2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

1791 lines
69 KiB

import sys
import operator
import pytest
import ctypes
import gc
import types
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from numpy.core._rational_tests import rational
from numpy.core._multiarray_tests import create_custom_field_dtype
from numpy.testing import (
assert_, assert_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_raises, HAS_REFCOUNT,
from numpy.compat import pickle
from itertools import permutations
import random
import hypothesis
from hypothesis.extra import numpy as hynp
def assert_dtype_equal(a, b):
assert_equal(a, b)
assert_equal(hash(a), hash(b),
"two equivalent types do not hash to the same value !")
def assert_dtype_not_equal(a, b):
assert_(a != b)
assert_(hash(a) != hash(b),
"two different types hash to the same value !")
class TestBuiltin:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t', [int, float, complex, np.int32, str, object,
def test_run(self, t):
"""Only test hash runs at all."""
dt = np.dtype(t)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t', [int, float])
def test_dtype(self, t):
# Make sure equivalent byte order char hash the same (e.g. < and = on
# little endian)
dt = np.dtype(t)
dt2 = dt.newbyteorder("<")
dt3 = dt.newbyteorder(">")
if dt == dt2:
assert_(dt.byteorder != dt2.byteorder, "bogus test")
assert_dtype_equal(dt, dt2)
assert_(dt.byteorder != dt3.byteorder, "bogus test")
assert_dtype_equal(dt, dt3)
def test_equivalent_dtype_hashing(self):
# Make sure equivalent dtypes with different type num hash equal
uintp = np.dtype(np.uintp)
if uintp.itemsize == 4:
left = uintp
right = np.dtype(np.uint32)
left = uintp
right = np.dtype(np.ulonglong)
assert_(left == right)
assert_(hash(left) == hash(right))
def test_invalid_types(self):
# Make sure invalid type strings raise an error
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'O3')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'O5')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'O7')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'b3')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'h4')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'I5')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'e3')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'f5')
if np.dtype('g').itemsize == 8 or np.dtype('g').itemsize == 16:
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'g12')
elif np.dtype('g').itemsize == 12:
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'g16')
if np.dtype('l').itemsize == 8:
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'l4')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'L4')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'l8')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'L8')
if np.dtype('q').itemsize == 8:
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'q4')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'Q4')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'q8')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'Q8')
def test_richcompare_invalid_dtype_equality(self):
# Make sure objects that cannot be converted to valid
# dtypes results in False/True when compared to valid dtypes.
# Here 7 cannot be converted to dtype. No exceptions should be raised
assert not np.dtype(np.int32) == 7, "dtype richcompare failed for =="
assert np.dtype(np.int32) != 7, "dtype richcompare failed for !="
def test_richcompare_invalid_dtype_comparison(self, operation):
# Make sure TypeError is raised for comparison operators
# for invalid dtypes. Here 7 is an invalid dtype.
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
operation(np.dtype(np.int32), 7)
['Bool', 'Bytes0', 'Complex32', 'Complex64',
'Datetime64', 'Float16', 'Float32', 'Float64',
'Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64',
'Object0', 'Str0', 'Timedelta64',
'UInt8', 'UInt16', 'Uint32', 'UInt32',
'Uint64', 'UInt64', 'Void0',
"Float128", "Complex128"])
def test_numeric_style_types_are_invalid(self, dtype):
with assert_raises(TypeError):
['m8', 'M8', 'datetime64', 'timedelta64',
'i4, (2,3)f8, f4', 'a3, 3u8, (3,4)a10',
'>f', '<f', '=f', '|f',
def test_dtype_bytes_str_equivalence(self, value):
bytes_value = value.encode('ascii')
from_bytes = np.dtype(bytes_value)
from_str = np.dtype(value)
assert_dtype_equal(from_bytes, from_str)
def test_dtype_from_bytes(self):
# Empty bytes object
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, b'')
# Byte order indicator, but no type
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, b'|')
# Single character with ordinal < NPY_NTYPES returns
# type by index into _builtin_descrs
assert_dtype_equal(np.dtype(bytes([0])), np.dtype('bool'))
assert_dtype_equal(np.dtype(bytes([17])), np.dtype(object))
# Single character where value is a valid type code
assert_dtype_equal(np.dtype(b'f'), np.dtype('float32'))
# Bytes with non-ascii values raise errors
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, b'\xff')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, b's\xff')
def test_bad_param(self):
# Can't give a size that's too small
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype,
{'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['i4', 'i1'],
'offsets':[0, 4],
# If alignment is enabled, the alignment (4) must divide the itemsize
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype,
{'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['i4', 'i1'],
'offsets':[0, 4],
'itemsize':9}, align=True)
# If alignment is enabled, the individual fields must be aligned
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype,
{'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['i1', 'f4'],
'offsets':[0, 2]}, align=True)
def test_field_order_equality(self):
x = np.dtype({'names': ['A', 'B'],
'formats': ['i4', 'f4'],
'offsets': [0, 4]})
y = np.dtype({'names': ['B', 'A'],
'formats': ['i4', 'f4'],
'offsets': [4, 0]})
assert_equal(x == y, False)
# This is an safe cast (not equiv) due to the different names:
assert np.can_cast(x, y, casting="safe")
class TestRecord:
def test_equivalent_record(self):
"""Test whether equivalent record dtypes hash the same."""
a = np.dtype([('yo', int)])
b = np.dtype([('yo', int)])
assert_dtype_equal(a, b)
def test_different_names(self):
# In theory, they may hash the same (collision) ?
a = np.dtype([('yo', int)])
b = np.dtype([('ye', int)])
assert_dtype_not_equal(a, b)
def test_different_titles(self):
# In theory, they may hash the same (collision) ?
a = np.dtype({'names': ['r', 'b'],
'formats': ['u1', 'u1'],
'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Blue pixel']})
b = np.dtype({'names': ['r', 'b'],
'formats': ['u1', 'u1'],
'titles': ['RRed pixel', 'Blue pixel']})
assert_dtype_not_equal(a, b)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
def test_refcount_dictionary_setting(self):
names = ["name1"]
formats = ["f8"]
titles = ["t1"]
offsets = [0]
d = dict(names=names, formats=formats, titles=titles, offsets=offsets)
refcounts = {k: sys.getrefcount(i) for k, i in d.items()}
refcounts_new = {k: sys.getrefcount(i) for k, i in d.items()}
assert refcounts == refcounts_new
def test_mutate(self):
# Mutating a dtype should reset the cached hash value
a = np.dtype([('yo', int)])
b = np.dtype([('yo', int)])
c = np.dtype([('ye', int)])
assert_dtype_equal(a, b)
assert_dtype_not_equal(a, c)
a.names = ['ye']
assert_dtype_equal(a, c)
assert_dtype_not_equal(a, b)
state = b.__reduce__()[2]
assert_dtype_equal(a, b)
assert_dtype_not_equal(a, c)
def test_not_lists(self):
"""Test if an appropriate exception is raised when passing bad values to
the dtype constructor.
