2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

632 lines
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# Copyright 2021 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""CSR (compressed sparse row) matrix object and associated primitives."""
from __future__ import annotations
from functools import partial
import operator
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import warnings
import numpy as np
import jax
from jax.interpreters import mlir
from jax.experimental.sparse._base import JAXSparse
from jax.experimental.sparse.coo import _coo_matmat, _coo_matvec, _coo_todense, COOInfo
from jax.experimental.sparse.util import _csr_to_coo, _csr_extract, CuSparseEfficiencyWarning
from jax import lax
from jax import tree_util
from jax._src import core
from jax._src import dispatch
from jax._src.interpreters import ad
from jax._src.lax.lax import _const
from jax._src.lib import gpu_sparse
from jax._src.numpy.util import promote_dtypes
from jax._src.typing import Array, ArrayLike, DTypeLike
import jax.numpy as jnp
Shape = Tuple[int, ...]
class CSR(JAXSparse):
"""Experimental CSR matrix implemented in JAX.
Note: this class has minimal compatibility with JAX transforms such as
grad and autodiff, and offers very little functionality. In general you
should prefer :class:`jax.experimental.sparse.BCOO`.
Additionally, there are known failures in the case that `nse` is larger
than the true number of nonzeros in the represented matrix. This situation
is better handled in BCOO.
data: jax.Array
indices: jax.Array
indptr: jax.Array
shape: Tuple[int, int]
nse = property(lambda self:
dtype = property(lambda self:
_bufs = property(lambda self: (, self.indices, self.indptr))
def __init__(self, args, *, shape):, self.indices, self.indptr = map(jnp.asarray, args)
super().__init__(args, shape=shape)
def fromdense(cls, mat, *, nse=None, index_dtype=np.int32):
if nse is None:
nse = (mat != 0).sum()
return csr_fromdense(mat, nse=nse, index_dtype=index_dtype)
def _empty(cls, shape, *, dtype=None, index_dtype='int32'):
"""Create an empty CSR instance. Public method is sparse.empty()."""
shape = tuple(shape)
if len(shape) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"CSR must have ndim=2; got {shape=}")
data = jnp.empty(0, dtype)
indices = jnp.empty(0, index_dtype)
indptr = jnp.zeros(shape[0] + 1, index_dtype)
return cls((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape)
def _eye(cls, N, M, k, *, dtype=None, index_dtype='int32'):
if k > 0:
diag_size = min(N, M - k)
diag_size = min(N + k, M)
if diag_size <= 0:
# if k is out of range, return an empty matrix.
return cls._empty((N, M), dtype=dtype, index_dtype=index_dtype)
data = jnp.ones(diag_size, dtype=dtype)
idx = jnp.arange(diag_size, dtype=index_dtype)
zero = _const(idx, 0)
k = _const(idx, k)
col = lax.add(idx, lax.cond(k <= 0, lambda: zero, lambda: k))
indices = col.astype(index_dtype)
# TODO(jakevdp): this can be done more efficiently.
row = lax.sub(idx, lax.cond(k >= 0, lambda: zero, lambda: k))
indptr = jnp.zeros(N + 1, dtype=index_dtype).at[1:].set(
jnp.cumsum(jnp.bincount(row, length=N).astype(index_dtype)))
return cls((data, indices, indptr), shape=(N, M))
def todense(self):
return csr_todense(self)
def transpose(self, axes=None):
assert axes is None
return CSC((, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=self.shape[::-1])
def __matmul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, JAXSparse):
raise NotImplementedError("matmul between two sparse objects.")
other = jnp.asarray(other)
data, other = promote_dtypes(, other)
if other.ndim == 1:
return _csr_matvec(data, self.indices, self.indptr, other, shape=self.shape)
elif other.ndim == 2:
return _csr_matmat(data, self.indices, self.indptr, other, shape=self.shape)
raise NotImplementedError(f"matmul with object of shape {other.shape}")
def tree_flatten(self):
return (, self.indices, self.indptr), {"shape": self.shape}
def tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children):
obj = object.__new__(cls), obj.indices, obj.indptr = children
if aux_data.keys() != {'shape'}:
raise ValueError(f"CSR.tree_unflatten: invalid {aux_data=}")
return obj
class CSC(JAXSparse):
"""Experimental CSC matrix implemented in JAX; API subject to change."""
