unary(seeds.ndim, impl.seed)
return seed(seeds)
def random_seed_lowering(ctx, seeds, *, impl):
aval, = ctx.avals_in
seed = iterated_vmap_unary(aval.ndim, impl.seed)
seed_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(seed, multiple_results=False)
return mlir.delegate_lowering(
ctx, seed_lowering, seeds,
avals_out=map(keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval, ctx.avals_out))
mlir.register_lowering(random_seed_p, random_seed_lowering)
def random_split(keys, count):
return random_split_p.bind(keys, count=count)
random_split_p = core.Primitive('random_split')
def random_split_abstract_eval(keys_aval, *, count):
return keys_shaped_array(keys_aval.dtype.impl, (*keys_aval.shape, count))
def random_split_impl(keys, *, count):
base_arr = random_split_impl_base(
keys.impl, keys.unsafe_raw_array(), keys.ndim, count=count)
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(keys.impl, base_arr)
def random_split_impl_base(impl, base_arr, keys_ndim, *, count):
split = iterated_vmap_unary(keys_ndim, lambda k: impl.split(k, count))
return split(base_arr)
def random_split_lowering(ctx, keys, *, count):
aval, = ctx.avals_in
impl = aval.dtype.impl
split = iterated_vmap_unary(aval.ndim, lambda k: impl.split(k, count))
split_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(split, multiple_results=False)
return mlir.delegate_lowering(
ctx, split_lowering, keys,
avals_out=map(keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval, ctx.avals_out))
mlir.register_lowering(random_split_p, random_split_lowering)
def random_fold_in(keys, msgs):
return random_fold_in_p.bind(keys, jnp.asarray(msgs))
random_fold_in_p = core.Primitive('random_fold_in')
def random_fold_in_abstract_eval(keys_aval, msgs_aval):
shape = lax_internal.broadcasting_shape_rule(
'random_fold_in', keys_aval, msgs_aval)
named_shape = lax_utils.standard_named_shape_rule(keys_aval, msgs_aval)
return core.ShapedArray(shape, keys_aval.dtype, named_shape=named_shape)
def random_fold_in_impl(keys, msgs):
base_arr = random_fold_in_impl_base(
keys.impl, keys.unsafe_raw_array(), msgs, keys.shape)
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(keys.impl, base_arr)
def random_fold_in_impl_base(impl, base_arr, msgs, keys_shape):
fold_in = iterated_vmap_binary_bcast(
keys_shape, np.shape(msgs), impl.fold_in)
return fold_in(base_arr, msgs)
def random_fold_in_lowering(ctx, keys, msgs):
keys_aval, msgs_aval = ctx.avals_in
impl = keys_aval.dtype.impl
fold_in = iterated_vmap_binary_bcast(
keys_aval.shape, msgs_aval.shape, impl.fold_in)
fold_in_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(fold_in, multiple_results=False)
return mlir.delegate_lowering(
ctx, fold_in_lowering, keys, msgs,
avals_in=[keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval(keys_aval), msgs_aval],
avals_out=map(keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval, ctx.avals_out))
mlir.register_lowering(random_fold_in_p, random_fold_in_lowering)
def random_bits(keys, bit_width, shape):
shape = core.as_named_shape(shape)
for name, size in shape.named_items:
