2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

1210 lines
40 KiB

# Copyright 2018 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from contextlib import contextmanager, ExitStack
import inspect
import io
import functools
from functools import partial
import math
import re
import os
import tempfile
import textwrap
from typing import Callable, List, Generator, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import unittest
import warnings
import zlib
from absl.testing import absltest
from absl.testing import parameterized
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import jax
from jax import lax
from jax.experimental.compilation_cache import compilation_cache
from jax._src.interpreters import mlir
from jax.tree_util import tree_map, tree_all, tree_flatten, tree_unflatten
from jax._src import api
from jax._src import pjit as pjit_lib
from jax._src import core
from jax._src import dispatch
from jax._src import dtypes as _dtypes
from jax._src.interpreters import pxla
from jax._src.config import (flags, bool_env, config,
from jax._src.numpy.util import promote_dtypes, promote_dtypes_inexact
from jax._src.util import unzip2
from jax._src.public_test_util import ( # noqa: F401
_assert_numpy_allclose, _check_dtypes_match, _default_tolerance, _dtype, check_close, check_grads,
check_jvp, check_vjp, default_gradient_tolerance, default_tolerance, device_under_test, tolerance)
from jax._src import xla_bridge
# This submodule includes private test utilities that are not exported to
# jax.test_util. Functionality appearing here is for internal use only, and
# may be changed or removed at any time and without any deprecation cycle.
'jax_test_dut', '',
'Describes the device under test in case special consideration is required.'
int(os.getenv('JAX_NUM_GENERATED_CASES', '10')),
help='Number of generated cases to test')
int(os.getenv('JAX_MAX_CASES_SAMPLING_RETRIES', '100')),
'Number of times a failed test sample should be retried. '
'When an unseen case cannot be generated in this many trials, the '
'sampling process is terminated.'
bool_env('JAX_SKIP_SLOW_TESTS', False),
help='Skip tests marked as slow (> 5 sec).'
'test_targets', os.getenv('JAX_TEST_TARGETS', ''),
'Regular expression specifying which tests to run, called via on '
'the test name. If empty or unspecified, run all tests.'
'exclude_test_targets', os.getenv('JAX_EXCLUDE_TEST_TARGETS', ''),
'Regular expression specifying which tests NOT to run, called via '
'on the test name. If empty or unspecified, run all tests.'
help='If enabled, the persistent compilation cache will be enabled for all '
'test cases. This can be used to increase compilation cache coverage.')
def num_float_bits(dtype):
return _dtypes.finfo(_dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtype)).bits
def to_default_dtype(arr):
"""Convert a value to an array with JAX's default dtype.
This is generally used for type conversions of values returned by numpy functions,
to make their dtypes take into account the state of the ``jax_enable_x64`` and
``jax_default_dtype_bits`` flags.
arr = np.asarray(arr)
dtype = _dtypes._default_types.get(arr.dtype.kind)
return arr.astype(_dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtype)) if dtype else arr
def with_jax_dtype_defaults(func, use_defaults=True):
"""Return a version of a function with outputs that match JAX's default dtypes.
This is generally used to wrap numpy functions within tests, in order to make
their default output dtypes match those of corresponding JAX functions, taking
into account the state of the ``jax_enable_x64`` and ``jax_default_dtype_bits``
use_defaults : whether to convert any given output to the default dtype. May be
a single boolean, in which case it specifies the conversion for all outputs,
or may be a a pytree with the same structure as the function output.
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(use_defaults, bool):
return tree_map(to_default_dtype, result) if use_defaults else result
f = lambda arr, use_default: to_default_dtype(arr) if use_default else arr
return tree_map(f, result, use_defaults)
return wrapped
def is_sequence(x):
except TypeError:
return False
return True
def _normalize_tolerance(tol):
tol = tol or 0
if isinstance(tol, dict):
return {np.dtype(k): v for k, v in tol.items()}
return {k: tol for k in _default_tolerance}
def join_tolerance(tol1, tol2):
tol1 = _normalize_tolerance(tol1)
tol2 = _normalize_tolerance(tol2)
out = tol1
for k, v in tol2.items():
out[k] = max(v, tol1.get(k, 0))
return out
def check_eq(xs, ys, err_msg=''):
assert_close = partial(_assert_numpy_allclose, err_msg=err_msg)
tree_all(tree_map(assert_close, xs, ys))
def capture_stdout() -> Generator[Callable[[], str], None, None]:
with unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=io.StringIO) as fp:
def _read() -> str:
return fp.getvalue()
yield _read
def count_device_put():
batched_device_put = pxla.batched_device_put
count = [0]
def make_fn_and_count(fn):
def fn_and_count(*args, **kwargs):
