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import itertools
from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
from sympy.core.add import Add
from sympy.core.expr import Expr
from sympy.core.function import expand as _expand
from sympy.core.mul import Mul
from sympy.core.relational import Eq
from sympy.core.singleton import S
from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
from sympy.logic.boolalg import Not
from sympy.core.parameters import global_parameters
from sympy.core.sorting import default_sort_key
from sympy.core.sympify import _sympify
from sympy.core.relational import Relational
from sympy.logic.boolalg import Boolean
from sympy.stats import variance, covariance
from sympy.stats.rv import (RandomSymbol, pspace, dependent,
given, sampling_E, RandomIndexedSymbol, is_random,
PSpace, sampling_P, random_symbols)
__all__ = ['Probability', 'Expectation', 'Variance', 'Covariance']
def _(x):
atoms = x.free_symbols
if len(atoms) == 1 and next(iter(atoms)) == x:
return False
return any(is_random(i) for i in atoms)
@is_random.register(RandomSymbol) # type: ignore
def _(x):
return True
class Probability(Expr):
Symbolic expression for the probability.
>>> from sympy.stats import Probability, Normal
>>> from sympy import Integral
>>> X = Normal("X", 0, 1)
>>> prob = Probability(X > 1)
>>> prob
Probability(X > 1)
Integral representation:
>>> prob.rewrite(Integral)
Integral(sqrt(2)*exp(-_z**2/2)/(2*sqrt(pi)), (_z, 1, oo))
Evaluation of the integral:
>>> prob.evaluate_integral()
sqrt(2)*(-sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*erf(sqrt(2)/2) + sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi))/(4*sqrt(pi))
def __new__(cls, prob, condition=None, **kwargs):
prob = _sympify(prob)
if condition is None:
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, prob)
condition = _sympify(condition)
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, prob, condition)
obj._condition = condition
return obj
def doit(self, **hints):
condition = self.args[0]
given_condition = self._condition
numsamples = hints.get('numsamples', False)
for_rewrite = not hints.get('for_rewrite', False)
if isinstance(condition, Not):
return S.One - self.func(condition.args[0], given_condition,
if condition.has(RandomIndexedSymbol):
return pspace(condition).probability(condition, given_condition,
if isinstance(given_condition, RandomSymbol):
condrv = random_symbols(condition)
if len(condrv) == 1 and condrv[0] == given_condition:
from sympy.stats.frv_types import BernoulliDistribution
return BernoulliDistribution(self.func(condition).doit(**hints), 0, 1)
if any(dependent(rv, given_condition) for rv in condrv):
return Probability(condition, given_condition)
return Probability(condition).doit()
if given_condition is not None and \
not isinstance(given_condition, (Relational, Boolean)):
raise ValueError("%s is not a relational or combination of relationals"
% (given_condition))
if given_condition == False or condition is S.false:
return S.Zero
if not isinstance(condition, (Relational, Boolean)):
raise ValueError("%s is not a relational or combination of relationals"
% (condition))
if condition is S.true:
return S.One
if numsamples:
return sampling_P(condition, given_condition, numsamples=numsamples)
if given_condition is not None: # If there is a condition
# Recompute on new conditional expr
return Probability(given(condition, given_condition)).doit()
# Otherwise pass work off to the ProbabilitySpace
if pspace(condition) == PSpace():
return Probability(condition, given_condition)
result = pspace(condition).probability(condition)
if hasattr(result, 'doit') and for_rewrite:
return result.doit()
return result
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, arg, condition=None, **kwargs):
return self.func(arg, condition=condition).doit(for_rewrite=True)
_eval_rewrite_as_Sum = _eval_rewrite_as_Integral
def evaluate_integral(self):
return self.rewrite(Integral).doit()
class Expectation(Expr):
Symbolic expression for the expectation.