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype,
dict(names={'A', 'B'}, formats=['f8', 'i4']))
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype,
dict(names=['A', 'B'], formats={'f8', 'i4'}))
def test_aligned_size(self):
# Check that structured dtypes get padded to an aligned size
dt = np.dtype('i4, i1', align=True)
assert_equal(dt.itemsize, 8)
dt = np.dtype([('f0', 'i4'), ('f1', 'i1')], align=True)
assert_equal(dt.itemsize, 8)
dt = np.dtype({'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['i4', 'u1'],
'offsets':[0, 4]}, align=True)
assert_equal(dt.itemsize, 8)
dt = np.dtype({'f0': ('i4', 0), 'f1':('u1', 4)}, align=True)
assert_equal(dt.itemsize, 8)
# Nesting should preserve that alignment
dt1 = np.dtype([('f0', 'i4'),
('f1', [('f1', 'i1'), ('f2', 'i4'), ('f3', 'i1')]),
('f2', 'i1')], align=True)
assert_equal(dt1.itemsize, 20)
dt2 = np.dtype({'names':['f0', 'f1', 'f2'],
[('f1', 'i1'), ('f2', 'i4'), ('f3', 'i1')],
'offsets':[0, 4, 16]}, align=True)
assert_equal(dt2.itemsize, 20)
dt3 = np.dtype({'f0': ('i4', 0),
'f1': ([('f1', 'i1'), ('f2', 'i4'), ('f3', 'i1')], 4),
'f2': ('i1', 16)}, align=True)
assert_equal(dt3.itemsize, 20)
assert_equal(dt1, dt2)
assert_equal(dt2, dt3)
# Nesting should preserve packing
dt1 = np.dtype([('f0', 'i4'),
('f1', [('f1', 'i1'), ('f2', 'i4'), ('f3', 'i1')]),
('f2', 'i1')], align=False)
assert_equal(dt1.itemsize, 11)
dt2 = np.dtype({'names':['f0', 'f1', 'f2'],
[('f1', 'i1'), ('f2', 'i4'), ('f3', 'i1')],
'offsets':[0, 4, 10]}, align=False)
assert_equal(dt2.itemsize, 11)
dt3 = np.dtype({'f0': ('i4', 0),
'f1': ([('f1', 'i1'), ('f2', 'i4'), ('f3', 'i1')], 4),
'f2': ('i1', 10)}, align=False)
assert_equal(dt3.itemsize, 11)
assert_equal(dt1, dt2)
assert_equal(dt2, dt3)
# Array of subtype should preserve alignment
dt1 = np.dtype([('a', '|i1'),
('b', [('f0', '<i2'),
('f1', '<f4')], 2)], align=True)
assert_equal(dt1.descr, [('a', '|i1'), ('', '|V3'),
('b', [('f0', '<i2'), ('', '|V2'),
('f1', '<f4')], (2,))])
def test_union_struct(self):
# Should be able to create union dtypes
dt = np.dtype({'names':['f0', 'f1', 'f2'], 'formats':['<u4', '<u2', '<u2'],
'offsets':[0, 0, 2]}, align=True)
assert_equal(dt.itemsize, 4)
a = np.array([3], dtype='<u4').view(dt)
a['f1'] = 10
a['f2'] = 36
assert_equal(a['f0'], 10 + 36*256*256)
# Should be able to specify fields out of order
dt = np.dtype({'names':['f0', 'f1', 'f2'], 'formats':['<u4', '<u2', '<u2'],
'offsets':[4, 0, 2]}, align=True)
assert_equal(dt.itemsize, 8)
# field name should not matter: assignment is by position
dt2 = np.dtype({'names':['f2', 'f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['<u4', '<u2', '<u2'],
'offsets':[4, 0, 2]}, align=True)
vals = [(0, 1, 2), (3, -1, 4)]
vals2 = [(0, 1, 2), (3, -1, 4)]
a = np.array(vals, dt)
b = np.array(vals2, dt2)
assert_equal(a.astype(dt2), b)
assert_equal(b.astype(dt), a)
assert_equal(a.view(dt2), b)
assert_equal(b.view(dt), a)
# Should not be able to overlap objects with other types
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype,
{'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['O', 'i1'],
'offsets':[0, 2]})
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype,
{'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['i4', 'O'],
'offsets':[0, 3]})
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype,
{'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':[[('a', 'O')], 'i1'],
'offsets':[0, 2]})
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype,
{'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['i4', [('a', 'O')]],
'offsets':[0, 3]})
# Out of order should still be ok, however
dt = np.dtype({'names':['f0', 'f1'],
'formats':['i1', 'O'],
'offsets':[np.dtype('intp').itemsize, 0]})
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["obj", "dtype", "expected"],
[([], ("(2)f4,"), np.empty((0, 2), dtype="f4")),
(3, "(3)f4,", [3, 3, 3]),
(np.float64(2), "(2)f4,", [2, 2]),
([((0, 1), (1, 2)), ((2,),)], '(2,2)f4', None),
(["1", "2"], "(2)i,", None)])
def test_subarray_list(self, obj, dtype, expected):
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
res = np.array(obj, dtype=dtype)
if expected is None:
# iterate the 1-d list to fill the array
expected = np.empty(len(obj), dtype=dtype)
for i in range(len(expected)):
expected[i] = obj[i]
assert_array_equal(res, expected)
def test_comma_datetime(self):
dt = np.dtype('M8[D],datetime64[Y],i8')
assert_equal(dt, np.dtype([('f0', 'M8[D]'),
('f1', 'datetime64[Y]'),
('f2', 'i8')]))
def test_from_dictproxy(self):
# Tests for PR #5920
dt = np.dtype({'names': ['a', 'b'], 'formats': ['i4', 'f4']})
assert_dtype_equal(dt, np.dtype(dt.fields))
dt2 = np.dtype((np.void, dt.fields))
assert_equal(dt2.fields, dt.fields)
def test_from_dict_with_zero_width_field(self):
# Regression test for #6430 / #2196
dt = np.dtype([('val1', np.float32, (0,)), ('val2', int)])
dt2 = np.dtype({'names': ['val1', 'val2'],
'formats': [(np.float32, (0,)), int]})
assert_dtype_equal(dt, dt2)
assert_equal(dt.fields['val1'][0].itemsize, 0)
assert_equal(dt.itemsize, dt.fields['val2'][0].itemsize)
def test_bool_commastring(self):
d = np.dtype('?,?,?') # raises?
assert_equal(len(d.names), 3)
for n in d.names:
assert_equal(d.fields[n][0], np.dtype('?'))