count[0] += 1
# device_put handlers might call `dispatch.device_put` (e.g. on an
# underlying payload or several). We only want to count these
# recursive puts once, so we skip counting more than the outermost
# one in such a call stack.
pxla.batched_device_put = batched_device_put
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
pxla.batched_device_put = batched_device_put_and_count
return fn_and_count
batched_device_put_and_count = make_fn_and_count(batched_device_put)
pxla.batched_device_put = batched_device_put_and_count
yield count
pxla.batched_device_put = batched_device_put
def count_primitive_compiles():
count = [-1]
yield count
count[0] = dispatch.xla_primitive_callable.cache_info().misses
def count_pjit_cpp_cache_miss():
original_pjit_lower = pjit_lib._pjit_lower
count = [0]
def pjit_lower_and_count(*args, **kwargs):
count[0] += 1
return original_pjit_lower(*args, **kwargs)
pjit_lib._pjit_lower = pjit_lower_and_count
yield count
pjit_lib._pjit_lower = original_pjit_lower
def count_jit_and_pmap_compiles():
# No need to clear any caches since we generally jit and pmap fresh callables
# in tests.
mlir_lower = mlir.lower_jaxpr_to_module
count = [0]
def mlir_lower_and_count(*args, **kwargs):
count[0] += 1
return mlir_lower(*args, **kwargs)
mlir.lower_jaxpr_to_module = mlir_lower_and_count
yield count
mlir.lower_jaxpr_to_module = mlir_lower
def assert_num_jit_and_pmap_compilations(times):
with count_jit_and_pmap_compiles() as count:
if count[0] != times:
raise AssertionError(f"Expected exactly {times} XLA compilations, "
f"but executed {count[0]}")
def if_device_under_test(device_type: Union[str, Sequence[str]],
if_true, if_false):
"""Chooses `if_true` of `if_false` based on device_under_test."""
if device_under_test() in ([device_type] if isinstance(device_type, str)
else device_type):
return if_true
return if_false
def supported_dtypes():
if device_under_test() == "tpu":
types = {np.bool_, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.uint8, np.uint16,
np.uint32, _dtypes.bfloat16, np.float16, np.float32, np.complex64}
elif device_under_test() == "iree":
types = {np.bool_, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.uint8, np.uint16,
np.uint32, np.float32}
types = {np.bool_, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64,
np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64,
_dtypes.bfloat16, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64,
np.complex64, np.complex128}
if not config.x64_enabled:
types -= {np.uint64, np.int64, np.float64, np.complex128}
return types
def is_device_rocm():
return xla_bridge.get_backend().platform_version.startswith('rocm')
def is_device_cuda():
return xla_bridge.get_backend().platform_version.startswith('cuda')
def is_cloud_tpu():
return 'libtpu' in xla_bridge.get_backend().platform_version
def is_se_tpu():
return (
is_cloud_tpu() and not xla_bridge.using_pjrt_c_api()
) or xla_bridge.get_backend().platform_version.startswith(
'StreamExecutor TPU'
def is_device_tpu_v4():
return jax.devices()[0].device_kind == "TPU v4"
def _get_device_tags():
"""returns a set of tags defined for the device under test"""
if is_device_rocm():
device_tags = {device_under_test(), "rocm"}
elif is_device_cuda():
device_tags = {device_under_test(), "cuda"}
device_tags = {device_under_test()}
return device_tags
def skip_on_devices(*disabled_devices):
"""A decorator for test methods to skip the test on certain devices."""
def skip(test_method):
def test_method_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
device_tags = _get_device_tags()
if device_tags & set(disabled_devices):
test_name = getattr(test_method, '__name__', '[unknown test]')
raise unittest.SkipTest(
f"{test_name} not supported on device with tags {device_tags}.")
return test_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return test_method_wrapper
return skip
def set_host_platform_device_count(nr_devices: int):
"""Returns a closure that undoes the operation."""
prev_xla_flags = os.getenv("XLA_FLAGS")
flags_str = prev_xla_flags or ""
# Don't override user-specified device count, or other XLA flags.
if "xla_force_host_platform_device_count" not in flags_str:
os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = (flags_str +
f" --xla_force_host_platform_device_count={nr_devices}")
# Clear any cached backends so new CPU backend will pick up the env var.
def undo():
if prev_xla_flags is None:
del os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"]
os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = prev_xla_flags
return undo
def skip_on_xla_cpu_mlir(test_method):
"""A decorator to skip tests when MLIR lowering is enabled."""
