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# pygame - Python Game Library
# Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Pete Shinners
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Pete Shinners
# pete@shinners.org
"""sysfont, used in the font module to find system fonts"""
import os
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, join, splitext
from pygame.font import Font
if sys.platform != "emscripten":
if os.name == "nt":
import winreg as _winreg
import subprocess
OpenType_extensions = frozenset((".ttf", ".ttc", ".otf"))
Sysfonts = {}
Sysalias = {}
is_init = False
def _simplename(name):
"""create simple version of the font name"""
# return alphanumeric characters of a string (converted to lowercase)
return "".join(c.lower() for c in name if c.isalnum())
def _addfont(name, bold, italic, font, fontdict):
"""insert a font and style into the font dictionary"""
if name not in fontdict:
fontdict[name] = {}
fontdict[name][bold, italic] = font
def initsysfonts_win32():
"""initialize fonts dictionary on Windows"""
fontdir = join(os.environ.get("WINDIR", "C:\\Windows"), "Fonts")
fonts = {}
# add fonts entered in the registry
microsoft_font_dirs = [
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts",
for domain in [_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER]:
for font_dir in microsoft_font_dirs:
key = _winreg.OpenKey(domain, font_dir)
except FileNotFoundError:
for i in range(_winreg.QueryInfoKey(key)[1]):
# name is the font's name e.g. Times New Roman (TrueType)
# font is the font's filename e.g. times.ttf
name, font, _ = _winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
except OSError:
if splitext(font)[1].lower() not in OpenType_extensions:
if not dirname(font):
font = join(fontdir, font)
# Some are named A & B, both names should be processed separately
# Ex: the main Cambria file is marked as "Cambria & Cambria Math"
for name in name.split("&"):
_parse_font_entry_win(name, font, fonts)
return fonts
def _parse_font_entry_win(name, font, fonts):
Parse out a simpler name and the font style from the initial file name.
:param name: The font name
:param font: The font file path
:param fonts: The pygame font dictionary
true_type_suffix = "(TrueType)"
mods = ("demibold", "narrow", "light", "unicode", "bt", "mt")
if name.endswith(true_type_suffix):
name = name.rstrip(true_type_suffix).rstrip()
name = name.lower().split()
bold = italic = False
for mod in mods:
if mod in name:
if "bold" in name:
bold = True
if "italic" in name:
italic = True
name = "".join(name)
name = _simplename(name)
_addfont(name, bold, italic, font, fonts)
def _parse_font_entry_darwin(name, filepath, fonts):
Parses a font entry for macOS
:param name: The filepath without extensions or directories
:param filepath: The full path to the font
:param fonts: The pygame font dictionary to add the parsed font data to.
name = _simplename(name)
mods = ("regular",)
for mod in mods:
if mod in name:
name = name.replace(mod, "")
bold = italic = False
if "bold" in name:
name = name.replace("bold", "")
bold = True
if "italic" in name:
name = name.replace("italic", "")
italic = True
_addfont(name, bold, italic, filepath, fonts)
def _font_finder_darwin():
locations = [
username = os.getenv("USER")
if username:
strange_root = "/System/Library/Assets/com_apple_MobileAsset_Font3"
if exists(strange_root):
strange_locations = os.listdir(strange_root)
for loc in strange_locations:
fonts = {}
for location in locations:
if not exists(location):
files = os.listdir(location)
for file in files:
name, extension = splitext(file)
if extension in OpenType_extensions:
_parse_font_entry_darwin(name, join(location, file), fonts)
return fonts
def initsysfonts_darwin():
"""Read the fonts on MacOS, and OS X."""
# fc-list is not likely to be there on pre 10.4.x, or MacOS 10.10+
fonts = {}
fclist_locations = [
"/usr/X11/bin/fc-list", # apple x11
"/usr/X11R6/bin/fc-list", # apple x11
for bin_location in fclist_locations:
if exists(bin_location):
fonts = initsysfonts_unix(bin_location)
if len(fonts) == 0:
fonts = _font_finder_darwin()
return fonts
# read the fonts on unix
def initsysfonts_unix(path="fc-list"):
"""use the fc-list from fontconfig to get a list of fonts"""
fonts = {}
if sys.platform == "emscripten":
return fonts
proc = subprocess.run(
[path, ":", "file", "family", "style"],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # capture stdout
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, # capture stderr
check=True, # so that errors raise python exception which is handled below
timeout=1, # so that we don't hang the program waiting
except FileNotFoundError:
f"'{path}' is missing, system fonts cannot be loaded on your platform"
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
f"Process running '{path}' timed-out! System fonts cannot be loaded on "
"your platform"
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
f"'{path}' failed with error code {e.returncode}! System fonts cannot be "
f"loaded on your platform. Error log is:\n{e.stderr}"
for entry in proc.stdout.decode("ascii", "ignore").splitlines():
_parse_font_entry_unix(entry, fonts)
except ValueError:
# try the next one.
return fonts
def _parse_font_entry_unix(entry, fonts):
Parses an entry in the unix font data to add to the pygame font
:param entry: A entry from the unix font list.
