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3278 lines
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A Printer which converts an expression into its LaTeX equivalent.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING
import itertools
from sympy.core import Add, Float, Mod, Mul, Number, S, Symbol, Expr
from sympy.core.alphabets import greeks
from sympy.core.containers import Tuple
from sympy.core.function import Function, AppliedUndef, Derivative
from sympy.core.operations import AssocOp
from sympy.core.power import Pow
from sympy.core.sorting import default_sort_key
from sympy.core.sympify import SympifyError
from sympy.logic.boolalg import true, BooleanTrue, BooleanFalse
from sympy.tensor.array import NDimArray
# sympy.printing imports
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence_traditional
from sympy.printing.printer import Printer, print_function
from sympy.printing.conventions import split_super_sub, requires_partial
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence, PRECEDENCE
from mpmath.libmp.libmpf import prec_to_dps, to_str as mlib_to_str
from sympy.utilities.iterables import has_variety, sift
import re
from sympy.vector.basisdependent import BasisDependent
# Hand-picked functions which can be used directly in both LaTeX and MathJax
# Complete list at
# https://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html#supported-latex-commands
# This variable only contains those functions which SymPy uses.
accepted_latex_functions = ['arcsin', 'arccos', 'arctan', 'sin', 'cos', 'tan',
'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'sqrt', 'ln', 'log', 'sec',
'csc', 'cot', 'coth', 're', 'im', 'frac', 'root',
tex_greek_dictionary = {
'Alpha': r'\mathrm{A}',
'Beta': r'\mathrm{B}',
'Gamma': r'\Gamma',
'Delta': r'\Delta',
'Epsilon': r'\mathrm{E}',
'Zeta': r'\mathrm{Z}',
'Eta': r'\mathrm{H}',
'Theta': r'\Theta',
'Iota': r'\mathrm{I}',
'Kappa': r'\mathrm{K}',
'Lambda': r'\Lambda',
'Mu': r'\mathrm{M}',
'Nu': r'\mathrm{N}',
'Xi': r'\Xi',
'omicron': 'o',
'Omicron': r'\mathrm{O}',
'Pi': r'\Pi',
'Rho': r'\mathrm{P}',
'Sigma': r'\Sigma',
'Tau': r'\mathrm{T}',
'Upsilon': r'\Upsilon',
'Phi': r'\Phi',
'Chi': r'\mathrm{X}',
'Psi': r'\Psi',
'Omega': r'\Omega',
'lamda': r'\lambda',
'Lamda': r'\Lambda',
'khi': r'\chi',
'Khi': r'\mathrm{X}',
'varepsilon': r'\varepsilon',
'varkappa': r'\varkappa',
'varphi': r'\varphi',
'varpi': r'\varpi',
'varrho': r'\varrho',
'varsigma': r'\varsigma',
'vartheta': r'\vartheta',
other_symbols = {'aleph', 'beth', 'daleth', 'gimel', 'ell', 'eth', 'hbar',
'hslash', 'mho', 'wp'}
# Variable name modifiers
modifier_dict: dict[str, Callable[[str], str]] = {
# Accents
'mathring': lambda s: r'\mathring{'+s+r'}',
'ddddot': lambda s: r'\ddddot{'+s+r'}',
'dddot': lambda s: r'\dddot{'+s+r'}',
'ddot': lambda s: r'\ddot{'+s+r'}',
'dot': lambda s: r'\dot{'+s+r'}',
'check': lambda s: r'\check{'+s+r'}',
'breve': lambda s: r'\breve{'+s+r'}',
'acute': lambda s: r'\acute{'+s+r'}',
'grave': lambda s: r'\grave{'+s+r'}',
'tilde': lambda s: r'\tilde{'+s+r'}',
'hat': lambda s: r'\hat{'+s+r'}',
'bar': lambda s: r'\bar{'+s+r'}',
'vec': lambda s: r'\vec{'+s+r'}',
'prime': lambda s: "{"+s+"}'",
'prm': lambda s: "{"+s+"}'",
# Faces
'bold': lambda s: r'\boldsymbol{'+s+r'}',
'bm': lambda s: r'\boldsymbol{'+s+r'}',
'cal': lambda s: r'\mathcal{'+s+r'}',
'scr': lambda s: r'\mathscr{'+s+r'}',
'frak': lambda s: r'\mathfrak{'+s+r'}',
# Brackets
'norm': lambda s: r'\left\|{'+s+r'}\right\|',
'avg': lambda s: r'\left\langle{'+s+r'}\right\rangle',
'abs': lambda s: r'\left|{'+s+r'}\right|',
'mag': lambda s: r'\left|{'+s+r'}\right|',
greek_letters_set = frozenset(greeks)
_between_two_numbers_p = (
re.compile(r'[0-9][} ]*$'), # search
re.compile(r'[0-9]'), # match
def latex_escape(s: str) -> str:
Escape a string such that latex interprets it as plaintext.
We cannot use verbatim easily with mathjax, so escaping is easier.
