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1243 lines
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"""Implementation of RootOf class and related tools. """
from sympy.core.basic import Basic
from sympy.core import (S, Expr, Integer, Float, I, oo, Add, Lambda,
symbols, sympify, Rational, Dummy)
from sympy.core.cache import cacheit
from sympy.core.relational import is_le
from sympy.core.sorting import ordered
from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
from sympy.polys.polyerrors import (
from sympy.polys.polyfuncs import symmetrize, viete
from sympy.polys.polyroots import (
roots_linear, roots_quadratic, roots_binomial,
preprocess_roots, roots)
from sympy.polys.polytools import Poly, PurePoly, factor
from sympy.polys.rationaltools import together
from sympy.polys.rootisolation import (
from sympy.utilities import lambdify, public, sift, numbered_symbols
from mpmath import mpf, mpc, findroot, workprec
from mpmath.libmp.libmpf import dps_to_prec, prec_to_dps
from sympy.multipledispatch import dispatch
from itertools import chain
__all__ = ['CRootOf']
class _pure_key_dict:
"""A minimal dictionary that makes sure that the key is a
univariate PurePoly instance.
Only the following actions are guaranteed:
>>> from sympy.polys.rootoftools import _pure_key_dict
>>> from sympy import PurePoly
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
1) creation
>>> P = _pure_key_dict()
2) assignment for a PurePoly or univariate polynomial
>>> P[x] = 1
>>> P[PurePoly(x - y, x)] = 2
3) retrieval based on PurePoly key comparison (use this
instead of the get method)
>>> P[y]
4) KeyError when trying to retrieve a nonexisting key
>>> P[y + 1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: PurePoly(y + 1, y, domain='ZZ')
5) ability to query with ``in``
>>> x + 1 in P
NOTE: this is a *not* a dictionary. It is a very basic object
for internal use that makes sure to always address its cache
via PurePoly instances. It does not, for example, implement
``get`` or ``setdefault``.
def __init__(self):
self._dict = {}
def __getitem__(self, k):
if not isinstance(k, PurePoly):
if not (isinstance(k, Expr) and len(k.free_symbols) == 1):
raise KeyError
k = PurePoly(k, expand=False)
return self._dict[k]
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
if not isinstance(k, PurePoly):
if not (isinstance(k, Expr) and len(k.free_symbols) == 1):
raise ValueError('expecting univariate expression')
k = PurePoly(k, expand=False)
self._dict[k] = v
def __contains__(self, k):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
_reals_cache = _pure_key_dict()
_complexes_cache = _pure_key_dict()
def _pure_factors(poly):
_, factors = poly.factor_list()
return [(PurePoly(f, expand=False), m) for f, m in factors]
def _imag_count_of_factor(f):
"""Return the number of imaginary roots for irreducible
univariate polynomial ``f``.
terms = [(i, j) for (i,), j in f.terms()]
if any(i % 2 for i, j in terms):
return 0
# update signs
even = [(i, I**i*j) for i, j in terms]
even = Poly.from_dict(dict(even), Dummy('x'))
return int(even.count_roots(-oo, oo))
def rootof(f, x, index=None, radicals=True, expand=True):
"""An indexed root of a univariate polynomial.
Returns either a :obj:`ComplexRootOf` object or an explicit
expression involving radicals.
f : Expr
Univariate polynomial.
x : Symbol, optional
Generator for ``f``.
index : int or Integer
radicals : bool
Return a radical expression if possible.
expand : bool
Expand ``f``.
return CRootOf(f, x, index=index, radicals=radicals, expand=expand)
class RootOf(Expr):
"""Represents a root of a univariate polynomial.
Base class for roots of different kinds of polynomials.
Only complex roots are currently supported.
__slots__ = ('poly',)
def __new__(cls, f, x, index=None, radicals=True, expand=True):
"""Construct a new ``CRootOf`` object for ``k``-th root of ``f``."""
return rootof(f, x, index=index, radicals=radicals, expand=expand)
class ComplexRootOf(RootOf):
"""Represents an indexed complex root of a polynomial.