:param fonts: The pygame font dictionary to add the parsed font data to.
filename, family, style = entry.split(":", 2)
if splitext(filename)[1].lower() in OpenType_extensions:
bold = "Bold" in style
italic = "Italic" in style
oblique = "Oblique" in style
for name in family.strip().split(","):
if name:
name = splitext(basename(filename))[0]
_addfont(_simplename(name), bold, italic or oblique, filename, fonts)
def create_aliases():
"""Map common fonts that are absent from the system to similar fonts
that are installed in the system
alias_groups = (
("wingdings", "wingbats"),
("comicsansms", "comicsans"),
for alias_set in alias_groups:
for name in alias_set:
if name in Sysfonts:
found = Sysfonts[name]
for name in alias_set:
if name not in Sysfonts:
Sysalias[name] = found
def initsysfonts():
Initialise the sysfont module, called once. Locates the installed fonts
and creates some aliases for common font categories.
Has different initialisation functions for different platforms.
global is_init
if is_init:
# no need to re-init
if sys.platform == "win32":
fonts = initsysfonts_win32()
elif sys.platform == "darwin":
fonts = initsysfonts_darwin()
fonts = initsysfonts_unix()
is_init = True
def font_constructor(fontpath, size, bold, italic):
pygame.font specific declarations
:param fontpath: path to a font.
:param size: size of a font.
:param bold: bold style, True or False.
:param italic: italic style, True or False.
:return: A font.Font object.
font = Font(fontpath, size)
if bold:
if italic:
return font
# the exported functions
def SysFont(name, size, bold=False, italic=False, constructor=None):
"""pygame.font.SysFont(name, size, bold=False, italic=False, constructor=None) -> Font
Create a pygame Font from system font resources.
This will search the system fonts for the given font
name. You can also enable bold or italic styles, and
the appropriate system font will be selected if available.
This will always return a valid Font object, and will
fallback on the builtin pygame font if the given font
is not found.
Name can also be an iterable of font names, a string of
comma-separated font names, or a bytes of comma-separated
font names, in which case the set of names will be searched
in order. Pygame uses a small set of common font aliases. If the
specific font you ask for is not available, a reasonable
alternative may be used.
If optional constructor is provided, it must be a function with
signature constructor(fontpath, size, bold, italic) which returns
a Font instance. If None, a pygame.font.Font object is created.
if constructor is None:
constructor = font_constructor
gotbold = gotitalic = False
fontname = None
if name:
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)):
name = name.split(b"," if isinstance(name, bytes) else ",")
for single_name in name:
if isinstance(single_name, bytes):
single_name = single_name.decode()
single_name = _simplename(single_name)
styles = Sysfonts.get(single_name)
if not styles:
styles = Sysalias.get(single_name)
if styles:
plainname = styles.get((False, False))
fontname = styles.get((bold, italic))
if not (fontname or plainname):
# Neither requested style, nor plain font exists, so
# return a font with the name requested, but an
# arbitrary style.
(style, fontname) = list(styles.items())[0]
# Attempt to style it as requested. This can't
# unbold or unitalicize anything, but it can
# fake bold and/or fake italicize.
if bold and style[0]:
gotbold = True
if italic and style[1]:
gotitalic = True
elif not fontname:
fontname = plainname
elif plainname != fontname:
gotbold = bold
gotitalic = italic
if fontname:
set_bold = set_italic = False
if bold and not gotbold:
set_bold = True
if italic and not gotitalic:
set_italic = True
return constructor(fontname, size, set_bold, set_italic)
def get_fonts():
"""pygame.font.get_fonts() -> list
get a list of system font names
Returns the list of all found system fonts. Note that
the names of the fonts will be all lowercase with spaces
removed. This is how pygame internally stores the font
names for matching.
return list(Sysfonts)
def match_font(name, bold=False, italic=False):
"""pygame.font.match_font(name, bold=0, italic=0) -> name
find the filename for the named system font
This performs the same font search as the SysFont()
function, only it returns the path to the TTF file
that would be loaded. The font name can also be an
iterable of font names or a string/bytes of comma-separated
font names to try.
If no match is found, None is returned.
fontname = None
if isinstance(name, (str, bytes)):
name = name.split(b"," if isinstance(name, bytes) else ",")
for single_name in name:
if isinstance(single_name, bytes):
single_name = single_name.decode()
single_name = _simplename(single_name)
styles = Sysfonts.get(single_name)
if not styles:
styles = Sysalias.get(single_name)
if styles:
while not fontname:
fontname = styles.get((bold, italic))
if italic:
italic = 0
elif bold:
bold = 0
elif not fontname:
fontname = list(styles.values())[0]
if fontname:
return fontname