data: jax.Array
indices: jax.Array
indptr: jax.Array
shape: Tuple[int, int]
nse = property(lambda self:
dtype = property(lambda self:
def __init__(self, args, *, shape):, self.indices, self.indptr = map(jnp.asarray, args)
super().__init__(args, shape=shape)
def fromdense(cls, mat, *, nse=None, index_dtype=np.int32):
if nse is None:
nse = (mat != 0).sum()
return csr_fromdense(mat.T, nse=nse, index_dtype=index_dtype).T
def _empty(cls, shape, *, dtype=None, index_dtype='int32'):
"""Create an empty CSC instance. Public method is sparse.empty()."""
shape = tuple(shape)
if len(shape) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"CSC must have ndim=2; got {shape=}")
data = jnp.empty(0, dtype)
indices = jnp.empty(0, index_dtype)
indptr = jnp.zeros(shape[1] + 1, index_dtype)
return cls((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape)
def _eye(cls, N, M, k, *, dtype=None, index_dtype='int32'):
return CSR._eye(M, N, -k, dtype=dtype, index_dtype=index_dtype).T
def todense(self):
return csr_todense(self.T).T
def transpose(self, axes=None):
assert axes is None
return CSR((, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=self.shape[::-1])
def __matmul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, JAXSparse):
raise NotImplementedError("matmul between two sparse objects.")
other = jnp.asarray(other)
data, other = promote_dtypes(, other)
if other.ndim == 1:
return _csr_matvec(data, self.indices, self.indptr, other,
shape=self.shape[::-1], transpose=True)
elif other.ndim == 2:
return _csr_matmat(data, self.indices, self.indptr, other,
shape=self.shape[::-1], transpose=True)
raise NotImplementedError(f"matmul with object of shape {other.shape}")
def tree_flatten(self):
return (, self.indices, self.indptr), {"shape": self.shape}
def tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children):
obj = object.__new__(cls), obj.indices, obj.indptr = children
if aux_data.keys() != {'shape'}:
raise ValueError(f"CSC.tree_unflatten: invalid {aux_data=}")
return obj
# csr_todense
csr_todense_p = core.Primitive('csr_todense')
def csr_todense(mat: CSR) -> Array:
"""Convert a CSR-format sparse matrix to a dense matrix.
mat : CSR matrix
mat_dense: dense version of ``mat``
return _csr_todense(, mat.indices, mat.indptr, shape=mat.shape)
def _csr_todense(data: Array, indices: Array, indptr: Array, *, shape: Shape) -> Array:
"""Convert CSR-format sparse matrix to a dense matrix.
data : array of shape ``(nse,)``.
indices : array of shape ``(nse,)``
indptr : array of shape ``(shape[0] + 1,)`` and dtype ``indices.dtype``
shape : length-2 tuple representing the matrix shape
mat : array with specified shape and dtype matching ``data``
return csr_todense_p.bind(data, indices, indptr, shape=shape)
def _csr_todense_impl(data, indices, indptr, *, shape):
return _coo_todense(data, *_csr_to_coo(indices, indptr), spinfo=COOInfo(shape=shape))
def _csr_todense_abstract_eval(data, indices, indptr, *, shape):
assert data.ndim == indices.ndim == indptr.ndim == 1
assert indices.dtype == indptr.dtype
assert data.shape == indices.shape
assert indptr.shape[0] == shape[0] + 1
return core.ShapedArray(shape, data.dtype)
_csr_todense_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(
_csr_todense_impl, multiple_results=False)
def _csr_todense_gpu_lowering(csr_todense_hlo, ctx, data, indices, indptr, *,
data_aval, indices_aval, _ = ctx.avals_in
dtype = data_aval.dtype
if not (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating)):
warnings.warn(f"csr_todense cusparse/hipsparse lowering not available for {dtype=}. "
"Falling back to default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _csr_todense_lowering(ctx, data, indices, indptr, shape=shape)
return [csr_todense_hlo(
data, indices, indptr, shape=shape, data_dtype=dtype,
def _csr_todense_jvp(data_dot, data, indices, indptr, *, shape):
return _csr_todense(data_dot, indices, indptr, shape=shape)
def _csr_todense_transpose(ct, data, indices, indptr, *, shape):
# Note: we assume that transpose has the same sparsity pattern.
# Can we check this?
assert ad.is_undefined_primal(data)
if ad.is_undefined_primal(indices) or ad.is_undefined_primal(indptr):
raise ValueError("Cannot transpose with respect to sparse indices")
assert ct.shape == shape
assert indices.aval.dtype == indptr.aval.dtype
assert ct.dtype == data.aval.dtype
return _csr_extract(indices, indptr, ct), indices, indptr
ad.defjvp(csr_todense_p, _csr_todense_jvp, None, None)
ad.primitive_transposes[csr_todense_p] = _csr_todense_transpose
mlir.register_lowering(csr_todense_p, _csr_todense_lowering)
if gpu_sparse.cuda_is_supported:
partial(_csr_todense_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.cuda_csr_todense),
if gpu_sparse.rocm_is_supported:
partial(_csr_todense_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.rocm_csr_todense),
# csr_fromdense
csr_fromdense_p = core.Primitive('csr_fromdense')
csr_fromdense_p.multiple_results = True
def csr_fromdense(mat: Array, *, nse: Optional[int] = None, index_dtype: DTypeLike = np.int32) -> CSR:
"""Create a CSR-format sparse matrix from a dense matrix.
