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# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Structured Tensors."""
import re
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import extension_type
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec
from tensorflow.python.framework import type_spec
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import dynamic_ragged_shape
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_factory_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_tensor
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.row_partition import RowPartition
from tensorflow.python.util import compat
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
# Each field may contain one of the following types of Tensors.
_FieldValue = Union[ops.Tensor, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, 'StructuredTensor',
# Function that takes a FieldValue as input and returns the transformed
# FieldValue.
_FieldFn = Callable[[_FieldValue], _FieldValue]
class StructuredTensor(extension_type.BatchableExtensionType):
"""A multidimensional collection of structures with the same schema.
A **`StructuredTensor`** is a multi-dimensional collection of ***structures***
with the same ***schema***, where:
* A ***schema*** is a collection of fields, each of which has a name and type.
* A ***structure*** maps each field in the schema to a tensor value (which
could be a nested StructuredTensor).
As an important special case, a 1D `StructuredTensor` encodes a 2D table,
where columns are heterogeneous `Tensor`s, and rows are the aligned elements
in each of those `Tensor`s.
Internally, StructuredTensors use a "field-major" encoding: for each leaf
field, there is a single tensor that stores the value of that field for all
structures in the `StructuredTensor`.
### Examples
>>> # A scalar StructuredTensor describing a single person.
>>> s1 = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(
... {"age": 82, "nicknames": ["Bob", "Bobby"]})
>>> s1.shape
>>> s1["age"]
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=82>
>>> # A vector StructuredTensor describing three people.
>>> s2 = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval([
... {"age": 12, "nicknames": ["Josaphine"]},
... {"age": 82, "nicknames": ["Bob", "Bobby"]},
... {"age": 42, "nicknames": ["Elmo"]}])
>>> s2.shape
>>> s2[0]["age"]
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=12>
### Field Paths
A *field path* is a tuple of field names, specifying the path to a nested
_fields: Mapping[str, _FieldValue]
_ragged_shape: dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape
__name__ = 'tf.StructuredTensor'
# Common Types
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# Field names work as key, and they can be a sequence to refer to the
# sub-levels (embedded) StructuredTensor's.
FieldName = Union[str, Sequence[str]]
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
# Constructor & Factory Methods
def __init__(self, fields: Mapping[str, _FieldValue],
ragged_shape: dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape):
self._fields = fields
self._ragged_shape = ragged_shape
def _old_init(cls, fields, shape, nrows, row_partitions, internal=False):
"""Private constructor -- use factory methods to create StructuredTensors.
This constructor builds a `StructuredTensor` from the given attributes,
performing minimal validation.
fields: A dictionary mapping from string to `Tensor`, `RaggedTensor`, or
`StructuredTensor`. (This dict is not copied, so the caller must ensure
that it does not get mutated via leaked references.)
shape: `tf.TensorShape` with statically known rank.
nrows: scalar integer `tf.Tensor`, or `None` if `shape.rank==0`.
row_partitions: tuple of `RowPartition`s, with length `shape.rank-1`.
internal: ignored argument.
a StructuredTensor.
assert isinstance(fields, dict), fields
assert isinstance(shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape), shape
assert nrows is None or isinstance(nrows, ops.Tensor), nrows
assert row_partitions is None or isinstance(row_partitions,
tuple), row_partitions
return StructuredTensor(
ragged_shape=_dynamic_ragged_shape_init(fields, shape, nrows,
def from_shape(
cls, ragged_shape: dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape
) -> 'StructuredTensor':
"""Creates a `StructuredTensor` with no fields and ragged_shape.
ragged_shape: the shape of the structured tensor.
a StructuredTensor with no fields and ragged_shape.
return StructuredTensor(fields={}, ragged_shape=ragged_shape)
def from_fields(cls,
"""Creates a `StructuredTensor` from a dictionary of fields.
fields: A dictionary mapping from string to `Tensor`, `RaggedTensor`, or
`StructuredTensor`, providing the values for individual fields in each
structure. If `shape.rank > 0`, then every tensor in `fields` must have
the same shape in the first `shape.rank` dimensions; and that shape must
be compatible with `shape`; and `result[i1...iN][key] =
fields[key][i1...iN]` (where `N==shape.rank`).
shape: A `TensorShape`: static information about the shape of the
`StructuredTensor`. Must have a known `rank`. Defaults to scalar shape
(i.e. `rank=0`).
nrows: scalar integer tensor containing the number of rows in this
`StructuredTensor`. Should only be specified if `shape.rank > 0`.
Default value is inferred from the `fields` values. If `fields` is
empty, then this must be specified.
row_partitions: A list of `RowPartition`s describing the (possibly ragged)
shape of this `StructuredTensor`. Should only be specified if
`shape.rank > 1`. Default value is inferred from the `fields` values.
If `fields` is empty, then this must be specified.
validate: If true, then add runtime validation ops that check that the
field values all have compatible shapes in the outer `shape.rank`
A `StructuredTensor`.
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_fields({'x': 1, 'y': [1, 2, 3]})
"x": tf.Tensor(1, shape=(), dtype=int32),
"y": tf.Tensor([1 2 3], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)},
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_fields(
... {'foo': [1, 2], 'bar': [3, 4]}, shape=[2])
"bar": tf.Tensor([3 4], shape=(2,), dtype=int32),
"foo": tf.Tensor([1 2], shape=(2,), dtype=int32)},
shape = tensor_shape.as_shape(shape)
rank = shape.rank
if rank is None:
raise ValueError("StructuredTensor's shape must have known rank.")
if not isinstance(fields, dict):
raise TypeError('fields must be a dictionary, got %s' %
if rank < 2 and row_partitions:
raise ValueError('row_partitions must be None or [] if shape.rank<2')
if rank == 0 and nrows is not None:
raise ValueError('nrows must be None if shape.rank==0')
if row_partitions is not None:
row_partitions = tuple(row_partitions)
if len(row_partitions) != max(0, rank - 1):
raise ValueError('len(row_partitions) must be shape.rank-1')
elif rank < 2:
row_partitions = ()
fields = dict(fields) # Make a private copy.
with ops.name_scope(None, 'StructuredTensor', fields.values()):
# TODO(martinz): Make this have better errors.
shape = _dynamic_ragged_shape_init(fields, shape, nrows, row_partitions)
# TODO(martinz): This may not need to be done if all fields are dense.
if shape.rank > 1:
shape = shape._with_num_row_partitions(shape.rank - 1)
# Validate keys and convert field values to tensors.
for key, value in fields.items():
if not isinstance(key, str):
raise TypeError(f'Unexpected type for key in `fields`: {key}')
if not _FIELD_NAME_RE.match(key):
raise ValueError('Field name %r is not currently allowed.' % key)
fields[key] = _convert_to_structured_field_value(value)
fields = dict([(k, _replace_row_partitions(v, row_partitions))
for (k, v) in fields.items()])
return cls(fields=fields, ragged_shape=shape)
def from_fields_and_rank(
fields: Mapping[str, _FieldValue],
rank: int,
validate: bool = False,
dtype: Optional[dtypes.DType] = None) -> 'StructuredTensor':
"""Creates a `StructuredTensor` from a nonempty dictionary of fields.