>>> from sympy.stats import Expectation, Normal, Probability, Poisson
>>> from sympy import symbols, Integral, Sum
>>> mu = symbols("mu")
>>> sigma = symbols("sigma", positive=True)
>>> X = Normal("X", mu, sigma)
>>> Expectation(X)
>>> Expectation(X).evaluate_integral().simplify()
To get the integral expression of the expectation:
>>> Expectation(X).rewrite(Integral)
Integral(sqrt(2)*X*exp(-(X - mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))/(2*sqrt(pi)*sigma), (X, -oo, oo))
The same integral expression, in more abstract terms:
>>> Expectation(X).rewrite(Probability)
Integral(x*Probability(Eq(X, x)), (x, -oo, oo))
To get the Summation expression of the expectation for discrete random variables:
>>> lamda = symbols('lamda', positive=True)
>>> Z = Poisson('Z', lamda)
>>> Expectation(Z).rewrite(Sum)
Sum(Z*lamda**Z*exp(-lamda)/factorial(Z), (Z, 0, oo))
This class is aware of some properties of the expectation:
>>> from sympy.abc import a
>>> Expectation(a*X)
>>> Y = Normal("Y", 1, 2)
>>> Expectation(X + Y)
Expectation(X + Y)
To expand the ``Expectation`` into its expression, use ``expand()``:
>>> Expectation(X + Y).expand()
Expectation(X) + Expectation(Y)
>>> Expectation(a*X + Y).expand()
a*Expectation(X) + Expectation(Y)
>>> Expectation(a*X + Y)
Expectation(a*X + Y)
>>> Expectation((X + Y)*(X - Y)).expand()
Expectation(X**2) - Expectation(Y**2)
To evaluate the ``Expectation``, use ``doit()``:
>>> Expectation(X + Y).doit()
mu + 1
>>> Expectation(X + Expectation(Y + Expectation(2*X))).doit()
3*mu + 1
To prevent evaluating nested ``Expectation``, use ``doit(deep=False)``
>>> Expectation(X + Expectation(Y)).doit(deep=False)
mu + Expectation(Expectation(Y))
>>> Expectation(X + Expectation(Y + Expectation(2*X))).doit(deep=False)
mu + Expectation(Expectation(Y + Expectation(2*X)))
def __new__(cls, expr, condition=None, **kwargs):
expr = _sympify(expr)
if expr.is_Matrix:
from sympy.stats.symbolic_multivariate_probability import ExpectationMatrix
return ExpectationMatrix(expr, condition)
if condition is None:
if not is_random(expr):
return expr
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, expr)
condition = _sympify(condition)
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, expr, condition)
obj._condition = condition
return obj
def expand(self, **hints):
expr = self.args[0]
condition = self._condition
if not is_random(expr):
return expr
if isinstance(expr, Add):
return Add.fromiter(Expectation(a, condition=condition).expand()
for a in expr.args)
expand_expr = _expand(expr)
if isinstance(expand_expr, Add):
return Add.fromiter(Expectation(a, condition=condition).expand()
for a in expand_expr.args)
elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
rv = []
nonrv = []
for a in expr.args:
if is_random(a):
return Mul.fromiter(nonrv)*Expectation(Mul.fromiter(rv), condition=condition)
return self
def doit(self, **hints):
deep = hints.get('deep', True)
condition = self._condition
expr = self.args[0]
numsamples = hints.get('numsamples', False)
for_rewrite = not hints.get('for_rewrite', False)
if deep:
expr = expr.doit(**hints)
if not is_random(expr) or isinstance(expr, Expectation): # expr isn't random?
return expr
if numsamples: # Computing by monte carlo sampling?