def test_nonint_offsets(self):
# gh-8059
def make_dtype(off):
return np.dtype({'names': ['A'], 'formats': ['i4'],
'offsets': [off]})
assert_raises(TypeError, make_dtype, 'ASD')
assert_raises(OverflowError, make_dtype, 2**70)
assert_raises(TypeError, make_dtype, 2.3)
assert_raises(ValueError, make_dtype, -10)
# no errors here:
dt = make_dtype(np.uint32(0))
np.zeros(1, dtype=dt)[0].item()
def test_fields_by_index(self):
dt = np.dtype([('a', np.int8), ('b', np.float32, 3)])
assert_dtype_equal(dt[0], np.dtype(np.int8))
assert_dtype_equal(dt[1], np.dtype((np.float32, 3)))
assert_dtype_equal(dt[-1], dt[1])
assert_dtype_equal(dt[-2], dt[0])
assert_raises(IndexError, lambda: dt[-3])
assert_raises(TypeError, operator.getitem, dt, 3.0)
assert_equal(dt[1], dt[np.int8(1)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('align_flag',[False, True])
def test_multifield_index(self, align_flag):
# indexing with a list produces subfields
# the align flag should be preserved
dt = np.dtype([
(('title', 'col1'), '<U20'), ('A', '<f8'), ('B', '<f8')
], align=align_flag)
dt_sub = dt[['B', 'col1']]
'names': ['B', 'col1'],
'formats': ['<f8', '<U20'],
'offsets': [88, 0],
'titles': [None, 'title'],
'itemsize': 96
assert_equal(dt_sub.isalignedstruct, align_flag)
dt_sub = dt[['B']]
'names': ['B'],
'formats': ['<f8'],
'offsets': [88],
'itemsize': 96
assert_equal(dt_sub.isalignedstruct, align_flag)
dt_sub = dt[[]]
'names': [],
'formats': [],
'offsets': [],
'itemsize': 96
assert_equal(dt_sub.isalignedstruct, align_flag)
assert_raises(TypeError, operator.getitem, dt, ())
assert_raises(TypeError, operator.getitem, dt, [1, 2, 3])
assert_raises(TypeError, operator.getitem, dt, ['col1', 2])
assert_raises(KeyError, operator.getitem, dt, ['fake'])
assert_raises(KeyError, operator.getitem, dt, ['title'])
assert_raises(ValueError, operator.getitem, dt, ['col1', 'col1'])
def test_partial_dict(self):
# 'names' is missing
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype,
{'formats': ['i4', 'i4'], 'f0': ('i4', 0), 'f1':('i4', 4)})
def test_fieldless_views(self):
a = np.zeros(2, dtype={'names':[], 'formats':[], 'offsets':[],
assert_raises(ValueError, a.view, np.dtype([]))
d = np.dtype((np.dtype([]), 10))
assert_equal(d.shape, (10,))
assert_equal(d.itemsize, 0)
assert_equal(d.base, np.dtype([]))
arr = np.fromiter((() for i in range(10)), [])
assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype([]))
assert_raises(ValueError, np.frombuffer, b'', dtype=[])
assert_equal(np.frombuffer(b'', dtype=[], count=2),
np.empty(2, dtype=[]))
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, ([], 'f8'))
assert_raises(ValueError, np.zeros(1, dtype='i4').view, [])
assert_equal(np.zeros(2, dtype=[]) == np.zeros(2, dtype=[]),
np.ones(2, dtype=bool))
assert_equal(np.zeros((1, 2), dtype=[]) == a,
np.ones((1, 2), dtype=bool))
class TestSubarray:
def test_single_subarray(self):
a = np.dtype((int, (2)))
b = np.dtype((int, (2,)))
assert_dtype_equal(a, b)
assert_equal(type(a.subdtype[1]), tuple)
assert_equal(type(b.subdtype[1]), tuple)
def test_equivalent_record(self):
"""Test whether equivalent subarray dtypes hash the same."""
a = np.dtype((int, (2, 3)))
b = np.dtype((int, (2, 3)))
assert_dtype_equal(a, b)
def test_nonequivalent_record(self):
"""Test whether different subarray dtypes hash differently."""
a = np.dtype((int, (2, 3)))
b = np.dtype((int, (3, 2)))
assert_dtype_not_equal(a, b)
a = np.dtype((int, (2, 3)))
b = np.dtype((int, (2, 2)))
assert_dtype_not_equal(a, b)
a = np.dtype((int, (1, 2, 3)))
b = np.dtype((int, (1, 2)))
assert_dtype_not_equal(a, b)
def test_shape_equal(self):
"""Test some data types that are equal"""
assert_dtype_equal(np.dtype('f8'), np.dtype(('f8', tuple())))
# FutureWarning during deprecation period; after it is passed this
# should instead check that "(1)f8" == "1f8" == ("f8", 1).
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning):
assert_dtype_equal(np.dtype('f8'), np.dtype(('f8', 1)))
assert_dtype_equal(np.dtype((int, 2)), np.dtype((int, (2,))))
assert_dtype_equal(np.dtype(('<f4', (3, 2))), np.dtype(('<f4', (3, 2))))
d = ([('a', 'f4', (1, 2)), ('b', 'f8', (3, 1))], (3, 2))
assert_dtype_equal(np.dtype(d), np.dtype(d))
def test_shape_simple(self):
"""Test some simple cases that shouldn't be equal"""
assert_dtype_not_equal(np.dtype('f8'), np.dtype(('f8', (1,))))
assert_dtype_not_equal(np.dtype(('f8', (1,))), np.dtype(('f8', (1, 1))))
assert_dtype_not_equal(np.dtype(('f4', (3, 2))), np.dtype(('f4', (2, 3))))
def test_shape_monster(self):
"""Test some more complicated cases that shouldn't be equal"""
np.dtype(([('a', 'f4', (2, 1)), ('b', 'f8', (1, 3))], (2, 2))),
np.dtype(([('a', 'f4', (1, 2)), ('b', 'f8', (1, 3))], (2, 2))))
np.dtype(([('a', 'f4', (2, 1)), ('b', 'f8', (1, 3))], (2, 2))),
np.dtype(([('a', 'f4', (2, 1)), ('b', 'i8', (1, 3))], (2, 2))))
np.dtype(([('a', 'f4', (2, 1)), ('b', 'f8', (1, 3))], (2, 2))),
np.dtype(([('e', 'f8', (1, 3)), ('d', 'f4', (2, 1))], (2, 2))))
np.dtype(([('a', [('a', 'i4', 6)], (2, 1)), ('b', 'f8', (1, 3))], (2, 2))),
np.dtype(([('a', [('a', 'u4', 6)], (2, 1)), ('b', 'f8', (1, 3))], (2, 2))))
def test_shape_sequence(self):
# Any sequence of integers should work as shape, but the result
# should be a tuple (immutable) of base type integers.
a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int16)
l = [1, 2, 3]
# Array gets converted
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4', a)])
assert_(isinstance(dt['a'].shape, tuple))
assert_(isinstance(dt['a'].shape[0], int))
# List gets converted
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4', l)])
assert_(isinstance(dt['a'].shape, tuple))
class IntLike:
def __index__(self):
return 3
def __int__(self):
# (a PyNumber_Check fails without __int__)
return 3
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4', IntLike())])
assert_(isinstance(dt['a'].shape, tuple))
assert_(isinstance(dt['a'].shape[0], int))
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4', (IntLike(),))])
assert_(isinstance(dt['a'].shape, tuple))
assert_(isinstance(dt['a'].shape[0], int))
def test_shape_matches_ndim(self):
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4', ())])
assert_equal(dt['a'].shape, ())
assert_equal(dt['a'].ndim, 0)
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4')])
assert_equal(dt['a'].shape, ())
assert_equal(dt['a'].ndim, 0)
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4', 4)])
assert_equal(dt['a'].shape, (4,))
assert_equal(dt['a'].ndim, 1)
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4', (1, 2, 3))])
assert_equal(dt['a'].shape, (1, 2, 3))
assert_equal(dt['a'].ndim, 3)
def test_shape_invalid(self):
# Check that the shape is valid.
max_int = np.iinfo(np.intc).max
max_intp = np.iinfo(np.intp).max
# Too large values (the datatype is part of this)
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, [('a', 'f4', max_int // 4 + 1)])
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, [('a', 'f4', max_int + 1)])
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, [('a', 'f4', (max_int, 2))])
# Takes a different code path (fails earlier:
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, [('a', 'f4', max_intp + 1)])
# Negative values
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, [('a', 'f4', -1)])
assert_raises(ValueError, np.dtype, [('a', 'f4', (-1, -1))])
def test_alignment(self):
#Check that subarrays are aligned
t1 = np.dtype('(1,)i4', align=True)
t2 = np.dtype('2i4', align=True)
assert_equal(t1.alignment, t2.alignment)
def test_aligned_empty(self):
# Mainly regression test for gh-19696: construction failed completely
dt = np.dtype([], align=True)
assert dt == np.dtype([])
dt = np.dtype({"names": [], "formats": [], "itemsize": 0}, align=True)
assert dt == np.dtype([])
def test_subarray_base_item(self):
arr = np.ones(3, dtype=[("f", "i", 3)])
# Extracting the field "absorbs" the subarray into a view:
assert arr["f"].base is arr
# Extract the structured item, and then check the tuple component:
item = arr.item(0)
assert type(item) is tuple and len(item) == 1
assert item[0].base is arr
def test_subarray_cast_copies(self):
# Older versions of NumPy did NOT copy, but they got the ownership
# wrong (not actually knowing the correct base!). Versions since 1.21
# (I think) crashed fairly reliable. This defines the correct behavior
# as a copy. Keeping the ownership would be possible (but harder)
arr = np.ones(3, dtype=[("f", "i", 3)])
cast = arr.astype(object)
for fields in cast:
assert type(fields) == tuple and len(fields) == 1
subarr = fields[0]
assert subarr.base is None
assert subarr.flags.owndata
def iter_struct_object_dtypes():
Iterates over a few complex dtypes and object pattern which
fill the array with a given object (defaults to a singleton).