Note that if the shape dtype is not specified, the shape dtype will be
inferred from any fields that have a shape dtype. If fields differ, then
int64 will be preferred to int32, because coercing from int32 to int64 is
safer than coercing from int64 to int32.
If there are no ragged fields, then it will be int64 by default, but this
will be changed to int32 in the future.
fields: A dictionary mapping from string to `Tensor`, `RaggedTensor`, or
`StructuredTensor`, providing the values for individual fields in each
structure. If `rank > 0`, then every tensor in `fields` must have the
same shape in the first `rank` dimensions. Cannot be empty.
rank: The rank of the resulting structured tensor.
validate: If true, then add runtime validation ops that check that the
field values all have compatible shapes in the outer `rank` dimensions.
dtype: If specified, then forces dtype of the shape to be this.
A `StructuredTensor`.
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_fields_and_rank(
... {'x': 1, 'y': [1, 2, 3]}, 0)
"x": tf.Tensor(1, shape=(), dtype=int32),
"y": tf.Tensor([1 2 3], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)},
>>> StructuredTensor.from_fields_and_rank({'foo': [1, 2], 'bar': [3, 4]},
... 1)
"bar": tf.Tensor([3 4], shape=(2,), dtype=int32),
"foo": tf.Tensor([1 2], shape=(2,), dtype=int32)},
if not fields:
raise ValueError('Must provide at least one field')
if not isinstance(rank, int):
raise ValueError('rank must be an integer')
if rank < 0:
raise ValueError('rank must be nonnegative')
fields = {
k: _convert_to_structured_field_value(v) for (k, v) in fields.items()
if dtype is None:
dtype = _find_shape_dtype(fields, None, None)
fields = _fields_with_dtype(fields, dtype)
shape = _shape_from_fields(fields, rank, dtype)
if rank > 1:
shape = shape._with_num_row_partitions(rank - 1)
new_rp = shape._row_partitions # pylint: disable=protected-access
fields = {
k: _replace_row_partitions(v, new_rp) for (k, v) in fields.items()
return StructuredTensor(fields=fields, ragged_shape=shape)
def with_updates(self,
updates: Dict[FieldName, Union[_FieldValue, _FieldFn, None]],
validate: bool = False) -> 'StructuredTensor':
"""Creates a new `StructuredTensor` with the updated fields.
If this `StructuredTensor` is a scalar, and `k` is the `FieldName` being
updated and `v` the new value, then:
result[k] = v # If (k, v) is in updates and v is a FieldValue
result[k] = f(self[k]) # If (k, f) is in updates and f is a FieldFn
result[k] = self[k] # If k is in self.field_names but not in updates
If this `StructuredTensor` has rank `N` and shape `[D1...DN]`, then each
FieldValue `v` in `updates` must have shape `[D1...DN, ...]`, that is,
prefixed with the same shape as the `StructuredTensor`. Then the resulting
`StructuredTensor` will have:
result[i1...iN][k] = v[i1...iN] # (k, v) in updates
result[i1...iN][k] = f(self.field_value(k))[i1...iN] # (k, f) in updates
result[i1...iN][k] = self[i1...iN][k] # k not in updates
Note that `result.shape` is always equal to `self.shape` (but the shapes
of nested StructuredTensors may be changed if they are updated with new
updates: A dictionary mapping `FieldName` to either a `FieldValue` to be
used to update, or a `FieldFn` that will transform the value for the
given `FieldName`. `FieldName` can be a string for a direct field, or a
sequence of strings to refer to a nested sub-field. `FieldFn` is a
function that takes a `FieldValue` as input and should return a
`FieldValue`. All other fields are copied over to the new
`StructuredTensor`. New `FieldName` can be given (to add new fields),
but only to existing `StructuredTensor`, it won't automatically create
new nested structures -- but one can create a whole `StructureTensor`
sub-structure and set that into an existing structure. If the new value
is set to `None`, it is removed.
validate: If true, then add runtime validation ops that check that the
field values all have compatible shapes in the outer `shape.rank`
A `StructuredTensor`.
`ValueError`: If the any of the `FieldName` keys points to non-existent
sub-structures, if parent and child nodes are updated, if shapes
change, if a delete update is given for a non-existent field, or if a
`FieldFn` transforming function is given for a `FieldName` that doesn't
yet exist.
>>> shoes_us = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval([
... {"age": 12, "nicknames": ["Josaphine"],
... "shoes": {"sizes": [8.0, 7.5, 7.5]}},
... {"age": 82, "nicknames": ["Bob", "Bobby"],
... "shoes": {"sizes": [11.0, 11.5, 12.0]}},
... {"age": 42, "nicknames": ["Elmo"],
... "shoes": {"sizes": [9.0, 9.5, 10.0]}}])
>>> def us_to_europe(t):
... return tf.round(t * 2.54 + 17.0) # Rough approximation.
>>> shoe_sizes_key = ("shoes", "sizes")
>>> shoes_eu = shoes_us.with_updates({shoe_sizes_key: us_to_europe})
>>> shoes_eu.field_value(shoe_sizes_key)
<tf.RaggedTensor [[37.0, 36.0, 36.0], [45.0, 46.0, 47.0],
[40.0, 41.0, 42.0]]>
updates_items = [(_normalize_field_name_to_tuple(name), value)
for name, value in updates.items()]
# Sort by keys and check for updates of both parent and child nodes.
updates_items = sorted(updates_items)
for i in range(1, len(updates_items)):
# Parent of a node would precede node in the sorted order.
name = updates_items[i][0] # item[0] is the name, item[1] is the value.
prev_name = updates_items[i - 1][0]
if name[:len(prev_name)] == prev_name:
raise ValueError(
'`StructuredTensor.with_updates` does not allow both parent and '
'child nodes to be updated: parent={}, child={}. If needed you can '
'update child nodes in the parent update value.'.format(
prev_name, name))
return self._with_updates_impl((), updates_items, validate)
def _with_updates_impl(self, error_prefix: Tuple[str, ...],
updates: List[Tuple[FieldName, Union[_FieldValue,
validate: bool) -> 'StructuredTensor':
"""Recursive part of `with_updates` implementation."""