# TODO(frostig,mattjj,apaszke): Is this real_size check necessary,
# and is it meant to raise a user-facing ValueError? Should it be
# an `assert` (or RuntimeError) instead? Why do we check it in
# calls to `random_bits` instead of a more common paralleism path?
real_size = lax.psum(1, name)
if real_size != size:
raise ValueError(f"The shape of axis {name} was specified as {size}, "
f"but it really is {real_size}")
axis_index = lax.axis_index(name)
keys = random_fold_in(keys, axis_index)
return random_bits_p.bind(keys, bit_width=bit_width, shape=shape.positional)
random_bits_p = core.Primitive('random_bits')
def random_bits_abstract_eval(keys_aval, *, bit_width, shape):
out_shape = (*keys_aval.shape, *shape)
out_dtype = dtypes.dtype(f'uint{bit_width}')
return core.ShapedArray(out_shape, out_dtype)
def random_bits_impl(keys, *, bit_width, shape):
return random_bits_impl_base(keys.impl, keys.unsafe_raw_array(), keys.ndim,
bit_width=bit_width, shape=shape)
def random_bits_impl_base(impl, base_arr, keys_ndim, *, bit_width, shape):
bits = iterated_vmap_unary(
keys_ndim, lambda k: impl.random_bits(k, bit_width, shape))
return bits(base_arr)
def random_bits_lowering(ctx, keys, *, bit_width, shape):
aval, = ctx.avals_in
impl = aval.dtype.impl
bits = iterated_vmap_unary(
aval.ndim, lambda k: impl.random_bits(k, bit_width, shape))
bits_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(bits, multiple_results=False)
ctx_new = ctx.replace(avals_in=[keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval(aval)])
out = bits_lowering(ctx_new, keys)
return out
mlir.register_lowering(random_bits_p, random_bits_lowering)
# The following wrap/unwrap primitives are at least a stopgap for
# backwards compatibility, namely when `config.jax_enable_custom_prng`
# is False. We need to convert key arrays to and from underlying
# uint32 base array, and we may need to do so under a jit. For
# example, we want to support:
# keys = jax.jit(random.split)(key)
# where `key` and `keys` are both acceptably old-style uint32 arrays
# so long as enable_custom_prng is False. The way we handle this is
# that `random.split` adapts the input/output by converting to/from
# key arrays across its call to `random_split`. So we rely on these
# wrap/unwrap casting primitives to allow that conversion under jit.
# We may want to keep both around for testing and debugging escape
# hatches. We can rename them `unsafe` for emphasis, and/or issue a
# warning on entry to the traceable.
# TODO(frostig): Consider removal once we always enable_custom_prng.
def random_wrap(base_arr, *, impl):
_check_prng_key_data(impl, base_arr)
return random_wrap_p.bind(base_arr, impl=impl)
random_wrap_p = core.Primitive('random_wrap')
def random_wrap_abstract_eval(base_arr_aval, *, impl):
shape = base_arr_shape_to_keys_shape(impl, base_arr_aval.shape)
return keys_shaped_array(impl, shape)
def random_wrap_impl(base_arr, *, impl):
return PRNGKeyArrayImpl(impl, base_arr)
def random_wrap_lowering(ctx, base_arr, *, impl):
return [base_arr]
def random_wrap_batch_rule(batched_args, batch_dims, *, impl):
x, = batched_args
d, = batch_dims
x = batching.bdim_at_front(x, d, 1)
return random_wrap(x, impl=impl), 0
mlir.register_lowering(random_wrap_p, random_wrap_lowering)
batching.primitive_batchers[random_wrap_p] = random_wrap_batch_rule
def random_unwrap(keys):
if not isinstance(keys, PRNGKeyArrayImpl):
raise TypeError(f'random_unwrap takes key array operand, got {type(keys)}')
return random_unwrap_p.bind(keys)
random_unwrap_p = core.Primitive('random_unwrap')
def random_unwrap_abstract_eval(keys_aval):
return keys_aval_to_base_arr_aval(keys_aval)
def random_unwrap_impl(keys):
return keys.unsafe_raw_array()
def random_unwrap_lowering(ctx, keys):
return [keys]
mlir.register_lowering(random_unwrap_p, random_unwrap_lowering)
# -- threefry2x32 PRNG implementation
def _is_threefry_prng_key(key: typing.Array) -> bool:
return key.shape == (2,) and key.dtype == np.uint32
except AttributeError:
return False
def threefry_seed(seed: typing.Array) -> typing.Array:
"""Create a single raw threefry PRNG key from an integer seed.
seed: a 64- or 32-bit integer used as the value of the key.
The PRNG key contents, modeled as an array of shape (2,) and dtype
uint32. The key is constructed from a 64-bit seed by effectively
bit-casting to a pair of uint32 values (or from a 32-bit seed by
first padding out with zeros).
return _threefry_seed(seed)
@partial(jit, inline=True)
def _threefry_seed(seed: typing.Array) -> typing.Array:
if seed.shape:
raise TypeError(f"PRNG key seed must be a scalar; got {seed!r}.")