def test_method_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
xla_flags = os.getenv('XLA_FLAGS') or ''
if '--xla_cpu_use_xla_runtime' in xla_flags:
test_name = getattr(test_method, '__name__', '[unknown test]')
raise unittest.SkipTest(
f'{test_name} not supported on XLA:CPU MLIR')
return test_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return test_method_wrapper
def skip_on_flag(flag_name, skip_value):
"""A decorator for test methods to skip the test when flags are set."""
def skip(test_method): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
def test_method_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
flag_value = config._read(flag_name)
if flag_value == skip_value:
test_name = getattr(test_method, '__name__', '[unknown test]')
raise unittest.SkipTest(
f"{test_name} not supported when FLAGS.{flag_name} is {flag_value}")
return test_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return test_method_wrapper
return skip
def pytest_mark_if_available(marker: str):
"""A decorator for test classes or methods to pytest.mark if installed."""
def wrap(func_or_class):
import pytest
except ImportError:
return func_or_class
return getattr(pytest.mark, marker)(func_or_class)
return wrap
def format_test_name_suffix(opname, shapes, dtypes):
arg_descriptions = (format_shape_dtype_string(shape, dtype)
for shape, dtype in zip(shapes, dtypes))
return '{}_{}'.format(opname.capitalize(), '_'.join(arg_descriptions))
# We use special symbols, represented as singleton objects, to distinguish
# between NumPy scalars, Python scalars, and 0-D arrays.
class ScalarShape:
def __len__(self): return 0
def __getitem__(self, i): raise IndexError(f"index {i} out of range.")
class _NumpyScalar(ScalarShape): pass
class _PythonScalar(ScalarShape): pass
# Some shape combinations don't make sense.
def is_valid_shape(shape, dtype):
return dtype == np.dtype(type(np.array(0, dtype=dtype).item()))
return True
def _dims_of_shape(shape):
"""Converts `shape` to a tuple of dimensions."""
if type(shape) in (list, tuple):
return shape
elif isinstance(shape, ScalarShape):
return ()
elif np.ndim(shape) == 0:
return (shape,)
raise TypeError(type(shape))
def _cast_to_shape(value, shape, dtype):
"""Casts `value` to the correct Python type for `shape` and `dtype`."""
# explicitly cast to NumPy scalar in case `value` is a Python scalar.
return np.dtype(dtype).type(value)
elif shape is PYTHON_SCALAR_SHAPE:
# explicitly cast to Python scalar via
return np.asarray(value).item()
elif type(shape) in (list, tuple):
assert np.shape(value) == tuple(shape)
return value
elif np.ndim(shape) == 0:
assert np.shape(value) == (shape,)
return value
raise TypeError(type(shape))
def dtype_str(dtype):
return np.dtype(dtype).name
def format_shape_dtype_string(shape, dtype):
if isinstance(shape, np.ndarray):
return f'{dtype_str(dtype)}[{shape}]'
elif isinstance(shape, list):
shape = tuple(shape)
return _format_shape_dtype_string(shape, dtype)
def _format_shape_dtype_string(shape, dtype):
return dtype_str(dtype)
elif shape is PYTHON_SCALAR_SHAPE:
return 'py' + dtype_str(dtype)
elif type(shape) is tuple:
shapestr = ','.join(str(dim) for dim in shape)
return f'{dtype_str(dtype)}[{shapestr}]'
elif type(shape) is int:
return f'{dtype_str(dtype)}[{shape},]'
raise TypeError(type(shape))
def _rand_dtype(rand, shape, dtype, scale=1., post=lambda x: x):
"""Produce random values given shape, dtype, scale, and post-processor.
rand: a function for producing random values of a given shape, e.g. a
bound version of either np.RandomState.randn or np.RandomState.rand.
shape: a shape value as a tuple of positive integers.
dtype: a numpy dtype.
scale: optional, a multiplicative scale for the random values (default 1).
post: optional, a callable for post-processing the random values (default
An ndarray of the given shape and dtype using random values based on a call
to rand but scaled, converted to the appropriate dtype, and post-processed.
if _dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.unsignedinteger):
r = lambda: np.asarray(scale * abs(rand(*_dims_of_shape(shape))), dtype)
r = lambda: np.asarray(scale * rand(*_dims_of_shape(shape)), dtype)
if _dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
vals = r() + 1.0j * r()
vals = r()
return _cast_to_shape(np.asarray(post(vals), dtype), shape, dtype)
def rand_fullrange(rng, standardize_nans=False):
"""Random numbers that span the full range of available bits."""