Rules from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/34586/41112.
s = s.replace('\\', r'\textbackslash')
for c in '&%$#_{}':
s = s.replace(c, '\\' + c)
s = s.replace('~', r'\textasciitilde')
s = s.replace('^', r'\textasciicircum')
return s
class LatexPrinter(Printer):
printmethod = "_latex"
_default_settings: dict[str, Any] = {
"full_prec": False,
"fold_frac_powers": False,
"fold_func_brackets": False,
"fold_short_frac": None,
"inv_trig_style": "abbreviated",
"itex": False,
"ln_notation": False,
"long_frac_ratio": None,
"mat_delim": "[",
"mat_str": None,
"mode": "plain",
"mul_symbol": None,
"order": None,
"symbol_names": {},
"root_notation": True,
"mat_symbol_style": "plain",
"imaginary_unit": "i",
"gothic_re_im": False,
"decimal_separator": "period",
"perm_cyclic": True,
"parenthesize_super": True,
"min": None,
"max": None,
"diff_operator": "d",
def __init__(self, settings=None):
Printer.__init__(self, settings)
if 'mode' in self._settings:
valid_modes = ['inline', 'plain', 'equation',
if self._settings['mode'] not in valid_modes:
raise ValueError("'mode' must be one of 'inline', 'plain', "
"'equation' or 'equation*'")
if self._settings['fold_short_frac'] is None and \
self._settings['mode'] == 'inline':
self._settings['fold_short_frac'] = True
mul_symbol_table = {
None: r" ",
"ldot": r" \,.\, ",
"dot": r" \cdot ",
"times": r" \times "
self._settings['mul_symbol_latex'] = \
except KeyError:
self._settings['mul_symbol_latex'] = \
self._settings['mul_symbol_latex_numbers'] = \
mul_symbol_table[self._settings['mul_symbol'] or 'dot']
except KeyError:
if (self._settings['mul_symbol'].strip() in
['', ' ', '\\', '\\,', '\\:', '\\;', '\\quad']):
self._settings['mul_symbol_latex_numbers'] = \
self._settings['mul_symbol_latex_numbers'] = \
self._delim_dict = {'(': ')', '[': ']'}
imaginary_unit_table = {
None: r"i",
"i": r"i",
"ri": r"\mathrm{i}",
"ti": r"\text{i}",
"j": r"j",
"rj": r"\mathrm{j}",
"tj": r"\text{j}",
imag_unit = self._settings['imaginary_unit']
self._settings['imaginary_unit_latex'] = imaginary_unit_table.get(imag_unit, imag_unit)
diff_operator_table = {
None: r"d",
"d": r"d",
"rd": r"\mathrm{d}",
"td": r"\text{d}",
diff_operator = self._settings['diff_operator']
self._settings["diff_operator_latex"] = diff_operator_table.get(diff_operator, diff_operator)
def _add_parens(self, s) -> str:
return r"\left({}\right)".format(s)
# TODO: merge this with the above, which requires a lot of test changes
def _add_parens_lspace(self, s) -> str:
return r"\left( {}\right)".format(s)
def parenthesize(self, item, level, is_neg=False, strict=False) -> str:
prec_val = precedence_traditional(item)
if is_neg and strict:
return self._add_parens(self._print(item))
if (prec_val < level) or ((not strict) and prec_val <= level):
return self._add_parens(self._print(item))
return self._print(item)
def parenthesize_super(self, s):
Protect superscripts in s
If the parenthesize_super option is set, protect with parentheses, else
wrap in braces.
if "^" in s:
if self._settings['parenthesize_super']:
return self._add_parens(s)
return "{{{}}}".format(s)
return s
def doprint(self, expr) -> str:
tex = Printer.doprint(self, expr)
if self._settings['mode'] == 'plain':
return tex
elif self._settings['mode'] == 'inline':
return r"$%s$" % tex
elif self._settings['itex']:
return r"$$%s$$" % tex
env_str = self._settings['mode']
return r"\begin{%s}%s\end{%s}" % (env_str, tex, env_str)
def _needs_brackets(self, expr) -> bool:
Returns True if the expression needs to be wrapped in brackets when
printed, False otherwise. For example: a + b => True; a => False;
10 => False; -10 => True.
return not ((expr.is_Integer and expr.is_nonnegative)
or (expr.is_Atom and (expr is not S.NegativeOne
and expr.is_Rational is False)))
def _needs_function_brackets(self, expr) -> bool:
Returns True if the expression needs to be wrapped in brackets when
passed as an argument to a function, False otherwise. This is a more
liberal version of _needs_brackets, in that many expressions which need
to be wrapped in brackets when added/subtracted/raised to a power do
not need them when passed to a function. Such an example is a*b.
if not self._needs_brackets(expr):
return False
# Muls of the form a*b*c... can be folded
if expr.is_Mul and not self._mul_is_clean(expr):
return True
# Pows which don't need brackets can be folded
elif expr.is_Pow and not self._pow_is_clean(expr):
return True
# Add and Function always need brackets
elif expr.is_Add or expr.is_Function:
return True
return False
def _needs_mul_brackets(self, expr, first=False, last=False) -> bool:
Returns True if the expression needs to be wrapped in brackets when
printed as part of a Mul, False otherwise. This is True for Add,
but also for some container objects that would not need brackets
when appearing last in a Mul, e.g. an Integral. ``last=True``
specifies that this expr is the last to appear in a Mul.
``first=True`` specifies that this expr is the first to appear in
a Mul.