if not np.issubdtype(seed.dtype, np.integer):
raise TypeError(f"PRNG key seed must be an integer; got {seed!r}")
convert = lambda k: lax.reshape(lax.convert_element_type(k, np.uint32), [1])
k1 = convert(
lax.shift_right_logical(seed, lax_internal._const(seed, 32)))
with config_lib.numpy_dtype_promotion('standard'):
# TODO(jakevdp): in X64 mode, this can generate 64-bit computations for 32-bit
# inputs. We should avoid this.
k2 = convert(jnp.bitwise_and(seed, np.uint32(0xFFFFFFFF)))
return lax.concatenate([k1, k2], 0)
def _make_rotate_left(dtype):
if not jnp.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
raise TypeError("_rotate_left only accepts integer dtypes.")
nbits = np.array(jnp.iinfo(dtype).bits, dtype)
def _rotate_left(x, d):
if lax.dtype(d) != dtype:
d = lax.convert_element_type(d, dtype)
if lax.dtype(x) != dtype:
x = lax.convert_element_type(x, dtype)
return lax.shift_left(x, d) | lax.shift_right_logical(x, nbits - d)
return _rotate_left
### hash function and split
def _threefry2x32_abstract_eval(*args):
if any(a.dtype != jnp.uint32 for a in args):
raise TypeError("Arguments to threefry2x32 must have uint32 type, got {}"
if all(isinstance(arg, core.ShapedArray) for arg in args):
shape = lax_internal.broadcasting_shape_rule(*args)
named_shape = core.join_named_shapes(*(a.named_shape for a in args))
aval = core.ShapedArray(shape, jnp.dtype(jnp.uint32), named_shape=named_shape)
aval = core.UnshapedArray(jnp.dtype(jnp.uint32))
return (aval,) * 2
rotate_left = _make_rotate_left(np.uint32)
def apply_round(v, rot):
v = v[:]
v[0] = v[0] + v[1]
v[1] = rotate_left(v[1], rot)
v[1] = v[0] ^ v[1]
return v
def rotate_list(xs):
return xs[1:] + xs[:1]
def rolled_loop_step(i, state):
x, ks, rotations = state
for r in rotations[0]:
x = apply_round(x, r)
new_x = [x[0] + ks[0], x[1] + ks[1] + jnp.asarray(i + 1, dtype=np.uint32)]
return new_x, rotate_list(ks), rotate_list(rotations)
def _threefry2x32_lowering(key1, key2, x1, x2, use_rolled_loops=True):
"""Apply the Threefry 2x32 hash.
keypair: a pair of 32bit unsigned integers used for the key.
count: an array of dtype uint32 used for the counts.
An array of dtype uint32 with the same shape as `count`.
x = [x1, x2]
rotations = [np.array([13, 15, 26, 6], dtype=np.uint32),
np.array([17, 29, 16, 24], dtype=np.uint32)]
ks = [key1, key2, key1 ^ key2 ^ np.uint32(0x1BD11BDA)]
x[0] = x[0] + ks[0]
x[1] = x[1] + ks[1]
if use_rolled_loops:
x, _, _ = lax.fori_loop(0, 5, rolled_loop_step, (x, rotate_list(ks), rotations))
for r in rotations[0]:
x = apply_round(x, r)
x[0] = x[0] + ks[1]
x[1] = x[1] + ks[2] + np.uint32(1)
for r in rotations[1]:
x = apply_round(x, r)
x[0] = x[0] + ks[2]
x[1] = x[1] + ks[0] + np.uint32(2)
for r in rotations[0]:
x = apply_round(x, r)
x[0] = x[0] + ks[0]
x[1] = x[1] + ks[1] + np.uint32(3)
for r in rotations[1]:
x = apply_round(x, r)
x[0] = x[0] + ks[1]
x[1] = x[1] + ks[2] + np.uint32(4)
for r in rotations[0]:
x = apply_round(x, r)
x[0] = x[0] + ks[2]
x[1] = x[1] + ks[0] + np.uint32(5)
return tuple(x)
def _threefry2x32_gpu_lowering(lowering_func, ctx, k1, k2, x1, x2):
aval_out, aval_out_2 = ctx.avals_out
assert aval_out == aval_out_2
k1_aval, k2_aval, x1_aval, x2_aval = ctx.avals_in
rank = len(aval_out.shape)
if 0 in aval_out.shape:
zeros = mlir.full_like_aval(ctx, 0, aval_out)
return [zeros, zeros]
def _broadcast(x, aval):
return mlir.broadcast_in_dim(ctx, x, aval_out,
broadcast_dimensions=range(rank - len(aval.shape), rank))
out_len = reduce(op.mul, aval_out.shape, 1)
if not core.is_constant_dim(out_len):
length = mlir.shape_tensor(mlir.eval_dynamic_shape(ctx, [out_len]))
length = mlir.hlo.ConvertOp(
ir.RankedTensorType.get((1,), ir.IntegerType.get_signless(64)),
output_shape = mlir.shape_tensor(mlir.eval_dynamic_shape(ctx, aval_out.shape))
length = int(out_len) # will be passed statically
output_shape = None
if (jaxlib_version >= (0, 4, 9)):
return lowering_func(
(_broadcast(k1, k1_aval), _broadcast(k2, k2_aval)),
(_broadcast(x1, x1_aval), _broadcast(x2, x2_aval)), length,