evalf = hints.get('evalf', True)
return sampling_E(expr, condition, numsamples=numsamples, evalf=evalf)
if expr.has(RandomIndexedSymbol):
return pspace(expr).compute_expectation(expr, condition)
# Create new expr and recompute E
if condition is not None: # If there is a condition
return self.func(given(expr, condition)).doit(**hints)
# A few known statements for efficiency
if expr.is_Add: # We know that E is Linear
return Add(*[self.func(arg, condition).doit(**hints)
if not isinstance(arg, Expectation) else self.func(arg, condition)
for arg in expr.args])
if expr.is_Mul:
if expr.atoms(Expectation):
return expr
if pspace(expr) == PSpace():
return self.func(expr)
# Otherwise case is simple, pass work off to the ProbabilitySpace
result = pspace(expr).compute_expectation(expr, evaluate=for_rewrite)
if hasattr(result, 'doit') and for_rewrite:
return result.doit(**hints)
return result
def _eval_rewrite_as_Probability(self, arg, condition=None, **kwargs):
rvs = arg.atoms(RandomSymbol)
if len(rvs) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError()
if len(rvs) == 0:
return arg
rv = rvs.pop()
if rv.pspace is None:
raise ValueError("Probability space not known")
symbol = rv.symbol
if symbol.name[0].isupper():
symbol = Symbol(symbol.name.lower())
else :
symbol = Symbol(symbol.name + "_1")
if rv.pspace.is_Continuous:
return Integral(arg.replace(rv, symbol)*Probability(Eq(rv, symbol), condition), (symbol, rv.pspace.domain.set.inf, rv.pspace.domain.set.sup))
if rv.pspace.is_Finite:
raise NotImplementedError
return Sum(arg.replace(rv, symbol)*Probability(Eq(rv, symbol), condition), (symbol, rv.pspace.domain.set.inf, rv.pspace.set.sup))
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, arg, condition=None, **kwargs):
return self.func(arg, condition=condition).doit(deep=False, for_rewrite=True)
_eval_rewrite_as_Sum = _eval_rewrite_as_Integral # For discrete this will be Sum
def evaluate_integral(self):
return self.rewrite(Integral).doit()
evaluate_sum = evaluate_integral
class Variance(Expr):
Symbolic expression for the variance.
>>> from sympy import symbols, Integral
>>> from sympy.stats import Normal, Expectation, Variance, Probability
>>> mu = symbols("mu", positive=True)
>>> sigma = symbols("sigma", positive=True)
>>> X = Normal("X", mu, sigma)
>>> Variance(X)
>>> Variance(X).evaluate_integral()
Integral representation of the underlying calculations:
>>> Variance(X).rewrite(Integral)
Integral(sqrt(2)*(X - Integral(sqrt(2)*X*exp(-(X - mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))/(2*sqrt(pi)*sigma), (X, -oo, oo)))**2*exp(-(X - mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))/(2*sqrt(pi)*sigma), (X, -oo, oo))
Integral representation, without expanding the PDF:
>>> Variance(X).rewrite(Probability)
-Integral(x*Probability(Eq(X, x)), (x, -oo, oo))**2 + Integral(x**2*Probability(Eq(X, x)), (x, -oo, oo))
Rewrite the variance in terms of the expectation
>>> Variance(X).rewrite(Expectation)
-Expectation(X)**2 + Expectation(X**2)
Some transformations based on the properties of the variance may happen:
>>> from sympy.abc import a
>>> Y = Normal("Y", 0, 1)
>>> Variance(a*X)
To expand the variance in its expression, use ``expand()``:
>>> Variance(a*X).expand()
>>> Variance(X + Y)
Variance(X + Y)
>>> Variance(X + Y).expand()
2*Covariance(X, Y) + Variance(X) + Variance(Y)
def __new__(cls, arg, condition=None, **kwargs):
arg = _sympify(arg)
if arg.is_Matrix:
from sympy.stats.symbolic_multivariate_probability import VarianceMatrix
return VarianceMatrix(arg, condition)
if condition is None:
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, arg)
condition = _sympify(condition)
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, arg, condition)
obj._condition = condition
return obj
def expand(self, **hints):
arg = self.args[0]
condition = self._condition
if not is_random(arg):
return S.Zero
if isinstance(arg, RandomSymbol):
return self
elif isinstance(arg, Add):
rv = []
for a in arg.args:
if is_random(a):
variances = Add(*(Variance(xv, condition).expand() for xv in rv))
map_to_covar = lambda x: 2*Covariance(*x, condition=condition).expand()
covariances = Add(*map(map_to_covar, itertools.combinations(rv, 2)))
return variances + covariances
elif isinstance(arg, Mul):
nonrv = []
rv = []
for a in arg.args:
if is_random(a):
if len(rv) == 0:
return S.Zero
return Mul.fromiter(nonrv)*Variance(Mul.fromiter(rv), condition)
# this expression contains a RandomSymbol somehow:
return self
def _eval_rewrite_as_Expectation(self, arg, condition=None, **kwargs):
e1 = Expectation(arg**2, condition)
e2 = Expectation(arg, condition)**2
return e1 - e2
def _eval_rewrite_as_Probability(self, arg, condition=None, **kwargs):
return self.rewrite(Expectation).rewrite(Probability)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, arg, condition=None, **kwargs):
return variance(self.args[0], self._condition, evaluate=False)
_eval_rewrite_as_Sum = _eval_rewrite_as_Integral
def evaluate_integral(self):
return self.rewrite(Integral).doit()
class Covariance(Expr):
Symbolic expression for the covariance.