mat : array to be converted to CSR.
nse : number of specified entries in ``mat``. If not specified,
it will be computed from the input matrix.
index_dtype : dtype of sparse indices
mat_coo : CSR representation of the matrix.
if nse is None:
nse = int((mat != 0).sum())
nse_int = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, nse, "coo_fromdense nse argument")
return CSR(_csr_fromdense(mat, nse=nse_int, index_dtype=index_dtype), shape=mat.shape)
def _csr_fromdense(mat: Array, *, nse: int, index_dtype: DTypeLike = np.int32) -> Tuple[Array, Array, Array]:
"""Create CSR-format sparse matrix from a dense matrix.
mat : array to be converted to CSR.
nse : number of specified entries in ``mat``
index_dtype : dtype of sparse indices
data : array of shape ``(nse,)`` and dtype ``mat.dtype``.
indices : array of shape ``(nse,)`` and dtype ``index_dtype``
indptr : array of shape ``(mat.shape[0] + 1,)`` and dtype ``index_dtype``
mat = jnp.asarray(mat)
nse = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, nse, "nse argument of csr_fromdense()")
return csr_fromdense_p.bind(mat, nse=nse, index_dtype=np.dtype(index_dtype))
def _csr_fromdense_impl(mat, *, nse, index_dtype):
mat = jnp.asarray(mat)
assert mat.ndim == 2
m = mat.shape[0]
row, col = jnp.nonzero(mat, size=nse)
data = mat[row, col]
true_nonzeros = jnp.arange(nse) < (mat != 0).sum()
data = jnp.where(true_nonzeros, data, 0)
row = jnp.where(true_nonzeros, row, m)
indices = col.astype(index_dtype)
indptr = jnp.zeros(m + 1, dtype=index_dtype).at[1:].set(
jnp.cumsum(jnp.bincount(row, length=m).astype(index_dtype)))
return data, indices, indptr
def _csr_fromdense_abstract_eval(mat, *, nse, index_dtype):
data = core.ShapedArray((nse,), mat.dtype)
indices = core.ShapedArray((nse,), index_dtype)
indptr = core.ShapedArray((mat.shape[0] + 1,), index_dtype)
return data, indices, indptr
_csr_fromdense_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(_csr_fromdense_impl,
def _csr_fromdense_gpu_lowering(csr_fromdense_hlo, ctx, mat, *, nse, index_dtype):
dtype = ctx.avals_in[0].dtype
if not (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating)):
warnings.warn(f"csr_fromdense cusparse/hipsparse lowering not available for {dtype=}. "
"Falling back to default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _csr_fromdense_lowering(ctx, mat, nse=nse, index_dtype=index_dtype)
data, indices, indptr = csr_fromdense_hlo(
mat, nnz=nse, index_dtype=np.dtype(index_dtype),
data_dtype=dtype, index_type=mlir.dtype_to_ir_type(np.dtype(index_dtype)))
return [data, indices, indptr]
def _csr_fromdense_jvp(primals, tangents, *, nse, index_dtype):
M, = primals
Mdot, = tangents
primals_out = _csr_fromdense(M, nse=nse, index_dtype=index_dtype)
data, indices, indptr = primals_out
if type(Mdot) is ad.Zero:
data_dot = ad.Zero.from_value(data)
data_dot = _csr_extract(indices, indptr, Mdot)
tangents_out = (data_dot, ad.Zero.from_value(indices), ad.Zero.from_value(indptr))
return primals_out, tangents_out
def _csr_fromdense_transpose(ct, M, *, nse, index_dtype):
data, indices, indptr = ct
assert len(data) == nse
assert indices.dtype == indptr.dtype == index_dtype
if isinstance(indices, ad.Zero) or isinstance(indptr, ad.Zero):
raise ValueError("Cannot transpose with respect to sparse indices")
assert ad.is_undefined_primal(M)
return _csr_todense(data, indices, indptr, shape=M.aval.shape)
ad.primitive_jvps[csr_fromdense_p] = _csr_fromdense_jvp
ad.primitive_transposes[csr_fromdense_p] = _csr_fromdense_transpose
mlir.register_lowering(csr_fromdense_p, _csr_fromdense_lowering)
if gpu_sparse.cuda_is_supported:
partial(_csr_fromdense_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.cuda_csr_fromdense),
if gpu_sparse.rocm_is_supported:
partial(_csr_fromdense_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.rocm_csr_fromdense),
# csr_matvec
csr_matvec_p = core.Primitive('csr_matvec')
def csr_matvec(mat: CSR, v: Array, transpose: bool = False) -> Array:
"""Product of CSR sparse matrix and a dense vector.
