from enum import Enum from typing import List from Interface.grid_draw import GridDraw, Colors import sys import pygame from Interface.movement import robot_movement # window_dimensions says how many pixels window have # board_size says how many lines board have def initial_draw(window_dimensions, board_size): # window name pygame.display.set_caption("AI Vacuum Cleaner") # set window dimension window_width = window_dimensions window_height = window_dimensions # FIXME @countingthedots: please tell me what is going on there and why??? # renderer = GridDraw(window_width, window_height) tile_width = window_width / board_size tile_height = window_height / board_size radius = tile_width / 3 x = tile_width / 2 y = tile_height / 2 # initialize board array newGrid = Grid(board_size, tile_width) # rendering loop while True: renderer.start_draw() renderer.board(board_size, board_size) (x, y) = robot_movement( window_width, window_height, tile_width, tile_height, x, y ), y, radius, color=Colors.RED) renderer.end_draw() pygame.time.delay(10) # TODO wrap it all to another file that handles array rendering class acceptedType(Enum): EMPTY = "empty" PLAYER = "player" RUBBISH = "rubbish" ANIMAL = "animal" class objectOnTile: def __init__( self, position_x: int, position_y: int, type: acceptedType = acceptedType.EMPTY ): self.position_x = position_x self.position_y = position_y self.type = type def _translate_array_to_window_position( position_in_array, window_dimensions, board_size ) -> int: # TODO calculate position from array position to window position eg.: array_position = 0 => window_position = 50 (px) return 0 class Grid: def __init__(self, size_array, tile_width): self.array = [ [objectOnTile(i, j) for j in range(size_array)] for i in range(size_array) ] self.list: List[objectOnTile] = [] # render the array def render(self, renderer: GridDraw, window_dimensions, board_size, tile_width): # render object with respect to type for item in self.list: if item.type == acceptedType.PLAYER: # constants for player PLAYER_RADIUS_RATIO = 3 PLAYER_COLOR = Colors.RED render_x = _translate_array_to_window_position( item.position_x, window_dimensions, board_size ) render_y = _translate_array_to_window_position( item.position_y, window_dimensions, board_size ) render_x, render_y, tile_width / PLAYER_RADIUS_RATIO, color=PLAYER_COLOR, ) # TODO act accordingly to other options # add new object on grid def add(self, newObject: objectOnTile): if ( self.array[newObject.position_x][newObject.position_y].type != acceptedType.EMPTY ): print( f"Cannot add object at ({newObject.position_x}, {newObject.position_y}): position already occupied" ) return self.array[newObject.position_x][newObject.position_y] = newObject self.list.append(newObject) def delete(self, position_x, position_y): # Find the object with the given position in the list for obj in self.list: if obj.position_x == position_x and obj.position_y == position_y: break else: # No object found with the given position print(f"No object found at ({position_x}, {position_y})") return # Remove the object from both the array and the list self.array[position_x][position_y] = objectOnTile(position_x, position_y) self.list.remove(obj) # TODO update: update position from (start_x, start_y) to (end_x, end_y) # TODO change movement to work with arrays