>>> from sympy.stats import Covariance
>>> from sympy.stats import Normal
>>> X = Normal("X", 3, 2)
>>> Y = Normal("Y", 0, 1)
>>> Z = Normal("Z", 0, 1)
>>> W = Normal("W", 0, 1)
>>> cexpr = Covariance(X, Y)
>>> cexpr
Covariance(X, Y)
Evaluate the covariance, `X` and `Y` are independent,
therefore zero is the result:
>>> cexpr.evaluate_integral()
Rewrite the covariance expression in terms of expectations:
>>> from sympy.stats import Expectation
>>> cexpr.rewrite(Expectation)
Expectation(X*Y) - Expectation(X)*Expectation(Y)
In order to expand the argument, use ``expand()``:
>>> from sympy.abc import a, b, c, d
>>> Covariance(a*X + b*Y, c*Z + d*W)
Covariance(a*X + b*Y, c*Z + d*W)
>>> Covariance(a*X + b*Y, c*Z + d*W).expand()
a*c*Covariance(X, Z) + a*d*Covariance(W, X) + b*c*Covariance(Y, Z) + b*d*Covariance(W, Y)
This class is aware of some properties of the covariance:
>>> Covariance(X, X).expand()
>>> Covariance(a*X, b*Y).expand()
a*b*Covariance(X, Y)
def __new__(cls, arg1, arg2, condition=None, **kwargs):
arg1 = _sympify(arg1)
arg2 = _sympify(arg2)
if arg1.is_Matrix or arg2.is_Matrix:
from sympy.stats.symbolic_multivariate_probability import CrossCovarianceMatrix
return CrossCovarianceMatrix(arg1, arg2, condition)
if kwargs.pop('evaluate', global_parameters.evaluate):
arg1, arg2 = sorted([arg1, arg2], key=default_sort_key)
if condition is None:
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, arg1, arg2)
condition = _sympify(condition)
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, arg1, arg2, condition)
obj._condition = condition
return obj
def expand(self, **hints):
arg1 = self.args[0]
arg2 = self.args[1]
condition = self._condition
if arg1 == arg2:
return Variance(arg1, condition).expand()
if not is_random(arg1):
return S.Zero
if not is_random(arg2):
return S.Zero
arg1, arg2 = sorted([arg1, arg2], key=default_sort_key)
if isinstance(arg1, RandomSymbol) and isinstance(arg2, RandomSymbol):
return Covariance(arg1, arg2, condition)
coeff_rv_list1 = self._expand_single_argument(arg1.expand())
coeff_rv_list2 = self._expand_single_argument(arg2.expand())
addends = [a*b*Covariance(*sorted([r1, r2], key=default_sort_key), condition=condition)
for (a, r1) in coeff_rv_list1 for (b, r2) in coeff_rv_list2]
return Add.fromiter(addends)
def _expand_single_argument(cls, expr):
# return (coefficient, random_symbol) pairs:
if isinstance(expr, RandomSymbol):
return [(S.One, expr)]
elif isinstance(expr, Add):
outval = []
for a in expr.args:
if isinstance(a, Mul):
elif is_random(a):
outval.append((S.One, a))
return outval
elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
return [cls._get_mul_nonrv_rv_tuple(expr)]
elif is_random(expr):
return [(S.One, expr)]
def _get_mul_nonrv_rv_tuple(cls, m):
rv = []
nonrv = []
for a in m.args:
if is_random(a):
return (Mul.fromiter(nonrv), Mul.fromiter(rv))
def _eval_rewrite_as_Expectation(self, arg1, arg2, condition=None, **kwargs):
e1 = Expectation(arg1*arg2, condition)
e2 = Expectation(arg1, condition)*Expectation(arg2, condition)
return e1 - e2
def _eval_rewrite_as_Probability(self, arg1, arg2, condition=None, **kwargs):
return self.rewrite(Expectation).rewrite(Probability)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, arg1, arg2, condition=None, **kwargs):
return covariance(self.args[0], self.args[1], self._condition, evaluate=False)
_eval_rewrite_as_Sum = _eval_rewrite_as_Integral
def evaluate_integral(self):
return self.rewrite(Integral).doit()