from sympy.concrete.products import Product
from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
if expr.is_Mul:
if not first and expr.could_extract_minus_sign():
return True
elif precedence_traditional(expr) < PRECEDENCE["Mul"]:
return True
elif expr.is_Relational:
return True
if expr.is_Piecewise:
return True
if any(expr.has(x) for x in (Mod,)):
return True
if (not last and
any(expr.has(x) for x in (Integral, Product, Sum))):
return True
return False
def _needs_add_brackets(self, expr) -> bool:
Returns True if the expression needs to be wrapped in brackets when
printed as part of an Add, False otherwise. This is False for most
if expr.is_Relational:
return True
if any(expr.has(x) for x in (Mod,)):
return True
if expr.is_Add:
return True
return False
def _mul_is_clean(self, expr) -> bool:
for arg in expr.args:
if arg.is_Function:
return False
return True
def _pow_is_clean(self, expr) -> bool:
return not self._needs_brackets(expr.base)
def _do_exponent(self, expr: str, exp):
if exp is not None:
return r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}" % (expr, exp)
return expr
def _print_Basic(self, expr):
name = self._deal_with_super_sub(expr.__class__.__name__)
if expr.args:
ls = [self._print(o) for o in expr.args]
s = r"\operatorname{{{}}}\left({}\right)"
return s.format(name, ", ".join(ls))
return r"\text{{{}}}".format(name)
def _print_bool(self, e: bool | BooleanTrue | BooleanFalse):
return r"\text{%s}" % e
_print_BooleanTrue = _print_bool
_print_BooleanFalse = _print_bool
def _print_NoneType(self, e):
return r"\text{%s}" % e
def _print_Add(self, expr, order=None):
terms = self._as_ordered_terms(expr, order=order)
tex = ""
for i, term in enumerate(terms):
if i == 0:
elif term.could_extract_minus_sign():
tex += " - "
term = -term
tex += " + "
term_tex = self._print(term)
if self._needs_add_brackets(term):
term_tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % term_tex
tex += term_tex
return tex
def _print_Cycle(self, expr):
from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
if expr.size == 0:
return r"\left( \right)"
expr = Permutation(expr)
expr_perm = expr.cyclic_form
siz = expr.size
if expr.array_form[-1] == siz - 1:
expr_perm = expr_perm + [[siz - 1]]
term_tex = ''
for i in expr_perm:
term_tex += str(i).replace(',', r"\;")
term_tex = term_tex.replace('[', r"\left( ")
term_tex = term_tex.replace(']', r"\right)")
return term_tex
def _print_Permutation(self, expr):
from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
from sympy.utilities.exceptions import sympy_deprecation_warning
perm_cyclic = Permutation.print_cyclic
if perm_cyclic is not None:
Setting Permutation.print_cyclic is deprecated. Instead use
perm_cyclic = self._settings.get("perm_cyclic", True)
if perm_cyclic:
return self._print_Cycle(expr)
if expr.size == 0:
return r"\left( \right)"
lower = [self._print(arg) for arg in expr.array_form]
upper = [self._print(arg) for arg in range(len(lower))]
row1 = " & ".join(upper)
row2 = " & ".join(lower)
mat = r" \\ ".join((row1, row2))
return r"\begin{pmatrix} %s \end{pmatrix}" % mat
def _print_AppliedPermutation(self, expr):
perm, var = expr.args
return r"\sigma_{%s}(%s)" % (self._print(perm), self._print(var))
def _print_Float(self, expr):
# Based off of that in StrPrinter
dps = prec_to_dps(expr._prec)
strip = False if self._settings['full_prec'] else True
low = self._settings["min"] if "min" in self._settings else None
high = self._settings["max"] if "max" in self._settings else None
str_real = mlib_to_str(expr._mpf_, dps, strip_zeros=strip, min_fixed=low, max_fixed=high)
# Must always have a mul symbol (as 2.5 10^{20} just looks odd)
# thus we use the number separator
separator = self._settings['mul_symbol_latex_numbers']
if 'e' in str_real:
(mant, exp) = str_real.split('e')
if exp[0] == '+':
exp = exp[1:]
if self._settings['decimal_separator'] == 'comma':
mant = mant.replace('.','{,}')
return r"%s%s10^{%s}" % (mant, separator, exp)
elif str_real == "+inf":
return r"\infty"
elif str_real == "-inf":
return r"- \infty"
if self._settings['decimal_separator'] == 'comma':
str_real = str_real.replace('.','{,}')
return str_real
def _print_Cross(self, expr):
vec1 = expr._expr1
vec2 = expr._expr2
return r"%s \times %s" % (self.parenthesize(vec1, PRECEDENCE['Mul']),
self.parenthesize(vec2, PRECEDENCE['Mul']))
def _print_Curl(self, expr):
vec = expr._expr
return r"\nabla\times %s" % self.parenthesize(vec, PRECEDENCE['Mul'])
def _print_Divergence(self, expr):
vec = expr._expr
return r"\nabla\cdot %s" % self.parenthesize(vec, PRECEDENCE['Mul'])
def _print_Dot(self, expr):
vec1 = expr._expr1
vec2 = expr._expr2
return r"%s \cdot %s" % (self.parenthesize(vec1, PRECEDENCE['Mul']),
self.parenthesize(vec2, PRECEDENCE['Mul']))
def _print_Gradient(self, expr):
func = expr._expr
return r"\nabla %s" % self.parenthesize(func, PRECEDENCE['Mul'])
def _print_Laplacian(self, expr):
func = expr._expr
return r"\Delta %s" % self.parenthesize(func, PRECEDENCE['Mul'])
def _print_Mul(self, expr: Expr):
from sympy.simplify import fraction
separator: str = self._settings['mul_symbol_latex']
numbersep: str = self._settings['mul_symbol_latex_numbers']
def convert(expr) -> str:
if not expr.is_Mul:
return str(self._print(expr))
if self.order not in ('old', 'none'):
args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
args = list(expr.args)
# If there are quantities or prefixes, append them at the back.
units, nonunits = sift(args, lambda x: (hasattr(x, "_scale_factor") or hasattr(x, "is_physical_constant")) or
(isinstance(x, Pow) and
hasattr(x.base, "is_physical_constant")), binary=True)
prefixes, units = sift(units, lambda x: hasattr(x, "_scale_factor"), binary=True)
return convert_args(nonunits + prefixes + units)
def convert_args(args) -> str:
_tex = last_term_tex = ""
for i, term in enumerate(args):
term_tex = self._print(term)
if not (hasattr(term, "_scale_factor") or hasattr(term, "is_physical_constant")):
if self._needs_mul_brackets(term, first=(i == 0),
last=(i == len(args) - 1)):
term_tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % term_tex
if _between_two_numbers_p[0].search(last_term_tex) and \
# between two numbers
_tex += numbersep
elif _tex:
_tex += separator
elif _tex:
_tex += separator
_tex += term_tex
last_term_tex = term_tex
return _tex
# Check for unevaluated Mul. In this case we need to make sure the
# identities are visible, multiple Rational factors are not combined
# etc so we display in a straight-forward form that fully preserves all
# args and their order.
# XXX: _print_Pow calls this routine with instances of Pow...
if isinstance(expr, Mul):
args = expr.args
if args[0] is S.One or any(isinstance(arg, Number) for arg in args[1:]):
return convert_args(args)
include_parens = False
if expr.could_extract_minus_sign():
expr = -expr
tex = "- "
if expr.is_Add:
tex += "("
include_parens = True
tex = ""
numer, denom = fraction(expr, exact=True)
if denom is S.One and Pow(1, -1, evaluate=False) not in expr.args:
# use the original expression here, since fraction() may have
# altered it when producing numer and denom
tex += convert(expr)
snumer = convert(numer)
sdenom = convert(denom)
ldenom = len(sdenom.split())
ratio = self._settings['long_frac_ratio']
if self._settings['fold_short_frac'] and ldenom <= 2 and \
"^" not in sdenom:
# handle short fractions
if self._needs_mul_brackets(numer, last=False):
tex += r"\left(%s\right) / %s" % (snumer, sdenom)
tex += r"%s / %s" % (snumer, sdenom)
elif ratio is not None and \
len(snumer.split()) > ratio*ldenom:
# handle long fractions
if self._needs_mul_brackets(numer, last=True):
tex += r"\frac{1}{%s}%s\left(%s\right)" \
% (sdenom, separator, snumer)
elif numer.is_Mul:
# split a long numerator
a = S.One
b = S.One
for x in numer.args:
if self._needs_mul_brackets(x, last=False) or \
len(convert(a*x).split()) > ratio*ldenom or \
(b.is_commutative is x.is_commutative is False):
b *= x
a *= x
if self._needs_mul_brackets(b, last=True):
tex += r"\frac{%s}{%s}%s\left(%s\right)" \
% (convert(a), sdenom, separator, convert(b))
tex += r"\frac{%s}{%s}%s%s" \
% (convert(a), sdenom, separator, convert(b))
tex += r"\frac{1}{%s}%s%s" % (sdenom, separator, snumer)
tex += r"\frac{%s}{%s}" % (snumer, sdenom)
if include_parens:
tex += ")"
return tex
def _print_AlgebraicNumber(self, expr):
if expr.is_aliased:
return self._print(expr.as_poly().as_expr())
return self._print(expr.as_expr())
def _print_PrimeIdeal(self, expr):
p = self._print(expr.p)
if expr.is_inert:
return rf'\left({p}\right)'
alpha = self._print(expr.alpha.as_expr())
return rf'\left({p}, {alpha}\right)'
def _print_Pow(self, expr: Pow):
# Treat x**Rational(1,n) as special case
if expr.exp.is_Rational:
p: int = expr.exp.p # type: ignore
q: int = expr.exp.q # type: ignore
if abs(p) == 1 and q != 1 and self._settings['root_notation']:
base = self._print(expr.base)
if q == 2:
tex = r"\sqrt{%s}" % base
elif self._settings['itex']:
tex = r"\root{%d}{%s}" % (q, base)
tex = r"\sqrt[%d]{%s}" % (q, base)
if expr.exp.is_negative:
return r"\frac{1}{%s}" % tex
return tex
elif self._settings['fold_frac_powers'] and q != 1:
base = self.parenthesize(expr.base, PRECEDENCE['Pow'])
# issue #12886: add parentheses for superscripts raised to powers
if expr.base.is_Symbol:
base = self.parenthesize_super(base)
if expr.base.is_Function:
return self._print(expr.base, exp="%s/%s" % (p, q))
return r"%s^{%s/%s}" % (base, p, q)
elif expr.exp.is_negative and expr.base.is_commutative:
# special case for 1^(-x), issue 9216
if expr.base == 1:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (expr.base, expr.exp)
# special case for (1/x)^(-y) and (-1/-x)^(-y), issue 20252
if expr.base.is_Rational:
base_p: int = expr.base.p # type: ignore
base_q: int = expr.base.q # type: ignore
if base_p * base_q == abs(base_q):
if expr.exp == -1:
return r"\frac{1}{\frac{%s}{%s}}" % (base_p, base_q)
return r"\frac{1}{(\frac{%s}{%s})^{%s}}" % (base_p, base_q, abs(expr.exp))
# things like 1/x
return self._print_Mul(expr)
if expr.base.is_Function:
return self._print(expr.base, exp=self._print(expr.exp))
tex = r"%s^{%s}"
return self._helper_print_standard_power(expr, tex)
def _helper_print_standard_power(self, expr, template: str) -> str:
exp = self._print(expr.exp)
# issue #12886: add parentheses around superscripts raised
# to powers
base = self.parenthesize(expr.base, PRECEDENCE['Pow'])
if expr.base.is_Symbol:
base = self.parenthesize_super(base)
elif (isinstance(expr.base, Derivative)
and base.startswith(r'\left(')
and re.match(r'\\left\(\\d?d?dot', base)
and base.endswith(r'\right)')):
# don't use parentheses around dotted derivative
base = base[6: -7] # remove outermost added parens
return template % (base, exp)
def _print_UnevaluatedExpr(self, expr):
return self._print(expr.args[0])
def _print_Sum(self, expr):
if len(expr.limits) == 1:
tex = r"\sum_{%s=%s}^{%s} " % \
tuple([self._print(i) for i in expr.limits[0]])
def _format_ineq(l):
return r"%s \leq %s \leq %s" % \
tuple([self._print(s) for s in (l[1], l[0], l[2])])
tex = r"\sum_{\substack{%s}} " % \
str.join('\\\\', [_format_ineq(l) for l in expr.limits])
if isinstance(expr.function, Add):
tex += r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.function)
tex += self._print(expr.function)
return tex
def _print_Product(self, expr):
