2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00

565 lines
20 KiB

# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ==============================================================================
"""Format tensors (ndarrays) for screen display and navigation."""
import copy
import re
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.debug.cli import debugger_cli_common
from tensorflow.python.debug.lib import debug_data
_NUMBER_REGEX = re.compile(r"[-+]?([0-9][-+0-9eE\.]+|nan|inf)(\s|,|\])")
class HighlightOptions(object):
"""Options for highlighting elements of a tensor."""
def __init__(self,
"""Constructor of HighlightOptions.
criterion: (callable) A callable of the following signature:
def to_highlight(X):
# Args:
# X: The tensor to highlight elements in.
# Returns:
# (boolean ndarray) A boolean ndarray of the same shape as X
# indicating which elements are to be highlighted (iff True).
This callable will be used as the argument of np.argwhere() to
determine which elements of the tensor are to be highlighted.
description: (str) Description of the highlight criterion embodied by
font_attr: (str) Font attribute to be applied to the
highlighted elements.
self.criterion = criterion
self.description = description
self.font_attr = font_attr
def format_tensor(tensor,
"""Generate a RichTextLines object showing a tensor in formatted style.
tensor: The tensor to be displayed, as a numpy ndarray or other
appropriate format (e.g., None representing uninitialized tensors).
tensor_label: A label for the tensor, as a string. If set to None, will
suppress the tensor name line in the return value.
include_metadata: Whether metadata such as dtype and shape are to be
included in the formatted text.
auxiliary_message: An auxiliary message to display under the tensor label,
dtype and shape information lines.
include_numeric_summary: Whether a text summary of the numeric values (if
applicable) will be included.
np_printoptions: A dictionary of keyword arguments that are passed to a
call of np.set_printoptions() to set the text format for display numpy
highlight_options: (HighlightOptions) options for highlighting elements
of the tensor.
A RichTextLines object. Its annotation field has line-by-line markups to
indicate which indices in the array the first element of each line
corresponds to.
lines = []
font_attr_segs = {}
if tensor_label is not None:
lines.append("Tensor \"%s\":" % tensor_label)
suffix = tensor_label.split(":")[-1]
if suffix.isdigit():
# Suffix is a number. Assume it is the output slot index.
font_attr_segs[0] = [(8, 8 + len(tensor_label), "bold")]
# Suffix is not a number. It is auxiliary information such as the debug
# op type. In this case, highlight the suffix with a different color.
debug_op_len = len(suffix)
proper_len = len(tensor_label) - debug_op_len - 1
font_attr_segs[0] = [
(8, 8 + proper_len, "bold"),
(8 + proper_len + 1, 8 + proper_len + 1 + debug_op_len, "yellow")
if isinstance(tensor, debug_data.InconvertibleTensorProto):
if lines:
return debugger_cli_common.RichTextLines(lines)
elif not isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray):
# If tensor is not a np.ndarray, return simple text-line representation of
# the object without annotations.
if lines:
return debugger_cli_common.RichTextLines(lines)
if include_metadata:
lines.append(" dtype: %s" % str(tensor.dtype))
lines.append(" shape: %s" % str(tensor.shape).replace("L", ""))
if lines:
formatted = debugger_cli_common.RichTextLines(
lines, font_attr_segs=font_attr_segs)
if auxiliary_message:
if include_numeric_summary:
formatted.append("Numeric summary:")
# Apply custom string formatting options for numpy ndarray.
if np_printoptions is not None:
array_lines = repr(tensor).split("\n")
if tensor.dtype.type is not np.string_:
# Parse array lines to get beginning indices for each line.
# TODO(cais): Currently, we do not annotate string-type tensors due to
# difficulty in escaping sequences. Address this issue.
annotations = _annotate_ndarray_lines(
array_lines, tensor, np_printoptions=np_printoptions)
annotations = None
formatted_array = debugger_cli_common.RichTextLines(
array_lines, annotations=annotations)
# Perform optional highlighting.
if highlight_options is not None:
indices_list = list(np.argwhere(highlight_options.criterion(tensor)))
total_elements = np.size(tensor)
highlight_summary = "Highlighted%s: %d of %d element(s) (%.2f%%)" % (
"(%s)" % highlight_options.description if highlight_options.description
else "", len(indices_list), total_elements,
len(indices_list) / float(total_elements) * 100.0)
formatted.lines[0] += " " + highlight_summary
if indices_list:
indices_list = [list(indices) for indices in indices_list]
are_omitted, rows, start_cols, end_cols = locate_tensor_element(
formatted, indices_list)
for is_omitted, row, start_col, end_col in zip(are_omitted, rows,
start_cols, end_cols):
if is_omitted or start_col is None or end_col is None:
if row in formatted.font_attr_segs:
(start_col, end_col, highlight_options.font_attr))
formatted.font_attr_segs[row] = [(start_col, end_col,
return formatted
def _annotate_ndarray_lines(
array_lines, tensor, np_printoptions=None, offset=0):
"""Generate annotations for line-by-line begin indices of tensor text.
Parse the numpy-generated text representation of a numpy ndarray to
determine the indices of the first element of each text line (if any
element is present in the line).
For example, given the following multi-line ndarray text representation:
["array([[ 0. , 0.0625, 0.125 , 0.1875],",
" [ 0.25 , 0.3125, 0.375 , 0.4375],",
" [ 0.5 , 0.5625, 0.625 , 0.6875],",
" [ 0.75 , 0.8125, 0.875 , 0.9375]])"]
the generate annotation will be:
{0: {BEGIN_INDICES_KEY: [0, 0]},
1: {BEGIN_INDICES_KEY: [1, 0]},
2: {BEGIN_INDICES_KEY: [2, 0]},
3: {BEGIN_INDICES_KEY: [3, 0]}}
array_lines: Text lines representing the tensor, as a list of str.
tensor: The tensor being formatted as string.
np_printoptions: A dictionary of keyword arguments that are passed to a
call of np.set_printoptions().
offset: Line number offset applied to the line indices in the returned
An annotation as a dict.
if np_printoptions and "edgeitems" in np_printoptions:
edge_items = np_printoptions["edgeitems"]
annotations = {}
# Put metadata about the tensor in the annotations["tensor_metadata"].
annotations["tensor_metadata"] = {
"dtype": tensor.dtype, "shape": tensor.shape}
dims = np.shape(tensor)
ndims = len(dims)
if ndims == 0:
# No indices for a 0D tensor.
return annotations
curr_indices = [0] * len(dims)
curr_dim = 0
for i, raw_line in enumerate(array_lines):
line = raw_line.strip()
if not line:
# Skip empty lines, which can appear for >= 3D arrays.
if line == _NUMPY_OMISSION:
annotations[offset + i] = {OMITTED_INDICES_KEY: copy.copy(curr_indices)}
curr_indices[curr_dim - 1] = dims[curr_dim - 1] - edge_items
num_lbrackets = line.count("[") # TODO(cais): String array escaping.
num_rbrackets = line.count("]")
curr_dim += num_lbrackets - num_rbrackets
annotations[offset + i] = {BEGIN_INDICES_KEY: copy.copy(curr_indices)}
if num_rbrackets == 0:
line_content = line[line.rfind("[") + 1:]
num_elements = line_content.count(",")
curr_indices[curr_dim - 1] += num_elements
if curr_dim > 0:
curr_indices[curr_dim - 1] += 1
for k in range(curr_dim, ndims):
curr_indices[k] = 0
return annotations
def locate_tensor_element(formatted, indices):
"""Locate a tensor element in formatted text lines, given element indices.
Given a RichTextLines object representing a tensor and indices of the sought
element, return the row number at which the element is located (if exists).
formatted: A RichTextLines object containing formatted text lines
representing the tensor.
indices: Indices of the sought element, as a list of int or a list of list
of int. The former case is for a single set of indices to look up,
whereas the latter case is for looking up a batch of indices sets at once.
In the latter case, the indices must be in ascending order, or a
ValueError will be raised.
1) A boolean indicating whether the element falls into an omitted line.
2) Row index.
3) Column start index, i.e., the first column in which the representation
of the specified tensor starts, if it can be determined. If it cannot
be determined (e.g., due to ellipsis), None.
4) Column end index, i.e., the column right after the last column that
represents the specified tensor. Iff it cannot be determined, None.