Roots of a univariate polynomial separated into disjoint
real or complex intervals and indexed in a fixed order:
* real roots come first and are sorted in increasing order;
* complex roots come next and are sorted primarily by increasing
real part, secondarily by increasing imaginary part.
Currently only rational coefficients are allowed.
Can be imported as ``CRootOf``. To avoid confusion, the
generator must be a Symbol.
>>> from sympy import CRootOf, rootof
>>> from sympy.abc import x
CRootOf is a way to reference a particular root of a
polynomial. If there is a rational root, it will be returned:
>>> CRootOf.clear_cache() # for doctest reproducibility
>>> CRootOf(x**2 - 4, 0)
Whether roots involving radicals are returned or not
depends on whether the ``radicals`` flag is true (which is
set to True with rootof):
>>> CRootOf(x**2 - 3, 0)
CRootOf(x**2 - 3, 0)
>>> CRootOf(x**2 - 3, 0, radicals=True)
>>> rootof(x**2 - 3, 0)
The following cannot be expressed in terms of radicals:
>>> r = rootof(4*x**5 + 16*x**3 + 12*x**2 + 7, 0); r
CRootOf(4*x**5 + 16*x**3 + 12*x**2 + 7, 0)
The root bounds can be seen, however, and they are used by the
evaluation methods to get numerical approximations for the root.
>>> interval = r._get_interval(); interval
(-1, 0)
>>> r.evalf(2)
The evalf method refines the width of the root bounds until it
guarantees that any decimal approximation within those bounds
will satisfy the desired precision. It then stores the refined
interval so subsequent requests at or below the requested
precision will not have to recompute the root bounds and will
return very quickly.
Before evaluation above, the interval was
>>> interval
(-1, 0)
After evaluation it is now
>>> r._get_interval() # doctest: +SKIP
(-165/169, -206/211)
To reset all intervals for a given polynomial, the :meth:`_reset` method
can be called from any CRootOf instance of the polynomial:
>>> r._reset()
>>> r._get_interval()
(-1, 0)
The :meth:`eval_approx` method will also find the root to a given
precision but the interval is not modified unless the search
for the root fails to converge within the root bounds. And
the secant method is used to find the root. (The ``evalf``
method uses bisection and will always update the interval.)
>>> r.eval_approx(2)
The interval needed to be slightly updated to find that root:
>>> r._get_interval()
(-1, -1/2)
The ``evalf_rational`` will compute a rational approximation
of the root to the desired accuracy or precision.
>>> r.eval_rational(n=2)
>>> t = CRootOf(x**3 + 10*x + 1, 1)
>>> t.eval_rational(1e-1)
15/256 - 805*I/256
>>> t.eval_rational(1e-1, 1e-4)
3275/65536 - 414645*I/131072
>>> t.eval_rational(1e-4, 1e-4)
6545/131072 - 414645*I/131072
>>> t.eval_rational(n=2)
104755/2097152 - 6634255*I/2097152
Although a PurePoly can be constructed from a non-symbol generator
RootOf instances of non-symbols are disallowed to avoid confusion
over what root is being represented.
>>> from sympy import exp, PurePoly
>>> PurePoly(x) == PurePoly(exp(x))
>>> CRootOf(x - 1, 0)
>>> CRootOf(exp(x) - 1, 0) # would correspond to x == 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
sympy.polys.polyerrors.PolynomialError: generator must be a Symbol
See Also
__slots__ = ('index',)
is_complex = True
is_number = True
is_finite = True
def __new__(cls, f, x, index=None, radicals=False, expand=True):
""" Construct an indexed complex root of a polynomial.
See ``rootof`` for the parameters.
