a-star-tim #21

s473555 wants to merge 2 commits from a-star-tim into main
3 changed files with 49 additions and 16 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 4416734de8 - Show all commits

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@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class Node:
self.state = state
self.parent = None
self.action = None
self.g = None
self.h = None
self.g = 0
self.h = 0
@ -78,10 +78,14 @@ class RotateAndGoAStar:
next_node = Node(state)
next_node.action = action
next_node.parent = elem
next_node.g = abs(elem.state.x - state.x) + abs(elem.state.y - state.y) + self.world.get_cost(state.x, state.y)
if next_node.g > 100:
print(str(state.x) + ":" + str(state.y))
next_node.h = abs(state.x - self.goal_state.x) ** 2 + abs(state.y - self.goal_state.y) ** 2
next_node.g = (elem.g
+ abs(elem.state.x - state.x)
+ abs(elem.state.y - state.y)
+ self.world.get_cost(state.x, state.y)
next_node.h = abs(state.x - self.goal_state.x) + abs(state.y - self.goal_state.y)
f = next_node.g + next_node.h
if state not in self.enqueued_states and state not in self.explored:
@ -94,6 +98,16 @@ class RotateAndGoAStar:
return False
def print_fringe(self):
elems = []
while not self.fringe.empty():
e = self.fringe.get()
print(str(e.item.state.x) + ":" + str(e.item.state.x))
for e in elems:
def add_existed(self, node: Node, f: int):
old = []
while not self.fringe.empty():

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from domain.entities.entity import Entity
class World:
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int) -> object:
self.costs = [[0 for j in range(height)] for i in range(width)]
self.costs = [[1000 for j in range(height)] for i in range(width)]
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.dust = [[[] for j in range(height)] for i in range(width)]

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@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ class Main:
def generate_world(tiles_x: int, tiles_y: int) -> World:
world = World(tiles_x, tiles_y)
for _ in range(10):
for _ in range(20):
temp_x = randint(0, tiles_x - 1)
temp_y = randint(0, tiles_y - 1)
world.add_entity(Entity(temp_x, temp_y, "PEEL"))
world.vacuum = Vacuum(1, 1)
world.vacuum = Vacuum(0, 0)
world.doc_station = Doc_Station(9, 8)
if config.getboolean("APP", "cat"):
world.cat = Cat(7, 8)
@ -150,13 +150,32 @@ def generate_world(tiles_x: int, tiles_y: int) -> World:
world.add_entity(Entity(9, 3, "PLANT3"))
world.costs[9][3] = 1000
world.costs[8][3] = 1000
world.costs[7][3] = 1000
world.costs[6][3] = 1000
world.costs[5][3] = 1000
world.costs[4][3] = 1000
world.costs[3][3] = 1000
# world.costs[9][3] = 1000
# world.costs[8][3] = 1000
# world.costs[7][3] = 1000
# world.costs[6][3] = 1000
# world.costs[5][3] = 1000
# world.costs[4][3] = 1000
# world.costs[3][3] = 1000
# world.costs[2][3] = 1000
# # world.costs[1][3] = 1000
# world.costs[0][3] = 1000
# world.costs[2][4] = 1000
# world.costs[1][5] = 1000
# world.costs[5][4] = 1000
# # world.costs[5][5] = 1000
# world.costs[5][6] = 1000
# world.costs[5][7] = 1000
# world.costs[5][8] = 1000
# world.costs[5][9] = 1000
for x in range(world.width):
for y in range(world.height):
if world.is_garbage_at(x, y):
world.costs[x][y] = 1;
# world.costs[0][0] = -1000
return world