if len(expr.limits) == 1:
tex = r"\prod_{%s=%s}^{%s} " % \
tuple([self._print(i) for i in expr.limits[0]])
def _format_ineq(l):
return r"%s \leq %s \leq %s" % \
tuple([self._print(s) for s in (l[1], l[0], l[2])])
tex = r"\prod_{\substack{%s}} " % \
str.join('\\\\', [_format_ineq(l) for l in expr.limits])
if isinstance(expr.function, Add):
tex += r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.function)
tex += self._print(expr.function)
return tex
def _print_BasisDependent(self, expr: 'BasisDependent'):
from sympy.vector import Vector
o1: list[str] = []
if expr == expr.zero:
return expr.zero._latex_form
if isinstance(expr, Vector):
items = expr.separate().items()
items = [(0, expr)]
for system, vect in items:
inneritems = list(vect.components.items())
inneritems.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].__str__())
for k, v in inneritems:
if v == 1:
o1.append(' + ' + k._latex_form)
elif v == -1:
o1.append(' - ' + k._latex_form)
arg_str = r'\left(' + self._print(v) + r'\right)'
o1.append(' + ' + arg_str + k._latex_form)
outstr = (''.join(o1))
if outstr[1] != '-':
outstr = outstr[3:]
outstr = outstr[1:]
return outstr
def _print_Indexed(self, expr):
tex_base = self._print(expr.base)
tex = '{'+tex_base+'}'+'_{%s}' % ','.join(
map(self._print, expr.indices))
return tex
def _print_IndexedBase(self, expr):
return self._print(expr.label)
def _print_Idx(self, expr):
label = self._print(expr.label)
if expr.upper is not None:
upper = self._print(expr.upper)
if expr.lower is not None:
lower = self._print(expr.lower)
lower = self._print(S.Zero)
interval = '{lower}\\mathrel{{..}}\\nobreak {upper}'.format(
lower = lower, upper = upper)
return '{{{label}}}_{{{interval}}}'.format(
label = label, interval = interval)
#if no bounds are defined this just prints the label
return label
def _print_Derivative(self, expr):
if requires_partial(expr.expr):
diff_symbol = r'\partial'
diff_symbol = self._settings["diff_operator_latex"]
tex = ""
dim = 0
for x, num in reversed(expr.variable_count):
dim += num
if num == 1:
tex += r"%s %s" % (diff_symbol, self._print(x))
tex += r"%s %s^{%s}" % (diff_symbol,
if dim == 1:
tex = r"\frac{%s}{%s}" % (diff_symbol, tex)
tex = r"\frac{%s^{%s}}{%s}" % (diff_symbol, self._print(dim), tex)
if any(i.could_extract_minus_sign() for i in expr.args):
return r"%s %s" % (tex, self.parenthesize(expr.expr,
return r"%s %s" % (tex, self.parenthesize(expr.expr,
def _print_Subs(self, subs):
expr, old, new = subs.args
latex_expr = self._print(expr)
latex_old = (self._print(e) for e in old)
latex_new = (self._print(e) for e in new)
latex_subs = r'\\ '.join(
e[0] + '=' + e[1] for e in zip(latex_old, latex_new))
return r'\left. %s \right|_{\substack{ %s }}' % (latex_expr,
def _print_Integral(self, expr):
tex, symbols = "", []
diff_symbol = self._settings["diff_operator_latex"]
# Only up to \iiiint exists
if len(expr.limits) <= 4 and all(len(lim) == 1 for lim in expr.limits):
# Use len(expr.limits)-1 so that syntax highlighters don't think
# \" is an escaped quote
tex = r"\i" + "i"*(len(expr.limits) - 1) + "nt"
symbols = [r"\, %s%s" % (diff_symbol, self._print(symbol[0]))
for symbol in expr.limits]
for lim in reversed(expr.limits):
symbol = lim[0]
tex += r"\int"
if len(lim) > 1:
if self._settings['mode'] != 'inline' \
and not self._settings['itex']:
tex += r"\limits"
if len(lim) == 3:
tex += "_{%s}^{%s}" % (self._print(lim[1]),
if len(lim) == 2:
tex += "^{%s}" % (self._print(lim[1]))
symbols.insert(0, r"\, %s%s" % (diff_symbol, self._print(symbol)))
return r"%s %s%s" % (tex, self.parenthesize(expr.function,
is_neg=any(i.could_extract_minus_sign() for i in expr.args),
def _print_Limit(self, expr):
e, z, z0, dir = expr.args
tex = r"\lim_{%s \to " % self._print(z)
if str(dir) == '+-' or z0 in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
tex += r"%s}" % self._print(z0)
tex += r"%s^%s}" % (self._print(z0), self._print(dir))
if isinstance(e, AssocOp):
return r"%s\left(%s\right)" % (tex, self._print(e))
return r"%s %s" % (tex, self._print(e))
def _hprint_Function(self, func: str) -> str:
Logic to decide how to render a function to latex
- if it is a recognized latex name, use the appropriate latex command
- if it is a single letter, excluding sub- and superscripts, just use that letter
- if it is a longer name, then put \operatorname{} around it and be
mindful of undercores in the name
func = self._deal_with_super_sub(func)
superscriptidx = func.find("^")
subscriptidx = func.find("_")
if func in accepted_latex_functions:
name = r"\%s" % func
elif len(func) == 1 or func.startswith('\\') or subscriptidx == 1 or superscriptidx == 1:
name = func
if superscriptidx > 0 and subscriptidx > 0:
name = r"\operatorname{%s}%s" %(
elif superscriptidx > 0:
name = r"\operatorname{%s}%s" %(
elif subscriptidx > 0:
name = r"\operatorname{%s}%s" %(
name = r"\operatorname{%s}" % func
return name
def _print_Function(self, expr: Function, exp=None) -> str:
Render functions to LaTeX, handling functions that LaTeX knows about
e.g., sin, cos, ... by using the proper LaTeX command (\sin, \cos, ...).