The default value of ``radicals`` is ``False`` to satisfy
``eval(srepr(expr) == expr``.
x = sympify(x)
if index is None and x.is_Integer:
x, index = None, x
index = sympify(index)
if index is not None and index.is_Integer:
index = int(index)
raise ValueError("expected an integer root index, got %s" % index)
poly = PurePoly(f, x, greedy=False, expand=expand)
if not poly.is_univariate:
raise PolynomialError("only univariate polynomials are allowed")
if not poly.gen.is_Symbol:
# PurePoly(sin(x) + 1) == PurePoly(x + 1) but the roots of
# x for each are not the same: issue 8617
raise PolynomialError("generator must be a Symbol")
degree = poly.degree()
if degree <= 0:
raise PolynomialError("Cannot construct CRootOf object for %s" % f)
if index < -degree or index >= degree:
raise IndexError("root index out of [%d, %d] range, got %d" %
(-degree, degree - 1, index))
elif index < 0:
index += degree
dom = poly.get_domain()
if not dom.is_Exact:
poly = poly.to_exact()
roots = cls._roots_trivial(poly, radicals)
if roots is not None:
return roots[index]
coeff, poly = preprocess_roots(poly)
dom = poly.get_domain()
if not dom.is_ZZ:
raise NotImplementedError("CRootOf is not supported over %s" % dom)
root = cls._indexed_root(poly, index, lazy=True)
return coeff * cls._postprocess_root(root, radicals)
def _new(cls, poly, index):
"""Construct new ``CRootOf`` object from raw data. """
obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
obj.poly = PurePoly(poly)
obj.index = index
_reals_cache[obj.poly] = _reals_cache[poly]
_complexes_cache[obj.poly] = _complexes_cache[poly]
except KeyError:
return obj
def _hashable_content(self):
return (self.poly, self.index)
def expr(self):
return self.poly.as_expr()
def args(self):
return (self.expr, Integer(self.index))
def free_symbols(self):
# CRootOf currently only works with univariate expressions
# whose poly attribute should be a PurePoly with no free
# symbols
return set()
def _eval_is_real(self):
"""Return ``True`` if the root is real. """
return self.index < len(_reals_cache[self.poly])
def _eval_is_imaginary(self):
"""Return ``True`` if the root is imaginary. """
if self.index >= len(_reals_cache[self.poly]):
ivl = self._get_interval()
return ivl.ax*ivl.bx <= 0 # all others are on one side or the other
return False # XXX is this necessary?
def real_roots(cls, poly, radicals=True):
"""Get real roots of a polynomial. """
return cls._get_roots("_real_roots", poly, radicals)
def all_roots(cls, poly, radicals=True):
"""Get real and complex roots of a polynomial. """
return cls._get_roots("_all_roots", poly, radicals)
def _get_reals_sqf(cls, currentfactor, use_cache=True):
"""Get real root isolating intervals for a square-free factor."""
if use_cache and currentfactor in _reals_cache:
real_part = _reals_cache[currentfactor]
_reals_cache[currentfactor] = real_part = \
currentfactor.rep.rep, currentfactor.rep.dom, blackbox=True)
return real_part
def _get_complexes_sqf(cls, currentfactor, use_cache=True):
"""Get complex root isolating intervals for a square-free factor."""
if use_cache and currentfactor in _complexes_cache:
complex_part = _complexes_cache[currentfactor]
_complexes_cache[currentfactor] = complex_part = \
currentfactor.rep.rep, currentfactor.rep.dom, blackbox=True)
return complex_part
def _get_reals(cls, factors, use_cache=True):
"""Compute real root isolating intervals for a list of factors. """
reals = []
for currentfactor, k in factors:
if not use_cache:
raise KeyError
r = _reals_cache[currentfactor]
reals.extend([(i, currentfactor, k) for i in r])
except KeyError:
real_part = cls._get_reals_sqf(currentfactor, use_cache)
new = [(root, currentfactor, k) for root in real_part]
reals = cls._reals_sorted(reals)
return reals
def _get_complexes(cls, factors, use_cache=True):
"""Compute complex root isolating intervals for a list of factors. """
complexes = []
for currentfactor, k in ordered(factors):
if not use_cache:
raise KeyError
c = _complexes_cache[currentfactor]
complexes.extend([(i, currentfactor, k) for i in c])
except KeyError:
complex_part = cls._get_complexes_sqf(currentfactor, use_cache)
new = [(root, currentfactor, k) for root in complex_part]
complexes = cls._complexes_sorted(complexes)
return complexes
def _reals_sorted(cls, reals):
"""Make real isolating intervals disjoint and sort roots. """
cache = {}
for i, (u, f, k) in enumerate(reals):
for j, (v, g, m) in enumerate(reals[i + 1:]):
u, v = u.refine_disjoint(v)
reals[i + j + 1] = (v, g, m)
reals[i] = (u, f, k)
reals = sorted(reals, key=lambda r: r[0].a)
for root, currentfactor, _ in reals:
if currentfactor in cache:
cache[currentfactor] = [root]
for currentfactor, root in cache.items():
_reals_cache[currentfactor] = root
return reals
def _refine_imaginary(cls, complexes):
sifted = sift(complexes, lambda c: c[1])
complexes = []
for f in ordered(sifted):
nimag = _imag_count_of_factor(f)
if nimag == 0:
# refine until xbounds are neg or pos
for u, f, k in sifted[f]:
while u.ax*u.bx <= 0:
u = u._inner_refine()
complexes.append((u, f, k))
# refine until all but nimag xbounds are neg or pos
potential_imag = list(range(len(sifted[f])))
while True:
assert len(potential_imag) > 1
for i in list(potential_imag):
u, f, k = sifted[f][i]
if u.ax*u.bx > 0:
elif u.ax != u.bx:
u = u._inner_refine()
sifted[f][i] = u, f, k
if len(potential_imag) == nimag:
return complexes
def _refine_complexes(cls, complexes):
"""return complexes such that no bounding rectangles of non-conjugate
roots would intersect. In addition, assure that neither ay nor by is
0 to guarantee that non-real roots are distinct from real roots in
terms of the y-bounds.
# get the intervals pairwise-disjoint.
# If rectangles were drawn around the coordinates of the bounding
# rectangles, no rectangles would intersect after this procedure.
for i, (u, f, k) in enumerate(complexes):
for j, (v, g, m) in enumerate(complexes[i + 1:]):
u, v = u.refine_disjoint(v)
complexes[i + j + 1] = (v, g, m)
complexes[i] = (u, f, k)
# refine until the x-bounds are unambiguously positive or negative
# for non-imaginary roots
complexes = cls._refine_imaginary(complexes)
# make sure that all y bounds are off the real axis
# and on the same side of the axis
for i, (u, f, k) in enumerate(complexes):
while u.ay*u.by <= 0:
u = u.refine()
complexes[i] = u, f, k
return complexes
def _complexes_sorted(cls, complexes):
"""Make complex isolating intervals disjoint and sort roots. """
complexes = cls._refine_complexes(complexes)
# XXX don't sort until you are sure that it is compatible
# with the indexing method but assert that the desired state
# is not broken
C, F = 0, 1 # location of ComplexInterval and factor
fs = {i[F] for i in complexes}
for i in range(1, len(complexes)):
if complexes[i][F] != complexes[i - 1][F]:
# if this fails the factors of a root were not
# contiguous because a discontinuity should only
# happen once
fs.remove(complexes[i - 1][F])
for i, cmplx in enumerate(complexes):
# negative im part (conj=True) comes before
# positive im part (conj=False)
assert cmplx[C].conj is (i % 2 == 0)
# update cache
cache = {}
# -- collate
for root, currentfactor, _ in complexes:
cache.setdefault(currentfactor, []).append(root)
# -- store
for currentfactor, root in cache.items():
_complexes_cache[currentfactor] = root
return complexes
def _reals_index(cls, reals, index):
Map initial real root index to an index in a factor where
the root belongs.
i = 0
for j, (_, currentfactor, k) in enumerate(reals):
if index < i + k:
poly, index = currentfactor, 0
for _, currentfactor, _ in reals[:j]:
if currentfactor == poly:
index += 1
return poly, index
i += k
def _complexes_index(cls, complexes, index):
Map initial complex root index to an index in a factor where
the root belongs.
i = 0
for j, (_, currentfactor, k) in enumerate(complexes):
if index < i + k:
poly, index = currentfactor, 0
for _, currentfactor, _ in complexes[:j]:
if currentfactor == poly:
index += 1
index += len(_reals_cache[poly])
return poly, index
i += k
def _count_roots(cls, roots):
"""Count the number of real or complex roots with multiplicities."""
