2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

388 lines
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# Copyright 2019 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Note: import <name> as <name> is required for names to be exported.
# See PEP 484 &
from jax._src.lax.lax import (
DotDimensionNumbers as DotDimensionNumbers,
Precision as Precision,
RandomAlgorithm as RandomAlgorithm,
RoundingMethod as RoundingMethod,
abs as abs,
abs_p as abs_p,
acos as acos,
acos_p as acos_p,
acosh as acosh,
acosh_p as acosh_p,
add as add,
add_p as add_p,
after_all as after_all,
after_all_p as after_all_p,
and_p as and_p,
argmax as argmax,
argmax_p as argmax_p,
argmin as argmin,
argmin_p as argmin_p,
asin as asin,
asin_p as asin_p,
asinh as asinh,
asinh_p as asinh_p,
atan as atan,
atan_p as atan_p,
atan2 as atan2,
atan2_p as atan2_p,
atanh as atanh,
atanh_p as atanh_p,
batch_matmul as batch_matmul,
bitcast_convert_type as bitcast_convert_type,
bitcast_convert_type_p as bitcast_convert_type_p,
bitwise_and as bitwise_and,
bitwise_not as bitwise_not,
bitwise_or as bitwise_or,
bitwise_xor as bitwise_xor,
broadcast as broadcast,
broadcast_in_dim as broadcast_in_dim,
broadcast_in_dim_p as broadcast_in_dim_p,
broadcast_shapes as broadcast_shapes,
broadcast_to_rank as broadcast_to_rank,
broadcasted_iota as broadcasted_iota,
cbrt as cbrt,
cbrt_p as cbrt_p,
ceil as ceil,
ceil_p as ceil_p,
clamp as clamp,
clamp_p as clamp_p,
clz as clz,
clz_p as clz_p,
collapse as collapse,
complex as complex,
complex_p as complex_p,
concatenate as concatenate,
concatenate_p as concatenate_p,
conj as conj,
conj_p as conj_p,
convert_element_type as convert_element_type,
convert_element_type_p as convert_element_type_p,
copy_p as copy_p,
cos as cos,
cos_p as cos_p,
cosh as cosh,
cosh_p as cosh_p,
create_token as create_token,
create_token_p as create_token_p,
div as div,
div_p as div_p,
dot as dot,
dot_general as dot_general,
dot_general_p as dot_general_p,
dtype as dtype,
dtypes as dtypes,
eq as eq,
eq_p as eq_p,
exp as exp,
exp_p as exp_p,
expand_dims as expand_dims,
expm1 as expm1,
expm1_p as expm1_p,
floor as floor,
floor_p as floor_p,
full as full,
full_like as full_like,
ge as ge,
ge_p as ge_p,
gt as gt,
gt_p as gt_p,
imag as imag,
imag_p as imag_p,
infeed as infeed,
infeed_p as infeed_p,
integer_pow as integer_pow,
integer_pow_p as integer_pow_p,
iota as iota,
iota_p as iota_p,
is_finite as is_finite,
is_finite_p as is_finite_p,
itertools as itertools,
le as le,
le_p as le_p,
log as log,
log1p as log1p,
log1p_p as log1p_p,
log_p as log_p,
logistic as logistic,
logistic_p as logistic_p,
lt as lt,
lt_p as lt_p,
max as max,
max_p as max_p,
min as min,
min_p as min_p,
mul as mul,
mul_p as mul_p,
naryop as naryop,
naryop_dtype_rule as naryop_dtype_rule,
ne as ne,
ne_p as ne_p,
neg as neg,
neg_p as neg_p,
nextafter as nextafter,
nextafter_p as nextafter_p,
not_p as not_p,
or_p as or_p,
outfeed as outfeed,
outfeed_p as outfeed_p,
pad as pad,
pad_p as pad_p,
padtype_to_pads as padtype_to_pads,
population_count as population_count,
population_count_p as population_count_p,
pow as pow,
pow_p as pow_p,
real as real,
real_p as real_p,
reciprocal as reciprocal,
reduce as reduce,