dtype : dtype
pattern : tuple
Structured tuple for use with `np.array`.
count : int
Number of objects stored in the dtype.
singleton : object
A singleton object. The returned pattern is constructed so that
all objects inside the datatype are set to the singleton.
obj = object()
dt = np.dtype([('b', 'O', (2, 3))])
p = ([[obj] * 3] * 2,)
yield pytest.param(dt, p, 6, obj, id="<subarray>")
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'i4'), ('b', 'O', (2, 3))])
p = (0, [[obj] * 3] * 2)
yield pytest.param(dt, p, 6, obj, id="<subarray in field>")
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'i4'),
('b', [('ba', 'O'), ('bb', 'i1')], (2, 3))])
p = (0, [[(obj, 0)] * 3] * 2)
yield pytest.param(dt, p, 6, obj, id="<structured subarray 1>")
dt = np.dtype([('a', 'i4'),
('b', [('ba', 'O'), ('bb', 'O')], (2, 3))])
p = (0, [[(obj, obj)] * 3] * 2)
yield pytest.param(dt, p, 12, obj, id="<structured subarray 2>")
@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
class TestStructuredObjectRefcounting:
"""These tests cover various uses of complicated structured types which
include objects and thus require reference counting.
@pytest.mark.parametrize(['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'],
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["creation_func", "creation_obj"], [
pytest.param(np.empty, None,
# None is probably used for too many things
marks=pytest.mark.skip("unreliable due to python's behaviour")),
(np.ones, 1),
(np.zeros, 0)])
def test_structured_object_create_delete(self, dt, pat, count, singleton,
creation_func, creation_obj):
"""Structured object reference counting in creation and deletion"""
# The test assumes that 0, 1, and None are singletons.
before = sys.getrefcount(creation_obj)
arr = creation_func(3, dt)
now = sys.getrefcount(creation_obj)
assert now - before == count * 3
del arr
now = sys.getrefcount(creation_obj)
assert now == before
@pytest.mark.parametrize(['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'],
def test_structured_object_item_setting(self, dt, pat, count, singleton):
"""Structured object reference counting for simple item setting"""
one = 1
before = sys.getrefcount(singleton)
arr = np.array([pat] * 3, dt)
assert sys.getrefcount(singleton) - before == count * 3
# Fill with `1` and check that it was replaced correctly:
before2 = sys.getrefcount(one)
arr[...] = one
after2 = sys.getrefcount(one)
assert after2 - before2 == count * 3
del arr
assert sys.getrefcount(one) == before2
assert sys.getrefcount(singleton) == before
@pytest.mark.parametrize(['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'],
['shape', 'index', 'items_changed'],
[((3,), ([0, 2],), 2),
((3, 2), ([0, 2], slice(None)), 4),
((3, 2), ([0, 2], [1]), 2),
((3,), ([True, False, True]), 2)])
def test_structured_object_indexing(self, shape, index, items_changed,
dt, pat, count, singleton):
"""Structured object reference counting for advanced indexing."""
# Use two small negative values (should be singletons, but less likely
# to run into race-conditions). This failed in some threaded envs
# When using 0 and 1. If it fails again, should remove all explicit
# checks, and rely on `pytest-leaks` reference count checker only.
val0 = -4
val1 = -5
arr = np.full(shape, val0, dt)
before_val0 = sys.getrefcount(val0)
before_val1 = sys.getrefcount(val1)
# Test item getting:
part = arr[index]
after_val0 = sys.getrefcount(val0)
assert after_val0 - before_val0 == count * items_changed
del part
# Test item setting:
arr[index] = val1
after_val0 = sys.getrefcount(val0)
after_val1 = sys.getrefcount(val1)
assert before_val0 - after_val0 == count * items_changed
assert after_val1 - before_val1 == count * items_changed
@pytest.mark.parametrize(['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'],
def test_structured_object_take_and_repeat(self, dt, pat, count, singleton):
"""Structured object reference counting for specialized functions.
The older functions such as take and repeat use different code paths
then item setting (when writing this).
indices = [0, 1]
arr = np.array([pat] * 3, dt)
before = sys.getrefcount(singleton)
res = arr.take(indices)
after = sys.getrefcount(singleton)
assert after - before == count * 2
new = res.repeat(10)
after_repeat = sys.getrefcount(singleton)
assert after_repeat - after == count * 2 * 10
class TestStructuredDtypeSparseFields:
"""Tests subarray fields which contain sparse dtypes so that
not all memory is used by the dtype work. Such dtype's should
leave the underlying memory unchanged.
dtype = np.dtype([('a', {'names':['aa', 'ab'], 'formats':['f', 'f'],
'offsets':[0, 4]}, (2, 3))])
sparse_dtype = np.dtype([('a', {'names':['ab'], 'formats':['f'],
'offsets':[4]}, (2, 3))])
def test_sparse_field_assignment(self):
arr = np.zeros(3, self.dtype)
sparse_arr = arr.view(self.sparse_dtype)
sparse_arr[...] = np.finfo(np.float32).max
# dtype is reduced when accessing the field, so shape is (3, 2, 3):
assert_array_equal(arr["a"]["aa"], np.zeros((3, 2, 3)))
def test_sparse_field_assignment_fancy(self):
# Fancy assignment goes to the copyswap function for complex types:
arr = np.zeros(3, self.dtype)
sparse_arr = arr.view(self.sparse_dtype)
sparse_arr[[0, 1, 2]] = np.finfo(np.float32).max
# dtype is reduced when accessing the field, so shape is (3, 2, 3):
assert_array_equal(arr["a"]["aa"], np.zeros((3, 2, 3)))
class TestMonsterType:
"""Test deeply nested subtypes."""