# Get current fields.
new_fields = dict(self._fields)
# Convert field name to string with full path for error messages.
def name_fullpath(name: Sequence[str]) -> str:
return str(error_prefix + (name,))
# Apply value if a function or the value itself.
def apply_value(name: str, value: Union[_FieldValue,
_FieldFn]) -> _FieldValue:
if callable(value):
# `value` is actually a transforming function.
if name not in new_fields:
raise ValueError(
'`StructuredTensor.with_updates` cannot update the field {} '
'because a transforming function was given, but that field '
'does not already exist.'.format(name_fullpath(name)))
value = value(new_fields[name])
return value
# Merge updates.
for name, value in updates:
if not name or not name[0]:
raise ValueError(
'`StructuredTensor.with_updates` does not allow empty names '
if len(name) == 1:
name = name[0]
if value is None:
if name not in new_fields:
raise ValueError(
'`StructuredTensor.with_updates` cannot delete field '
'{} because it is not present.'.format(name_fullpath(name)))
new_fields[name] = apply_value(name, value)
# Recursive
prefix = name[0]
suffix = name[1:]
if prefix not in new_fields:
raise ValueError(
'`StructuredTensor.with_updates` cannot create new sub-field '
'{} if parent field {} is not set.'.format(
error_prefix + tuple(name), name_fullpath(prefix)))
current_value = new_fields[prefix]
if not isinstance(current_value, StructuredTensor):
raise ValueError(
'`StructuredTensor.with_updates` cannot create new sub-field '
'{} if parent structure {} is not a `StructuredTensor` that '
'can contain sub-structures -- it is a `{}`.'.format(
error_prefix + tuple(name), name_fullpath(prefix),
one_update = [(suffix, value)]
# Accessing protected member in recursion.
# FutureWork: optimize by aggregating the recursions, instead of
# calling one at a time.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
value = current_value._with_updates_impl(error_prefix + (prefix,),
one_update, validate)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
new_fields[prefix] = value
# TODO(edloper): When validate=True, only validate the modified fields.
return StructuredTensor.from_fields(
except ValueError as e:
msg = '`StructuredTensor.with_updates` failed'
if error_prefix:
msg = '{} for field {}'.format(msg, error_prefix)
raise ValueError(msg) from e
def _promote_helper(self, source_path, new_parent_path):
"""Creates a promoted field without adding it to the structure.
source_path: the source path in the structured tensor.
new_parent_path: the new parent path. Must be a prefix of source_path.
a composite tensor of source_path promoted.
ValueError: if the shape of the field is unknown and the right strategy
cannot be determined.
current_field = self.field_value(source_path)
new_parent_rank = self.field_value(new_parent_path).rank
parent_rank = self.field_value(source_path[:-1]).rank
if new_parent_rank == parent_rank:
return current_field
current_field_rank = current_field.shape.rank
if current_field_rank is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot determine if dimensions should be merged.')
inner_dim = min(parent_rank, current_field_rank - 1)
if inner_dim <= new_parent_rank:
return current_field
return _merge_dims_generic(current_field, new_parent_rank, inner_dim)
def promote(self, source_path, new_name):
"""Promotes a field, merging dimensions between grandparent and parent.
>>> d = [
... {'docs': [{'tokens':[1, 2]}, {'tokens':[3]}]},
... {'docs': [{'tokens':[7]}]}]
>>> st = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(d)
>>> st2 =st.promote(('docs','tokens'), 'docs_tokens')
>>> st2[0]['docs_tokens']
<tf.Tensor: shape=(3,), dtype=int32, numpy=array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int32)>
>>> st2[1]['docs_tokens']
<tf.Tensor: shape=(1,), dtype=int32, numpy=array([7], dtype=int32)>
source_path: the path of the field or substructure to promote; must have
length at least 2.
new_name: the name of the new field (must be a string).
a modified structured tensor with the new field as a child of the
grandparent of the source_path.
ValueError: if source_path is not a list or a tuple or has a length
less than two, or new_name is not a string, or the rank
of source_path is unknown and it is needed.
if not isinstance(new_name, str):
raise ValueError('new_name is not a string')
if not isinstance(source_path, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError('source_path must be a list or tuple')
if len(source_path) < 2:
raise ValueError('source_path must have length at least two')
grandparent_path = source_path[:-2]
new_field = self._promote_helper(source_path, grandparent_path)
new_path = grandparent_path + (new_name,)
return self.with_updates({new_path: new_field})
# Properties
def rank(self):
"""The rank of this StructuredTensor. Guaranteed not to be `None`."""
return self._ragged_shape.rank
def shape(self):
"""The static shape of this StructuredTensor.
The returned `TensorShape` is guaranteed to have a known rank, but the
individual dimension sizes may be unknown.
return self._ragged_shape._to_tensor_shape() # pylint: disable=protected-access
# TODO(martinz): for backwards compatibility
def _row_partitions(self):
"""Deprecated form of row_partitions."""
return self.row_partitions
# TODO(edloper): Make this a func instead of a property? Or make nrows
# a property instead of a func? Seems like these should be consistent.
def row_partitions(self):
"""A tuple of `RowPartition`s defining the shape of this `StructuredTensor`.
When `self.rank <= 1`, this tuple will be empty.
When `self.rank > 1`, these `RowPartitions` define the shape of the
`StructuredTensor` by describing how a flat (1D) list of structures can be
repeatedly partitioned to form a higher-dimensional object. In particular,
the flat list is first partitioned into sublists using `row_partitions[-1]`,
and then those sublists are further partitioned using `row_partitions[-2]`,
etc. The following examples show the row partitions used to describe
several different `StructuredTensor`, each of which contains 8 copies of
the same structure (`x`):
>>> x = {'a': 1, 'b': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']} # shape = [] (scalar)
>>> s1 = [[x, x, x, x], [x, x, x, x]] # shape = [2, 4]
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(s1).row_partitions
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 4 8]),)
>>> s2 = [[x, x], [x, x], [x, x], [x, x]] # shape = [4, 2]
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(s2).row_partitions
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 4 6 8]),)
>>> s3 = [[x, x, x], [], [x, x, x, x], [x]] # shape = [2, None]
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(s3).row_partitions
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 3 3 7 8]),)
>>> s4 = [[[x, x], [x, x]], [[x, x], [x, x]]] # shape = [2, 2, 2]
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(s4).row_partitions
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 4]),
tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 4 6 8]))
>>> s5 = [[[x, x], [x]], [[x, x]], [[x, x], [x]]] # shape = [3, None, None]
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(s5).row_partitions
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 3 5]),
tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 3 5 7 8]))
Note that shapes for nested fields (such as `x['b']` in the above example)
are not considered part of the shape of a `StructuredTensor`, and are not
included in `row_partitions`.
If this `StructuredTensor` has a ragged shape (i.e., if any of the
`row_partitions` is not uniform in size), then all fields will be encoded
as either `RaggedTensor`s or `StructuredTensor`s with these `RowPartition`s
used to define their outermost `self.rank` dimensions.
A `tuple` of `RowPartition` objects with length `self.rank - 1`
(or `0` if `self.rank < 2`)
if self.rank < 2:
return ()
return self._ragged_shape._as_row_partitions() # pylint:disable=protected-access
def nrows(self):
"""The number of rows in this StructuredTensor (if rank>0).
This means the length of the outer-most dimension of the StructuredTensor.
Notice that if `self.rank > 1`, then this equals the number of rows
of the first row partition. That is,
`self.nrows() == self.row_partitions[0].nrows()`.
Otherwise `self.nrows()` will be the first dimension of the field values.
A scalar integer `Tensor` (or `None` if `self.rank == 0`).
if self.rank == 0:
return None
return self._ragged_shape[0]
def with_shape_dtype(self, dtype: dtypes.DType) -> 'StructuredTensor':
if dtype == self._ragged_shape.dtype:
return self
return StructuredTensor(
fields=_fields_with_dtype(self._fields, dtype),
def _is_eager(self):
"""True if all fields are composed of eager tensors."""
tensors = nest.flatten(self, expand_composites=True)
return all(isinstance(t, ops.EagerTensor) for t in tensors)
# Encoding
def field_names(self):
"""Returns the string field names for this `StructuredTensor`."""
return tuple(self._fields.keys())
def field_value(self, field_name):
"""Returns the tensor value for the specified field or path.