mat : CSR matrix
v : one-dimensional array of size ``(shape[0] if transpose else shape[1],)`` and
dtype ``mat.dtype``
transpose : boolean specifying whether to transpose the sparse matrix
before computing.
y : array of shape ``(mat.shape[1] if transpose else mat.shape[0],)`` representing
the matrix vector product.
data, indices, indptr = mat._bufs
return _csr_matvec(data, indices, indptr, v, shape=mat.shape, transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matvec(data, indices, indptr, v, *, shape, transpose=False):
"""Product of CSR sparse matrix and a dense vector.
data : array of shape ``(nse,)``.
indices : array of shape ``(nse,)``
indptr : array of shape ``(shape[0] + 1,)`` and dtype ``indices.dtype``
v : array of shape ``(shape[0] if transpose else shape[1],)``
and dtype ``data.dtype``
shape : length-2 tuple representing the matrix shape
transpose : boolean specifying whether to transpose the sparse matrix
before computing.
y : array of shape ``(shape[1] if transpose else shape[0],)`` representing
the matrix vector product.
return csr_matvec_p.bind(data, indices, indptr, v, shape=shape, transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matvec_impl(data, indices, indptr, v, *, shape, transpose):
return _coo_matvec(data, *_csr_to_coo(indices, indptr), v, spinfo=COOInfo(shape=shape), transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matvec_abstract_eval(data, indices, indptr, v, *, shape, transpose):
assert len(shape) == 2
assert v.ndim == data.ndim == indices.ndim == indptr.ndim == 1
assert data.shape == indices.shape
assert data.dtype == v.dtype
assert indices.dtype == indptr.dtype
assert indptr.shape[0] == shape[0] + 1
out_shape = shape[1] if transpose else shape[0]
assert v.shape[0] == (shape[0] if transpose else shape[1])
return core.ShapedArray((out_shape,), data.dtype)
_csr_matvec_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(_csr_matvec_impl, multiple_results=False)
def _csr_matvec_gpu_lowering(csr_matvec_hlo, ctx, data, indices, indptr, v, *,
shape, transpose):
data_aval, indices_aval, _, v_aval = ctx.avals_in
dtype = data_aval.dtype
if dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
warnings.warn(f"csr_matvec cusparse/hipsparse lowering not available for {dtype=}. "
"Falling back to default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _csr_matvec_lowering(ctx, data, indices, indptr, v, shape=shape,
return [csr_matvec_hlo(
data, indices, indptr, v, shape=shape, transpose=transpose,
data_dtype=dtype, index_dtype=indices_aval.dtype, x_dtype=v_aval.dtype)]
def _csr_matvec_jvp_mat(data_dot, data, indices, indptr, v, *, shape, transpose):
return _csr_matvec(data_dot, indices, indptr, v, shape=shape, transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matvec_jvp_vec(v_dot, data, indices, indptr, v, *, shape, transpose):
return _csr_matvec(data, indices, indptr, v_dot, shape=shape, transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matvec_transpose(ct, data, indices, indptr, v, *, shape, transpose):
assert not ad.is_undefined_primal(indices)
assert not ad.is_undefined_primal(indptr)
if ad.is_undefined_primal(v):
return data, indices, indptr, _csr_matvec(data, indices, indptr, ct, shape=shape, transpose=not transpose)
v = jnp.asarray(v)
# The following lines do this, but more efficiently.
# return _csr_extract(indices, indptr, jnp.outer(ct, v)), indices, indptr, v
row, col = _csr_to_coo(indices, indptr)
return ct[row] * v[col], indices, indptr, v
ad.defjvp(csr_matvec_p, _csr_matvec_jvp_mat, None, None, _csr_matvec_jvp_vec)
ad.primitive_transposes[csr_matvec_p] = _csr_matvec_transpose
mlir.register_lowering(csr_matvec_p, _csr_matvec_lowering)
if gpu_sparse.cuda_is_supported:
partial(_csr_matvec_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.cuda_csr_matvec),
if gpu_sparse.rocm_is_supported:
partial(_csr_matvec_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.rocm_csr_matvec),
# csr_matmat
csr_matmat_p = core.Primitive('csr_matmat')
def csr_matmat(mat: CSR, B: Array, *, transpose: bool = False) -> Array:
"""Product of CSR sparse matrix and a dense matrix.
mat : CSR matrix
B : array of shape ``(mat.shape[0] if transpose else mat.shape[1], cols)`` and
dtype ``mat.dtype``
transpose : boolean specifying whether to transpose the sparse matrix
before computing.
