2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

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"""Utility functions adopted from scipy.signal."""
import scipy.signal as osp_signal
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Union
import warnings
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax._src.typing import Array, ArrayLike, DTypeLike
def _triage_segments(window: Union[ArrayLike, str, Tuple[Any, ...]], nperseg: Optional[int],
input_length: int, dtype: DTypeLike) -> Tuple[Array, int]:
Parses window and nperseg arguments for spectrogram and _spectral_helper.
This is a helper function, not meant to be called externally.
window : string, tuple, or ndarray
If window is specified by a string or tuple and nperseg is not
specified, nperseg is set to the default of 256 and returns a window of
that length.
If instead the window is array_like and nperseg is not specified, then
nperseg is set to the length of the window. A ValueError is raised if
the user supplies both an array_like window and a value for nperseg but
nperseg does not equal the length of the window.
nperseg : int
Length of each segment
input_length: int
Length of input signal, i.e. x.shape[-1]. Used to test for errors.
dtype: dtype for window if specified as a string or tuple. Not referenced
if window is an array.
win : ndarray
window. If function was called with string or tuple than this will hold
the actual array used as a window.
nperseg : int
Length of each segment. If window is str or tuple, nperseg is set to
256. If window is array_like, nperseg is set to the length of the window.
if isinstance(window, (str, tuple)):
nperseg_int = input_length if nperseg is None else int(nperseg)
if nperseg_int > input_length:
warnings.warn(f'nperseg = {nperseg_int} is greater than input length '
f' = {input_length}, using nperseg = {input_length}')
nperseg_int = input_length
win = jnp.array(osp_signal.get_window(window, nperseg_int), dtype=dtype)
win = jnp.asarray(window)
nperseg_int = win.size if nperseg is None else int(nperseg)
if win.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('window must be 1-D')
if input_length < win.size:
raise ValueError('window is longer than input signal')
if nperseg_int != win.size:
raise ValueError("value specified for nperseg is different from length of window")
return win, nperseg_int
def _median_bias(n: int) -> Array:
Returns the bias of the median of a set of periodograms relative to
the mean. See Appendix B from [1]_ for details.
n : int
Numbers of periodograms being averaged.
bias : float
Calculated bias.
.. [1] B. Allen, W.G. Anderson, P.R. Brady, D.A. Brown, J.D.E. Creighton.
"FINDCHIRP: an algorithm for detection of gravitational waves from
inspiraling compact binaries", Physical Review D 85, 2012,
ii_2 = jnp.arange(2., n, 2)
return 1 + jnp.sum(1. / (ii_2 + 1) - 1. / ii_2)