2023-03-18 12:55:22 +01:00

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.. include:: common.txt
.. module:: pygame.midi
:synopsis: pygame module for interacting with midi input and output.
| :sl:`pygame module for interacting with midi input and output.`
.. versionadded:: 1.9.0
The midi module can send output to midi devices and get input from midi
devices. It can also list midi devices on the system.
The midi module supports real and virtual midi devices.
It uses the portmidi library. Is portable to which ever platforms portmidi
supports (currently Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux).
This uses pyportmidi for now, but may use its own bindings at some point in the
future. The pyportmidi bindings are included with pygame.
.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
These are pygame events (:mod:`pygame.event`) reserved for midi use. The
``MIDIIN`` event is used by :func:`pygame.midi.midis2events` when converting
midi events to pygame events.
.. function:: init
| :sl:`initialize the midi module`
| :sg:`init() -> None`
Initializes the :mod:`pygame.midi` module. Must be called before using the
:mod:`pygame.midi` module.
It is safe to call this more than once.
.. ## pygame.midi.init ##
.. function:: quit
| :sl:`uninitialize the midi module`
| :sg:`quit() -> None`
Uninitializes the :mod:`pygame.midi` module. If :func:`pygame.midi.init` was
called to initialize the :mod:`pygame.midi` module, then this function will
be called automatically when your program exits.
It is safe to call this function more than once.
.. ## pygame.midi.quit ##
.. function:: get_init
| :sl:`returns True if the midi module is currently initialized`
| :sg:`get_init() -> bool`
Gets the initialization state of the :mod:`pygame.midi` module.
:returns: ``True`` if the :mod:`pygame.midi` module is currently initialized.
:rtype: bool
.. versionadded:: 1.9.5
.. ## pygame.midi.get_init ##
.. class:: Input
| :sl:`Input is used to get midi input from midi devices.`
| :sg:`Input(device_id) -> None`
| :sg:`Input(device_id, buffer_size) -> None`
:param int device_id: midi device id
:param int buffer_size: (optional) the number of input events to be buffered
.. method:: close
| :sl:`closes a midi stream, flushing any pending buffers.`
| :sg:`close() -> None`
PortMidi attempts to close open streams when the application exits.
.. note:: This is particularly difficult under Windows.
.. ## Input.close ##
.. method:: poll
| :sl:`returns True if there's data, or False if not.`
| :sg:`poll() -> bool`
Used to indicate if any data exists.
:returns: ``True`` if there is data, ``False`` otherwise
:rtype: bool
:raises MidiException: on error
.. ## Input.poll ##
.. method:: read
| :sl:`reads num_events midi events from the buffer.`
| :sg:`read(num_events) -> midi_event_list`
Reads from the input buffer and gives back midi events.
:param int num_events: number of input events to read
:returns: the format for midi_event_list is
``[[[status, data1, data2, data3], timestamp], ...]``
:rtype: list
.. ## ##
.. ## pygame.midi.Input ##
.. class:: Output
| :sl:`Output is used to send midi to an output device`
| :sg:`Output(device_id) -> None`
| :sg:`Output(device_id, latency=0) -> None`
| :sg:`Output(device_id, buffer_size=256) -> None`
| :sg:`Output(device_id, latency, buffer_size) -> None`
The ``buffer_size`` specifies the number of output events to be buffered
waiting for output. In some cases (see below) PortMidi does not buffer
output at all and merely passes data to a lower-level API, in which case
buffersize is ignored.
``latency`` is the delay in milliseconds applied to timestamps to determine
when the output should actually occur. If ``latency`` is <<0, 0 is assumed.
If ``latency`` is zero, timestamps are ignored and all output is delivered
immediately. If ``latency`` is greater than zero, output is delayed until the
message timestamp plus the ``latency``. In some cases, PortMidi can obtain
better timing than your application by passing timestamps along to the
device driver or hardware. Latency may also help you to synchronize midi
data to audio data by matching midi latency to the audio buffer latency.
.. note::
Time is measured relative to the time source indicated by time_proc.
Timestamps are absolute, not relative delays or offsets.