For single-letter function names, render them as regular LaTeX math
symbols. For multi-letter function names that LaTeX does not know
about, (e.g., Li, sech) use \operatorname{} so that the function name
is rendered in Roman font and LaTeX handles spacing properly.
expr is the expression involving the function
exp is an exponent
func = expr.func.__name__
if hasattr(self, '_print_' + func) and \
not isinstance(expr, AppliedUndef):
return getattr(self, '_print_' + func)(expr, exp)
args = [str(self._print(arg)) for arg in expr.args]
# How inverse trig functions should be displayed, formats are:
# abbreviated: asin, full: arcsin, power: sin^-1
inv_trig_style = self._settings['inv_trig_style']
# If we are dealing with a power-style inverse trig function
inv_trig_power_case = False
# If it is applicable to fold the argument brackets
can_fold_brackets = self._settings['fold_func_brackets'] and \
len(args) == 1 and \
not self._needs_function_brackets(expr.args[0])
inv_trig_table = [
"asin", "acos", "atan",
"acsc", "asec", "acot",
"asinh", "acosh", "atanh",
"acsch", "asech", "acoth",
# If the function is an inverse trig function, handle the style
if func in inv_trig_table:
if inv_trig_style == "abbreviated":
elif inv_trig_style == "full":
func = ("ar" if func[-1] == "h" else "arc") + func[1:]
elif inv_trig_style == "power":
func = func[1:]
inv_trig_power_case = True
# Can never fold brackets if we're raised to a power
if exp is not None:
can_fold_brackets = False
if inv_trig_power_case:
if func in accepted_latex_functions:
name = r"\%s^{-1}" % func
name = r"\operatorname{%s}^{-1}" % func
elif exp is not None:
func_tex = self._hprint_Function(func)
func_tex = self.parenthesize_super(func_tex)
name = r'%s^{%s}' % (func_tex, exp)
name = self._hprint_Function(func)
if can_fold_brackets:
if func in accepted_latex_functions:
# Wrap argument safely to avoid parse-time conflicts
# with the function name itself
name += r" {%s}"
name += r"%s"
name += r"{\left(%s \right)}"
if inv_trig_power_case and exp is not None:
name += r"^{%s}" % exp
return name % ",".join(args)
def _print_UndefinedFunction(self, expr):
return self._hprint_Function(str(expr))
def _print_ElementwiseApplyFunction(self, expr):
return r"{%s}_{\circ}\left({%s}\right)" % (
def _special_function_classes(self):
from sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions import KroneckerDelta
from sympy.functions.special.gamma_functions import gamma, lowergamma
from sympy.functions.special.beta_functions import beta
from sympy.functions.special.delta_functions import DiracDelta
from sympy.functions.special.error_functions import Chi
return {KroneckerDelta: r'\delta',
gamma: r'\Gamma',
lowergamma: r'\gamma',
beta: r'\operatorname{B}',
DiracDelta: r'\delta',
Chi: r'\operatorname{Chi}'}
def _print_FunctionClass(self, expr):
for cls in self._special_function_classes:
if issubclass(expr, cls) and expr.__name__ == cls.__name__:
return self._special_function_classes[cls]
return self._hprint_Function(str(expr))
def _print_Lambda(self, expr):
symbols, expr = expr.args
if len(symbols) == 1:
symbols = self._print(symbols[0])
symbols = self._print(tuple(symbols))
tex = r"\left( %s \mapsto %s \right)" % (symbols, self._print(expr))
return tex
def _print_IdentityFunction(self, expr):
return r"\left( x \mapsto x \right)"
def _hprint_variadic_function(self, expr, exp=None) -> str:
args = sorted(expr.args, key=default_sort_key)
texargs = [r"%s" % self._print(symbol) for symbol in args]
tex = r"\%s\left(%s\right)" % (str(expr.func).lower(),
", ".join(texargs))
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
_print_Min = _print_Max = _hprint_variadic_function
def _print_floor(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left\lfloor{%s}\right\rfloor" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_ceiling(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left\lceil{%s}\right\rceil" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_log(self, expr, exp=None):
if not self._settings["ln_notation"]:
tex = r"\log{\left(%s \right)}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
tex = r"\ln{\left(%s \right)}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_Abs(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left|{%s}\right|" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_re(self, expr, exp=None):
if self._settings['gothic_re_im']:
tex = r"\Re{%s}" % self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PRECEDENCE['Atom'])
tex = r"\operatorname{{re}}{{{}}}".format(self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PRECEDENCE['Atom']))
return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
def _print_im(self, expr, exp=None):
if self._settings['gothic_re_im']:
tex = r"\Im{%s}" % self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PRECEDENCE['Atom'])
tex = r"\operatorname{{im}}{{{}}}".format(self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PRECEDENCE['Atom']))
return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
def _print_Not(self, e):
from sympy.logic.boolalg import (Equivalent, Implies)
if isinstance(e.args[0], Equivalent):
return self._print_Equivalent(e.args[0], r"\not\Leftrightarrow")
if isinstance(e.args[0], Implies):
return self._print_Implies(e.args[0], r"\not\Rightarrow")
if (e.args[0].is_Boolean):
return r"\neg \left(%s\right)" % self._print(e.args[0])
return r"\neg %s" % self._print(e.args[0])
def _print_LogOp(self, args, char):
arg = args[0]
if arg.is_Boolean and not arg.is_Not:
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(arg)
tex = r"%s" % self._print(arg)
for arg in args[1:]:
if arg.is_Boolean and not arg.is_Not:
tex += r" %s \left(%s\right)" % (char, self._print(arg))
tex += r" %s %s" % (char, self._print(arg))
return tex
def _print_And(self, e):
args = sorted(e.args, key=default_sort_key)
return self._print_LogOp(args, r"\wedge")
def _print_Or(self, e):
args = sorted(e.args, key=default_sort_key)
return self._print_LogOp(args, r"\vee")
def _print_Xor(self, e):
args = sorted(e.args, key=default_sort_key)