return sum([k for _, _, k in roots])
def _indexed_root(cls, poly, index, lazy=False):
"""Get a root of a composite polynomial by index. """
factors = _pure_factors(poly)
# If the given poly is already irreducible, then the index does not
# need to be adjusted, and we can postpone the heavy lifting of
# computing and refining isolating intervals until that is needed.
if lazy and len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
return poly, index
reals = cls._get_reals(factors)
reals_count = cls._count_roots(reals)
if index < reals_count:
return cls._reals_index(reals, index)
complexes = cls._get_complexes(factors)
return cls._complexes_index(complexes, index - reals_count)
def _ensure_reals_init(self):
"""Ensure that our poly has entries in the reals cache. """
if self.poly not in _reals_cache:
self._indexed_root(self.poly, self.index)
def _ensure_complexes_init(self):
"""Ensure that our poly has entries in the complexes cache. """
if self.poly not in _complexes_cache:
self._indexed_root(self.poly, self.index)
def _real_roots(cls, poly):
"""Get real roots of a composite polynomial. """
factors = _pure_factors(poly)
reals = cls._get_reals(factors)
reals_count = cls._count_roots(reals)
roots = []
for index in range(0, reals_count):
roots.append(cls._reals_index(reals, index))
return roots
def _reset(self):
Reset all intervals
self._all_roots(self.poly, use_cache=False)
def _all_roots(cls, poly, use_cache=True):
"""Get real and complex roots of a composite polynomial. """
factors = _pure_factors(poly)
reals = cls._get_reals(factors, use_cache=use_cache)
reals_count = cls._count_roots(reals)
roots = []
for index in range(0, reals_count):
roots.append(cls._reals_index(reals, index))
complexes = cls._get_complexes(factors, use_cache=use_cache)
complexes_count = cls._count_roots(complexes)
for index in range(0, complexes_count):
roots.append(cls._complexes_index(complexes, index))
return roots
def _roots_trivial(cls, poly, radicals):
"""Compute roots in linear, quadratic and binomial cases. """
if poly.degree() == 1:
return roots_linear(poly)
if not radicals:
return None
if poly.degree() == 2:
return roots_quadratic(poly)
elif poly.length() == 2 and poly.TC():
return roots_binomial(poly)
return None
def _preprocess_roots(cls, poly):
"""Take heroic measures to make ``poly`` compatible with ``CRootOf``."""
dom = poly.get_domain()
if not dom.is_Exact:
poly = poly.to_exact()
coeff, poly = preprocess_roots(poly)
dom = poly.get_domain()
if not dom.is_ZZ:
raise NotImplementedError(
"sorted roots not supported over %s" % dom)
return coeff, poly
def _postprocess_root(cls, root, radicals):
"""Return the root if it is trivial or a ``CRootOf`` object. """
poly, index = root
roots = cls._roots_trivial(poly, radicals)
if roots is not None:
return roots[index]
return cls._new(poly, index)
def _get_roots(cls, method, poly, radicals):
"""Return postprocessed roots of specified kind. """
if not poly.is_univariate:
raise PolynomialError("only univariate polynomials are allowed")
# get rid of gen and it's free symbol
d = Dummy()
poly = poly.subs(poly.gen, d)
x = symbols('x')
# see what others are left and select x or a numbered x
# that doesn't clash
free_names = {str(i) for i in poly.free_symbols}
for x in chain((symbols('x'),), numbered_symbols('x')):
if x.name not in free_names:
poly = poly.xreplace({d: x})
coeff, poly = cls._preprocess_roots(poly)
roots = []
for root in getattr(cls, method)(poly):
roots.append(coeff*cls._postprocess_root(root, radicals))
return roots
def clear_cache(cls):
"""Reset cache for reals and complexes.
The intervals used to approximate a root instance are updated
as needed. When a request is made to see the intervals, the
most current values are shown. `clear_cache` will reset all
CRootOf instances back to their original state.