.. method:: abort
| :sl:`terminates outgoing messages immediately`
| :sg:`abort() -> None`
The caller should immediately close the output port; this call may result
in transmission of a partial midi message. There is no abort for Midi
input because the user can simply ignore messages in the buffer and close
an input device at any time.
.. ## Output.abort ##
.. method:: close
| :sl:`closes a midi stream, flushing any pending buffers.`
| :sg:`close() -> None`
PortMidi attempts to close open streams when the application exits.
.. note:: This is particularly difficult under Windows.
.. ## Output.close ##
.. method:: note_off
| :sl:`turns a midi note off (note must be on)`
| :sg:`note_off(note, velocity=None, channel=0) -> None`
Turn a note off in the output stream. The note must already be on for
this to work correctly.
.. ## Output.note_off ##
.. method:: note_on
| :sl:`turns a midi note on (note must be off)`
| :sg:`note_on(note, velocity=None, channel=0) -> None`
Turn a note on in the output stream. The note must already be off for
this to work correctly.
.. ## Output.note_on ##
.. method:: set_instrument
| :sl:`select an instrument, with a value between 0 and 127`
| :sg:`set_instrument(instrument_id, channel=0) -> None`
Select an instrument.
.. ## Output.set_instrument ##
.. method:: pitch_bend
| :sl:`modify the pitch of a channel.`
| :sg:`set_instrument(value=0, channel=0) -> None`
Adjust the pitch of a channel. The value is a signed integer
from -8192 to +8191. For example, 0 means "no change", +4096 is
typically a semitone higher, and -8192 is 1 whole tone lower (though
the musical range corresponding to the pitch bend range can also be
changed in some synthesizers).
If no value is given, the pitch bend is returned to "no change".
.. versionadded:: 1.9.4
.. method:: write
| :sl:`writes a list of midi data to the Output`
| :sg:`write(data) -> None`
Writes series of MIDI information in the form of a list.
:param list data: data to write, the expected format is
``[[[status, data1=0, data2=0, ...], timestamp], ...]``
with the ``data#`` fields being optional
:raises IndexError: if more than 1024 elements in the data list
# Program change at time 20000 and 500ms later send note 65 with
# velocity 100.
write([[[0xc0, 0, 0], 20000], [[0x90, 60, 100], 20500]])
.. note::
- Timestamps will be ignored if latency = 0
- To get a note to play immediately, send MIDI info with timestamp
read from function Time
- Optional data fields: ``write([[[0xc0, 0, 0], 20000]])`` is
equivalent to ``write([[[0xc0], 20000]])``
.. ## Output.write ##
.. method:: write_short
| :sl:`writes up to 3 bytes of midi data to the Output`
| :sg:`write_short(status) -> None`
| :sg:`write_short(status, data1=0, data2=0) -> None`
Output MIDI information of 3 bytes or less. The ``data`` fields are
optional and assumed to be 0 if omitted.
Examples of status byte values:
0xc0 # program change
0x90 # note on
# etc.
# note 65 on with velocity 100
write_short(0x90, 65, 100)
.. ## Output.write_short ##
.. method:: write_sys_ex
| :sl:`writes a timestamped system-exclusive midi message.`
| :sg:`write_sys_ex(when, msg) -> None`
Writes a timestamped system-exclusive midi message.
:param msg: midi message
:type msg: list[int] or str
:param when: timestamp in milliseconds
midi_output.write_sys_ex(0, '\xF0\x7D\x10\x11\x12\x13\xF7')
# is equivalent to
[0xF0, 0x7D, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xF7])
.. ## Output.write_sys_ex ##
.. ## pygame.midi.Output ##
.. function:: get_count
| :sl:`gets the number of devices.`
| :sg:`get_count() -> num_devices`
Device ids range from 0 to ``get_count() - 1``
.. ## pygame.midi.get_count ##
.. function:: get_default_input_id
| :sl:`gets default input device number`
| :sg:`get_default_input_id() -> default_id`
The following describes the usage details for this function and the
:func:`get_default_output_id` function.
Return the default device ID or ``-1`` if there are no devices. The result
can be passed to the :class:`Input`/:class:`Output` class.
