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# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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# ==============================================================================
"""Utility methods related to kernelized layers."""
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf
def _to_matrix(u):
"""If input tensor is a vector (i.e., has rank 1), converts it to matrix."""
u_rank = len(u.shape)
if u_rank not in [1, 2]:
raise ValueError(
f"The input tensor should have rank 1 or 2. Received rank: {u_rank}"
if u_rank == 1:
return tf.expand_dims(u, 0)
return u
def _align_matrices(x, y):
"""Aligns x and y tensors to allow computations over pairs of their rows."""
x_matrix = _to_matrix(x)
y_matrix = _to_matrix(y)
x_shape = x_matrix.shape
y_shape = y_matrix.shape
if y_shape[1] != x_shape[1]: # dimensions do not match.
raise ValueError(
"The outermost dimensions of the input tensors should match. "
f"Received y = {y_shape[1]} vs x = {x_shape[1]}."
x_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(x_matrix, 1), [1, y_shape[0], 1])
y_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(y_matrix, 0), [x_shape[0], 1, 1])
return x_tile, y_tile
def inner_product(u, v):
u = _to_matrix(u)
v = _to_matrix(v)
return tf.matmul(u, v, transpose_b=True)
def exact_gaussian_kernel(x, y, stddev):
r"""Computes exact Gaussian kernel value(s) for tensors x and y and stddev.
The Gaussian kernel for vectors u, v is defined as follows:
K(u, v) = exp(-||u-v||^2 / (2* stddev^2))
where the norm is the l2-norm. x, y can be either vectors or matrices. If
they are vectors, they must have the same dimension. If they are matrices,
they must have the same number of columns. In the latter case, the method
returns (as a matrix) K(u, v) values for all pairs (u, v) where u is a row
from x and v is a row from y.
x: a tensor of rank 1 or 2. It's shape should be either [dim] or [m, dim].
y: a tensor of rank 1 or 2. It's shape should be either [dim] or [n, dim].
stddev: The width of the Gaussian kernel.
A single value (scalar) with shape (1, 1) (if x, y are vectors) or a
matrix of shape (m, n) with entries K(u, v) (where K is the Gaussian
kernel) for all (u,v) pairs where u, v are rows from x and y respectively.
ValueError: if the shapes of x, y are not compatible.
x_aligned, y_aligned = _align_matrices(x, y)
diff_squared_l2_norm = tf.reduce_sum(
tf.math.squared_difference(x_aligned, y_aligned), 2
return tf.exp(-diff_squared_l2_norm / (2 * stddev * stddev))
def exact_laplacian_kernel(x, y, stddev):
r"""Computes exact Laplacian kernel value(s) for tensors x & y using stddev.
The Laplacian kernel for vectors u, v is defined as follows:
K(u, v) = exp(-||u-v|| / stddev)
where the norm is the l1-norm. x, y can be either vectors or matrices. If
they are vectors, they must have the same dimension. If they are matrices,
they must have the same number of columns. In the latter case, the method
returns (as a matrix) K(u, v) values for all pairs (u, v) where u is a row
from x and v is a row from y.
x: a tensor of rank 1 or 2. It's shape should be either [dim] or [m, dim].
y: a tensor of rank 1 or 2. It's shape should be either [dim] or [n, dim].
stddev: The width of the Gaussian kernel.
A single value (scalar) with shape (1, 1) if x, y are vectors or a matrix
of shape (m, n) with entries K(u, v) (where K is the Laplacian kernel) for
all (u,v) pairs where u, v are rows from x and y respectively.
ValueError: if the shapes of x, y are not compatible.
x_aligned, y_aligned = _align_matrices(x, y)
diff_l1_norm = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(tf.subtract(x_aligned, y_aligned)), 2)
return tf.exp(-diff_l1_norm / stddev)