For return values described above are based on a single set of indices to
look up. In the case of batch mode (multiple sets of indices), the return
values will be lists of the types described above.
AttributeError: If:
Input argument "formatted" does not have the required annotations.
ValueError: If:
1) Indices do not match the dimensions of the tensor, or
2) Indices exceed sizes of the tensor, or
3) Indices contain negative value(s).
4) If in batch mode, and if not all sets of indices are in ascending
if isinstance(indices[0], list):
indices_list = indices
input_batch = True
indices_list = [indices]
input_batch = False
# Check that tensor_metadata is available.
if "tensor_metadata" not in formatted.annotations:
raise AttributeError("tensor_metadata is not available in annotations.")
# Sanity check on input argument.
_validate_indices_list(indices_list, formatted)
dims = formatted.annotations["tensor_metadata"]["shape"]
batch_size = len(indices_list)
lines = formatted.lines
annot = formatted.annotations
prev_r = 0
prev_line = ""
prev_indices = [0] * len(dims)
# Initialize return values
are_omitted = [None] * batch_size
row_indices = [None] * batch_size
start_columns = [None] * batch_size
end_columns = [None] * batch_size
batch_pos = 0 # Current position in the batch.
for r in range(len(lines)):
if r not in annot:
if BEGIN_INDICES_KEY in annot[r]:
indices_key = BEGIN_INDICES_KEY
elif OMITTED_INDICES_KEY in annot[r]:
matching_indices_list = [
ind for ind in indices_list[batch_pos:]
if prev_indices <= ind < annot[r][indices_key]
if matching_indices_list:
num_matches = len(matching_indices_list)
match_start_columns, match_end_columns = _locate_elements_in_line(
prev_line, matching_indices_list, prev_indices)
start_columns[batch_pos:batch_pos + num_matches] = match_start_columns
end_columns[batch_pos:batch_pos + num_matches] = match_end_columns
are_omitted[batch_pos:batch_pos + num_matches] = [
OMITTED_INDICES_KEY in annot[prev_r]
] * num_matches
row_indices[batch_pos:batch_pos + num_matches] = [prev_r] * num_matches
batch_pos += num_matches
if batch_pos >= batch_size:
prev_r = r
prev_line = lines[r]
prev_indices = annot[r][indices_key]
if batch_pos < batch_size:
matching_indices_list = indices_list[batch_pos:]
num_matches = len(matching_indices_list)
match_start_columns, match_end_columns = _locate_elements_in_line(
prev_line, matching_indices_list, prev_indices)
start_columns[batch_pos:batch_pos + num_matches] = match_start_columns
end_columns[batch_pos:batch_pos + num_matches] = match_end_columns
are_omitted[batch_pos:batch_pos + num_matches] = [
OMITTED_INDICES_KEY in annot[prev_r]
] * num_matches
row_indices[batch_pos:batch_pos + num_matches] = [prev_r] * num_matches
if input_batch:
return are_omitted, row_indices, start_columns, end_columns
return are_omitted[0], row_indices[0], start_columns[0], end_columns[0]
def _validate_indices_list(indices_list, formatted):
prev_ind = None
for ind in indices_list:
# Check indices match tensor dimensions.
dims = formatted.annotations["tensor_metadata"]["shape"]
if len(ind) != len(dims):
raise ValueError("Dimensions mismatch: requested: %d; actual: %d" %
(len(ind), len(dims)))
# Check indices is within size limits.
for req_idx, siz in zip(ind, dims):
if req_idx >= siz:
raise ValueError("Indices exceed tensor dimensions.")
if req_idx < 0:
raise ValueError("Indices contain negative value(s).")