On a PC the user can specify a default device by setting an environment
variable. To use device #1, for example:
The user should first determine the available device ID by using the
supplied application "testin" or "testout".
In general, the registry is a better place for this kind of info. With
USB devices that can come and go, using integers is not very reliable
for device identification. Under Windows, if ``PM_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_DEVICE``
(or ``PM_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_DEVICE``) is NOT found in the environment,
then the default device is obtained by looking for a string in the registry
The number of the first device with a substring that matches the
string exactly is returned. For example, if the string in the registry is
"USB" and device 1 is named "In USB MidiSport 1x1", then that will be
the default input because it contains the string "USB".
In addition to the name, :func:`get_device_info()` returns "interf", which is
the interface name. The "interface" is the underlying software system or
API used by PortMidi to access devices. Supported interfaces:
MMSystem # the only Win32 interface currently supported
ALSA # the only Linux interface currently supported
CoreMIDI # the only Mac OS X interface currently supported
# DirectX - not implemented
# OSS - not implemented
To specify both the interface and the device name in the registry, separate
the two with a comma and a space. The string before the comma must be a
substring of the "interf" string and the string after the space must be a
substring of the "name" name string in order to match the device. e.g.:
MMSystem, In USB MidiSport 1x1
.. note::
In the current release, the default is simply the first device (the
input or output device with the lowest PmDeviceID).
.. ## pygame.midi.get_default_input_id ##
.. function:: get_default_output_id
| :sl:`gets default output device number`
| :sg:`get_default_output_id() -> default_id`
See :func:`get_default_input_id` for usage details.
.. ## pygame.midi.get_default_output_id ##
.. function:: get_device_info
| :sl:`returns information about a midi device`
| :sg:`get_device_info(an_id) -> (interf, name, input, output, opened)`
| :sg:`get_device_info(an_id) -> None`
Gets the device info for a given id.
:param int an_id: id of the midi device being queried
:returns: if the id is out of range ``None`` is returned, otherwise
a tuple of (interf, name, input, output, opened) is returned.
- interf: string describing the device interface (e.g. 'ALSA')
- name: string name of the device (e.g. 'Midi Through Port-0')
- input: 1 if the device is an input device, otherwise 0
- output: 1 if the device is an output device, otherwise 0
- opened: 1 if the device is opened, otherwise 0
:rtype: tuple or None
.. ## pygame.midi.get_device_info ##
.. function:: midis2events
| :sl:`converts midi events to pygame events`
| :sg:`midis2events(midi_events, device_id) -> [Event, ...]`
Takes a sequence of midi events and returns list of pygame events.
The ``midi_events`` data is expected to be a sequence of
``((status, data1, data2, data3), timestamp)`` midi events (all values
:returns: a list of pygame events of event type ``MIDIIN``
:rtype: list
.. ## pygame.midi.midis2events ##
.. function:: time
| :sl:`returns the current time in ms of the PortMidi timer`
| :sg:`time() -> time`
The time is reset to 0 when the :mod:`pygame.midi` module is initialized.
.. ## pygame.midi.time ##
.. function:: frequency_to_midi
| :sl:`Converts a frequency into a MIDI note. Rounds to the closest midi note.`
| :sg:`frequency_to_midi(midi_note) -> midi_note`
frequency_to_midi(27.5) == 21
.. versionadded:: 1.9.5
.. ## pygame.midi.frequency_to_midi ##
.. function:: midi_to_frequency
| :sl:`Converts a midi note to a frequency.`
| :sg:`midi_to_frequency(midi_note) -> frequency`
midi_to_frequency(21) == 27.5
.. versionadded:: 1.9.5
.. ## pygame.midi.midi_to_frequency ##
.. function:: midi_to_ansi_note
| :sl:`Returns the Ansi Note name for a midi number.`
| :sg:`midi_to_ansi_note(midi_note) -> ansi_note`
midi_to_ansi_note(21) == 'A0'
.. versionadded:: 1.9.5
.. ## pygame.midi.midi_to_ansi_note ##
.. exception:: MidiException
| :sl:`exception that pygame.midi functions and classes can raise`
| :sg:`MidiException(errno) -> None`
.. ## pygame.midi.MidiException ##
.. ## pygame.midi ##