import pygame as pg from heapq import * # def get_circle(x, y): return (x * TILE + TILE // 2, y * TILE + TILE // 2), TILE // 4 def get_rect(x, y): return x * TILE + 1, y * TILE + 1, TILE - 2, TILE - 2 def get_next_nodes(x, y): check_next_node = lambda x, y: True if 0 <= x < cols and 0 <= y < rows else False ways = [-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1] return [(grid[y + dy][x + dx], (x + dx, y + dy)) for dx, dy in ways if check_next_node(x + dx, y + dy)] cols, rows = 23, 13 TILE = 70 pg.init() sc = pg.display.set_mode([cols * TILE, rows * TILE]) clock = pg.time.Clock() # grid grid = ['22222222222222222222212', '22222292222911112244412', '22444422211112911444412', '24444444212777771444912', '24444444219777771244112', '92444444212777791192144', '22229444212777779111144', '11111112212777772771122', '27722211112777772771244', '27722777712222772221244', '22292777711144429221244', '22922777222144422211944', '22222777229111111119222'] grid = [[int(char) for char in string ] for string in grid] # dict of adjacency lists graph = {} for y, row in enumerate(grid): for x, col in enumerate(row): graph[(x, y)] = graph.get((x, y), []) + get_next_nodes(x, y) # BFS settings start = (0, 7) goal = (22, 7) queue = [] heappush(queue, (0, start)) cost_visited = {start: 0} visited = {start: None} bg = pg.image.load('images/field_image.png').convert() bg = pg.transform.scale(bg, (cols * TILE, rows * TILE)) while True: # fill screen sc.blit(bg, (0, 0)) # draw BFS work [pg.draw.rect(sc, pg.Color('forestgreen'), get_rect(x, y), 1) for x, y in visited] [pg.draw.rect(sc, pg.Color('darkslategray'), get_rect(*xy)) for _, xy in queue], pg.Color('purple'), *get_circle(*goal)) # Dijkstra logic if queue: cur_cost, cur_node = heappop(queue) if cur_node == goal: queue = [] continue next_nodes = graph[cur_node] for next_node in next_nodes: neigh_cost, neigh_node = next_node new_cost = cost_visited[cur_node] + neigh_cost if neigh_node not in cost_visited or new_cost < cost_visited[neigh_node]: heappush(queue, (new_cost, neigh_node)) cost_visited[neigh_node] = new_cost visited[neigh_node] = cur_node # draw path path_head, path_segment = cur_node, cur_node while path_segment:, pg.Color('brown'), *get_circle(*path_segment)) path_segment = visited[path_segment], pg.Color('blue'), *get_circle(*start)), pg.Color('magenta'), *get_circle(*path_head)) # pygame necessary lines [exit() for event in pg.event.get() if event.type == pg.QUIT] pg.display.flip() clock.tick(7)