2024-05-26 16:50:04 +02:00

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import Test.Hspec
import qualified Crypto as Cr
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString)
import qualified Utils as Ut
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Crypto Encryption & Decryption" $ do
it "should encrypt and decrypt a message correctly" $ do
let originalMessage = "Hello, World!"
masterPassword = "mysecretpassword"
encryptedMessage = Cr.encrypt' masterPassword originalMessage
decryptedMessage = Cr.decrypt' masterPassword encryptedMessage
decryptedMessage `shouldBe` originalMessage
describe "Crypto Hash Identical" $ do
it "should hash identical ByteString's to the same output" $ do
let input1 = "Hello, World!"
input2 = "Hello, World!"
hash1 = Cr.hash' $ fromString input1
hash2 = Cr.hash' $ fromString input2
hash1 `shouldBe` hash2
describe "Crypto Hash Different" $ do
it "should hash different ByteString's to different output" $ do
let input1 = "Hello, World!"
input2 = "Hello, World"
hash1 = Cr.hash' $ fromString input1
hash2 = Cr.hash' $ fromString input2
hash1 `shouldNotBe` hash2
describe "Utils Valid password" $ do
it "should result in Valid for master password validation with valid input" $ do
let password1 = "mysecretpassword"
password2 = "mysecretpassword"
result = Ut.validate_password password1 password2
result `shouldBe` Ut.Valid password1
describe "Utils DoNotMatch password" $ do
it "should result in DoNotMatch for master password validation with non-matching input" $ do
let password1 = "mysecretpassword"
password2 = "nonmatchingpassword"
result = Ut.validate_password password1 password2
result `shouldBe` Ut.DoNotMatch
describe "Utils Empty password" $ do
it "should result in Empty for master password validation with empty input" $ do
let password1 = ""
password2 = ""
result = Ut.validate_password password1 password2
result `shouldBe` Ut.Empty
describe "Utils TooShort password" $ do
it "should result in TooShort for master password validation with too short input" $ do
let password1 = "short"
password2 = "short"
result = Ut.validate_password password1 password2
result `shouldBe` Ut.TooShort