return self._print_LogOp(args, r"\veebar")
def _print_Implies(self, e, altchar=None):
return self._print_LogOp(e.args, altchar or r"\Rightarrow")
def _print_Equivalent(self, e, altchar=None):
args = sorted(e.args, key=default_sort_key)
return self._print_LogOp(args, altchar or r"\Leftrightarrow")
def _print_conjugate(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\overline{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_polar_lift(self, expr, exp=None):
func = r"\operatorname{polar\_lift}"
arg = r"{\left(%s \right)}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}%s" % (func, exp, arg)
return r"%s%s" % (func, arg)
def _print_ExpBase(self, expr, exp=None):
# TODO should exp_polar be printed differently?
# what about exp_polar(0), exp_polar(1)?
tex = r"e^{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
def _print_Exp1(self, expr, exp=None):
return "e"
def _print_elliptic_k(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"K^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"K%s" % tex
def _print_elliptic_f(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s\middle| %s\right)" % \
(self._print(expr.args[0]), self._print(expr.args[1]))
if exp is not None:
return r"F^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"F%s" % tex
def _print_elliptic_e(self, expr, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 2:
tex = r"\left(%s\middle| %s\right)" % \
(self._print(expr.args[0]), self._print(expr.args[1]))
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"E^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"E%s" % tex
def _print_elliptic_pi(self, expr, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 3:
tex = r"\left(%s; %s\middle| %s\right)" % \
(self._print(expr.args[0]), self._print(expr.args[1]),
tex = r"\left(%s\middle| %s\right)" % \
(self._print(expr.args[0]), self._print(expr.args[1]))
if exp is not None:
return r"\Pi^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\Pi%s" % tex
def _print_beta(self, expr, exp=None):
x = expr.args[0]
# Deal with unevaluated single argument beta
y = expr.args[0] if len(expr.args) == 1 else expr.args[1]
tex = rf"\left({x}, {y}\right)"
if exp is not None:
return r"\operatorname{B}^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\operatorname{B}%s" % tex
def _print_betainc(self, expr, exp=None, operator='B'):
largs = [self._print(arg) for arg in expr.args]
tex = r"\left(%s, %s\right)" % (largs[0], largs[1])
if exp is not None:
return r"\operatorname{%s}_{(%s, %s)}^{%s}%s" % (operator, largs[2], largs[3], exp, tex)
return r"\operatorname{%s}_{(%s, %s)}%s" % (operator, largs[2], largs[3], tex)
def _print_betainc_regularized(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._print_betainc(expr, exp, operator='I')
def _print_uppergamma(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s, %s\right)" % (self._print(expr.args[0]),
if exp is not None:
return r"\Gamma^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\Gamma%s" % tex
def _print_lowergamma(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s, %s\right)" % (self._print(expr.args[0]),
if exp is not None:
return r"\gamma^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\gamma%s" % tex
def _hprint_one_arg_func(self, expr, exp=None) -> str:
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}%s" % (self._print(expr.func), exp, tex)
return r"%s%s" % (self._print(expr.func), tex)
_print_gamma = _hprint_one_arg_func
def _print_Chi(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"\operatorname{Chi}^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\operatorname{Chi}%s" % tex
def _print_expint(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[1])
nu = self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"\operatorname{E}_{%s}^{%s}%s" % (nu, exp, tex)
return r"\operatorname{E}_{%s}%s" % (nu, tex)
def _print_fresnels(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"S^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"S%s" % tex
def _print_fresnelc(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"C^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"C%s" % tex
def _print_subfactorial(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"!%s" % self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PRECEDENCE["Func"])
if exp is not None:
return r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_factorial(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"%s!" % self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PRECEDENCE["Func"])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_factorial2(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"%s!!" % self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PRECEDENCE["Func"])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_binomial(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"{\binom{%s}{%s}}" % (self._print(expr.args[0]),
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_RisingFactorial(self, expr, exp=None):
n, k = expr.args
base = r"%s" % self.parenthesize(n, PRECEDENCE['Func'])
tex = r"{%s}^{\left(%s\right)}" % (base, self._print(k))
return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
def _print_FallingFactorial(self, expr, exp=None):
n, k = expr.args
sub = r"%s" % self.parenthesize(k, PRECEDENCE['Func'])
tex = r"{\left(%s\right)}_{%s}" % (self._print(n), sub)
return self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
def _hprint_BesselBase(self, expr, exp, sym: str) -> str:
tex = r"%s" % (sym)
need_exp = False
if exp is not None:
if tex.find('^') == -1:
tex = r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
need_exp = True
tex = r"%s_{%s}\left(%s\right)" % (tex, self._print(expr.order),
if need_exp:
tex = self._do_exponent(tex, exp)
return tex
def _hprint_vec(self, vec) -> str:
if not vec:
return ""
s = ""
for i in vec[:-1]:
s += "%s, " % self._print(i)
s += self._print(vec[-1])
return s
def _print_besselj(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'J')
def _print_besseli(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'I')