class Moment(Expr):
Symbolic class for Moment
>>> from sympy import Symbol, Integral
>>> from sympy.stats import Normal, Expectation, Probability, Moment
>>> mu = Symbol('mu', real=True)
>>> sigma = Symbol('sigma', positive=True)
>>> X = Normal('X', mu, sigma)
>>> M = Moment(X, 3, 1)
To evaluate the result of Moment use `doit`:
>>> M.doit()
mu**3 - 3*mu**2 + 3*mu*sigma**2 + 3*mu - 3*sigma**2 - 1
Rewrite the Moment expression in terms of Expectation:
>>> M.rewrite(Expectation)
Expectation((X - 1)**3)
Rewrite the Moment expression in terms of Probability:
>>> M.rewrite(Probability)
Integral((x - 1)**3*Probability(Eq(X, x)), (x, -oo, oo))
Rewrite the Moment expression in terms of Integral:
>>> M.rewrite(Integral)
Integral(sqrt(2)*(X - 1)**3*exp(-(X - mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))/(2*sqrt(pi)*sigma), (X, -oo, oo))
def __new__(cls, X, n, c=0, condition=None, **kwargs):
X = _sympify(X)
n = _sympify(n)
c = _sympify(c)
if condition is not None:
condition = _sympify(condition)
return super().__new__(cls, X, n, c, condition)
return super().__new__(cls, X, n, c)
def doit(self, **hints):
return self.rewrite(Expectation).doit(**hints)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Expectation(self, X, n, c=0, condition=None, **kwargs):
return Expectation((X - c)**n, condition)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Probability(self, X, n, c=0, condition=None, **kwargs):
return self.rewrite(Expectation).rewrite(Probability)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, X, n, c=0, condition=None, **kwargs):
return self.rewrite(Expectation).rewrite(Integral)
class CentralMoment(Expr):
Symbolic class Central Moment
>>> from sympy import Symbol, Integral
>>> from sympy.stats import Normal, Expectation, Probability, CentralMoment
>>> mu = Symbol('mu', real=True)
>>> sigma = Symbol('sigma', positive=True)
>>> X = Normal('X', mu, sigma)
>>> CM = CentralMoment(X, 4)
To evaluate the result of CentralMoment use `doit`:
>>> CM.doit().simplify()
Rewrite the CentralMoment expression in terms of Expectation:
>>> CM.rewrite(Expectation)
Expectation((X - Expectation(X))**4)
Rewrite the CentralMoment expression in terms of Probability:
>>> CM.rewrite(Probability)
Integral((x - Integral(x*Probability(True), (x, -oo, oo)))**4*Probability(Eq(X, x)), (x, -oo, oo))
Rewrite the CentralMoment expression in terms of Integral:
>>> CM.rewrite(Integral)
Integral(sqrt(2)*(X - Integral(sqrt(2)*X*exp(-(X - mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))/(2*sqrt(pi)*sigma), (X, -oo, oo)))**4*exp(-(X - mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))/(2*sqrt(pi)*sigma), (X, -oo, oo))
def __new__(cls, X, n, condition=None, **kwargs):
X = _sympify(X)
n = _sympify(n)
if condition is not None:
condition = _sympify(condition)
return super().__new__(cls, X, n, condition)
return super().__new__(cls, X, n)
def doit(self, **hints):
return self.rewrite(Expectation).doit(**hints)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Expectation(self, X, n, condition=None, **kwargs):
mu = Expectation(X, condition, **kwargs)
return Moment(X, n, mu, condition, **kwargs).rewrite(Expectation)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Probability(self, X, n, condition=None, **kwargs):
return self.rewrite(Expectation).rewrite(Probability)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, X, n, condition=None, **kwargs):
return self.rewrite(Expectation).rewrite(Integral)