reduce_and_p as reduce_and_p,
reduce_max_p as reduce_max_p,
reduce_min_p as reduce_min_p,
reduce_or_p as reduce_or_p,
reduce_p as reduce_p,
reduce_precision as reduce_precision,
reduce_precision_p as reduce_precision_p,
reduce_prod_p as reduce_prod_p,
reduce_sum_p as reduce_sum_p,
reduce_xor_p as reduce_xor_p,
rem as rem,
rem_p as rem_p,
reshape as reshape,
reshape_p as reshape_p,
rev as rev,
rev_p as rev_p,
rng_bit_generator as rng_bit_generator,
rng_bit_generator_p as rng_bit_generator_p,
rng_uniform as rng_uniform,
rng_uniform_p as rng_uniform_p,
round as round,
round_p as round_p,
rsqrt as rsqrt,
rsqrt_p as rsqrt_p,
select as select,
select_n as select_n,
select_n_p as select_n_p,
shift_left as shift_left,
shift_left_p as shift_left_p,
shift_right_arithmetic as shift_right_arithmetic,
shift_right_arithmetic_p as shift_right_arithmetic_p,
shift_right_logical as shift_right_logical,
shift_right_logical_p as shift_right_logical_p,
sign as sign,
sign_p as sign_p,
sin as sin,
sin_p as sin_p,
sinh as sinh,
sinh_p as sinh_p,
sort as sort,
sort_key_val as sort_key_val,
sort_p as sort_p,
sqrt as sqrt,
sqrt_p as sqrt_p,
square as square,
squeeze as squeeze,
squeeze_p as squeeze_p,
standard_abstract_eval as standard_abstract_eval,
standard_naryop as standard_naryop,
standard_primitive as standard_primitive,
standard_unop as standard_unop,
stop_gradient as stop_gradient,
sub as sub,
sub_p as sub_p,
tan as tan,
tan_p as tan_p,
tanh as tanh,
tanh_p as tanh_p,
tie_in as tie_in,
top_k as top_k,
top_k_p as top_k_p,
transpose as transpose,
transpose_p as transpose_p,
unop as unop,
unop_dtype_rule as unop_dtype_rule,
xor_p as xor_p,
zeros_like_array as zeros_like_array,
from jax._src.lax.special import (
bessel_i0e as bessel_i0e,
bessel_i0e_p as bessel_i0e_p,
bessel_i1e as bessel_i1e,
bessel_i1e_p as bessel_i1e_p,
betainc as betainc,
digamma as digamma,
digamma_p as digamma_p,
erf as erf,
erfc as erfc,
erfc_p as erfc_p,
erf_inv as erf_inv,
erf_inv_p as erf_inv_p,
erf_p as erf_p,
igamma as igamma,
igammac as igammac,
igammac_p as igammac_p,
igamma_grad_a as igamma_grad_a,
igamma_grad_a_p as igamma_grad_a_p,
igamma_p as igamma_p,
lgamma as lgamma,
lgamma_p as lgamma_p,
random_gamma_grad as random_gamma_grad,
random_gamma_grad_p as random_gamma_grad_p,
regularized_incomplete_beta_p as regularized_incomplete_beta_p,
from jax._src.lax.slicing import (
GatherDimensionNumbers as GatherDimensionNumbers,
GatherScatterMode as GatherScatterMode,
ScatterDimensionNumbers as ScatterDimensionNumbers,
dynamic_index_in_dim as dynamic_index_in_dim,
dynamic_slice as dynamic_slice,
dynamic_slice_in_dim as dynamic_slice_in_dim,
dynamic_slice_p as dynamic_slice_p,
dynamic_update_index_in_dim as dynamic_update_index_in_dim,
dynamic_update_slice as dynamic_update_slice,
dynamic_update_slice_in_dim as dynamic_update_slice_in_dim,
dynamic_update_slice_p as dynamic_update_slice_p,
gather as gather,
gather_p as gather_p,
index_in_dim as index_in_dim,
index_take as index_take,
scatter as scatter,
scatter_apply as scatter_apply,
scatter_add as scatter_add,
scatter_add_p as scatter_add_p,
scatter_max as scatter_max,
scatter_max_p as scatter_max_p,
scatter_min as scatter_min,
scatter_min_p as scatter_min_p,