def gen(shape, dtype, post=lambda x: x):
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
size = dtype.itemsize *
vals = rng.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.uint8).max, size=size, dtype=np.uint8)
vals = post(vals).view(dtype)
# Sampling from the full range of the largest available uint type
# leads to overflows in this case; sample from signed ints instead.
if dtype == np.uint64:
vals = vals.astype(np.int64)
elif dtype == np.uint32 and not config.x64_enabled:
vals = vals.astype(np.int32)
vals = vals.reshape(shape)
# Non-standard NaNs cause errors in numpy equality assertions.
if standardize_nans and np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
vals[np.isnan(vals)] = np.nan
return _cast_to_shape(vals, shape, dtype)
return gen
def rand_default(rng, scale=3):
return partial(_rand_dtype, rng.randn, scale=scale)
def rand_nonzero(rng):
post = lambda x: np.where(x == 0, np.array(1, dtype=x.dtype), x)
return partial(_rand_dtype, rng.randn, scale=3, post=post)
def rand_positive(rng):
post = lambda x: x + 1
return partial(_rand_dtype, rng.rand, scale=2, post=post)
def rand_small(rng):
return partial(_rand_dtype, rng.randn, scale=1e-3)
def rand_not_small(rng, offset=10.):
post = lambda x: x + np.where(x > 0, offset, -offset)
return partial(_rand_dtype, rng.randn, scale=3., post=post)
def rand_small_positive(rng):
return partial(_rand_dtype, rng.rand, scale=2e-5)
def rand_uniform(rng, low=0.0, high=1.0):
assert low < high
post = lambda x: x * (high - low) + low
return partial(_rand_dtype, rng.rand, post=post)
def rand_some_equal(rng):
def post(x):
x_ravel = x.ravel()
if len(x_ravel) == 0:
return x
flips = rng.rand(*np.shape(x)) < 0.5
return np.where(flips, x_ravel[0], x)
return partial(_rand_dtype, rng.randn, scale=100., post=post)
def rand_some_inf(rng):
"""Return a random sampler that produces infinities in floating types."""
base_rand = rand_default(rng)
# TODO: Complex numbers are not correctly tested
# If blocks should be switched in order, and relevant tests should be fixed
def rand(shape, dtype):
"""The random sampler function."""
if not _dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
# only float types have inf
return base_rand(shape, dtype)
if _dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
base_dtype = np.real(np.array(0, dtype=dtype)).dtype
out = (rand(shape, base_dtype) +
np.array(1j, dtype) * rand(shape, base_dtype))
return _cast_to_shape(out, shape, dtype)
dims = _dims_of_shape(shape)
posinf_flips = rng.rand(*dims) < 0.1
neginf_flips = rng.rand(*dims) < 0.1
vals = base_rand(shape, dtype)
vals = np.where(posinf_flips, np.array(np.inf, dtype=dtype), vals)
vals = np.where(neginf_flips, np.array(-np.inf, dtype=dtype), vals)
return _cast_to_shape(np.asarray(vals, dtype=dtype), shape, dtype)
return rand
def rand_some_nan(rng):
"""Return a random sampler that produces nans in floating types."""
base_rand = rand_default(rng)
def rand(shape, dtype):
"""The random sampler function."""
if _dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
base_dtype = np.real(np.array(0, dtype=dtype)).dtype
out = (rand(shape, base_dtype) +
np.array(1j, dtype) * rand(shape, base_dtype))
return _cast_to_shape(out, shape, dtype)
if not _dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
# only float types have inf
return base_rand(shape, dtype)
dims = _dims_of_shape(shape)
r = rng.rand(*dims)
nan_flips = r < 0.1
neg_nan_flips = r < 0.05
vals = base_rand(shape, dtype)
vals = np.where(nan_flips, np.array(np.nan, dtype=dtype), vals)
vals = np.where(neg_nan_flips, np.array(-np.nan, dtype=dtype), vals)
return _cast_to_shape(np.asarray(vals, dtype=dtype), shape, dtype)
return rand
def rand_some_inf_and_nan(rng):
"""Return a random sampler that produces infinities in floating types."""
base_rand = rand_default(rng)
# TODO: Complex numbers are not correctly tested
# If blocks should be switched in order, and relevant tests should be fixed
def rand(shape, dtype):
"""The random sampler function."""
