import random import configparser import math from domain.entities.entity import Entity config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") from import World from AI_brain.rotate_and_go_aStar import RotateAndGoAStar, State steps_distance_cashed = {} class Path: def __init__(self): self.walk = [] self.distance = 0 def random_walk(self, dusts: list[Entity]): random_permutation = generate_random_permutation(len(dusts)) self.walk = addStopsForStopStation( random_permutation, config.getint("CONSTANT", "BananaFilling") ) def calculate_distance(self, world: World): distance = 0 for i in range(len(self.walk) - 1): distance += self.step_distance(self.walk[i], self.walk[i + 1], world) self.distance = distance def step_distance(self, from_id: int, to_id: int, world: World) -> int: if (from_id, to_id) in steps_distance_cashed: return steps_distance_cashed[(from_id, to_id)] path_searcher = RotateAndGoAStar( world, self.getPosition(from_id, world.dustList, world.doc_station), self.getPosition(to_id, world.dustList, world.doc_station), ) number_of_go = path_searcher.number_of_moves_forward() steps_distance_cashed[(from_id, to_id)] = path_searcher.cost steps_distance_cashed[(to_id, from_id)] = path_searcher.cost return path_searcher.cost def getPosition(self, number: int, dusts: list[Entity], station: Entity) -> State: if number == -1: return State(station.x, station.y) return State(dusts[number].x, dusts[number].y) def generate_random_permutation(n): # Create a list of numbers from 1 to n numbers = list(range(0, n)) # Shuffle the list using the random.shuffle function random.shuffle(numbers) return numbers def addStopsForStopStation(permutation: list[int], bananaFilling: int): frequency = math.ceil(100 / bananaFilling) numer_of_stops = math.ceil(len(permutation) / frequency) for i in range(1, numer_of_stops): permutation.insert((frequency + 1) * i - 1, -1) permutation.insert(len(permutation), -1) return permutation