if output_shape is not None:
raise ValueError("native lowering with shape polymorphism "
"for threefry on GPU requires jaxlib version 0.4.9")
return lowering_func(
(_broadcast(k1, k1_aval), _broadcast(k2, k2_aval)),
(_broadcast(x1, x1_aval), _broadcast(x2, x2_aval)), length)
threefry2x32_p = core.Primitive("threefry2x32")
threefry2x32_p.multiple_results = True
threefry2x32_p.def_impl(partial(dispatch.apply_primitive, threefry2x32_p))
mlir.register_lowering(threefry2x32_p, mlir.lower_fun(
partial(_threefry2x32_lowering, use_rolled_loops=False),
mlir.register_lowering(threefry2x32_p, mlir.lower_fun(
partial(_threefry2x32_lowering, use_rolled_loops=True),
multiple_results=True), platform='cpu')
partial(_threefry2x32_gpu_lowering, gpu_prng.cuda_threefry2x32),
partial(_threefry2x32_gpu_lowering, gpu_prng.rocm_threefry2x32),
def iota_2x32_shape(shape):
"""Reshaped ``uint64`` iota, as two parallel ``uint32`` arrays.
Setting aside representation, this function essentially computes the
equivalent of::
* It returns two parallel ``uint32`` arrays instead of one
``uint64`` array. This renders it invariant under either setting of
the system-wide ``jax_enable_x64`` configuration flag.
* It lowers in a way such that the compiler's automatic SPMD
partitioner recognizes its partitionability.
For example::
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from jax import lax
>>> from jax._src import prng
>>> prng.iota_2x32_shape((3, 4))
[Array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=uint32),
Array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11]], dtype=uint32)]
>>> def reshaped_iota(shape):
... return lax.iota(, dtype=np.uint32).reshape(shape)
>>> reshaped_iota((3, 4))
Array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11]], dtype=uint32)
shape: the output shape
A pair of ``uint32`` arrays ``(counts_hi, counts_lo)``, both of
shape ``shape``, representing the higher-order and lower-order 32
bits of the 64 bit unsigned iota.
if len(shape) == 0:
return (jnp.zeros((), np.dtype('uint32')),) * 2
return iota_2x32_shape_p.bind(shape=shape)
iota_2x32_shape_p = core.Primitive('iota_2x32_shape')
iota_2x32_shape_p.multiple_results = True
iota_2x32_shape_p.def_impl(partial(dispatch.apply_primitive, iota_2x32_shape_p))
def iota_2x32_shape_abstract_eval(*, shape):
return (core.ShapedArray(shape, np.dtype('uint32')),) * 2
def bcast_iotas_to_reshaped_iota(
add: Callable[[ir.Value, ir.Value], ir.Value],
mul: Callable[[core.DimSize, ir.Value], ir.Value],
shape: core.Shape,
iotas: Sequence[ir.Value]) -> ir.Value:
strides: core.Shape = (*(np.cumprod(shape[1:][::-1])[::-1]), 1) # type: ignore
return reduce(add, [mul(s, i) for i, s in zip(iotas, strides)]) # type: ignore
def iota_2x32_shape_lowering(ctx, *, shape):
aval_out, _ = ctx.avals_out
aval_u64 = core.ShapedArray(shape, np.dtype('uint64'))
def _add(x: ir.Value, y: ir.Value) -> ir.Value:
return mlir.hlo.AddOp(x, y).result
def _mul(x: core.DimSize, y: ir.Value) -> ir.Value:
if core.is_constant_dim(x):
x_const = mlir.ir_constant(np.array(x, np.dtype('uint64')),
x_const, = mlir.eval_dynamic_shape(ctx, (x,))
x_const = hlo.ConvertOp(
mlir.dtype_to_ir_type(np.dtype('uint64'))), x_const).result
x_bcast = mlir.broadcast_in_dim(ctx, x_const, aval_u64,
return mlir.hlo.MulOp(x_bcast, y).result
assert len(shape) > 0
iotas = [mlir.iota(ctx, aval_u64, dimension=dimension)
for dimension in range(len(shape))]
counts = bcast_iotas_to_reshaped_iota(_add, _mul, shape, iotas)
shift = mlir.ir_constant(np.array(32, np.dtype('uint64')),
shift = mlir.broadcast_in_dim(ctx, shift, aval_u64,
counts_shifted = mlir.hlo.ShiftRightLogicalOp(counts, shift).result
counts_lo = mlir.hlo.ConvertOp(mlir.aval_to_ir_type(aval_out), counts).result
counts_hi = mlir.hlo.ConvertOp(mlir.aval_to_ir_type(aval_out),
return counts_hi, counts_lo
mlir.register_lowering(iota_2x32_shape_p, iota_2x32_shape_lowering)
@partial(jit, inline=True)
def threefry_2x32(keypair, count):
"""Apply the Threefry 2x32 hash.