def test1(self):
simple1 = np.dtype({'names': ['r', 'b'], 'formats': ['u1', 'u1'],
'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Blue pixel']})
a = np.dtype([('yo', int), ('ye', simple1),
('yi', np.dtype((int, (3, 2))))])
b = np.dtype([('yo', int), ('ye', simple1),
('yi', np.dtype((int, (3, 2))))])
assert_dtype_equal(a, b)
c = np.dtype([('yo', int), ('ye', simple1),
('yi', np.dtype((a, (3, 2))))])
d = np.dtype([('yo', int), ('ye', simple1),
('yi', np.dtype((a, (3, 2))))])
assert_dtype_equal(c, d)
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_PYSTON, reason="Pyston disables recursion checking")
def test_list_recursion(self):
l = list()
l.append(('f', l))
with pytest.raises(RecursionError):
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_PYSTON, reason="Pyston disables recursion checking")
def test_tuple_recursion(self):
d = np.int32
for i in range(100000):
d = (d, (1,))
with pytest.raises(RecursionError):
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_PYSTON, reason="Pyston disables recursion checking")
def test_dict_recursion(self):
d = dict(names=['self'], formats=[None], offsets=[0])
d['formats'][0] = d
with pytest.raises(RecursionError):
class TestMetadata:
def test_no_metadata(self):
d = np.dtype(int)
assert_(d.metadata is None)
def test_metadata_takes_dict(self):
d = np.dtype(int, metadata={'datum': 1})
assert_(d.metadata == {'datum': 1})
def test_metadata_rejects_nondict(self):
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, int, metadata='datum')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, int, metadata=1)
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, int, metadata=None)
def test_nested_metadata(self):
d = np.dtype([('a', np.dtype(int, metadata={'datum': 1}))])
assert_(d['a'].metadata == {'datum': 1})
def test_base_metadata_copied(self):
d = np.dtype((np.void, np.dtype('i4,i4', metadata={'datum': 1})))
assert_(d.metadata == {'datum': 1})
class TestString:
def test_complex_dtype_str(self):
dt = np.dtype([('top', [('tiles', ('>f4', (64, 64)), (1,)),
('rtile', '>f4', (64, 36))], (3,)),
('bottom', [('bleft', ('>f4', (8, 64)), (1,)),
('bright', '>f4', (8, 36))])])
"[('top', [('tiles', ('>f4', (64, 64)), (1,)), "
"('rtile', '>f4', (64, 36))], (3,)), "
"('bottom', [('bleft', ('>f4', (8, 64)), (1,)), "
"('bright', '>f4', (8, 36))])]")
# If the sticky aligned flag is set to True, it makes the
# str() function use a dict representation with an 'aligned' flag
dt = np.dtype([('top', [('tiles', ('>f4', (64, 64)), (1,)),
('rtile', '>f4', (64, 36))],
('bottom', [('bleft', ('>f4', (8, 64)), (1,)),
('bright', '>f4', (8, 36))])],
"{'names': ['top', 'bottom'],"
" 'formats': [([('tiles', ('>f4', (64, 64)), (1,)), "
"('rtile', '>f4', (64, 36))], (3,)), "
"[('bleft', ('>f4', (8, 64)), (1,)), "
"('bright', '>f4', (8, 36))]],"
" 'offsets': [0, 76800],"
" 'itemsize': 80000,"
" 'aligned': True}")
with np.printoptions(legacy='1.21'):
"{'names':['top','bottom'], "
"'formats':[([('tiles', ('>f4', (64, 64)), (1,)), "
"('rtile', '>f4', (64, 36))], (3,)),"
"[('bleft', ('>f4', (8, 64)), (1,)), "
"('bright', '>f4', (8, 36))]], "
"'offsets':[0,76800], "
"'itemsize':80000, "
assert_equal(np.dtype(eval(str(dt))), dt)
dt = np.dtype({'names': ['r', 'g', 'b'], 'formats': ['u1', 'u1', 'u1'],
'offsets': [0, 1, 2],
'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Green pixel', 'Blue pixel']})
"[(('Red pixel', 'r'), 'u1'), "
"(('Green pixel', 'g'), 'u1'), "
"(('Blue pixel', 'b'), 'u1')]")
dt = np.dtype({'names': ['rgba', 'r', 'g', 'b'],
'formats': ['<u4', 'u1', 'u1', 'u1'],
'offsets': [0, 0, 1, 2],
'titles': ['Color', 'Red pixel',
'Green pixel', 'Blue pixel']})
"{'names': ['rgba', 'r', 'g', 'b'],"
" 'formats': ['<u4', 'u1', 'u1', 'u1'],"
" 'offsets': [0, 0, 1, 2],"
" 'titles': ['Color', 'Red pixel', "
"'Green pixel', 'Blue pixel'],"
" 'itemsize': 4}")
dt = np.dtype({'names': ['r', 'b'], 'formats': ['u1', 'u1'],
'offsets': [0, 2],
'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Blue pixel']})
"{'names': ['r', 'b'],"
" 'formats': ['u1', 'u1'],"
" 'offsets': [0, 2],"
" 'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Blue pixel'],"
" 'itemsize': 3}")
dt = np.dtype([('a', '<m8[D]'), ('b', '<M8[us]')])
"[('a', '<m8[D]'), ('b', '<M8[us]')]")
def test_repr_structured(self):
dt = np.dtype([('top', [('tiles', ('>f4', (64, 64)), (1,)),
('rtile', '>f4', (64, 36))], (3,)),
('bottom', [('bleft', ('>f4', (8, 64)), (1,)),
('bright', '>f4', (8, 36))])])
"dtype([('top', [('tiles', ('>f4', (64, 64)), (1,)), "
"('rtile', '>f4', (64, 36))], (3,)), "
"('bottom', [('bleft', ('>f4', (8, 64)), (1,)), "
"('bright', '>f4', (8, 36))])])")
dt = np.dtype({'names': ['r', 'g', 'b'], 'formats': ['u1', 'u1', 'u1'],
'offsets': [0, 1, 2],
'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Green pixel', 'Blue pixel']},
"dtype([(('Red pixel', 'r'), 'u1'), "
"(('Green pixel', 'g'), 'u1'), "
"(('Blue pixel', 'b'), 'u1')], align=True)")
def test_repr_structured_not_packed(self):
dt = np.dtype({'names': ['rgba', 'r', 'g', 'b'],
'formats': ['<u4', 'u1', 'u1', 'u1'],
'offsets': [0, 0, 1, 2],
'titles': ['Color', 'Red pixel',
'Green pixel', 'Blue pixel']}, align=True)
"dtype({'names': ['rgba', 'r', 'g', 'b'],"
" 'formats': ['<u4', 'u1', 'u1', 'u1'],"
" 'offsets': [0, 0, 1, 2],"
" 'titles': ['Color', 'Red pixel', "
"'Green pixel', 'Blue pixel'],"
" 'itemsize': 4}, align=True)")
dt = np.dtype({'names': ['r', 'b'], 'formats': ['u1', 'u1'],
'offsets': [0, 2],
'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Blue pixel'],
'itemsize': 4})
"dtype({'names': ['r', 'b'], "
"'formats': ['u1', 'u1'], "
"'offsets': [0, 2], "
"'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Blue pixel'], "
"'itemsize': 4})")
def test_repr_structured_datetime(self):
dt = np.dtype([('a', '<M8[D]'), ('b', '<m8[us]')])
"dtype([('a', '<M8[D]'), ('b', '<m8[us]')])")
def test_repr_str_subarray(self):
dt = np.dtype(('<i2', (1,)))
assert_equal(repr(dt), "dtype(('<i2', (1,)))")
assert_equal(str(dt), "('<i2', (1,))")
def test_base_dtype_with_object_type(self):
