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789 lines
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"""Options manager for :class:`~.Poly` and public API functions. """
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ["Options"]
from sympy.core import Basic, sympify
from sympy.polys.polyerrors import GeneratorsError, OptionError, FlagError
from sympy.utilities import numbered_symbols, topological_sort, public
from sympy.utilities.iterables import has_dups, is_sequence
import sympy.polys
import re
class Option:
"""Base class for all kinds of options. """
option: str | None = None
is_Flag = False
requires: list[str] = []
excludes: list[str] = []
after: list[str] = []
before: list[str] = []
def default(cls):
return None
def preprocess(cls, option):
return None
def postprocess(cls, options):
class Flag(Option):
"""Base class for all kinds of flags. """
is_Flag = True
class BooleanOption(Option):
"""An option that must have a boolean value or equivalent assigned. """
def preprocess(cls, value):
if value in [True, False]:
return bool(value)
raise OptionError("'%s' must have a boolean value assigned, got %s" % (cls.option, value))
class OptionType(type):
"""Base type for all options that does registers options. """
def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
def getter(self):
return self[cls.option]
except KeyError:
return cls.default()
setattr(Options, cls.option, getter)
Options.__options__[cls.option] = cls
class Options(dict):
Options manager for polynomial manipulation module.
>>> from sympy.polys.polyoptions import Options
>>> from sympy.polys.polyoptions import build_options
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
>>> Options((x, y, z), {'domain': 'ZZ'})
{'auto': False, 'domain': ZZ, 'gens': (x, y, z)}
>>> build_options((x, y, z), {'domain': 'ZZ'})
{'auto': False, 'domain': ZZ, 'gens': (x, y, z)}
* Expand --- boolean option
* Gens --- option
* Wrt --- option
* Sort --- option
* Order --- option
* Field --- boolean option
* Greedy --- boolean option
* Domain --- option
* Split --- boolean option
* Gaussian --- boolean option
* Extension --- option
* Modulus --- option
* Symmetric --- boolean option
* Strict --- boolean option
* Auto --- boolean flag
* Frac --- boolean flag
* Formal --- boolean flag
* Polys --- boolean flag
* Include --- boolean flag
* All --- boolean flag
* Gen --- flag
* Series --- boolean flag
__order__ = None
__options__: dict[str, type[Option]] = {}
def __init__(self, gens, args, flags=None, strict=False):
if gens and args.get('gens', ()):
raise OptionError(
"both '*gens' and keyword argument 'gens' supplied")
elif gens:
args = dict(args)
args['gens'] = gens
defaults = args.pop('defaults', {})
def preprocess_options(args):
for option, value in args.items():
cls = self.__options__[option]
except KeyError:
raise OptionError("'%s' is not a valid option" % option)
if issubclass(cls, Flag):
if flags is None or option not in flags:
if strict:
raise OptionError("'%s' flag is not allowed in this context" % option)
if value is not None:
self[option] = cls.preprocess(value)
for key, value in dict(defaults).items():
if key in self:
del defaults[key]
for option in self.keys():
cls = self.__options__[option]
if key in cls.excludes:
del defaults[key]
for option in self.keys():
cls = self.__options__[option]
for require_option in cls.requires:
if self.get(require_option) is None:
raise OptionError("'%s' option is only allowed together with '%s'" % (option, require_option))
for exclude_option in cls.excludes:
if self.get(exclude_option) is not None:
raise OptionError("'%s' option is not allowed together with '%s'" % (option, exclude_option))
for option in self.__order__:
def _init_dependencies_order(cls):
"""Resolve the order of options' processing. """
if cls.__order__ is None:
vertices, edges = [], set()
for name, option in cls.__options__.items():
for _name in option.after:
edges.add((_name, name))
for _name in option.before:
edges.add((name, _name))
cls.__order__ = topological_sort((vertices, list(edges)))
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError(
"cycle detected in sympy.polys options framework")
def clone(self, updates={}):
"""Clone ``self`` and update specified options. """
obj = dict.__new__(self.__class__)
for option, value in self.items():
obj[option] = value
for option, value in updates.items():
obj[option] = value
return obj
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if attr in self.__options__:
self[attr] = value
super().__setattr__(attr, value)
def args(self):
args = {}
for option, value in self.items():
if value is not None and option != 'gens':
cls = self.__options__[option]
if not issubclass(cls, Flag):
args[option] = value
return args
def options(self):
options = {}
for option, cls in self.__options__.items():
if not issubclass(cls, Flag):
options[option] = getattr(self, option)
return options
def flags(self):
flags = {}
for option, cls in self.__options__.items():
if issubclass(cls, Flag):
flags[option] = getattr(self, option)
return flags
class Expand(BooleanOption, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``expand`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'expand'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes: list[str] = []
def default(cls):
return True
class Gens(Option, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``gens`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'gens'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes: list[str] = []
def default(cls):
return ()
def preprocess(cls, gens):
if isinstance(gens, Basic):
gens = (gens,)
elif len(gens) == 1 and is_sequence(gens[0]):
gens = gens[0]
if gens == (None,):
gens = ()
elif has_dups(gens):
raise GeneratorsError("duplicated generators: %s" % str(gens))
elif any(gen.is_commutative is False for gen in gens):
raise GeneratorsError("non-commutative generators: %s" % str(gens))
return tuple(gens)
class Wrt(Option, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``wrt`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'wrt'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes: list[str] = []
_re_split = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*|\s+")
def preprocess(cls, wrt):
if isinstance(wrt, Basic):
return [str(wrt)]
elif isinstance(wrt, str):
wrt = wrt.strip()
if wrt.endswith(','):
raise OptionError('Bad input: missing parameter.')