keypair: a pair of 32bit unsigned integers used for the key.
count: an array of dtype uint32 used for the counts.
An array of dtype uint32 with the same shape as `count`.
key1, key2 = keypair
if not lax.dtype(key1) == lax.dtype(key2) == lax.dtype(count) == np.uint32:
msg = "threefry_2x32 requires uint32 arguments, got {}"
raise TypeError(msg.format([lax.dtype(x) for x in [key1, key2, count]]))
odd_size = count.size % 2
if not isinstance(odd_size, int):
msg = ("jax.random functions have limited support for shape polymorphism. "
"In particular, the product of the known dimensions must be even.")
raise core.InconclusiveDimensionOperation(msg)
if odd_size:
x = list(jnp.split(jnp.concatenate([count.ravel(), np.uint32([0])]), 2))
x = list(jnp.split(count.ravel(), 2))
x = threefry2x32_p.bind(key1, key2, x[0], x[1])
out = jnp.concatenate(x)
assert out.dtype == np.uint32
return lax.reshape(out[:-1] if odd_size else out, count.shape)
def threefry_split(key: typing.Array, num: core.DimSize) -> typing.Array:
if not core.is_special_dim_size(num):
num = core.concrete_or_error(op.index, num)
if config.jax_threefry_partitionable:
return _threefry_split_foldlike(key, num) # type: ignore
return _threefry_split_original(key, num) # type: ignore
@partial(jit, static_argnums=(1,), inline=True)
def _threefry_split_original(key, num) -> typing.Array:
counts = lax.iota(np.uint32, num * 2)
return lax.reshape(threefry_2x32(key, counts), (num, 2))
@partial(jit, static_argnums=(1,), inline=True)
def _threefry_split_foldlike(key, num) -> typing.Array:
k1, k2 = key
counts1, counts2 = iota_2x32_shape((num,))
bits1, bits2 = threefry2x32_p.bind(k1, k2, counts1, counts2)
return jnp.stack([bits1, bits2], axis=1)
def threefry_fold_in(key: typing.Array, data: typing.Array) -> typing.Array:
assert not data.shape
return _threefry_fold_in(key, jnp.uint32(data))
@partial(jit, inline=True)
def _threefry_fold_in(key, data):
return threefry_2x32(key, threefry_seed(data))
def threefry_random_bits(key: typing.Array, bit_width, shape):
"""Sample uniform random bits of given width and shape using PRNG key."""
if not _is_threefry_prng_key(key):
raise TypeError("threefry_random_bits got invalid prng key.")
if bit_width not in (8, 16, 32, 64):
raise TypeError("requires 8-, 16-, 32- or 64-bit field width.")