# Issue gh-2798, should not error.
np.array(['a'], dtype="O").astype(("O", [("name", "O")]))
def test_empty_string_to_object(self):
# Pull request #4722
np.array(["", ""]).astype(object)
def test_void_subclass_unsized(self):
dt = np.dtype(np.record)
assert_equal(repr(dt), "dtype('V')")
assert_equal(str(dt), '|V0')
assert_equal(, 'record')
def test_void_subclass_sized(self):
dt = np.dtype((np.record, 2))
assert_equal(repr(dt), "dtype('V2')")
assert_equal(str(dt), '|V2')
assert_equal(, 'record16')
def test_void_subclass_fields(self):
dt = np.dtype((np.record, [('a', '<u2')]))
assert_equal(repr(dt), "dtype((numpy.record, [('a', '<u2')]))")
assert_equal(str(dt), "(numpy.record, [('a', '<u2')])")
assert_equal(, 'record16')
class TestDtypeAttributeDeletion:
def test_dtype_non_writable_attributes_deletion(self):
dt = np.dtype(np.double)
attr = ["subdtype", "descr", "str", "name", "base", "shape",
"isbuiltin", "isnative", "isalignedstruct", "fields",
"metadata", "hasobject"]
for s in attr:
assert_raises(AttributeError, delattr, dt, s)
def test_dtype_writable_attributes_deletion(self):
dt = np.dtype(np.double)
attr = ["names"]
for s in attr:
assert_raises(AttributeError, delattr, dt, s)
class TestDtypeAttributes:
def test_descr_has_trailing_void(self):
# see gh-6359
dtype = np.dtype({
'names': ['A', 'B'],
'formats': ['f4', 'f4'],
'offsets': [0, 8],
'itemsize': 16})
new_dtype = np.dtype(dtype.descr)
assert_equal(new_dtype.itemsize, 16)
def test_name_dtype_subclass(self):
# Ticket #4357
class user_def_subcls(np.void):
assert_equal(np.dtype(user_def_subcls).name, 'user_def_subcls')
def test_zero_stride(self):
arr = np.ones(1, dtype="i8")
arr = np.broadcast_to(arr, 10)
assert arr.strides == (0,)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
arr.dtype = "i1"
class TestDTypeMakeCanonical:
def check_canonical(self, dtype, canonical):
Check most properties relevant to "canonical" versions of a dtype,
which is mainly native byte order for datatypes supporting this.
The main work is checking structured dtypes with fields, where we
reproduce most the actual logic used in the C-code.
assert type(dtype) is type(canonical)
# a canonical DType should always have equivalent casting (both ways)
assert np.can_cast(dtype, canonical, casting="equiv")
assert np.can_cast(canonical, dtype, casting="equiv")
# a canonical dtype (and its fields) is always native (checks fields):
assert canonical.isnative
# Check that canonical of canonical is the same (no casting):
assert np.result_type(canonical) == canonical
if not dtype.names:
# The flags currently never change for unstructured dtypes
assert dtype.flags == canonical.flags
# Must have all the needs API flag set:
assert dtype.flags & 0b10000
# Check that the fields are identical (including titles):
assert dtype.fields.keys() == canonical.fields.keys()
def aligned_offset(offset, alignment):
# round up offset:
return - (-offset // alignment) * alignment
totalsize = 0
max_alignment = 1
for name in dtype.names:
# each field is also canonical:
new_field_descr = canonical.fields[name][0]
self.check_canonical(dtype.fields[name][0], new_field_descr)
# Must have the "inherited" object related flags:
expected = 0b11011 & new_field_descr.flags
assert (canonical.flags & expected) == expected
if canonical.isalignedstruct:
totalsize = aligned_offset(totalsize, new_field_descr.alignment)
max_alignment = max(new_field_descr.alignment, max_alignment)
assert canonical.fields[name][1] == totalsize
# if a title exists, they must match (otherwise empty tuple):
assert dtype.fields[name][2:] == canonical.fields[name][2:]
totalsize += new_field_descr.itemsize
if canonical.isalignedstruct:
totalsize = aligned_offset(totalsize, max_alignment)
assert canonical.itemsize == totalsize
assert canonical.alignment == max_alignment
def test_simple(self):
dt = np.dtype(">i4")
assert np.result_type(dt).isnative
assert np.result_type(dt).num == dt.num
# dtype with empty space:
struct_dt = np.dtype(">i4,<i1,i8,V3")[["f0", "f2"]]
canonical = np.result_type(struct_dt)
assert canonical.itemsize == 4+8
assert canonical.isnative
# aligned struct dtype with empty space:
struct_dt = np.dtype(">i1,<i4,i8,V3", align=True)[["f0", "f2"]]
canonical = np.result_type(struct_dt)
assert canonical.isalignedstruct
assert canonical.itemsize == np.dtype("i8").alignment + 8
assert canonical.isnative
def test_object_flag_not_inherited(self):
# The following dtype still indicates "object", because its included
# in the unaccessible space (maybe this could change at some point):
arr = np.ones(3, "i,O,i")[["f0", "f2"]]
assert arr.dtype.hasobject
canonical_dt = np.result_type(arr.dtype)
assert not canonical_dt.hasobject
def test_make_canonical_hypothesis(self, dtype):
canonical = np.result_type(dtype)
self.check_canonical(dtype, canonical)
# result_type with two arguments should always give identical results:
two_arg_result = np.result_type(dtype, dtype)
assert np.can_cast(two_arg_result, canonical, casting="no")
min_size=5, max_size=10, allow_subarrays=True))
def test_structured(self, dtype):
# Pick 4 of the fields at random. This will leave empty space in the
# dtype (since we do not canonicalize it here).
field_subset = random.sample(dtype.names, k=4)
dtype_with_empty_space = dtype[field_subset]
assert dtype_with_empty_space.itemsize == dtype.itemsize
canonicalized = np.result_type(dtype_with_empty_space)
self.check_canonical(dtype_with_empty_space, canonicalized)
# promotion with two arguments should always give identical results:
two_arg_result = np.promote_types(
dtype_with_empty_space, dtype_with_empty_space)
assert np.can_cast(two_arg_result, canonicalized, casting="no")
# Ensure that we also check aligned struct (check the opposite, in
# case hypothesis grows support for `align`. Then repeat the test:
dtype_aligned = np.dtype(dtype.descr, align=not dtype.isalignedstruct)
dtype_with_empty_space = dtype_aligned[field_subset]
assert dtype_with_empty_space.itemsize == dtype_aligned.itemsize
canonicalized = np.result_type(dtype_with_empty_space)
self.check_canonical(dtype_with_empty_space, canonicalized)
# promotion with two arguments should always give identical results:
two_arg_result = np.promote_types(
dtype_with_empty_space, dtype_with_empty_space)
assert np.can_cast(two_arg_result, canonicalized, casting="no")
class TestPickling:
def check_pickling(self, dtype):
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
buf = pickle.dumps(dtype, proto)
# The dtype pickling itself pickles `np.dtype` if it is pickled
# as a singleton `dtype` should be stored in the buffer:
assert b"_DType_reconstruct" not in buf
assert b"dtype" in buf
pickled = pickle.loads(buf)
assert_equal(pickled, dtype)
assert_equal(pickled.descr, dtype.descr)
if dtype.metadata is not None:
assert_equal(pickled.metadata, dtype.metadata)
# Check the reconstructed dtype is functional
x = np.zeros(3, dtype=dtype)
y = np.zeros(3, dtype=pickled)
assert_equal(x, y)
assert_equal(x[0], y[0])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t', [int, float, complex, np.int32, str, object,
np.compat.unicode, bool])
def test_builtin(self, t):
def test_structured(self):
dt = np.dtype(([('a', '>f4', (2, 1)), ('b', '<f8', (1, 3))], (2, 2)))
def test_structured_aligned(self):
dt = np.dtype('i4, i1', align=True)
def test_structured_unaligned(self):
dt = np.dtype('i4, i1', align=False)
def test_structured_padded(self):