C : array of shape ``(mat.shape[1] if transpose else mat.shape[0], cols)``
representing the matrix vector product.
data, indices, indptr = mat._bufs
return _csr_matmat(data, indices, indptr, B, shape=mat.shape, transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matmat(data: Array, indices: Array, indptr: Array, B: Array,
*, shape: Shape, transpose: bool = False) -> Array:
"""Product of CSR sparse matrix and a dense matrix.
data : array of shape ``(nse,)``.
indices : array of shape ``(nse,)``
indptr : array of shape ``(shape[0] + 1,)`` and dtype ``indices.dtype``
B : array of shape ``(shape[0] if transpose else shape[1], cols)`` and
dtype ``data.dtype``
shape : length-2 tuple representing the matrix shape
transpose : boolean specifying whether to transpose the sparse matrix
before computing.
C : array of shape ``(shape[1] if transpose else shape[0], cols)``
representing the matrix-matrix product product.
return csr_matmat_p.bind(data, indices, indptr, B, shape=shape, transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matmat_impl(data, indices, indptr, B, *, shape, transpose):
return _coo_matmat(data, *_csr_to_coo(indices, indptr), B, spinfo=COOInfo(shape=shape), transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matmat_abstract_eval(data, indices, indptr, B, *, shape, transpose):
assert len(shape) == 2
assert data.ndim == indices.ndim == indptr.ndim == 1
assert B.ndim == 2
assert data.shape == indices.shape
assert data.dtype == B.dtype
assert indices.dtype == indptr.dtype
assert indptr.shape[0] == shape[0] + 1
out_shape = shape[1] if transpose else shape[0]
assert B.shape[0] == (shape[0] if transpose else shape[1])
return core.ShapedArray((out_shape, B.shape[1]), data.dtype)
_csr_matmat_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(_csr_matmat_impl, multiple_results=False)
def _csr_matmat_gpu_lowering(csr_matmat_hlo, ctx, data, indices, indptr, B, *,
shape, transpose):
data_aval, indices_aval, _, B_aval = ctx.avals_in
dtype = data_aval.dtype
if dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
warnings.warn(f"csr_matmat cusparse/hipsparse lowering not available for {dtype=}. "
"Falling back to default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _csr_matmat_lowering(ctx, data, indices, indptr, B, shape=shape,
return [csr_matmat_hlo(
data, indices, indptr, B, shape=shape, transpose=transpose,
index_dtype=indices_aval.dtype, data_dtype=data_aval.dtype,
def _csr_matmat_jvp_left(data_dot, data, indices, indptr, B, *, shape, transpose):
return _csr_matmat(data_dot, indices, indptr, B, shape=shape, transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matmat_jvp_right(B_dot, data, indices, indptr, B, *, shape, transpose):
return _csr_matmat(data, indices, indptr, B_dot, shape=shape, transpose=transpose)
def _csr_matmat_transpose(ct, data, indices, indptr, B, *, shape, transpose):
assert not ad.is_undefined_primal(indices)
assert not ad.is_undefined_primal(indptr)
if ad.is_undefined_primal(B):
return data, indices, indptr, _csr_matmat(data, indices, indptr, ct, shape=shape, transpose=not transpose)
B = jnp.asarray(B)
row, col = _csr_to_coo(indices, indptr)
return (ct[row] * B[col]).sum(1), indices, indptr, B
ad.defjvp(csr_matmat_p, _csr_matmat_jvp_left, None, None, _csr_matmat_jvp_right)
ad.primitive_transposes[csr_matmat_p] = _csr_matmat_transpose
mlir.register_lowering(csr_matmat_p, _csr_matmat_lowering)
if gpu_sparse:
if gpu_sparse.cuda_is_supported:
partial(_csr_matmat_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.cuda_csr_matmat),
if gpu_sparse.rocm_is_supported:
partial(_csr_matmat_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.rocm_csr_matmat),