if not _dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
# only float types have inf
return base_rand(shape, dtype)
if _dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
base_dtype = np.real(np.array(0, dtype=dtype)).dtype
out = (rand(shape, base_dtype) +
np.array(1j, dtype) * rand(shape, base_dtype))
return _cast_to_shape(out, shape, dtype)
dims = _dims_of_shape(shape)
posinf_flips = rng.rand(*dims) < 0.1
neginf_flips = rng.rand(*dims) < 0.1
nan_flips = rng.rand(*dims) < 0.1
vals = base_rand(shape, dtype)
vals = np.where(posinf_flips, np.array(np.inf, dtype=dtype), vals)
vals = np.where(neginf_flips, np.array(-np.inf, dtype=dtype), vals)
vals = np.where(nan_flips, np.array(np.nan, dtype=dtype), vals)
return _cast_to_shape(np.asarray(vals, dtype=dtype), shape, dtype)
return rand
# TODO(mattjj): doesn't handle complex types
def rand_some_zero(rng):
"""Return a random sampler that produces some zeros."""
base_rand = rand_default(rng)
def rand(shape, dtype):
"""The random sampler function."""
dims = _dims_of_shape(shape)
zeros = rng.rand(*dims) < 0.5
vals = base_rand(shape, dtype)
vals = np.where(zeros, np.array(0, dtype=dtype), vals)
return _cast_to_shape(np.asarray(vals, dtype=dtype), shape, dtype)
return rand
def rand_int(rng, low=0, high=None):
def fn(shape, dtype):
nonlocal high
gen_dtype = dtype if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) else np.int64
if low == 0 and high is None:
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
high = np.iinfo(dtype).max
raise ValueError("rand_int requires an explicit `high` value for "
"non-integer types.")
return rng.randint(low, high=high, size=shape,
return fn
def rand_unique_int(rng, high=None):
def fn(shape, dtype):
return rng.choice(np.arange(high or, dtype=dtype),
size=shape, replace=False)
return fn
def rand_bool(rng):
def generator(shape, dtype):
return _cast_to_shape(
np.asarray(rng.rand(*_dims_of_shape(shape)) < 0.5, dtype=dtype),
shape, dtype)
return generator
def check_raises(thunk, err_type, msg):
assert False
except err_type as e:
assert str(e).startswith(msg), f"\n{e}\n\n{msg}\n"
def check_raises_regexp(thunk, err_type, pattern):
assert False
except err_type as e:
assert re.match(pattern, str(e)), f"{e}\n\n{pattern}\n"
def iter_eqns(jaxpr):
# TODO(necula): why doesn't this search in params?
yield from jaxpr.eqns
for subjaxpr in core.subjaxprs(jaxpr):
yield from iter_eqns(subjaxpr)
def assert_dot_precision(expected_precision, fun, *args):
jaxpr = api.make_jaxpr(fun)(*args)
precisions = [eqn.params['precision'] for eqn in iter_eqns(jaxpr.jaxpr)
if eqn.primitive == lax.dot_general_p]
for precision in precisions:
msg = f"Unexpected precision: {expected_precision} != {precision}"
if isinstance(precision, tuple):
assert precision[0] == expected_precision, msg
assert precision[1] == expected_precision, msg
assert precision == expected_precision, msg
def cases_from_gens(*gens):
sizes = [1, 3, 10]
cases_per_size = int(FLAGS.jax_num_generated_cases / len(sizes)) + 1
for size in sizes:
for i in range(cases_per_size):
yield (f'_{size}_{i}',) + tuple(gen(size) for gen in gens)
def named_cases_from_sampler(gen):
seen = set()
retries = 0
rng = npr.RandomState(42)
def choose_one(x):
if not isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
x = list(x)
return [x[rng.randint(len(x))]]
while (len(seen) < FLAGS.jax_num_generated_cases and
retries < FLAGS.max_cases_sampling_retries):
retries += 1
cases = list(gen(choose_one))
if not cases:
if len(cases) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Generator is expected to only return a single case when sampling")
case = cases[0]
if case["testcase_name"] in seen:
retries = 0
yield case
# Random sampling for every parameterized test is expensive. Do it once and
# cache the result.
def _choice(n, m):
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
return rng.choice(n, size=m, replace=False)
def sample_product_testcases(*args, **kw):
"""Non-decorator form of sample_product."""
args = [list(arg) for arg in args]
kw = [(k, list(v)) for k, v in kw.items()]
n = for a in args) * for _, v in kw)
testcases = []
for i in _choice(n, min(n, FLAGS.jax_num_generated_cases)):
testcase = {}
for a in args:
testcase.update(a[i % len(a)])
i //= len(a)
for k, v in kw:
testcase[k] = v[i % len(v)]
i //= len(v)
return testcases
def sample_product(*args, **kw):
"""Decorator that samples from a cartesian product of test cases.