dt = np.dtype({
'names': ['A', 'B'],
'formats': ['f4', 'f4'],
'offsets': [0, 8],
'itemsize': 16})
def test_structured_titles(self):
dt = np.dtype({'names': ['r', 'b'],
'formats': ['u1', 'u1'],
'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Blue pixel']})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('base', ['m8', 'M8'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('unit', ['', 'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's',
'ms', 'us', 'ns', 'ps', 'fs', 'as'])
def test_datetime(self, base, unit):
dt = np.dtype('%s[%s]' % (base, unit) if unit else base)
if unit:
dt = np.dtype('%s[7%s]' % (base, unit))
def test_metadata(self):
dt = np.dtype(int, metadata={'datum': 1})
[type(np.dtype(t)) for t in np.typecodes['All']] +
[np.dtype(rational), np.dtype])
def test_pickle_types(self, DType):
# Check that DTypes (the classes/types) roundtrip when pickling
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
roundtrip_DType = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(DType, proto))
assert roundtrip_DType is DType
class TestPromotion:
"""Test cases related to more complex DType promotions. Further promotion
tests are defined in ``
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["other", "expected"],
[(2**16-1, np.complex64),
(2**32-1, np.complex128),
(np.float16(2), np.complex64),
(np.float32(2), np.complex64),
(np.longdouble(2), np.complex64),
# Base of the double value to sidestep any rounding issues:
(np.longdouble(np.nextafter(1.7e308, 0.)), np.complex128),
# Additionally use "nextafter" so the cast can't round down:
(np.longdouble(np.nextafter(1.7e308, np.inf)), np.clongdouble),
# repeat for complex scalars:
(np.complex64(2), np.complex64),
(np.clongdouble(2), np.complex64),
# Base of the double value to sidestep any rounding issues:
(np.clongdouble(np.nextafter(1.7e308, 0.) * 1j), np.complex128),
# Additionally use "nextafter" so the cast can't round down:
(np.clongdouble(np.nextafter(1.7e308, np.inf)), np.clongdouble),
def test_complex_other_value_based(self, other, expected):
# This would change if we modify the value based promotion
min_complex = np.dtype(np.complex64)
res = np.result_type(other, min_complex)
assert res == expected
# Check the same for a simple ufunc call that uses the same logic:
res = np.minimum(other, np.ones(3, dtype=min_complex)).dtype
assert res == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["other", "expected"],
[(np.bool_, np.complex128),
(np.int64, np.complex128),
(np.float16, np.complex64),
(np.float32, np.complex64),
(np.float64, np.complex128),
(np.longdouble, np.clongdouble),
(np.complex64, np.complex64),
(np.complex128, np.complex128),
(np.clongdouble, np.clongdouble),
def test_complex_scalar_value_based(self, other, expected):
# This would change if we modify the value based promotion
complex_scalar = 1j
res = np.result_type(other, complex_scalar)
assert res == expected
# Check the same for a simple ufunc call that uses the same logic:
res = np.minimum(np.ones(3, dtype=other), complex_scalar).dtype
assert res == expected
def test_complex_pyscalar_promote_rational(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError,
match=r".* do not have a common DType"):
np.result_type(1j, rational)
with pytest.raises(TypeError,
match=r".* no common DType exists for the given inputs"):
np.result_type(1j, rational(1, 2))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("val", [2, 2**32, 2**63, 2**64, 2*100])
def test_python_integer_promotion(self, val):
# If we only path scalars (mainly python ones!), the result must take
# into account that the integer may be considered int32, int64, uint64,
# or object depending on the input value. So test those paths!
expected_dtype = np.result_type(np.array(val).dtype, np.array(0).dtype)
assert np.result_type(val, 0) == expected_dtype
# For completeness sake, also check with a NumPy scalar as second arg:
assert np.result_type(val, np.int8(0)) == expected_dtype
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["other", "expected"],
[(1, rational), (1., np.float64)])
def test_float_int_pyscalar_promote_rational(self, other, expected):
# Note that rationals are a bit akward as they promote with float64
# or default ints, but not float16 or uint8/int8 (which looks
# inconsistent here)
with pytest.raises(TypeError,
match=r".* do not have a common DType"):
np.result_type(other, rational)
assert np.result_type(other, rational(1, 2)) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["dtypes", "expected"], [
# These promotions are not associative/commutative:
([np.uint16, np.int16, np.float16], np.float32),
([np.uint16, np.int8, np.float16], np.float32),
([np.uint8, np.int16, np.float16], np.float32),
# The following promotions are not ambiguous, but cover code
# paths of abstract promotion (no particular logic being tested)
([1, 1, np.float64], np.float64),
([1, 1., np.complex128], np.complex128),
([1, 1j, np.float64], np.complex128),
([1., 1., np.int64], np.float64),
([1., 1j, np.float64], np.complex128),
([1j, 1j, np.float64], np.complex128),
([1, True, np.bool_], np.int_),
def test_permutations_do_not_influence_result(self, dtypes, expected):
# Tests that most permutations do not influence the result. In the
# above some uint and int combintations promote to a larger integer
# type, which would then promote to a larger than necessary float.
for perm in permutations(dtypes):
assert np.result_type(*perm) == expected
def test_rational_dtype():
# test for bug gh-5719
a = np.array([1111], dtype=rational).astype
assert_raises(OverflowError, a, 'int8')
# test that dtype detection finds user-defined types
x = rational(1)
assert_equal(np.array([x,x]).dtype, np.dtype(rational))
def test_dtypes_are_true():
# test for gh-6294
assert bool(np.dtype('f8'))
assert bool(np.dtype('i8'))
assert bool(np.dtype([('a', 'i8'), ('b', 'f4')]))
def test_invalid_dtype_string():
# test for gh-10440
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'f8,i8,[f8,i8]')
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, u'Fl\xfcgel')
def test_keyword_argument():
# test for
assert np.dtype(dtype=np.float64) == np.dtype(np.float64)
def test_ulong_dtype():
# test for gh-21063
assert np.dtype("ulong") == np.dtype(np.uint)
class TestFromDTypeAttribute:
def test_simple(self):
class dt:
dtype = np.dtype("f8")
assert np.dtype(dt) == np.float64
assert np.dtype(dt()) == np.float64
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_PYSTON, reason="Pyston disables recursion checking")
def test_recursion(self):
class dt:
dt.dtype = dt
with pytest.raises(RecursionError):
dt_instance = dt()
dt_instance.dtype = dt
with pytest.raises(RecursionError):
def test_void_subtype(self):
class dt(np.void):
# This code path is fully untested before, so it is unclear
# what this should be useful for. Note that if np.void is used
# numpy will think we are deallocating a base type [1.17, 2019-02].
dtype = np.dtype("f,f")
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_PYSTON, reason="Pyston disables recursion checking")
def test_void_subtype_recursion(self):
class vdt(np.void):
vdt.dtype = vdt
with pytest.raises(RecursionError):
with pytest.raises(RecursionError):
class TestDTypeClasses:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", list(np.typecodes['All']) + [rational])
def test_basic_dtypes_subclass_properties(self, dtype):