scatter_mul as scatter_mul,
scatter_mul_p as scatter_mul_p,
scatter_p as scatter_p,
slice as slice,
slice_in_dim as slice_in_dim,
slice_p as slice_p,
from jax._src.lax.convolution import (
ConvDimensionNumbers as ConvDimensionNumbers,
ConvGeneralDilatedDimensionNumbers as ConvGeneralDilatedDimensionNumbers,
conv as conv,
conv_dimension_numbers as conv_dimension_numbers,
conv_general_dilated as conv_general_dilated,
conv_general_dilated_p as conv_general_dilated_p,
conv_general_permutations as conv_general_permutations,
conv_general_shape_tuple as conv_general_shape_tuple,
conv_shape_tuple as conv_shape_tuple,
conv_transpose as conv_transpose,
conv_transpose_shape_tuple as conv_transpose_shape_tuple,
conv_with_general_padding as conv_with_general_padding,
from jax._src.lax.windowed_reductions import (
reduce_window as reduce_window,
reduce_window_max_p as reduce_window_max_p,
reduce_window_min_p as reduce_window_min_p,
reduce_window_p as reduce_window_p,
reduce_window_shape_tuple as reduce_window_shape_tuple,
reduce_window_sum_p as reduce_window_sum_p,
select_and_gather_add_p as select_and_gather_add_p,
select_and_scatter_p as select_and_scatter_p,
select_and_scatter_add_p as select_and_scatter_add_p,
from jax._src.lax.control_flow import (
associative_scan as associative_scan,
cond as cond,
cond_p as cond_p,
cumlogsumexp as cumlogsumexp,
cumlogsumexp_p as cumlogsumexp_p,
cummax as cummax,
cummax_p as cummax_p,
cummin as cummin,
cummin_p as cummin_p,
cumprod as cumprod,
cumprod_p as cumprod_p,
cumsum as cumsum,
cumsum_p as cumsum_p,
custom_linear_solve as custom_linear_solve,
custom_root as custom_root,
fori_loop as fori_loop,
linear_solve_p as linear_solve_p,
map as map,
scan as scan,
scan_bind as scan_bind,
scan_p as scan_p,
switch as switch,
while_loop as while_loop,
while_p as while_p,
from jax._src.lax.fft import (
fft as fft,
fft_p as fft_p,
from jax._src.lax.parallel import (
all_gather as all_gather,
all_gather_p as all_gather_p,
all_to_all as all_to_all,
all_to_all_p as all_to_all_p,
axis_index as axis_index,
axis_index_p as axis_index_p,
pmax as pmax,
pmax_p as pmax_p,
pmean as pmean,
pmin as pmin,
pmin_p as pmin_p,
ppermute as ppermute,
ppermute_p as ppermute_p,
pshuffle as pshuffle,
psum as psum,
psum_p as psum_p,
psum_scatter as psum_scatter,
pswapaxes as pswapaxes,
pdot as pdot,
xeinsum as xeinsum,
from jax._src.lax.other import (
conv_general_dilated_local as conv_general_dilated_local,
conv_general_dilated_patches as conv_general_dilated_patches
from jax._src.lax.ann import (
approx_max_k as approx_max_k,
approx_min_k as approx_min_k,
approx_top_k_p as approx_top_k_p
from jax._src.ad_util import stop_gradient_p as stop_gradient_p
from jax.lax import linalg as linalg
from jax._src.pjit import with_sharding_constraint as with_sharding_constraint
from jax._src.pjit import sharding_constraint_p as sharding_constraint_p
from jax._src.dispatch import device_put_p as device_put_p
from math import prod as _prod
_deprecations = {
# Added May 23, 2023:
"prod": (
" is deprecated. Use instead.",
from jax._src.deprecations import deprecation_getattr as _deprecation_getattr
__getattr__ = _deprecation_getattr(__name__, _deprecations)
del _deprecation_getattr, _prod