Similar to absltest.parameterized.product(), except that it samples from the
cartesian product rather than returning the whole thing.
*args: each positional argument is a list of dictionaries. The entries
in a dictionary correspond to name=value argument pairs; one dictionary
will be chosen for each test case. This allows multiple parameters to be
**kw: each keyword argument is a list of values. One value will be chosen
for each test case.
return parameterized.parameters(*sample_product_testcases(*args, **kw))
class JaxTestLoader(absltest.TestLoader):
def getTestCaseNames(self, testCaseClass):
names = super().getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass)
if FLAGS.test_targets:
pattern = re.compile(FLAGS.test_targets)
names = [name for name in names
if FLAGS.exclude_test_targets:
pattern = re.compile(FLAGS.exclude_test_targets)
names = [name for name in names
if not"{testCaseClass.__name__}.{name}")]
return names
def with_config(**kwds):
"""Test case decorator for subclasses of JaxTestCase"""
def decorator(cls):
assert inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, JaxTestCase), "@with_config can only wrap JaxTestCase class definitions."
cls._default_config = {**JaxTestCase._default_config, **kwds}
return cls
return decorator
def promote_like_jnp(fun, inexact=False):
"""Decorator that promotes the arguments of `fun` to `jnp.result_type(*args)`.
jnp and np have different type promotion semantics; this decorator allows
tests make an np reference implementation act more like an jnp
_promote = promote_dtypes_inexact if inexact else promote_dtypes
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
flat_args, tree = tree_flatten(args)
args = tree_unflatten(tree, _promote(*flat_args))
return fun(*args, **kw)
return wrapper
class JaxTestCase(parameterized.TestCase):
"""Base class for JAX tests including numerical checks and boilerplate."""
_default_config = {
'jax_enable_checks': True,
'jax_numpy_dtype_promotion': 'strict',
'jax_numpy_rank_promotion': 'raise',
'jax_traceback_filtering': 'off',
_compilation_cache_exit_stack: Optional[ExitStack] = None
# TODO(mattjj): this obscures the error messages from failures, figure out how
# to re-enable it
# def tearDown(self) -> None:
# assert core.reset_trace_state()
def setUp(self):
self._original_config = {}
for key, value in self._default_config.items():
self._original_config[key] = config._read(key)
config.update(key, value)
# We use the adler32 hash for two reasons.
# a) it is deterministic run to run, unlike hash() which is randomized.
# b) it returns values in int32 range, which RandomState requires.
self._rng = npr.RandomState(zlib.adler32(self._testMethodName.encode()))
def tearDown(self):
for key, value in self._original_config.items():
config.update(key, value)
def setUpClass(cls):
if FLAGS.jax_test_with_persistent_compilation_cache:
cls._compilation_cache_exit_stack = ExitStack()
stack = cls._compilation_cache_exit_stack
tmp_dir = stack.enter_context(tempfile.TemporaryDirectory())
stack.callback(lambda: compilation_cache.reset_cache()
if compilation_cache.is_initialized() else None)
def tearDownClass(cls):
if FLAGS.jax_test_with_persistent_compilation_cache:
def rng(self):
return self._rng
def assertArraysEqual(self, x, y, *, check_dtypes=True, err_msg=''):
"""Assert that x and y arrays are exactly equal."""
if check_dtypes:
self.assertDtypesMatch(x, y)
# Work around
with np.errstate(over='ignore'):
np.testing.assert_array_equal(x, y, err_msg=err_msg)
def assertArraysAllClose(self, x, y, *, check_dtypes=True, atol=None,
rtol=None, err_msg=''):
"""Assert that x and y are close (up to numerical tolerances)."""
self.assertEqual(x.shape, y.shape)
atol = max(tolerance(_dtype(x), atol), tolerance(_dtype(y), atol))
rtol = max(tolerance(_dtype(x), rtol), tolerance(_dtype(y), rtol))
_assert_numpy_allclose(x, y, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, err_msg=err_msg)
if check_dtypes:
self.assertDtypesMatch(x, y)
def assertDtypesMatch(self, x, y, *, canonicalize_dtypes=True):
if not config.x64_enabled and canonicalize_dtypes:
self.assertEqual(_dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(_dtype(x), allow_opaque_dtype=True),
_dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(_dtype(y), allow_opaque_dtype=True))
self.assertEqual(_dtype(x), _dtype(y))
def assertAllClose(self, x, y, *, check_dtypes=True, atol=None, rtol=None,
canonicalize_dtypes=True, err_msg=''):
"""Assert that x and y, either arrays or nested tuples/lists, are close."""