See Also
global _reals_cache, _complexes_cache
_reals_cache = _pure_key_dict()
_complexes_cache = _pure_key_dict()
def _get_interval(self):
"""Internal function for retrieving isolation interval from cache. """
if self.is_real:
return _reals_cache[self.poly][self.index]
reals_count = len(_reals_cache[self.poly])
return _complexes_cache[self.poly][self.index - reals_count]
def _set_interval(self, interval):
"""Internal function for updating isolation interval in cache. """
if self.is_real:
_reals_cache[self.poly][self.index] = interval
reals_count = len(_reals_cache[self.poly])
_complexes_cache[self.poly][self.index - reals_count] = interval
def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
# don't allow subs to change anything
return self
def _eval_conjugate(self):
if self.is_real:
return self
expr, i = self.args
return self.func(expr, i + (1 if self._get_interval().conj else -1))
def eval_approx(self, n, return_mpmath=False):
"""Evaluate this complex root to the given precision.
This uses secant method and root bounds are used to both
generate an initial guess and to check that the root
returned is valid. If ever the method converges outside the
root bounds, the bounds will be made smaller and updated.
prec = dps_to_prec(n)
with workprec(prec):
g = self.poly.gen
if not g.is_Symbol:
d = Dummy('x')
if self.is_imaginary:
d *= I
func = lambdify(d, self.expr.subs(g, d))
expr = self.expr
if self.is_imaginary:
expr = self.expr.subs(g, I*g)
func = lambdify(g, expr)
interval = self._get_interval()
while True:
if self.is_real:
a = mpf(str(interval.a))
b = mpf(str(interval.b))
if a == b:
root = a
x0 = mpf(str(interval.center))
x1 = x0 + mpf(str(interval.dx))/4
elif self.is_imaginary:
a = mpf(str(interval.ay))
b = mpf(str(interval.by))
if a == b:
root = mpc(mpf('0'), a)
x0 = mpf(str(interval.center[1]))
x1 = x0 + mpf(str(interval.dy))/4
ax = mpf(str(interval.ax))
bx = mpf(str(interval.bx))
ay = mpf(str(interval.ay))
by = mpf(str(interval.by))
if ax == bx and ay == by:
root = mpc(ax, ay)
x0 = mpc(*map(str, interval.center))
x1 = x0 + mpc(*map(str, (interval.dx, interval.dy)))/4
# without a tolerance, this will return when (to within
# the given precision) x_i == x_{i-1}
root = findroot(func, (x0, x1))
# If the (real or complex) root is not in the 'interval',
# then keep refining the interval. This happens if findroot
# accidentally finds a different root outside of this
# interval because our initial estimate 'x0' was not close
# enough. It is also possible that the secant method will
# get trapped by a max/min in the interval; the root
# verification by findroot will raise a ValueError in this
# case and the interval will then be tightened -- and
# eventually the root will be found.
# It is also possible that findroot will not have any
# successful iterations to process (in which case it
# will fail to initialize a variable that is tested
# after the iterations and raise an UnboundLocalError).
if self.is_real or self.is_imaginary:
if not bool(root.imag) == self.is_real and (
a <= root <= b):
if self.is_imaginary:
root = mpc(mpf('0'), root.real)
elif (ax <= root.real <= bx and ay <= root.imag <= by):
except (UnboundLocalError, ValueError):
interval = interval.refine()
# update the interval so we at least (for this precision or
# less) don't have much work to do to recompute the root
if return_mpmath:
return root
return (Float._new(root.real._mpf_, prec) +
I*Float._new(root.imag._mpf_, prec))
def _eval_evalf(self, prec, **kwargs):
"""Evaluate this complex root to the given precision."""
# all kwargs are ignored
return self.eval_rational(n=prec_to_dps(prec))._evalf(prec)
def eval_rational(self, dx=None, dy=None, n=15):
Return a Rational approximation of ``self`` that has real
and imaginary component approximations that are within ``dx``
and ``dy`` of the true values, respectively. Alternatively,
``n`` digits of precision can be specified.
