from agentState import AgentState from typing import Dict, Tuple from gridCellType import GridCellType from agentActionType import AgentActionType from agentOrientation import AgentOrientation from queue import Queue from turnCar import turn_left_orientation, turn_right_orientation class Succ: state: AgentState action: AgentActionType def __init__(self, state: AgentState, action: AgentActionType) -> None: self.state = state self.action = action def find_path_to_nearest_can(startState: AgentState, grid: Dict[Tuple[int, int], GridCellType]) -> list[AgentActionType]: q: Queue[list[Succ]] = Queue() visited: list[AgentState] = [] startStates: list[Succ] = [Succ(startState, AgentActionType.UNKNOWN)] q.put(startStates) while not q.empty(): currently_checked = q.get() visited.append(currently_checked[-1].state) if is_state_success(currently_checked[-1].state, grid): return extract_actions(currently_checked) successors = succ(currently_checked[-1].state) for s in successors: already_visited = False for v in visited: if v.position[0] == s.state.position[0] and v.position[1] == s.state.position[1] and s.state.orientation == v.orientation: already_visited = True break if already_visited: continue if is_state_valid(s.state, grid): new_list = currently_checked.copy() new_list.append(s) q.put(new_list) return [] def extract_actions(successors: list[Succ]) -> list[AgentActionType]: output: list[AgentActionType] = [] for s in successors: if s.action != AgentActionType.UNKNOWN: output.append(s.action) return output def succ(state: AgentState) -> list[Succ]: result: list[Succ] = [] result.append(Succ(AgentState(state.position, turn_left_orientation(state.orientation)), AgentActionType.TURN_LEFT)) result.append(Succ(AgentState(state.position, turn_right_orientation(state.orientation)), AgentActionType.TURN_RIGHT)) state_succ = move_forward_succ(state) if state_succ != None: result.append(move_forward_succ(state)) return result def move_forward_succ(state: AgentState) -> Succ: position = get_next_cell(state) if position == None: return None return Succ(AgentState(position, state.orientation), AgentActionType.MOVE_FORWARD) def get_next_cell(state: AgentState) -> Tuple[int, int]: if state.orientation == AgentOrientation.UP: if state.position[1] - 1 < 1: return None return (state.position[0], state.position[1] - 1) if state.orientation == AgentOrientation.DOWN: if state.position[1] + 1 > 27: return None return (state.position[0], state.position[1] + 1) if state.orientation == AgentOrientation.LEFT: if state.position[0] - 1 < 1: return None return (state.position[0] - 1, state.position[1]) if state.position[0] + 1 > 27: return None return (state.position[0] + 1, state.position[1]) def is_state_success(state: AgentState, grid: Dict[Tuple[int, int], GridCellType]) -> bool: next_cell = get_next_cell(state) try: return grid[next_cell] == GridCellType.GARBAGE_CAN except: return False def is_state_valid(state: AgentState, grid: Dict[Tuple[int, int], GridCellType]) -> bool: try: return grid[state.position] == GridCellType.STREET_HORIZONTAL or grid[state.position] == GridCellType.STREET_VERTICAL except: return False