If `field_name` is a `string`, then it names a field directly owned by this
`StructuredTensor`. If this `StructuredTensor` has shape `[D1...DN]`, then
the returned tensor will have shape `[D1...DN, V1...VM]`, where the slice
`result[d1...dN]` contains the field value for the structure at
If `field_name` is a `tuple` of `string`, then it specifies a path to a
field owned by nested `StructuredTensor`. In particular,
`struct.field_value((f1, f2, ..., fN))` is equivalent to
field_name: `string` or `tuple` of `string`: The field whose values should
be returned.
`Tensor`, `StructuredTensor`, or `RaggedTensor`.
KeyError: If the given field_name is not found.
if isinstance(field_name, (list, tuple)):
value = self
for f in field_name:
if not isinstance(value, StructuredTensor):
raise KeyError('Field path {} not found in {}'.format(
field_name, self))
value = value.field_value(f)
return value
return self._fields[field_name]
# Operators
# TODO(edloper): Add support for ellipsis and/or newaxis?
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Returns the specified piece of this StructuredTensor.
* If `struct_tensor` is scalar (i.e., a single structure), then
`struct_tensor[f]` returns the value of field `f` (where `f` must be a
* If `struct_tensor` is non-scalar (i.e., a vector or higher-dimensional
tensor of structures), `struct_tensor[i]` selects an element or slice of
the tensor using standard Python semantics (e.g., negative values index
from the end). `i` may have any of the following types:
* `int` constant
* `string` constant
* scalar integer `Tensor`
* `slice` containing integer constants and/or scalar integer
#### Multidimensional indexing
`StructuredTensor` supports multidimensional indexing. I.e., `key` may be a
`tuple` of values, indexing or slicing multiple dimensions at once. For
example, if `people` is a vector of structures, each of which has a vector-
valued `names` field, then `people[3, 'names', 0]` is equivalent to
`people[3]['names'][0]`; and `people[:, 'names', :]` will return a (possibly
ragged) matrix of names, with shape `[num_people, num_names_per_person]`.
key: Indicates which piece of the StructuredTensor to return.
A `Tensor`, `StructuredTensor`, or `RaggedTensor`.
if isinstance(key, list):
key = tuple(key)
elif not isinstance(key, tuple):
key = (key,)
if not key:
return self
if self.rank == 0:
return self._scalar_getitem(key)
return self._tensor_getitem(key)
def _scalar_getitem(self, key):
if (isinstance(key[0], slice) and key[0].start is None and
key[0].stop is None and key[0].step is None):
fields = dict((field_name, field_value.__getitem__(key[1:]))
for (field_name, field_value) in self._fields.items())
return StructuredTensor.from_fields(fields, self.shape)
elif not isinstance(key[0], compat.bytes_or_text_types):
raise ValueError('Key for indexing a StructuredTensor must be a '
"string or a full slice (':')")
return self._fields[key[0]].__getitem__(key[1:])
def _tensor_getitem(self, key):
rank = self.rank
if len(key) <= rank:
new_fields = dict((field_name, field_value.__getitem__(key))
for (field_name, field_value) in self._fields.items())
result_shape = self.shape.as_list()
for d, k in enumerate(key):
if isinstance(k, slice):
if not (k.start is None and k.stop is None and k.step is None):
# TODO(edloper): Better static shape analysis here.
result_shape[d] = None
elif isinstance(k, (int, ops.Tensor)):
result_shape[d] = -1 # mark for deletion
elif k is None:
raise ValueError('Slicing not supported for tf.newaxis')
# Ellipsis, tf.newaxis:
raise ValueError('Slicing not supported for %r' % k)
result_shape = [d for d in result_shape if d != -1]
return StructuredTensor.from_fields(new_fields, result_shape)
if not isinstance(key[rank], compat.bytes_or_text_types):
# TODO(edloper): Also support full slice here?
raise ValueError('Key for indexing a StructuredTensor must be a string')
return self._fields[key[rank]].__getitem__(key[:rank] + key[rank + 1:])
def __repr__(self):
fields = sorted(self._fields.items())
fields = ((k, str(v).replace('\n', '\n ')) for k, v in fields)
fields = ('"{}": {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in fields)
dict_repr = ',\n '.join(fields)
return ('<StructuredTensor(\n'
' fields={\n'
' %s},\n'
' shape=%s)>' % (dict_repr, self.shape))
# Conversion
def to_pyval(self):
"""Returns this StructuredTensor as a nested Python dict or list of dicts.
Converts this `StructuredTensor` to a nested python value:
* `StructTensors` with `rank=0` are converted into a dictionary, with an
entry for each field. Field names are used as keys and field values are
converted to python values. In particular:
* Scalar Tensor fields are converted to simple values (such as
`int` or `float` or `string`)
* Non-scalar Tensor fields and RaggedTensor fields are converted to
nested lists of simple values.
* StructuredTensor fields are converted recursively using `to_pyval`.
* `StructTensors` with `rank>0` are converted to nested python `list`s,
containing one dictionary for each structure (where each structure's
dictionary is defined as described above).
Requires that all fields are Eager tensors.
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_fields(
... {'a': [1, 2, 3]}, [3]).to_pyval()
[{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}, {'a': 3}]
Note that `StructuredTensor.from_pyval(pyval).to_pyval() == pyval`.
A nested Python dict or list of dicts.
if not self._is_eager():
raise ValueError(
'StructuredTensor.to_pyval() is only supported in eager mode.')
# Convert each field value to a nested list.
result = {}
for (key, value) in self._fields.items():
if isinstance(value, ops.EagerTensor):
value = value.numpy()
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
value = value.tolist()
elif isinstance(value, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
value = value.to_list()
elif isinstance(value, StructuredTensor):
value = value.to_pyval()
# TODO(edloper): Throw an exception if value is an unexpected type.
result[key] = value
# If rank>0, then re-group each value from dict-of-list to list-of-dict.
if len(self.shape) > 0: # pylint: disable=g-explicit-length-test
if not result: # special-case for StructuredTensors w/ no fields.
return _empty_dict_pylist_from_row_partitions(self.row_partitions,
return _pyval_field_major_to_node_major(
list(result.keys()), list(result.values()), self.rank)
return result
def from_pyval(cls, pyval, typespec=None):
"""Constructs a StructuredTensor from a nested Python structure.
>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(
... {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [[4, 5], [6, 7]]})
"a": tf.Tensor([1 2 3], shape=(3,), dtype=int32),
"b": <tf.RaggedTensor [[4, 5], [6, 7]]>},
Note that `StructuredTensor.from_pyval(pyval).to_pyval() == pyval`.
pyval: The nested Python structure that should be used to create the new
typespec: A `StructuredTensor.Spec` specifying the expected type for each
field. If not specified, then all nested dictionaries are turned into
StructuredTensors, and all nested lists are turned into Tensors (if
rank<2) or RaggedTensors (if rank>=2).