The interval is refined with bisection and is sure to
converge. The root bounds are updated when the refinement
is complete so recalculation at the same or lesser precision
will not have to repeat the refinement and should be much
The following example first obtains Rational approximation to
1e-8 accuracy for all roots of the 4-th order Legendre
polynomial. Since the roots are all less than 1, this will
ensure the decimal representation of the approximation will be
correct (including rounding) to 6 digits:
>>> from sympy import legendre_poly, Symbol
>>> x = Symbol("x")
>>> p = legendre_poly(4, x, polys=True)
>>> r = p.real_roots()[-1]
>>> r.eval_rational(10**-8).n(6)
It is not necessary to a two-step calculation, however: the
decimal representation can be computed directly:
>>> r.evalf(17)
dy = dy or dx
if dx:
rtol = None
dx = dx if isinstance(dx, Rational) else Rational(str(dx))
dy = dy if isinstance(dy, Rational) else Rational(str(dy))
# 5 binary (or 2 decimal) digits are needed to ensure that
# a given digit is correctly rounded
# prec_to_dps(dps_to_prec(n) + 5) - n <= 2 (tested for
# n in range(1000000)
rtol = S(10)**-(n + 2) # +2 for guard digits
interval = self._get_interval()
while True:
if self.is_real:
if rtol:
dx = abs(interval.center*rtol)
interval = interval.refine_size(dx=dx)
c = interval.center
real = Rational(c)
imag = S.Zero
if not rtol or interval.dx < abs(c*rtol):
elif self.is_imaginary:
if rtol:
dy = abs(interval.center[1]*rtol)
dx = 1
interval = interval.refine_size(dx=dx, dy=dy)
c = interval.center[1]
imag = Rational(c)
real = S.Zero
if not rtol or interval.dy < abs(c*rtol):
if rtol:
dx = abs(interval.center[0]*rtol)
dy = abs(interval.center[1]*rtol)
interval = interval.refine_size(dx, dy)
c = interval.center
real, imag = map(Rational, c)
if not rtol or (
interval.dx < abs(c[0]*rtol) and
interval.dy < abs(c[1]*rtol)):
# update the interval so we at least (for this precision or
# less) don't have much work to do to recompute the root
return real + I*imag
CRootOf = ComplexRootOf
@dispatch(ComplexRootOf, ComplexRootOf)
def _eval_is_eq(lhs, rhs): # noqa:F811
# if we use is_eq to check here, we get infinite recurion
return lhs == rhs
@dispatch(ComplexRootOf, Basic) # type:ignore
def _eval_is_eq(lhs, rhs): # noqa:F811
# CRootOf represents a Root, so if rhs is that root, it should set
# the expression to zero *and* it should be in the interval of the
# CRootOf instance. It must also be a number that agrees with the
# is_real value of the CRootOf instance.
if not rhs.is_number:
return None
if not rhs.is_finite:
return False
z = lhs.expr.subs(lhs.expr.free_symbols.pop(), rhs).is_zero
if z is False: # all roots will make z True but we don't know
# whether this is the right root if z is True
return False
o = rhs.is_real, rhs.is_imaginary
s = lhs.is_real, lhs.is_imaginary
assert None not in s # this is part of initial refinement
if o != s and None not in o:
return False
re, im = rhs.as_real_imag()
if lhs.is_real:
if im:
return False
i = lhs._get_interval()
a, b = [Rational(str(_)) for _ in (i.a, i.b)]
return sympify(a <= rhs and rhs <= b)
i = lhs._get_interval()
r1, r2, i1, i2 = [Rational(str(j)) for j in (
i.ax, i.bx, i.ay, i.by)]
return is_le(r1, re) and is_le(re,r2) and is_le(i1,im) and is_le(im,i2)
class RootSum(Expr):
"""Represents a sum of all roots of a univariate polynomial. """
__slots__ = ('poly', 'fun', 'auto')
def __new__(cls, expr, func=None, x=None, auto=True, quadratic=False):
"""Construct a new ``RootSum`` instance of roots of a polynomial."""