if isinstance(x, dict):
self.assertIsInstance(y, dict)
self.assertEqual(set(x.keys()), set(y.keys()))
for k in x.keys():
self.assertAllClose(x[k], y[k], check_dtypes=check_dtypes, atol=atol,
rtol=rtol, canonicalize_dtypes=canonicalize_dtypes,
elif is_sequence(x) and not hasattr(x, '__array__'):
self.assertTrue(is_sequence(y) and not hasattr(y, '__array__'))
self.assertEqual(len(x), len(y))
for x_elt, y_elt in zip(x, y):
self.assertAllClose(x_elt, y_elt, check_dtypes=check_dtypes, atol=atol,
rtol=rtol, canonicalize_dtypes=canonicalize_dtypes,
elif hasattr(x, '__array__') or np.isscalar(x):
self.assertTrue(hasattr(y, '__array__') or np.isscalar(y))
if check_dtypes:
self.assertDtypesMatch(x, y, canonicalize_dtypes=canonicalize_dtypes)
x = np.asarray(x)
y = np.asarray(y)
self.assertArraysAllClose(x, y, check_dtypes=False, atol=atol, rtol=rtol,
elif x == y:
raise TypeError((type(x), type(y)))
def assertMultiLineStrippedEqual(self, expected, what):
"""Asserts two strings are equal, after dedenting and stripping each line."""
expected = textwrap.dedent(expected)
what = textwrap.dedent(what)
ignore_space_re = re.compile(r'\s*\n\s*')
expected_clean = re.sub(ignore_space_re, '\n', expected.strip())
what_clean = re.sub(ignore_space_re, '\n', what.strip())
if what_clean != expected_clean:
# Print it so we can copy-and-paste it into the test
self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected_clean, what_clean,
def assertNoWarnings(self):
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings:
def _CompileAndCheck(self, fun, args_maker, *, check_dtypes=True, tol=None,
rtol=None, atol=None, check_cache_misses=True):
"""Helper method for running JAX compilation and allclose assertions."""
args = args_maker()
def wrapped_fun(*args):
return fun(*args)
python_should_be_executing = True
python_ans = fun(*args)
python_shapes = tree_map(lambda x: np.shape(x), python_ans)
np_shapes = tree_map(lambda x: np.shape(np.asarray(x)), python_ans)
self.assertEqual(python_shapes, np_shapes)
cache_misses = dispatch.xla_primitive_callable.cache_info().misses
python_ans = fun(*args)
if check_cache_misses:
cache_misses, dispatch.xla_primitive_callable.cache_info().misses,
"Compilation detected during second call of {} in op-by-op "
cfun = api.jit(wrapped_fun)
python_should_be_executing = True
monitored_ans = cfun(*args)
python_should_be_executing = False
compiled_ans = cfun(*args)
self.assertAllClose(python_ans, monitored_ans, check_dtypes=check_dtypes,
atol=atol or tol, rtol=rtol or tol)
self.assertAllClose(python_ans, compiled_ans, check_dtypes=check_dtypes,
atol=atol or tol, rtol=rtol or tol)
args = args_maker()
python_should_be_executing = True
python_ans = fun(*args)
python_should_be_executing = False
compiled_ans = cfun(*args)
self.assertAllClose(python_ans, compiled_ans, check_dtypes=check_dtypes,
atol=atol or tol, rtol=rtol or tol)
def _CheckAgainstNumpy(self, numpy_reference_op, lax_op, args_maker,
check_dtypes=True, tol=None, atol=None, rtol=None,
args = args_maker()
lax_ans = lax_op(*args)
numpy_ans = numpy_reference_op(*args)
self.assertAllClose(numpy_ans, lax_ans, check_dtypes=check_dtypes,
atol=atol or tol, rtol=rtol or tol,
_NOOP_JIT_IMPLEMENTATION = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x
class BufferDonationTestCase(JaxTestCase):
assertDeleted = lambda self, x: self._assertDeleted(x, True)
assertNotDeleted = lambda self, x: self._assertDeleted(x, False)
def _assertDeleted(self, x, deleted):
if hasattr(x, "_arrays"):
self.assertEqual(x.is_deleted(), deleted)
elif hasattr(x, "device_buffer"):
self.assertEqual(x.device_buffer.is_deleted(), deleted)
for buffer in x.device_buffers:
self.assertEqual(buffer.is_deleted(), deleted)
def ignore_warning(**kw):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", **kw)
# -------------------- Mesh parametrization helpers --------------------
MeshSpec = List[Tuple[str, int]]
def with_mesh(named_shape: MeshSpec) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
"""Test utility for setting up meshes given mesh data from `schedules`."""