A `StructuredTensor`.
return cls._from_pyval(pyval, typespec, ())
def _from_pyval(cls, pyval, typespec, path_so_far):
"""Helper function for from_pyval.
pyval: The nested Python structure that should be used to create the new
typespec: A `StructuredTensor.Spec` specifying the expected type for each
field. If not specified, then all nested dictionaries are turned into
StructuredTensors, and all nested lists are turned into Tensors (if
rank<2) or RaggedTensors (if rank>=2).
path_so_far: the path of fields that led here (for error messages).
A `StructuredTensor`.
if isinstance(pyval, dict):
return cls._from_pydict(pyval, typespec, path_so_far)
elif isinstance(pyval, (list, tuple)):
keys = set()
rank = _pyval_find_struct_keys_and_depth(pyval, keys)
if rank is not None:
return cls._from_pylist_of_dict(pyval, keys, rank, typespec,
return cls._from_pylist_of_value(pyval, typespec, path_so_far)
return cls._from_pyscalar(pyval, typespec, path_so_far)
def _from_pydict(cls, pyval, typespec, path_so_far):
"""Converts python dictionary `pyval` to a StructuredTensor with rank=0."""
if typespec is None:
fields = dict((k, cls._from_pyval(v, None, path_so_far + (k,)))
for (k, v) in pyval.items())
spec_shape = typespec._shape # pylint: disable=protected-access
field_specs = typespec._field_specs # pylint: disable=protected-access
if not (isinstance(typespec, StructuredTensor.Spec) and
spec_shape.rank == 0 and set(pyval) == set(field_specs)):
raise ValueError('Value at %r does not match typespec: %r vs %r' %
(path_so_far, pyval, typespec))
fields = dict((k, cls._from_pyval(v, field_specs[k], path_so_far + (k,)))
for (k, v) in pyval.items())
return StructuredTensor.from_fields(fields=fields, shape=(), validate=False)
def _from_pylist_of_dict(cls, pyval, keys, rank, typespec, path_so_far):
"""Converts python list `pyval` to a StructuredTensor with rank>1."""
fields = dict((key, []) for key in keys)
for child in pyval:
_pyval_update_fields(child, fields, 1)
if typespec is None:
shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape([None] * rank)
for (key, target) in fields.items():
fields[key] = cls._from_pyval(target, None, path_so_far + (key,))
field_specs = typespec._fields # pylint: disable=protected-access
if ((not isinstance(typespec, StructuredTensor.Spec)) or # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
(set(fields) - set(field_specs))):
raise ValueError('Value at %r does not match typespec: %r vs %r' %
(path_so_far, pyval, typespec))
shape = typespec._shape
if shape.rank < rank:
raise ValueError('Value at %r does not match typespec (rank mismatch): '
'%r vs %r' % (path_so_far, pyval, typespec))
for (key, spec) in field_specs.items():
fields[key] = cls._from_pyval(
fields.get(key, []), spec, path_so_far + (key,))
if not fields and typespec is None:
# TODO(b/183245576): handle cases where the typespec is known
# but the dictionary is empty.
return StructuredTensor._from_pylist_of_empty_dict(pyval, rank)
return StructuredTensor.from_fields(
fields=fields, shape=shape, validate=False)
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError('Error parsing path %r' % (path_so_far,)) from exc
def _from_pylist_of_empty_dict(cls, pyval, rank):
"""Converts a pylist of empty dictionaries to StructuredTensors."""
if rank == 0:
return StructuredTensor.from_fields(fields={}, shape=(), validate=False)
elif rank == 1:
nrows = len(pyval)
shape = (nrows,)
return StructuredTensor.from_fields(fields={}, shape=shape, nrows=nrows)
elif rank > 1:
ragged_zeros = ragged_factory_ops.constant(_dicts_to_zeros(pyval))
nrows = len(pyval)
shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape([len(pyval)] + ([None] * (rank - 1)))
return StructuredTensor.from_fields(
row_partitions=ragged_zeros._nested_row_partitions, # pylint:disable=protected-access
def _from_pylist_of_value(cls, pyval, typespec, path_so_far):
"""Converts python list `pyval` to a Tensor or RaggedTensor with rank>1."""
if typespec is None:
return ragged_factory_ops.constant(pyval)
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError('Error parsing path %r' % (path_so_far,)) from exc
elif isinstance(typespec, tensor_spec.TensorSpec):
result = constant_op.constant(pyval, typespec.dtype)
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError('Error parsing path %r' % (path_so_far,)) from exc
if not typespec.shape.is_compatible_with(result.shape):
raise ValueError('Value at %r does not match typespec: %r vs %r' %
(path_so_far, typespec, pyval))
return result
elif isinstance(typespec, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensorSpec):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return ragged_factory_ops.constant(
inner_shape=typespec._shape[typespec._ragged_rank + 1:])
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError('Error parsing path %r' % (path_so_far,)) from exc
elif isinstance(typespec, StructuredTensor.Spec):
empty_rank = _pyval_empty_list_depth(pyval)
if empty_rank is None:
raise ValueError('Value at %r does not match typespec: %r vs %r' %
(path_so_far, typespec, pyval))
return cls._from_pylist_of_dict(pyval, set(), empty_rank, typespec,
raise ValueError('Value at %r does not match typespec: %r vs %r' %
(path_so_far, typespec, pyval))
def _from_pyscalar(cls, pyval, typespec, path_so_far):
"""Converts python scalar value `pyval` to a Tensor."""
if typespec is None:
return constant_op.constant(pyval)
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError('Error parsing path %r' % (path_so_far,)) from exc
if not (isinstance(typespec, tensor_spec.TensorSpec) and
typespec.shape.rank == 0):
raise ValueError('Value at %r does not match typespec: %r vs %r' %
(path_so_far, typespec, pyval))
# TODO(edloper): Check that typespec.shape matches.
return constant_op.constant(pyval, typespec.dtype)
# Transforms
# TODO(edloper): Add a 'validate' option here?
# TODO(edloper): Unify nomenclature with RaggedTensor. Should RaggedTensor
# have a partition_outer_dimension method?
def partition_outer_dimension(self, row_partition):
"""Partitions the outer dimension of this StructuredTensor.
Returns a new `StructuredTensor` with the same values as `self`, where
the outer dimension is partitioned into two (possibly ragged) dimensions.
Requires that this StructuredTensor have an outer dimension (i.e.,
`self.shape.rank > 0`).
>>> st = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(
... [{'foo': 12}, {'foo': 33}, {'foo': 99}])
>>> partition = RowPartition.from_row_lengths([2, 0, 1])
>>> st.partition_outer_dimension(partition)
"foo": <tf.RaggedTensor [[12, 33], [], [99]]>},
shape=(3, None))>
row_partition: A `RowPartition`.
A `StructuredTensor` with rank `values.rank + 1`.
if not isinstance(row_partition, RowPartition):
raise TypeError('row_partition must be a RowPartition.')
if self.shape.rank == 0:
raise ValueError('Shape %s must have rank at least 1' % self.shape)
return _partition_outer_dimension(self, row_partition)
def merge_dims(self, outer_axis, inner_axis):
"""Merges outer_axis...inner_axis into a single dimension.