# Check indices are in ascending order.
if prev_ind and ind < prev_ind:
raise ValueError("Input indices sets are not in ascending order.")
prev_ind = ind
def _locate_elements_in_line(line, indices_list, ref_indices):
"""Determine the start and end indices of an element in a line.
line: (str) the line in which the element is to be sought.
indices_list: (list of list of int) list of indices of the element to
search for. Assumes that the indices in the batch are unique and sorted
in ascending order.
ref_indices: (list of int) reference indices, i.e., the indices of the
first element represented in the line.
start_columns: (list of int) start column indices, if found. If not found,
end_columns: (list of int) end column indices, if found. If not found,
If found, the element is represented in the left-closed-right-open interval
[start_column, end_column].
batch_size = len(indices_list)
offsets = [indices[-1] - ref_indices[-1] for indices in indices_list]
start_columns = [None] * batch_size
end_columns = [None] * batch_size
if _NUMPY_OMISSION in line:
ellipsis_index = line.find(_NUMPY_OMISSION)
ellipsis_index = len(line)
matches_iter = re.finditer(_NUMBER_REGEX, line)
batch_pos = 0
offset_counter = 0
for match in matches_iter:
if match.start() > ellipsis_index:
# Do not attempt to search beyond ellipsis.
if offset_counter == offsets[batch_pos]:
start_columns[batch_pos] = match.start()
# Remove the final comma, right bracket, or whitespace.
end_columns[batch_pos] = match.end() - 1
batch_pos += 1
if batch_pos >= batch_size:
offset_counter += 1
return start_columns, end_columns
def _pad_string_to_length(string, length):
return " " * (length - len(string)) + string
def numeric_summary(tensor):
"""Get a text summary of a numeric tensor.
This summary is only available for numeric (int*, float*, complex*) and
Boolean tensors.
tensor: (`numpy.ndarray`) the tensor value object to be summarized.
The summary text as a `RichTextLines` object. If the type of `tensor` is not
numeric or Boolean, a single-line `RichTextLines` object containing a
warning message will reflect that.
def _counts_summary(counts, skip_zeros=True, total_count=None):
"""Format values as a two-row table."""
if skip_zeros:
counts = [(count_key, count_val) for count_key, count_val in counts
if count_val]
max_common_len = 0
for count_key, count_val in counts:
count_val_str = str(count_val)
common_len = max(len(count_key) + 1, len(count_val_str) + 1)
max_common_len = max(common_len, max_common_len)
key_line = debugger_cli_common.RichLine("|")
val_line = debugger_cli_common.RichLine("|")
for count_key, count_val in counts:
count_val_str = str(count_val)
key_line += _pad_string_to_length(count_key, max_common_len)
val_line += _pad_string_to_length(count_val_str, max_common_len)
key_line += " |"
val_line += " |"
if total_count is not None:
total_key_str = "total"
total_val_str = str(total_count)
max_common_len = max(len(total_key_str) + 1, len(total_val_str))
total_key_str = _pad_string_to_length(total_key_str, max_common_len)
total_val_str = _pad_string_to_length(total_val_str, max_common_len)
key_line += total_key_str + " |"
val_line += total_val_str + " |"
return debugger_cli_common.rich_text_lines_from_rich_line_list(
[key_line, val_line])
if not isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray) or not np.size(tensor):
return debugger_cli_common.RichTextLines([
"No numeric summary available due to empty tensor."])
elif (np.issubdtype(tensor.dtype, np.floating) or
np.issubdtype(tensor.dtype, np.complexfloating) or
np.issubdtype(tensor.dtype, np.integer)):
counts = [
("nan", np.sum(np.isnan(tensor))),
("-inf", np.sum(np.isneginf(tensor))),
("-", np.sum(np.logical_and(
tensor < 0.0, np.logical_not(np.isneginf(tensor))))),
("0", np.sum(tensor == 0.0)),
("+", np.sum(np.logical_and(
tensor > 0.0, np.logical_not(np.isposinf(tensor))))),
("+inf", np.sum(np.isposinf(tensor)))]
output = _counts_summary(counts, total_count=np.size(tensor))
valid_array = tensor[
np.logical_not(np.logical_or(np.isinf(tensor), np.isnan(tensor)))]
if np.size(valid_array):
stats = [
("min", np.min(valid_array)),
("max", np.max(valid_array)),
("mean", np.mean(valid_array)),
("std", np.std(valid_array))]
output.extend(_counts_summary(stats, skip_zeros=False))
return output
elif tensor.dtype == np.bool_:
counts = [
("False", np.sum(tensor == 0)),
("True", np.sum(tensor > 0)),]
return _counts_summary(counts, total_count=np.size(tensor))
return debugger_cli_common.RichTextLines([
"No numeric summary available due to tensor dtype: %s." % tensor.dtype])