2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

416 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright 2023 The ml_dtypes Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Overload of numpy.finfo to handle dtypes defined in ml_dtypes."""
from typing import Dict
from ml_dtypes._custom_floats import bfloat16
from ml_dtypes._custom_floats import float8_e4m3b11fnuz
from ml_dtypes._custom_floats import float8_e4m3fn
from ml_dtypes._custom_floats import float8_e4m3fnuz
from ml_dtypes._custom_floats import float8_e5m2
from ml_dtypes._custom_floats import float8_e5m2fnuz
import numpy as np
_bfloat16_dtype = np.dtype(bfloat16)
_float8_e4m3b11fnuz_dtype = np.dtype(float8_e4m3b11fnuz)
_float8_e4m3fn_dtype = np.dtype(float8_e4m3fn)
_float8_e4m3fnuz_dtype = np.dtype(float8_e4m3fnuz)
_float8_e5m2_dtype = np.dtype(float8_e5m2)
_float8_e5m2fnuz_dtype = np.dtype(float8_e5m2fnuz)
class _Bfloat16MachArLike:
def __init__(self):
smallest_normal = float.fromhex("0x1p-126")
self.smallest_normal = bfloat16(smallest_normal)
smallest_subnormal = float.fromhex("0x1p-133")
self.smallest_subnormal = bfloat16(smallest_subnormal)
class _Float8E4m3b11fnuzMachArLike:
def __init__(self):
smallest_normal = float.fromhex("0x1p-10")
self.smallest_normal = float8_e4m3b11fnuz(smallest_normal)
smallest_subnormal = float.fromhex("0x1p-13")
self.smallest_subnormal = float8_e4m3b11fnuz(smallest_subnormal)
class _Float8E4m3fnMachArLike:
def __init__(self):
smallest_normal = float.fromhex("0x1p-6")
self.smallest_normal = float8_e4m3fn(smallest_normal)
smallest_subnormal = float.fromhex("0x1p-9")
self.smallest_subnormal = float8_e4m3fn(smallest_subnormal)
class _Float8E4m3fnuzMachArLike:
def __init__(self):
smallest_normal = float.fromhex("0x1p-7")
self.smallest_normal = float8_e4m3fnuz(smallest_normal)
smallest_subnormal = float.fromhex("0x1p-10")
self.smallest_subnormal = float8_e4m3fnuz(smallest_subnormal)
class _Float8E5m2MachArLike:
def __init__(self):
smallest_normal = float.fromhex("0x1p-14")
self.smallest_normal = float8_e5m2(smallest_normal)
smallest_subnormal = float.fromhex("0x1p-16")
self.smallest_subnormal = float8_e5m2(smallest_subnormal)
class _Float8E5m2fnuzMachArLike:
def __init__(self):
smallest_normal = float.fromhex("0x1p-15")
self.smallest_normal = float8_e5m2fnuz(smallest_normal)
smallest_subnormal = float.fromhex("0x1p-17")
self.smallest_subnormal = float8_e5m2fnuz(smallest_subnormal)
class finfo(np.finfo): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-class-docstring
__doc__ = np.finfo.__doc__
_finfo_cache: Dict[np.dtype, np.finfo] = {}
def _bfloat16_finfo():
def float_to_str(f):
return "%12.4e" % float(f)
tiny = float.fromhex("0x1p-126")
resolution = 0.01
eps = float.fromhex("0x1p-7")
epsneg = float.fromhex("0x1p-8")
max_ = float.fromhex("0x1.FEp127")
obj = object.__new__(np.finfo)
obj.dtype = _bfloat16_dtype
obj.bits = 16
obj.eps = bfloat16(eps)
obj.epsneg = bfloat16(epsneg)
obj.machep = -7
obj.negep = -8
obj.max = bfloat16(max_)
obj.min = bfloat16(-max_)
obj.nexp = 8
obj.nmant = 7
obj.iexp = obj.nexp
obj.maxexp = 128
obj.minexp = -126
obj.precision = 2
obj.resolution = bfloat16(resolution)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
obj._machar = _Bfloat16MachArLike()
if not hasattr(obj, "tiny"):
obj.tiny = bfloat16(tiny)
if not hasattr(obj, "smallest_normal"):
obj.smallest_normal = obj._machar.smallest_normal
obj.smallest_subnormal = obj._machar.smallest_subnormal
obj._str_tiny = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_normal = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_subnormal = float_to_str(obj.smallest_subnormal)
obj._str_max = float_to_str(max_)
obj._str_epsneg = float_to_str(epsneg)
obj._str_eps = float_to_str(eps)
obj._str_resolution = float_to_str(resolution)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return obj
def _float8_e4m3b11fnuz_finfo():
def float_to_str(f):
return "%6.2e" % float(f)
tiny = float.fromhex("0x1p-10")
resolution = 0.1
eps = float.fromhex("0x1p-3")
epsneg = float.fromhex("0x1p-4")
