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# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
"""Value for RaggedTensor."""
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.row_partition import RowPartition
from tensorflow.python.util import dispatch
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
class RaggedTensorValue:
"""Represents the value of a `RaggedTensor`.
Warning: `RaggedTensorValue` should only be used in graph mode; in
eager mode, the `tf.RaggedTensor` class contains its value directly.
See `tf.RaggedTensor` for a description of ragged tensors.
def __init__(self, values, row_splits):
"""Creates a `RaggedTensorValue`.
values: A numpy array of any type and shape; or a RaggedTensorValue.
row_splits: A 1-D int32 or int64 numpy array.
if not (isinstance(row_splits, (np.ndarray, np.generic)) and
row_splits.dtype in (np.int64, np.int32) and row_splits.ndim == 1):
raise TypeError("row_splits must be a 1D int32 or int64 numpy array")
if not isinstance(values, (np.ndarray, np.generic, RaggedTensorValue)):
raise TypeError("values must be a numpy array or a RaggedTensorValue")
if (isinstance(values, RaggedTensorValue) and
row_splits.dtype != values.row_splits.dtype):
raise ValueError("row_splits and values.row_splits must have "
"the same dtype")
self._values = values
self._row_splits = row_splits
row_splits = property(
lambda self: self._row_splits,
doc="""The split indices for the ragged tensor value.""")
values = property(
lambda self: self._values,
doc="""The concatenated values for all rows in this tensor.""")
dtype = property(
lambda self: self._values.dtype,
doc="""The numpy dtype of values in this tensor.""")
def flat_values(self):
"""The innermost `values` array for this ragged tensor value."""
rt_values = self.values
while isinstance(rt_values, RaggedTensorValue):
rt_values = rt_values.values
return rt_values
def nested_row_splits(self):
"""The row_splits for all ragged dimensions in this ragged tensor value."""
rt_nested_splits = [self.row_splits]
rt_values = self.values
while isinstance(rt_values, RaggedTensorValue):
rt_values = rt_values.values
return tuple(rt_nested_splits)
def ragged_rank(self):
"""The number of ragged dimensions in this ragged tensor value."""
values_is_ragged = isinstance(self._values, RaggedTensorValue)
return self._values.ragged_rank + 1 if values_is_ragged else 1
def shape(self):
"""A tuple indicating the shape of this RaggedTensorValue."""
return (self._row_splits.shape[0] - 1,) + (None,) + self._values.shape[1:]
def _nested_row_partitions(self):
"""The row_partitions representing this shape."""
return [RowPartition.from_row_splits(rs) for rs in self.nested_row_splits]
def __str__(self):
return "<tf.RaggedTensorValue %s>" % self.to_list()
def __repr__(self):
return "tf.RaggedTensorValue(values=%r, row_splits=%r)" % (self._values,
def to_list(self):
"""Returns this ragged tensor value as a nested Python list."""
if isinstance(self._values, RaggedTensorValue):
values_as_list = self._values.to_list()
values_as_list = self._values.tolist()
return [
values_as_list[self._row_splits[i]:self._row_splits[i + 1]]
for i in range(len(self._row_splits) - 1)