coeff, poly = cls._transform(expr, x)
if not poly.is_univariate:
raise MultivariatePolynomialError(
"only univariate polynomials are allowed")
if func is None:
func = Lambda(poly.gen, poly.gen)
is_func = getattr(func, 'is_Function', False)
if is_func and 1 in func.nargs:
if not isinstance(func, Lambda):
func = Lambda(poly.gen, func(poly.gen))
raise ValueError(
"expected a univariate function, got %s" % func)
var, expr = func.variables[0], func.expr
if coeff is not S.One:
expr = expr.subs(var, coeff*var)
deg = poly.degree()
if not expr.has(var):
return deg*expr
if expr.is_Add:
add_const, expr = expr.as_independent(var)
add_const = S.Zero
if expr.is_Mul:
mul_const, expr = expr.as_independent(var)
mul_const = S.One
func = Lambda(var, expr)
rational = cls._is_func_rational(poly, func)
factors, terms = _pure_factors(poly), []
for poly, k in factors:
if poly.is_linear:
term = func(roots_linear(poly)[0])
elif quadratic and poly.is_quadratic:
term = sum(map(func, roots_quadratic(poly)))
if not rational or not auto:
term = cls._new(poly, func, auto)
term = cls._rational_case(poly, func)
return mul_const*Add(*terms) + deg*add_const
def _new(cls, poly, func, auto=True):
"""Construct new raw ``RootSum`` instance. """
obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
obj.poly = poly
obj.fun = func
obj.auto = auto
return obj
def new(cls, poly, func, auto=True):
"""Construct new ``RootSum`` instance. """
if not func.expr.has(*func.variables):
return func.expr
rational = cls._is_func_rational(poly, func)
if not rational or not auto:
return cls._new(poly, func, auto)
return cls._rational_case(poly, func)
def _transform(cls, expr, x):
"""Transform an expression to a polynomial. """
poly = PurePoly(expr, x, greedy=False)
return preprocess_roots(poly)
def _is_func_rational(cls, poly, func):
"""Check if a lambda is a rational function. """
var, expr = func.variables[0], func.expr
return expr.is_rational_function(var)
def _rational_case(cls, poly, func):
"""Handle the rational function case. """
roots = symbols('r:%d' % poly.degree())
var, expr = func.variables[0], func.expr
f = sum(expr.subs(var, r) for r in roots)
p, q = together(f).as_numer_denom()
domain = QQ[roots]
p = p.expand()
q = q.expand()
p = Poly(p, domain=domain, expand=False)
except GeneratorsNeeded:
p, p_coeff = None, (p,)
p_monom, p_coeff = zip(*p.terms())
q = Poly(q, domain=domain, expand=False)
except GeneratorsNeeded:
q, q_coeff = None, (q,)
q_monom, q_coeff = zip(*q.terms())
coeffs, mapping = symmetrize(p_coeff + q_coeff, formal=True)
formulas, values = viete(poly, roots), []
for (sym, _), (_, val) in zip(mapping, formulas):
values.append((sym, val))
for i, (coeff, _) in enumerate(coeffs):
coeffs[i] = coeff.subs(values)
n = len(p_coeff)
p_coeff = coeffs[:n]
q_coeff = coeffs[n:]
if p is not None:
p = Poly(dict(zip(p_monom, p_coeff)), *p.gens).as_expr()
(p,) = p_coeff
if q is not None:
q = Poly(dict(zip(q_monom, q_coeff)), *q.gens).as_expr()
(q,) = q_coeff
return factor(p/q)
def _hashable_content(self):
return (self.poly, self.fun)
def expr(self):
return self.poly.as_expr()
def args(self):
return (self.expr, self.fun, self.poly.gen)
def free_symbols(self):
return self.poly.free_symbols | self.fun.free_symbols
def is_commutative(self):
return True
def doit(self, **hints):
if not hints.get('roots', True):
return self
_roots = roots(self.poly, multiple=True)
if len(_roots) < self.poly.degree():
return self
return Add(*[self.fun(r) for r in _roots])
def _eval_evalf(self, prec):
_roots = self.poly.nroots(n=prec_to_dps(prec))
except (DomainError, PolynomialError):
return self
return Add(*[self.fun(r) for r in _roots])
def _eval_derivative(self, x):
var, expr = self.fun.args
func = Lambda(var, expr.diff(x))
return self.new(self.poly, func, self.auto)