max_ = float.fromhex("0x1.Ep4")
obj = object.__new__(np.finfo)
obj.dtype = _float8_e4m3b11fnuz_dtype
obj.bits = 8
obj.eps = float8_e4m3b11fnuz(eps)
obj.epsneg = float8_e4m3b11fnuz(epsneg)
obj.machep = -3
obj.negep = -4
obj.max = float8_e4m3b11fnuz(max_)
obj.min = float8_e4m3b11fnuz(-max_)
obj.nexp = 4
obj.nmant = 3
obj.iexp = obj.nexp
obj.maxexp = 5
obj.minexp = -10
obj.precision = 1
obj.resolution = float8_e4m3b11fnuz(resolution)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
obj._machar = _Float8E4m3b11fnuzMachArLike()
if not hasattr(obj, "tiny"):
obj.tiny = float8_e4m3b11fnuz(tiny)
if not hasattr(obj, "smallest_normal"):
obj.smallest_normal = obj._machar.smallest_normal
obj.smallest_subnormal = obj._machar.smallest_subnormal
obj._str_tiny = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_normal = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_subnormal = float_to_str(obj.smallest_subnormal)
obj._str_max = float_to_str(max_)
obj._str_epsneg = float_to_str(epsneg)
obj._str_eps = float_to_str(eps)
obj._str_resolution = float_to_str(resolution)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return obj
def _float8_e4m3fn_finfo():
def float_to_str(f):
return "%6.2e" % float(f)
tiny = float.fromhex("0x1p-6")
resolution = 0.1
eps = float.fromhex("0x1p-3")
epsneg = float.fromhex("0x1p-4")
max_ = float.fromhex("0x1.Cp8")
obj = object.__new__(np.finfo)
obj.dtype = _float8_e4m3fn_dtype
obj.bits = 8
obj.eps = float8_e4m3fn(eps)
obj.epsneg = float8_e4m3fn(epsneg)
obj.machep = -3
obj.negep = -4
obj.max = float8_e4m3fn(max_)
obj.min = float8_e4m3fn(-max_)
obj.nexp = 4
obj.nmant = 3
obj.iexp = obj.nexp
obj.maxexp = 9
obj.minexp = -6
obj.precision = 1
obj.resolution = float8_e4m3fn(resolution)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
obj._machar = _Float8E4m3fnMachArLike()
if not hasattr(obj, "tiny"):
obj.tiny = float8_e4m3fn(tiny)
if not hasattr(obj, "smallest_normal"):
obj.smallest_normal = obj._machar.smallest_normal
obj.smallest_subnormal = obj._machar.smallest_subnormal
obj._str_tiny = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_normal = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_subnormal = float_to_str(obj.smallest_subnormal)
obj._str_max = float_to_str(max_)
obj._str_epsneg = float_to_str(epsneg)
obj._str_eps = float_to_str(eps)
obj._str_resolution = float_to_str(resolution)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return obj
def _float8_e4m3fnuz_finfo():
def float_to_str(f):
return "%6.2e" % float(f)
tiny = float.fromhex("0x1p-7")
resolution = 0.1
eps = float.fromhex("0x1p-3")
epsneg = float.fromhex("0x1p-4")
max_ = float.fromhex("0x1.Ep7")
obj = object.__new__(np.finfo)
obj.dtype = _float8_e4m3fnuz_dtype
obj.bits = 8
obj.eps = float8_e4m3fnuz(eps)
obj.epsneg = float8_e4m3fnuz(epsneg)
obj.machep = -3
obj.negep = -4
obj.max = float8_e4m3fnuz(max_)
obj.min = float8_e4m3fnuz(-max_)
obj.nexp = 4
obj.nmant = 3
obj.iexp = obj.nexp
obj.maxexp = 8
obj.minexp = -7
obj.precision = 1
obj.resolution = float8_e4m3fnuz(resolution)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
obj._machar = _Float8E4m3fnuzMachArLike()
if not hasattr(obj, "tiny"):
obj.tiny = float8_e4m3fnuz(tiny)
if not hasattr(obj, "smallest_normal"):
obj.smallest_normal = obj._machar.smallest_normal
obj.smallest_subnormal = obj._machar.smallest_subnormal
obj._str_tiny = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_normal = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_subnormal = float_to_str(obj.smallest_subnormal)
obj._str_max = float_to_str(max_)
obj._str_epsneg = float_to_str(epsneg)
obj._str_eps = float_to_str(eps)
obj._str_resolution = float_to_str(resolution)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return obj
def _float8_e5m2_finfo():
def float_to_str(f):
return "%6.2e" % float(f)
tiny = float.fromhex("0x1p-14")
resolution = 0.1
eps = float.fromhex("0x1p-2")
epsneg = float.fromhex("0x1p-3")
max_ = float.fromhex("0x1.Cp15")
obj = object.__new__(np.finfo)
obj.dtype = _float8_e5m2_dtype
obj.bits = 8
obj.eps = float8_e5m2(eps)