if config.jax_threefry_partitionable:
return _threefry_random_bits_partitionable(key, bit_width, shape)
return _threefry_random_bits_original(key, bit_width, shape)
def _threefry_random_bits_partitionable(key: typing.Array, bit_width, shape):
if all(core.is_constant_dim(d) for d in shape) and > 2 ** 64:
raise NotImplementedError('random bits array of size exceeding 2 ** 64')
k1, k2 = key
counts1, counts2 = iota_2x32_shape(shape)
bits1, bits2 = threefry2x32_p.bind(k1, k2, counts1, counts2)
dtype = UINT_DTYPES[bit_width]
if bit_width == 64:
bits_hi = lax.convert_element_type(bits1, dtype)
bits_lo = lax.convert_element_type(bits2, dtype)
return lax.shift_left(bits_hi, dtype(32)) | bits_lo
elif bit_width == 32:
return bits1 ^ bits2
return lax.convert_element_type(bits1 ^ bits2, dtype)
@partial(jit, static_argnums=(1, 2), inline=True)
def _threefry_random_bits_original(key: typing.Array, bit_width, shape):
size =
# Compute ceil(bit_width * size / 32) in a way that is friendly to shape
# polymorphism
max_count, r = divmod(bit_width * size, 32)
if r > 0:
max_count += 1
if core.is_constant_dim(max_count):
nblocks, rem = divmod(max_count, jnp.iinfo(np.uint32).max)
nblocks, rem = 0, max_count
if not nblocks:
bits = threefry_2x32(key, lax.iota(np.uint32, rem))
keys = threefry_split(key, nblocks + 1)
subkeys, last_key = keys[:-1], keys[-1]
blocks = vmap(threefry_2x32, in_axes=(0, None))(subkeys, lax.iota(np.uint32, jnp.iinfo(np.uint32).max))
last = threefry_2x32(last_key, lax.iota(np.uint32, rem))
bits = lax.concatenate([blocks.ravel(), last], 0)
dtype = UINT_DTYPES[bit_width]
if bit_width == 64:
bits = [lax.convert_element_type(x, dtype) for x in jnp.split(bits, 2)]
bits = lax.shift_left(bits[0], dtype(32)) | bits[1]
elif bit_width in [8, 16]:
# this is essentially bits.view(dtype)[:size]
bits = lax.bitwise_and(
lax.broadcast(bits, (1,)),
lax.broadcasted_iota(np.uint32, (32 // bit_width, 1), 0)
bits = lax.reshape(bits, ((max_count * 32 // bit_width),), (1, 0))
bits = lax.convert_element_type(bits, dtype)[:size]
return lax.reshape(bits, shape)
threefry_prng_impl = PRNGImpl(
# -- RngBitGenerator PRNG implementation
# This code is experimental!
# Notice that the RngBitGenerator operations are not guaranteed to be
# stable/deterministic across backends or compiler versions. Correspondingly, we
# reserve the right to change any of these implementations at any time!
def _rbg_seed(seed: typing.Array) -> typing.Array:
assert not seed.shape
halfkey = threefry_seed(seed)
return jnp.concatenate([halfkey, halfkey])
def _rbg_split(key: typing.Array, num: int) -> typing.Array:
if config.jax_threefry_partitionable:
_threefry_split = _threefry_split_foldlike
_threefry_split = _threefry_split_original
return vmap(
_threefry_split, (0, None), 1)(key.reshape(2, 2), num).reshape(num, 4)
def _rbg_fold_in(key: typing.Array, data: typing.Array) -> typing.Array:
assert not data.shape
return vmap(_threefry_fold_in, (0, None), 0)(key.reshape(2, 2), data).reshape(4)
def _rbg_random_bits(key: typing.Array, bit_width: int, shape: Sequence[int]
) -> typing.Array:
if not key.shape == (4,) and key.dtype == jnp.dtype('uint32'):
raise TypeError("_rbg_random_bits got invalid prng key.")
if bit_width not in (8, 16, 32, 64):
raise TypeError("requires 8-, 16-, 32- or 64-bit field width.")
_, bits = lax.rng_bit_generator(key, shape, dtype=UINT_DTYPES[bit_width])
return bits
rbg_prng_impl = PRNGImpl(
def _unsafe_rbg_split(key: typing.Array, num: int) -> typing.Array:
# treat 10 iterations of random bits as a 'hash function'
_, keys = lax.rng_bit_generator(key, (10 * num, 4), dtype='uint32')
return lax.slice_in_dim(keys, start_index=None, limit_index=None, stride=10)
def _unsafe_rbg_fold_in(key: typing.Array, data: typing.Array) -> typing.Array:
assert not data.shape
_, random_bits = lax.rng_bit_generator(_rbg_seed(data), (10, 4), dtype='uint32')
return key ^ random_bits[-1]
unsafe_rbg_prng_impl = PRNGImpl(