2024-02-18 20:47:15 +01:00

179 lines
6.4 KiB

import math
from collections import *
from string import ascii_lowercase
import re
import data
import random
ALPHABET_ENG = ascii_lowercase
ALPHABET_POL = "aąbcćdeęfghijklłmnńoóprsśtuwyzźż"
letterFrequencyEng = {'e': 12.0,
't': 9.10,
'a': 8.12,
'o': 7.68,
'i': 7.31,
'n': 6.95,
's': 6.28,
'r': 6.02,
'h': 5.92,
'd': 4.32,
'l': 3.98,
'u': 2.88,
'c': 2.71,
'm': 2.61,
'f': 2.30,
'y': 2.11,
'w': 2.09,
'g': 2.03,
'p': 1.82,
'b': 1.49,
'v': 1.11,
'k': 0.69,
'x': 0.17,
'q': 0.11,
'j': 0.10,
'z': 0.07}
def lclear(text):
return re.sub(r'[^a-ząćęłńóśźż]', '', text.lower())
def encrypt(plaintext: str, key: int, alphabet: str):
# plaintext = plaintext.lower().replace(" ", "").replace(",", "").replace(".", "")
plaintext = lclear(plaintext)
alphabet_size = len(alphabet)
ciphertext = ''
for char in plaintext:
char_index = alphabet.index(char)
encrypted_char = alphabet[(key + char_index) % alphabet_size]
ciphertext += encrypted_char
return ciphertext
def decrypt_with_key(ciphertext: str, key: int, alphabet: str):
alphabet_size = len(alphabet)
plaintext = ''
for char in ciphertext:
char_index = alphabet.index(char)
decrypted_char = alphabet[(char_index - key) % alphabet_size]
plaintext += decrypted_char
return plaintext
def difference(text: str, alphabet: str, frequency: dict):
alphabet_size = len(alphabet)
counter = Counter(text)
return sum([abs(counter.get(letter, 0) * 100 / len(text) - frequency[letter]) for letter in
alphabet]) / alphabet_size
def break_cipher(ciphertext: str, alphabet: str, frequency: dict):
lowest_difference = math.inf
encryption_key = 0
alphabet_size = len(alphabet)
for key in range(1, alphabet_size):
current_plaintext = decrypt_with_key(ciphertext, key, alphabet)
current_difference = difference(current_plaintext, alphabet, frequency)
if current_difference < lowest_difference:
lowest_difference = current_difference
encryption_key = key
return encryption_key
def read_file(filename):
counter = 0
longtxt = ''
with open(filename, encoding='utf8') as f:
for line in f:
longtxt += lclear(line.strip())
counter += 1
return lclear(longtxt)
def write_to_file(filename, content):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
current_line_length = 0
for word in content:
word_length = len(word)
while word_length > 0:
if current_line_length + word_length > 200:
current_line_length = 0
chars_to_write = min(word_length, 200 - current_line_length)
f.write(word[:chars_to_write] + '')
current_line_length += chars_to_write
word = word[chars_to_write:]
word_length -= chars_to_write
plaintext = read_file('input_plaintext.txt')
ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, 6, ALPHABET_ENG)
write_to_file('input_cesar.txt', ciphertext)
plaintextPol1 = 'Cześć, oto przykładowy tekst po Polsku ze znakami interpunkcyjnymi;,/$!? i kropkami..'
ciphertextPol1 = encrypt(plaintextPol1, 5, ALPHABET_POL)
ciphertextPol1_key = break_cipher(ciphertextPol1, ALPHABET_POL, data.letterFrequencyPol)
ciphertextPol1_decrypted = decrypt_with_key(ciphertextPol1, ciphertextPol1_key, ALPHABET_POL)
print('\nThe program shows success rates in cracking cesar ciphers\n')
print('Example of long plaintext in Polish: ', plaintextPol1)
print('Encrypted text with key 5: ', ciphertextPol1)
print('Result of ciphertext-only attack: ', ciphertextPol1_decrypted, '\n')
plaintextEng1 = 'Once upon a time I decrypt some texts.'
ciphertextEng1 = encrypt(plaintextEng1, 9, ALPHABET_ENG)
ciphertextEng1_key = break_cipher(ciphertextEng1, ALPHABET_ENG, data.letterFrequencyEng)
ciphertextEng1_decrypted = decrypt_with_key(ciphertextEng1, ciphertextEng1_key, ALPHABET_ENG)
print('Example of long plaintext in English: ', plaintextEng1)
print('Encrypted text with key 9: ', ciphertextEng1)
print('Result of ciphertext-only attack: ', ciphertextEng1_decrypted, '\n\n')
'Now I will check how short of a word can be decrypted using this frequency analyzer.\n')
def check_success_rate(wordlist: list):
correct_counter = 0
for word in wordlist:
ciphertext = encrypt(word, random.randint(1, 26), ALPHABET_ENG)
key = break_cipher(ciphertext, ALPHABET_ENG, data.letterFrequencyEng)
if decrypt_with_key(ciphertext, key, ALPHABET_ENG) == word:
correct_counter += 1
return correct_counter / len(wordlist)
percentage = "{:.0%}".format(check_success_rate(data.eng_3))
print(len(data.eng_3), ' 3-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: ', percentage, "\n")
percentage = "{:.0%}".format(check_success_rate(data.eng_4))
print(len(data.eng_4), ' 4-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: ', percentage, "\n")
percentage = "{:.0%}".format(check_success_rate(data.eng_5))
print(len(data.eng_5), ' 5-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: ', percentage, "\n")
percentage = "{:.0%}".format(check_success_rate(data.eng_6))
print(len(data.eng_6), ' 6-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: ', percentage, "\n")
percentage = "{:.0%}".format(check_success_rate(data.eng_7))
print(len(data.eng_7), ' 7-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: ', percentage, "\n")
percentage = "{:.0%}".format(check_success_rate(data.eng_8))
print(len(data.eng_8), ' 8-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: ', percentage, "\n")
percentage = "{:.0%}".format(check_success_rate(data.eng_9))
print(len(data.eng_9), ' 9-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: ', percentage, "\n")
print('the Random words were generated using https://randomwordgenerator.com/')
# print('I also uploaded the file with 370105 english words. To pass it as input data change line 62 in file data.py')