# Note: Except for the isinstance and type checks, these attributes
# are considered currently private and may change.
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
assert isinstance(dtype, np.dtype)
assert type(dtype) is not np.dtype
assert type(dtype).__name__ == f"dtype[{dtype.type.__name__}]"
assert type(dtype).__module__ == "numpy"
assert not type(dtype)._abstract
# the flexible dtypes and datetime/timedelta have additional parameters
# which are more than just storage information, these would need to be
# given when creating a dtype:
parametric = (np.void, np.str_, np.bytes_, np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)
if dtype.type not in parametric:
assert not type(dtype)._parametric
assert type(dtype)() is dtype
assert type(dtype)._parametric
with assert_raises(TypeError):
def test_dtype_superclass(self):
assert type(np.dtype) is not type
assert isinstance(np.dtype, type)
assert type(np.dtype).__name__ == "_DTypeMeta"
assert type(np.dtype).__module__ == "numpy"
assert np.dtype._abstract
class TestFromCTypes:
def check(ctype, dtype):
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
assert_equal(np.dtype(ctype), dtype)
assert_equal(np.dtype(ctype()), dtype)
def test_array(self):
c8 = ctypes.c_uint8
self.check( 3 * c8, (np.uint8, (3,)))
self.check( 1 * c8, (np.uint8, (1,)))
self.check( 0 * c8, (np.uint8, (0,)))
self.check(1 * (3 * c8), ((np.uint8, (3,)), (1,)))
self.check(3 * (1 * c8), ((np.uint8, (1,)), (3,)))
def test_padded_structure(self):
class PaddedStruct(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8),
('b', ctypes.c_uint16)
expected = np.dtype([
('a', np.uint8),
('b', np.uint16)
], align=True)
self.check(PaddedStruct, expected)
def test_bit_fields(self):
class BitfieldStruct(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8, 7),
('b', ctypes.c_uint8, 1)
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, BitfieldStruct)
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, BitfieldStruct())
def test_pointer(self):
p_uint8 = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)
assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, p_uint8)
def test_void_pointer(self):
self.check(ctypes.c_void_p, np.uintp)
def test_union(self):
class Union(ctypes.Union):
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8),
('b', ctypes.c_uint16),
expected = np.dtype(dict(
names=['a', 'b'],
formats=[np.uint8, np.uint16],
offsets=[0, 0],
self.check(Union, expected)
def test_union_with_struct_packed(self):
class Struct(ctypes.Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('one', ctypes.c_uint8),
('two', ctypes.c_uint32)
class Union(ctypes.Union):
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8),
('b', ctypes.c_uint16),
('c', ctypes.c_uint32),
('d', Struct),
expected = np.dtype(dict(
names=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
formats=['u1', np.uint16, np.uint32, [('one', 'u1'), ('two', np.uint32)]],
offsets=[0, 0, 0, 0],
self.check(Union, expected)
def test_union_packed(self):
class Struct(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('one', ctypes.c_uint8),
('two', ctypes.c_uint32)
_pack_ = 1
class Union(ctypes.Union):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8),
('b', ctypes.c_uint16),
('c', ctypes.c_uint32),
('d', Struct),
expected = np.dtype(dict(
names=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
formats=['u1', np.uint16, np.uint32, [('one', 'u1'), ('two', np.uint32)]],
offsets=[0, 0, 0, 0],
self.check(Union, expected)
def test_packed_structure(self):
class PackedStructure(ctypes.Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8),
('b', ctypes.c_uint16)
expected = np.dtype([
('a', np.uint8),
('b', np.uint16)
self.check(PackedStructure, expected)
def test_large_packed_structure(self):
class PackedStructure(ctypes.Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8),
('b', ctypes.c_uint16),
('c', ctypes.c_uint8),
('d', ctypes.c_uint16),
('e', ctypes.c_uint32),
('f', ctypes.c_uint32),
('g', ctypes.c_uint8)
expected = np.dtype(dict(
formats=[np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint32, np.uint8 ],
offsets=[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16],
names=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'],
self.check(PackedStructure, expected)
def test_big_endian_structure_packed(self):
class BigEndStruct(ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
_fields_ = [
('one', ctypes.c_uint8),
('two', ctypes.c_uint32)
_pack_ = 1
expected = np.dtype([('one', 'u1'), ('two', '>u4')])
self.check(BigEndStruct, expected)
def test_little_endian_structure_packed(self):
class LittleEndStruct(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_fields_ = [
('one', ctypes.c_uint8),
('two', ctypes.c_uint32)
_pack_ = 1
expected = np.dtype([('one', 'u1'), ('two', '<u4')])
self.check(LittleEndStruct, expected)
def test_little_endian_structure(self):
class PaddedStruct(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8),
('b', ctypes.c_uint16)
expected = np.dtype([
('a', '<B'),
('b', '<H')
], align=True)
self.check(PaddedStruct, expected)
def test_big_endian_structure(self):
class PaddedStruct(ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
_fields_ = [
('a', ctypes.c_uint8),
('b', ctypes.c_uint16)
expected = np.dtype([
('a', '>B'),
('b', '>H')
], align=True)
self.check(PaddedStruct, expected)
def test_simple_endian_types(self):
self.check(ctypes.c_uint16.__ctype_le__, np.dtype('<u2'))
self.check(ctypes.c_uint16.__ctype_be__, np.dtype('>u2'))
self.check(ctypes.c_uint8.__ctype_le__, np.dtype('u1'))
self.check(ctypes.c_uint8.__ctype_be__, np.dtype('u1'))
all_types = set(np.typecodes['All'])
all_pairs = permutations(all_types, 2)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pair", all_pairs)
def test_pairs(self, pair):
Check that np.dtype('x,y') matches [np.dtype('x'), np.dtype('y')]
Example: np.dtype('d,I') -> dtype([('f0', '<f8'), ('f1', '<u4')])
# gh-5645: check that np.dtype('i,L') can be used
pair_type = np.dtype('{},{}'.format(*pair))
expected = np.dtype([('f0', pair[0]), ('f1', pair[1])])
assert_equal(pair_type, expected)
class TestUserDType:
@pytest.mark.leaks_references(reason="dynamically creates custom dtype.")
def test_custom_structured_dtype(self):
class mytype:
blueprint = np.dtype([("field", object)])
dt = create_custom_field_dtype(blueprint, mytype, 0)
assert dt.type == mytype
# We cannot (currently) *create* this dtype with `np.dtype` because
# mytype does not inherit from `np.generic`. This seems like an
# unnecessary restriction, but one that has been around forever:
assert np.dtype(mytype) == np.dtype("O")
def test_custom_structured_dtype_errors(self):
class mytype:
blueprint = np.dtype([("field", object)])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Tests what happens if fields are unset during creation
# which is currently rejected due to the containing object
# (see PyArray_RegisterDataType).
create_custom_field_dtype(blueprint, mytype, 1)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
# Tests that a dtype must have its type field set up to np.dtype
# or in this case a builtin instance.
create_custom_field_dtype(blueprint, mytype, 2)
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 9), reason="Requires python 3.9")
class TestClassGetItem:
def test_dtype(self) -> None:
alias = np.dtype[Any]
assert isinstance(alias, types.GenericAlias)
assert alias.__origin__ is np.dtype
@pytest.mark.parametrize("code", np.typecodes["All"])
def test_dtype_subclass(self, code: str) -> None:
cls = type(np.dtype(code))
alias = cls[Any]
assert isinstance(alias, types.GenericAlias)
assert alias.__origin__ is cls
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg_len", range(4))
def test_subscript_tuple(self, arg_len: int) -> None:
arg_tup = (Any,) * arg_len
if arg_len == 1:
assert np.dtype[arg_tup]
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_subscript_scalar(self) -> None:
assert np.dtype[Any]
def test_result_type_integers_and_unitless_timedelta64():
# Regression test for gh-20077. The following call of `result_type`
# would cause a seg. fault.
td = np.timedelta64(4)
result = np.result_type(0, td)
assert_dtype_equal(result, td.dtype)
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 9), reason="Requires python 3.8")
def test_class_getitem_38() -> None:
match = "Type subscription requires python >= 3.9"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=match):