# This is similar to the `with_mesh` function above, but isn't a decorator.
axis_names, shape = unzip2(named_shape)
size =
local_devices = list(jax.local_devices())
if len(local_devices) < size:
raise unittest.SkipTest(f"Test requires {size} local devices")
mesh_devices = np.array(local_devices[:size]).reshape(shape) # type: ignore
with jax.sharding.Mesh(mesh_devices, axis_names):
def with_mesh_from_kwargs(f):
return lambda *args, **kwargs: with_mesh(kwargs['mesh'])(f)(*args, **kwargs)
def with_and_without_mesh(f):
return parameterized.named_parameters(
{"testcase_name": name, "mesh": mesh, "axis_resources": axis_resources}
for name, mesh, axis_resources in (
('', (), ()),
('Mesh', (('x', 2),), (('i', 'x'),))
old_spmd_lowering_flag = None
def set_spmd_lowering_flag(val: bool):
global old_spmd_lowering_flag
old_spmd_lowering_flag = config.experimental_xmap_spmd_lowering
config.update('experimental_xmap_spmd_lowering', val)
def restore_spmd_lowering_flag():
if old_spmd_lowering_flag is None: return
config.update('experimental_xmap_spmd_lowering', old_spmd_lowering_flag)
old_spmd_manual_lowering_flag = None
def set_spmd_manual_lowering_flag(val: bool):
global old_spmd_manual_lowering_flag
old_spmd_manual_lowering_flag = config.experimental_xmap_spmd_lowering_manual
config.update('experimental_xmap_spmd_lowering_manual', val)
def restore_spmd_manual_lowering_flag():
if old_spmd_manual_lowering_flag is None: return
config.update('experimental_xmap_spmd_lowering_manual', old_spmd_manual_lowering_flag)
def create_global_mesh(mesh_shape, axis_names):
size =
if len(jax.devices()) < size:
raise unittest.SkipTest(f"Test requires {size} global devices.")
devices = sorted(jax.devices(), key=lambda d:
mesh_devices = np.array(devices[:size]).reshape(mesh_shape)
global_mesh = jax.sharding.Mesh(mesh_devices, axis_names)
return global_mesh
class _cached_property:
null = object()
def __init__(self, method):
self._method = method
self._value = self.null
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if self._value is self.null:
self._value = self._method(obj)
return self._value
class _LazyDtypes:
"""A class that unifies lists of supported dtypes.
These could be module-level constants, but device_under_test() is not always
known at import time, so we need to define these lists lazily.
def supported(self, dtypes):
supported = supported_dtypes()
return type(dtypes)(d for d in dtypes if d in supported)
def floating(self):
return self.supported([np.float32, np.float64])
def all_floating(self):
return self.supported([_dtypes.bfloat16, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64])
def integer(self):
return self.supported([np.int32, np.int64])
def all_integer(self):
return self.supported([np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64])
def unsigned(self):
return self.supported([np.uint32, np.uint64])
def all_unsigned(self):
return self.supported([np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64])
def complex(self):
return self.supported([np.complex64, np.complex128])
def boolean(self):
return self.supported([np.bool_])
def inexact(self):
return self.floating + self.complex
def all_inexact(self):
return self.all_floating + self.complex
def numeric(self):
return self.floating + self.integer + self.unsigned + self.complex
def all(self):
return (self.all_floating + self.all_integer + self.all_unsigned +
self.complex + self.boolean)
dtypes = _LazyDtypes()
def strict_promotion_if_dtypes_match(dtypes):
Context manager to enable strict promotion if all dtypes match,
and enable standard dtype promotion otherwise.
if all(dtype == dtypes[0] for dtype in dtypes):
return jax.numpy_dtype_promotion('strict')
return jax.numpy_dtype_promotion('standard')
_version_regex = re.compile(r"([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)(?:(rc|dev).*)?")
def _parse_version(v: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
m = _version_regex.match(v)
if m is None:
raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse version '{v}'")
return tuple(int(x) for x in'.'))
def numpy_version():
return _parse_version(np.__version__)