Returns a copy of this RaggedTensor with the specified range of dimensions
flattened into a single dimension, with elements in row-major order.
>>> st = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(
... [[{'foo': 12}, {'foo': 33}], [], [{'foo': 99}]])
>>> st.merge_dims(0, 1)
"foo": tf.Tensor([12 33 99], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)},
outer_axis: `int`: The first dimension in the range of dimensions to
merge. May be negative (to index from the last dimension).
inner_axis: `int`: The last dimension in the range of dimensions to merge.
May be negative (to index from the last dimension).
A copy of this tensor, with the specified dimensions merged into a
single dimension. The shape of the returned tensor will be
`self.shape[:outer_axis] + [N] + self.shape[inner_axis + 1:]`, where `N`
is the total number of slices in the merged dimensions.
outer_axis = array_ops.get_positive_axis(
inner_axis = array_ops.get_positive_axis(
if not outer_axis <= inner_axis:
raise ValueError('Expected outer_axis (%d) to be less than or equal to '
'inner_axis (%d)' % (outer_axis, inner_axis))
return _merge_dims(self, outer_axis, inner_axis)
class Spec:
"""A spec for StructuredTensor."""
def __validate__(self):
assert self._ragged_shape is not None
def _from_fields_and_rank(cls, fields, rank):
"""Creates a spec of a StructuredTensor with fields and rank."""
shape = None
for (k, v) in fields.items():
field_shape_untruncated = _dynamic_ragged_shape_spec_from_spec(v)
if field_shape_untruncated is None:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot convert spec of {k}.')
untruncated_rank = field_shape_untruncated.rank
if (untruncated_rank is not None and untruncated_rank < rank):
raise ValueError(f'Rank of field {k} is {untruncated_rank}, '
f'but must be at least {rank}.')
field_shape = field_shape_untruncated._truncate(rank) # pylint: disable=protected-access
if shape is None:
shape = field_shape
shape = shape._merge_with(field_shape)
return StructuredTensor.Spec(_ragged_shape=shape, _fields=fields)
def _from_shape(
cls, shape: dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape
) -> 'StructuredTensor.Spec':
"""Creates the spec of an empty StructuredTensor."""
return StructuredTensor.Spec(_ragged_shape=shape, _fields={})
# For backwards compatibility
def _shape(self) -> tensor_shape.TensorShape:
return self._ragged_shape._to_tensor_shape() # pylint: disable=protected-access
# For backwards compatibility
def _field_specs(self) -> Dict[str, type_spec.TypeSpec]:
return self._fields
# For backwards compatibility
def shape(self) -> tensor_shape.TensorShape:
return self._shape
# For backwards compatibility
def rank(self):
return self._ragged_shape.rank
# Regular expression used to determine whether a string is a valid field name.
# Note: we plan to relax (or possibly eliminate) this in the future; you
# should not rely on the fact that some field names are currently disallowed.
_FIELD_NAME_RE = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')
# Helper functions
# TODO(edloper): Move some of these helpers to
def _convert_to_structured_field_value(value):
"""Converts `value` to a Tensor, RaggedTensor, or StructuredTensor."""
if isinstance(value,
(ops.Tensor, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, StructuredTensor)):
return value
elif ragged_tensor.is_ragged(value):
return ragged_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(value)
elif isinstance(value, extension_type.ExtensionType):
return value
return ops.convert_to_tensor(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
raise TypeError('Unexpected type for value in `fields`: %r' %
value) from e
def _find_shape_dtype(
fields: Mapping[str, _FieldValue], nrows: Optional[ops.Tensor],
row_partitions: Optional[Sequence[RowPartition]]) -> dtypes.DType:
"""Return a consistent dtype for fields, nrows, & row_partitions.
In the future, the default will switch from int64 to int32, but for now,
we stick with int64.
fields: the fields of the StructuredTensor.
nrows: the nrows of the StructuredTensor
row_partitions: the row_partitions of the StructuredTensor.
If anything requires int64, then return int64.
If int32 is explicitly specified, return int32. Otherwise, return int64.
field_dtypes = [_field_shape_dtype(v) for v in fields.values()]
nrows_dtypes = [nrows.dtype] if isinstance(nrows, ops.Tensor) else []
rp_dtypes = [] if row_partitions is None else [
rp.dtype for rp in row_partitions
all_dtypes = field_dtypes + nrows_dtypes + rp_dtypes
if dtypes.int64 in all_dtypes:
return dtypes.int64
if dtypes.int32 in all_dtypes:
return dtypes.int32
# TODO(martinz): Eventually, shift this to tf.int32.
return dtypes.int64
def _merge_nrows(nrows, static_nrows, value, dtype, validate):
"""Merges `nrows` with `nrows(value)`.
Checks that `value` has the expected number of rows (`nrows`), and returns
`nrows`. If `validate` is true, then add validation ops that check that
the `nrows` values match.
nrows: scalar integer Tensor.
static_nrows: tf.Dimension: static value of nrows, if known.
value: Tensor or RaggedTensor or StructuredTensor
dtype: dtype for `nrows`.
validate: bool -- whether to add validation ops.
A tuple `(nrows, static_nrows)`.
static_value_nrows = tensor_shape.dimension_at_index(value.shape, 0)
if isinstance(value, ops.Tensor):
value_nrows = array_ops.shape(value, out_type=dtype)[0]
value_nrows = value.nrows()
if nrows is None:
nrows = value_nrows
elif (static_value_nrows.value is not None and
static_nrows.value is not None):
if not static_value_nrows.is_compatible_with(static_nrows):
raise ValueError('fields have incompatible nrows')
nrows = value_nrows # No need to add an assertion op.
elif validate:
nrows = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
nrows, value_nrows, message='fields have incompatible nrows')
], nrows)
return nrows, static_nrows._merge_with(static_value_nrows) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _merge_row_partitions(row_partitions, value, rank, dtype, validate):
"""Merges `row_partitions` with `row_partitions(value)`."""
if isinstance(value, ops.Tensor):
value_row_partitions = _row_partitions_for_tensor(value, rank, dtype)
elif isinstance(value, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
value_row_partitions = _row_partitions_for_ragged_tensor(value, rank, dtype)
assert isinstance(value, StructuredTensor), type(value)
value_row_partitions = value.row_partitions[:rank - 1]
assert len(value_row_partitions) == rank - 1
if row_partitions is None:
return tuple(value_row_partitions)
return tuple([
p1._merge_precomputed_encodings(p2, validate) # pylint: disable=protected-access
for (p1, p2) in zip(row_partitions, value_row_partitions)
def _row_partitions_for_tensor(value, rank, dtype):
"""Returns the row partitions for a tf.Tensor."""
shape = array_ops.shape(value, out_type=dtype)
return _row_partitions_for_uniform_shape(shape, rank)
def _row_partitions_for_ragged_tensor(value, rank, dtype):
"""Returns the row partitions for a tf.RaggedTensor."""
assert rank > 1
value_row_partitions = value._nested_row_partitions[:rank - 1] # pylint: disable=protected-access
if len(value_row_partitions) < (rank - 1):
value_row_partitions += _row_partitions_for_tensor(
value.flat_values, rank - len(value_row_partitions), dtype)
assert len(value_row_partitions) == rank - 1
return value_row_partitions
def _row_partitions_for_uniform_shape(shape, rank):
"""Returns row partitions for the given shape Tensor.
shape: A vector describing a uniform shape.
rank: The number of dimensions to generate row partitions for
A list of (rank-1) `RowPartition`s with uniform row length.
shape_cumprod = math_ops.cumprod(shape[:rank])
# pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension
return tuple([
uniform_row_length=shape[i + 1],
nvals=shape_cumprod[i + 1],
nrows=shape_cumprod[i]) for i in range(rank - 1)
def _pyval_field_major_to_node_major(keys, values, depth):
"""Regroup each field (k, v) from dict-of-list to list-of-dict.