if not wrt:
return []
return list(cls._re_split.split(wrt))
elif hasattr(wrt, '__getitem__'):
return list(map(str, wrt))
raise OptionError("invalid argument for 'wrt' option")
class Sort(Option, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``sort`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'sort'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes: list[str] = []
def default(cls):
return []
def preprocess(cls, sort):
if isinstance(sort, str):
return [ gen.strip() for gen in sort.split('>') ]
elif hasattr(sort, '__getitem__'):
return list(map(str, sort))
raise OptionError("invalid argument for 'sort' option")
class Order(Option, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``order`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'order'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes: list[str] = []
def default(cls):
return sympy.polys.orderings.lex
def preprocess(cls, order):
return sympy.polys.orderings.monomial_key(order)
class Field(BooleanOption, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``field`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'field'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes = ['domain', 'split', 'gaussian']
class Greedy(BooleanOption, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``greedy`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'greedy'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes = ['domain', 'split', 'gaussian', 'extension', 'modulus', 'symmetric']
class Composite(BooleanOption, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``composite`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'composite'
def default(cls):
return None
requires: list[str] = []
excludes = ['domain', 'split', 'gaussian', 'extension', 'modulus', 'symmetric']
class Domain(Option, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``domain`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'domain'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes = ['field', 'greedy', 'split', 'gaussian', 'extension']
after = ['gens']
_re_realfield = re.compile(r"^(R|RR)(_(\d+))?$")
_re_complexfield = re.compile(r"^(C|CC)(_(\d+))?$")
_re_finitefield = re.compile(r"^(FF|GF)\((\d+)\)$")
_re_polynomial = re.compile(r"^(Z|ZZ|Q|QQ|ZZ_I|QQ_I|R|RR|C|CC)\[(.+)\]$")
_re_fraction = re.compile(r"^(Z|ZZ|Q|QQ)\((.+)\)$")
_re_algebraic = re.compile(r"^(Q|QQ)\<(.+)\>$")
def preprocess(cls, domain):
if isinstance(domain, sympy.polys.domains.Domain):
return domain
elif hasattr(domain, 'to_domain'):
return domain.to_domain()
elif isinstance(domain, str):
if domain in ['Z', 'ZZ']:
return sympy.polys.domains.ZZ
if domain in ['Q', 'QQ']:
return sympy.polys.domains.QQ
if domain == 'ZZ_I':
return sympy.polys.domains.ZZ_I
if domain == 'QQ_I':
return sympy.polys.domains.QQ_I
if domain == 'EX':
return sympy.polys.domains.EX
r = cls._re_realfield.match(domain)
if r is not None:
_, _, prec = r.groups()
if prec is None:
return sympy.polys.domains.RR
return sympy.polys.domains.RealField(int(prec))
r = cls._re_complexfield.match(domain)
if r is not None:
_, _, prec = r.groups()
if prec is None:
return sympy.polys.domains.CC
return sympy.polys.domains.ComplexField(int(prec))
r = cls._re_finitefield.match(domain)
if r is not None:
return sympy.polys.domains.FF(int(r.groups()[1]))
r = cls._re_polynomial.match(domain)
if r is not None:
ground, gens = r.groups()
gens = list(map(sympify, gens.split(',')))
if ground in ['Z', 'ZZ']:
return sympy.polys.domains.ZZ.poly_ring(*gens)
elif ground in ['Q', 'QQ']:
return sympy.polys.domains.QQ.poly_ring(*gens)
elif ground in ['R', 'RR']:
return sympy.polys.domains.RR.poly_ring(*gens)
elif ground == 'ZZ_I':
return sympy.polys.domains.ZZ_I.poly_ring(*gens)
elif ground == 'QQ_I':
return sympy.polys.domains.QQ_I.poly_ring(*gens)
return sympy.polys.domains.CC.poly_ring(*gens)
r = cls._re_fraction.match(domain)
if r is not None:
ground, gens = r.groups()
gens = list(map(sympify, gens.split(',')))
if ground in ['Z', 'ZZ']:
return sympy.polys.domains.ZZ.frac_field(*gens)
return sympy.polys.domains.QQ.frac_field(*gens)
r = cls._re_algebraic.match(domain)
if r is not None:
gens = list(map(sympify, r.groups()[1].split(',')))
return sympy.polys.domains.QQ.algebraic_field(*gens)
raise OptionError('expected a valid domain specification, got %s' % domain)
def postprocess(cls, options):
if 'gens' in options and 'domain' in options and options['domain'].is_Composite and \
(set(options['domain'].symbols) & set(options['gens'])):
raise GeneratorsError(
"ground domain and generators interfere together")
elif ('gens' not in options or not options['gens']) and \
'domain' in options and options['domain'] == sympy.polys.domains.EX:
raise GeneratorsError("you have to provide generators because EX domain was requested")
class Split(BooleanOption, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``split`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'split'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes = ['field', 'greedy', 'domain', 'gaussian', 'extension',
'modulus', 'symmetric']
def postprocess(cls, options):
if 'split' in options:
raise NotImplementedError("'split' option is not implemented yet")
class Gaussian(BooleanOption, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``gaussian`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'gaussian'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes = ['field', 'greedy', 'domain', 'split', 'extension',
