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2024-05-26 05:12:46 +02:00
This module implements the functionality to take any Python expression as a
string and fix all numbers and other things before evaluating it,
We use the ast module for this. It is well documented at docs.python.org.
Some tips to understand how this works: use dump() to get a nice
representation of any node. Then write a string of what you want to get,
e.g. "Integer(1)", parse it, dump it and you'll see that you need to do
"Call(Name('Integer', Load()), [node], [], None, None)". You do not need
to bother with lineno and col_offset, just call fix_missing_locations()
before returning the node.
from sympy.core.basic import Basic
from sympy.core.sympify import SympifyError
from ast import parse, NodeTransformer, Call, Name, Load, \
fix_missing_locations, Str, Tuple
class Transform(NodeTransformer):
def __init__(self, local_dict, global_dict):
self.local_dict = local_dict
self.global_dict = global_dict
def visit_Constant(self, node):
if isinstance(node.value, int):
return fix_missing_locations(Call(func=Name('Integer', Load()),
args=[node], keywords=[]))
elif isinstance(node.value, float):
return fix_missing_locations(Call(func=Name('Float', Load()),
args=[node], keywords=[]))
return node
def visit_Name(self, node):
if node.id in self.local_dict:
return node
elif node.id in self.global_dict:
name_obj = self.global_dict[node.id]
if isinstance(name_obj, (Basic, type)) or callable(name_obj):
return node
elif node.id in ['True', 'False']:
return node
return fix_missing_locations(Call(func=Name('Symbol', Load()),
args=[Str(node.id)], keywords=[]))
def visit_Lambda(self, node):
args = [self.visit(arg) for arg in node.args.args]
body = self.visit(node.body)
n = Call(func=Name('Lambda', Load()),
args=[Tuple(args, Load()), body], keywords=[])
return fix_missing_locations(n)
def parse_expr(s, local_dict):
Converts the string "s" to a SymPy expression, in local_dict.
It converts all numbers to Integers before feeding it to Python and
automatically creates Symbols.
global_dict = {}
exec('from sympy import *', global_dict)
a = parse(s.strip(), mode="eval")
except SyntaxError:
raise SympifyError("Cannot parse %s." % repr(s))
a = Transform(local_dict, global_dict).visit(a)
e = compile(a, "<string>", "eval")
return eval(e, global_dict, local_dict)