Given a "field-major" encoding of the StructuredTensor (which maps each key to
a single nested list containing the values for all structs), return a
corresponding "node-major" encoding, consisting of a nested list of dicts.
keys: The field names (list of string). Must not be empty.
values: The field values (list of python values). Must have the same length
as `keys`.
depth: The list depth at which dictionaries should be created.
A nested list of dict, with depth `depth`.
assert keys
if depth == 0:
return dict(zip(keys, values))
nvals = len(values[0])
assert all(nvals == len(values[i]) for i in range(1, len(values)))
return [
_pyval_field_major_to_node_major(keys, value_slice, depth - 1)
for value_slice in zip(*values)
def _empty_dict_pylist_from_row_partitions(row_partitions, nrows):
"""Returns a python list of empty dicts from the given row partitions.
row_partitions: The row-partitions describing the ragged shape of the
nrows: The number of rows in the outermost row-partition. (Or if
`len(row_partitions)==0`, then the number of empty dicts to return.)
A nested python list whose leaves (if any) are empty python dicts.
if not row_partitions:
return [{} for _ in range(nrows)]
values = _empty_dict_pylist_from_row_partitions(
row_partitions[1:], row_partitions[0].row_splits()[-1])
splits = row_partitions[0].row_splits()
return [values[splits[i]:splits[i + 1]] for i in range(len(splits) - 1)]
def _pyval_find_struct_keys_and_depth(pyval, keys):
"""Finds the keys & depth of nested dictionaries in `pyval`.
pyval: A nested structure of lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
keys: (output parameter) A set, which will be updated with any keys that are
found in the nested dictionaries.
The nesting depth of dictionaries in `pyval`, or `None` if `pyval` does
not contain any dictionaries.
ValueError: If dictionaries have inconsistent depth.
if isinstance(pyval, dict):
return 0
elif isinstance(pyval, (list, tuple)):
depth = None
for child in pyval:
child_depth = _pyval_find_struct_keys_and_depth(child, keys)
if child_depth is not None:
if depth is None:
depth = child_depth + 1
elif depth != child_depth + 1:
raise ValueError('Inconsistent depth of dictionaries')
return depth
return None
def _pyval_update_fields(pyval, fields, depth):
"""Append the field values from `pyval` to `fields`.
pyval: A python `dict`, or nested list/tuple of `dict`, whose value(s)
should be appended to `fields`.
fields: A dictionary mapping string keys to field values. Field values
extracted from `pyval` are appended to this dictionary's values.
depth: The depth at which `pyval` should be appended to the field values.
if not isinstance(pyval, (dict, list, tuple)):
raise ValueError('Expected dict or nested list/tuple of dict')
for (key, target) in fields.items():
for _ in range(1, depth):
target = target[-1]
target.append(pyval[key] if isinstance(pyval, dict) else [])
if isinstance(pyval, (list, tuple)):
for child in pyval:
_pyval_update_fields(child, fields, depth + 1)
def _pyval_empty_list_depth(pyval):
"""Find the max depth for nested empty lists.
pyval: A nested python list.
The maximum depth of empty lists in `pyval`, or None if `pyval` contains
anything other than nested empty lists.
if isinstance(pyval, list):
if not pyval:
return 1
depths = [_pyval_empty_list_depth(v) for v in pyval]
if any(depth is None for depth in depths):
return None
return max(depths) + 1
return None
def _replace_row_partitions(value, new_partitions):
"""Updates `value` to use `new_partitions` as its (outer) row partitions.
This is used to ensure that all fields in a `StructuredTensor` use identical
`RowPartition` objects for the shared dimensions. In particular,
`StructuredTensor.from_fields` first merges all of the row partitions from
any fields, and then replaces the outer row partitions of all fields with
the merged row partitions (using this function).
value: A `Tensor`, `RaggedTensor`, or `StructuredTensor`.
new_partitions: A list of row-partitions that should be used by `value`.
Must be equivalent to `value`'s current row partitions.
A value that is equivalent to `value`, where outer row partitions have been
replaced by `new_partitions`.
if isinstance(value, ops.Tensor) or not new_partitions:
return value
elif isinstance(value, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
return ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor._from_row_partition( # pylint: disable=protected-access
values=_replace_row_partitions(value.values, new_partitions[1:]),
assert isinstance(value, StructuredTensor)
new_fields = dict((k, _replace_row_partitions(v, new_partitions))
for (k, v) in value._fields.items())
return StructuredTensor._old_init( # pylint: disable=protected-access
row_partitions=tuple(new_partitions) +
def _partition_outer_dimension(value, row_partition):
"""Partitions the outer dimension of `value` using `row_partitions`.
>>> partition = RowPartition.from_row_lengths([2, 0, 1])
>>> _partition_outer_dimension(tf.constant([1, 2, 3]), partition)
<tf.RaggedTensor [[1, 2], [], [3]]>
>>> struct_value = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(
... [{'x': 1}, {'x': 2}, {'x': 3}])
>>> _partition_outer_dimension(struct_value, partition)
"x": <tf.RaggedTensor [[1, 2], [], [3]]>},
shape=(3, None))>
value: Tensor, RaggedTensor, or StructuredTensor
row_partition: RowPartition
A value with the same type as `value`, where
`result.rank = value.rank + 1`.
is_ragged = row_partition.uniform_row_length() is None
if isinstance(value, ops.Tensor) and not is_ragged:
new_shape = array_ops.concat(
array_ops.shape(value, out_type=row_partition.dtype)[1:]],
return array_ops.reshape(value, new_shape)
elif isinstance(value, (ops.Tensor, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor)):
return ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor._from_row_partition( # pylint: disable=protected-access
value, row_partition)
assert isinstance(value, StructuredTensor)
nrows = row_partition.static_nrows
ncols = row_partition.static_uniform_row_length
shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape([nrows,
fields = dict((k, _partition_outer_dimension(v, row_partition))
for (k, v) in value._fields.items())
return StructuredTensor._old_init( # pylint: disable=protected-access
fields, shape, row_partition.nrows(),
(row_partition,) + value.row_partitions)
def _merge_dims(value, outer_axis, inner_axis):
"""Merges `outer_axis...inner_axis` of `value` into a single dimension."""