'modulus', 'symmetric']
def postprocess(cls, options):
if 'gaussian' in options and options['gaussian'] is True:
options['domain'] = sympy.polys.domains.QQ_I
class Extension(Option, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``extension`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'extension'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes = ['greedy', 'domain', 'split', 'gaussian', 'modulus',
def preprocess(cls, extension):
if extension == 1:
return bool(extension)
elif extension == 0:
raise OptionError("'False' is an invalid argument for 'extension'")
if not hasattr(extension, '__iter__'):
extension = {extension}
if not extension:
extension = None
extension = set(extension)
return extension
def postprocess(cls, options):
if 'extension' in options and options['extension'] is not True:
options['domain'] = sympy.polys.domains.QQ.algebraic_field(
class Modulus(Option, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``modulus`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'modulus'
requires: list[str] = []
excludes = ['greedy', 'split', 'domain', 'gaussian', 'extension']
def preprocess(cls, modulus):
modulus = sympify(modulus)
if modulus.is_Integer and modulus > 0:
return int(modulus)
raise OptionError(
"'modulus' must a positive integer, got %s" % modulus)
def postprocess(cls, options):
if 'modulus' in options:
modulus = options['modulus']
symmetric = options.get('symmetric', True)
options['domain'] = sympy.polys.domains.FF(modulus, symmetric)
class Symmetric(BooleanOption, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``symmetric`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'symmetric'
requires = ['modulus']
excludes = ['greedy', 'domain', 'split', 'gaussian', 'extension']
class Strict(BooleanOption, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``strict`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'strict'
def default(cls):
return True
class Auto(BooleanOption, Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``auto`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'auto'
after = ['field', 'domain', 'extension', 'gaussian']
def default(cls):
return True
def postprocess(cls, options):
if ('domain' in options or 'field' in options) and 'auto' not in options:
options['auto'] = False
class Frac(BooleanOption, Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``auto`` option to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'frac'
def default(cls):
return False
class Formal(BooleanOption, Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``formal`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'formal'
def default(cls):
return False
class Polys(BooleanOption, Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``polys`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'polys'
class Include(BooleanOption, Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``include`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'include'
def default(cls):
return False
class All(BooleanOption, Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``all`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'all'
def default(cls):
return False
class Gen(Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``gen`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'gen'
def default(cls):
return 0
def preprocess(cls, gen):
if isinstance(gen, (Basic, int)):
return gen
raise OptionError("invalid argument for 'gen' option")
class Series(BooleanOption, Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``series`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'series'
def default(cls):
return False
class Symbols(Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``symbols`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'symbols'
def default(cls):
return numbered_symbols('s', start=1)
def preprocess(cls, symbols):
if hasattr(symbols, '__iter__'):
return iter(symbols)
raise OptionError("expected an iterator or iterable container, got %s" % symbols)
class Method(Flag, metaclass=OptionType):
"""``method`` flag to polynomial manipulation functions. """
option = 'method'
def preprocess(cls, method):
if isinstance(method, str):
return method.lower()
raise OptionError("expected a string, got %s" % method)
def build_options(gens, args=None):
"""Construct options from keyword arguments or ... options. """
if args is None:
gens, args = (), gens
if len(args) != 1 or 'opt' not in args or gens:
return Options(gens, args)
return args['opt']
def allowed_flags(args, flags):
Allow specified flags to be used in the given context.
>>> from sympy.polys.polyoptions import allowed_flags
>>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ
>>> allowed_flags({'domain': ZZ}, [])
>>> allowed_flags({'domain': ZZ, 'frac': True}, [])
Traceback (most recent call last):
FlagError: 'frac' flag is not allowed in this context
>>> allowed_flags({'domain': ZZ, 'frac': True}, ['frac'])
flags = set(flags)
for arg in args.keys():
if Options.__options__[arg].is_Flag and arg not in flags:
raise FlagError(
"'%s' flag is not allowed in this context" % arg)
except KeyError:
raise OptionError("'%s' is not a valid option" % arg)
def set_defaults(options, **defaults):
"""Update options with default values. """
if 'defaults' not in options:
options = dict(options)
options['defaults'] = defaults
return options