obj.epsneg = float8_e5m2(epsneg)
obj.machep = -2
obj.negep = -3
obj.max = float8_e5m2(max_)
obj.min = float8_e5m2(-max_)
obj.nexp = 5
obj.nmant = 2
obj.iexp = obj.nexp
obj.maxexp = 16
obj.minexp = -14
obj.precision = 1
obj.resolution = float8_e5m2(resolution)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
obj._machar = _Float8E5m2MachArLike()
if not hasattr(obj, "tiny"):
obj.tiny = float8_e5m2(tiny)
if not hasattr(obj, "smallest_normal"):
obj.smallest_normal = obj._machar.smallest_normal
obj.smallest_subnormal = obj._machar.smallest_subnormal
obj._str_tiny = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_normal = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_subnormal = float_to_str(obj.smallest_subnormal)
obj._str_max = float_to_str(max_)
obj._str_epsneg = float_to_str(epsneg)
obj._str_eps = float_to_str(eps)
obj._str_resolution = float_to_str(resolution)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return obj
def _float8_e5m2fnuz_finfo():
def float_to_str(f):
return "%6.2e" % float(f)
tiny = float.fromhex("0x1p-15")
resolution = 0.1
eps = float.fromhex("0x1p-2")
epsneg = float.fromhex("0x1p-3")
max_ = float.fromhex("0x1.Cp15")
obj = object.__new__(np.finfo)
obj.dtype = _float8_e5m2fnuz_dtype
obj.bits = 8
obj.eps = float8_e5m2fnuz(eps)
obj.epsneg = float8_e5m2fnuz(epsneg)
obj.machep = -2
obj.negep = -3
obj.max = float8_e5m2fnuz(max_)
obj.min = float8_e5m2fnuz(-max_)
obj.nexp = 5
obj.nmant = 2
obj.iexp = obj.nexp
obj.maxexp = 16
obj.minexp = -15
obj.precision = 1
obj.resolution = float8_e5m2fnuz(resolution)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
obj._machar = _Float8E5m2fnuzMachArLike()
if not hasattr(obj, "tiny"):
obj.tiny = float8_e5m2fnuz(tiny)
if not hasattr(obj, "smallest_normal"):
obj.smallest_normal = obj._machar.smallest_normal
obj.smallest_subnormal = obj._machar.smallest_subnormal
obj._str_tiny = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_normal = float_to_str(tiny)
obj._str_smallest_subnormal = float_to_str(obj.smallest_subnormal)
obj._str_max = float_to_str(max_)
obj._str_epsneg = float_to_str(epsneg)
obj._str_eps = float_to_str(eps)
obj._str_resolution = float_to_str(resolution)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return obj
def __new__(cls, dtype):
if (
isinstance(dtype, str)
and dtype == "bfloat16"
or dtype == _bfloat16_dtype
if _bfloat16_dtype not in cls._finfo_cache:
cls._finfo_cache[_bfloat16_dtype] = cls._bfloat16_finfo()
return cls._finfo_cache[_bfloat16_dtype]
if (
isinstance(dtype, str)
and dtype == "float8_e4m3b11fnuz"
or dtype == _float8_e4m3b11fnuz_dtype
if _float8_e4m3b11fnuz_dtype not in cls._finfo_cache:
cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e4m3b11fnuz_dtype] = (
return cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e4m3b11fnuz_dtype]
if (
isinstance(dtype, str)
and dtype == "float8_e4m3fn"
or dtype == _float8_e4m3fn_dtype
if _float8_e4m3fn_dtype not in cls._finfo_cache:
cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e4m3fn_dtype] = cls._float8_e4m3fn_finfo()
return cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e4m3fn_dtype]
if (
isinstance(dtype, str)
and dtype == "float8_e4m3fnuz"
or dtype == _float8_e4m3fnuz_dtype
if _float8_e4m3fnuz_dtype not in cls._finfo_cache:
cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e4m3fnuz_dtype] = cls._float8_e4m3fnuz_finfo()
return cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e4m3fnuz_dtype]
if (
isinstance(dtype, str)
and dtype == "float8_e5m2"
or dtype == _float8_e5m2_dtype
if _float8_e5m2_dtype not in cls._finfo_cache:
cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e5m2_dtype] = cls._float8_e5m2_finfo()
return cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e5m2_dtype]
if (
isinstance(dtype, str)
and dtype == "float8_e5m2fnuz"
or dtype == _float8_e5m2fnuz_dtype
if _float8_e5m2fnuz_dtype not in cls._finfo_cache:
cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e5m2fnuz_dtype] = cls._float8_e5m2fnuz_finfo()
return cls._finfo_cache[_float8_e5m2fnuz_dtype]
return super().__new__(cls, dtype)