assert outer_axis < inner_axis
if isinstance(value, (ops.Tensor, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor)):
return ragged_tensor.merge_dims(value, outer_axis, inner_axis)
assert isinstance(value, StructuredTensor)
fields = dict((k, _merge_dims(v, outer_axis, inner_axis))
for (k, v) in value._fields.items())
ragged_shape = value._ragged_shape._merge_dims( # pylint: disable=protected-access
outer_axis, inner_axis)
return StructuredTensor(fields, ragged_shape)
_structured_tensor_factory_key = object() # unique private object
def _dynamic_ragged_shape_spec_from_spec(
spec: Union[dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape.Spec,
ragged_tensor.RaggedTensorSpec, StructuredTensor.Spec,
) -> dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape.Spec:
if isinstance(spec, StructuredTensor.Spec):
return spec._ragged_shape # pylint: disable=protected-access
return dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape.Spec._from_spec(spec) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _normalize_field_name_to_tuple(name: 'FieldName') -> Sequence[str]:
"""FieldName can be given also as string, this normalizes it to a tuple."""
if isinstance(name, str):
return (name,)
if isinstance(name, list):
return tuple(name)
assert isinstance(name, tuple)
return name
def _dicts_to_zeros(pyval):
"""Replaces dictionaries zeros in a pylist."""
if isinstance(pyval, dict):
return 0
return [_dicts_to_zeros(x) for x in pyval]
def _merge_dims_generic(source, outer, inner):
"""Merges outer_axis...inner_axis into a single dimension.
If outer == inner, this is a NOOP. If inner < outer, then this fials.
If inner >= source.shape.rank, then the behavior is undefined.
source: a tensor, ragged tensor, or structured tensor.
outer: a python int, indicating the first dimension to compress (must be
inner: a python int, indicating the first dimension to keep (of the tail)
(must be nonnegative).
source with outer_axis...inner_axis merged into a single dimension.
if isinstance(source, StructuredTensor):
return source.merge_dims(outer, inner)
return ragged_tensor.merge_dims(source, outer, inner)
def _dynamic_ragged_shape_from_tensor(
field, dtype=None) -> dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape:
"""Extension of DynamicRaggedShape.from_tensor to support StructuredTensor."""
if isinstance(field, StructuredTensor):
return field._ragged_shape # pylint: disable=protected-access
shape = array_ops.shape_v2(field, out_type=dtype)
if isinstance(shape, ops.Tensor):
return dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape(
row_partitions=[], inner_shape=shape)
elif isinstance(shape, dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape):
return shape
# TODO(martinz): add a test for the following line.
raise TypeError(f'Expected shape tf.shape({field}) to return a Tensor or a '
f'DynamicRaggedShape. Instead, got: {shape}.')
def _merge_with_optional(
a: Optional[dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape],
b: Optional[dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape]
) -> Optional[dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape]:
if a is None:
return b
if b is None:
return a
return a._merge_with(b) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _shape_from_fields(
fields, rank: int,
dtype: dtypes.DType) -> Optional[dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape]:
"""Given fields, rank, and dtype, create a shape."""
field_shape = None
for (k, field) in fields.items():
next_field_shape_raw = _dynamic_ragged_shape_from_tensor(
field, dtype=dtype)
next_field_shape = next_field_shape_raw[:rank]
field_shape = _merge_with_optional(field_shape, next_field_shape)
except Exception as err:
raise ValueError(f'Error in shape of {k}') from err
return field_shape
def _field_shape_dtype(field: _FieldValue) -> Optional[dtypes.DType]:
if isinstance(field, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
return field._row_partition.dtype # pylint: disable=protected-access
if isinstance(field, StructuredTensor):
return field._ragged_shape.dtype # pylint: disable=protected-access
return None
def _field_with_shape_dtype(field: _FieldValue,
dtype: dtypes.DType) -> _FieldValue:
if isinstance(field, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
return field.with_row_splits_dtype(dtype)
if isinstance(field, StructuredTensor):
return field.with_shape_dtype(dtype)
return field
def _fields_with_dtype(fields: Mapping[str, _FieldValue],
dtype: dtypes.DType) -> Mapping[str, _FieldValue]:
return {k: _field_with_shape_dtype(v, dtype) for (k, v) in fields.items()}
# pylint:disable=protected-access
def _dynamic_ragged_shape_init(fields, shape, nrows, row_partitions):
"""Produce a DynamicRaggedShape for StructuredTensor."""
assert isinstance(fields, dict), fields
assert isinstance(shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape), shape
assert nrows is None or isinstance(nrows, ops.Tensor) or isinstance(
nrows, int), nrows
assert row_partitions is None or isinstance(row_partitions,
tuple), row_partitions
rank = shape.rank
if rank is None:
raise TypeError("StructuredTensor's shape must have known rank.")
# TODO(martinz): figure out whether to validate.
dtype = _find_shape_dtype(fields, nrows, row_partitions)
fields = _fields_with_dtype(fields, dtype)
result = None
if shape.is_fully_defined():
result = dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape._from_inner_shape(
shape.as_list(), dtype=dtype)
if rank == 0:
return dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape._from_inner_shape(
array_ops.zeros((0,), dtype=dtype))
result = _merge_with_optional(result, _shape_from_fields(fields, rank, dtype))
if rank == 1:
alt_value = tensor_shape.dimension_value(shape[0])
if alt_value is not None:
nrows = alt_value
if nrows is not None:
result = _merge_with_optional(
[nrows], dtype=dtype))
if result is None:
raise ValueError('Must specify `nrows`, a fully specified `shape`,' +
' or have `fields` if `rank=1`')
return result
if row_partitions:
result = _merge_with_optional(
row_partitions, dtype=dtype))
if result is None:
raise ValueError('Must specify row_partitions, a fully specified shape, ' +
'or have fields if rank > 1')
return result
# TODO(martinz): Drop this method or rename.
def StructuredTensorSpec(shape, field_specs): # pylint:disable=invalid-name
"""A placeholder for the old StructuredTensorSpec."""
if not isinstance(field_specs, dict):
raise TypeError('field_specs must be a dictionary.')
for k in field_specs.keys():
if not isinstance(k, str):
raise TypeError('field_specs must be a dictionary with string keys.')
for v in field_specs.values():
if not isinstance(v, type_spec.TypeSpec):
raise TypeError('field_specs must be a dictionary with TypeSpec values.')
shape = dynamic_ragged_shape.DynamicRaggedShape.Spec._from_tensor_shape(
tensor_shape.as_shape(shape), 0, dtypes.int32)
rank = shape.rank
if rank is None:
raise TypeError("StructuredTensor's shape must have known rank.")
for (k, v) in field_specs.items():
field_shape_untruncated = _dynamic_ragged_shape_spec_from_spec(v)
if field_shape_untruncated is None:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot convert spec of {k}.')
untruncated_rank = field_shape_untruncated.rank
if (untruncated_rank is not None and untruncated_rank < rank):
raise ValueError(f'Rank of field {k} is {untruncated_rank},'
f' but must be at least {rank}.')
field_shape = field_shape_untruncated._truncate(rank)
shape = shape._merge_with(field_shape)
return StructuredTensor.Spec(_ragged_shape=shape, _fields=field_specs)