def _print_besselk(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'K')
def _print_bessely(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'Y')
def _print_yn(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'y')
def _print_jn(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'j')
def _print_hankel1(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'H^{(1)}')
def _print_hankel2(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'H^{(2)}')
def _print_hn1(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'h^{(1)}')
def _print_hn2(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_BesselBase(expr, exp, 'h^{(2)}')
def _hprint_airy(self, expr, exp=None, notation="") -> str:
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"%s^{%s}%s" % (notation, exp, tex)
return r"%s%s" % (notation, tex)
def _hprint_airy_prime(self, expr, exp=None, notation="") -> str:
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"{%s^\prime}^{%s}%s" % (notation, exp, tex)
return r"%s^\prime%s" % (notation, tex)
def _print_airyai(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_airy(expr, exp, 'Ai')
def _print_airybi(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_airy(expr, exp, 'Bi')
def _print_airyaiprime(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_airy_prime(expr, exp, 'Ai')
def _print_airybiprime(self, expr, exp=None):
return self._hprint_airy_prime(expr, exp, 'Bi')
def _print_hyper(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"{{}_{%s}F_{%s}\left(\begin{matrix} %s \\ %s \end{matrix}" \
r"\middle| {%s} \right)}" % \
(self._print(len(expr.ap)), self._print(len(expr.bq)),
self._hprint_vec(expr.ap), self._hprint_vec(expr.bq),
if exp is not None:
tex = r"{%s}^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_meijerg(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"{G_{%s, %s}^{%s, %s}\left(\begin{matrix} %s & %s \\" \
r"%s & %s \end{matrix} \middle| {%s} \right)}" % \
(self._print(len(expr.ap)), self._print(len(expr.bq)),
self._print(len(expr.bm)), self._print(len(expr.an)),
self._hprint_vec(expr.an), self._hprint_vec(expr.aother),
self._hprint_vec(expr.bm), self._hprint_vec(expr.bother),
if exp is not None:
tex = r"{%s}^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_dirichlet_eta(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"\eta^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\eta%s" % tex
def _print_zeta(self, expr, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 2:
tex = r"\left(%s, %s\right)" % tuple(map(self._print, expr.args))
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"\zeta^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\zeta%s" % tex
def _print_stieltjes(self, expr, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 2:
tex = r"_{%s}\left(%s\right)" % tuple(map(self._print, expr.args))
tex = r"_{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"\gamma%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return r"\gamma%s" % tex
def _print_lerchphi(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"\left(%s, %s, %s\right)" % tuple(map(self._print, expr.args))
if exp is None:
return r"\Phi%s" % tex
return r"\Phi^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
def _print_polylog(self, expr, exp=None):
s, z = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % z
if exp is None:
return r"\operatorname{Li}_{%s}%s" % (s, tex)
return r"\operatorname{Li}_{%s}^{%s}%s" % (s, exp, tex)
def _print_jacobi(self, expr, exp=None):
n, a, b, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"P_{%s}^{\left(%s,%s\right)}\left(%s\right)" % (n, a, b, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_gegenbauer(self, expr, exp=None):
n, a, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"C_{%s}^{\left(%s\right)}\left(%s\right)" % (n, a, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_chebyshevt(self, expr, exp=None):
n, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"T_{%s}\left(%s\right)" % (n, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_chebyshevu(self, expr, exp=None):
n, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"U_{%s}\left(%s\right)" % (n, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_legendre(self, expr, exp=None):
n, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"P_{%s}\left(%s\right)" % (n, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_assoc_legendre(self, expr, exp=None):
n, a, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"P_{%s}^{\left(%s\right)}\left(%s\right)" % (n, a, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_hermite(self, expr, exp=None):
n, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"H_{%s}\left(%s\right)" % (n, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_laguerre(self, expr, exp=None):
n, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"L_{%s}\left(%s\right)" % (n, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_assoc_laguerre(self, expr, exp=None):
n, a, x = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"L_{%s}^{\left(%s\right)}\left(%s\right)" % (n, a, x)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_Ynm(self, expr, exp=None):
n, m, theta, phi = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"Y_{%s}^{%s}\left(%s,%s\right)" % (n, m, theta, phi)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def _print_Znm(self, expr, exp=None):
n, m, theta, phi = map(self._print, expr.args)
tex = r"Z_{%s}^{%s}\left(%s,%s\right)" % (n, m, theta, phi)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"\left(" + tex + r"\right)^{%s}" % (exp)
return tex
def __print_mathieu_functions(self, character, args, prime=False, exp=None):
a, q, z = map(self._print, args)
sup = r"^{\prime}" if prime else ""
exp = "" if not exp else "^{%s}" % exp
return r"%s%s\left(%s, %s, %s\right)%s" % (character, sup, a, q, z, exp)
def _print_mathieuc(self, expr, exp=None):
return self.__print_mathieu_functions("C", expr.args, exp=exp)
def _print_mathieus(self, expr, exp=None):
return self.__print_mathieu_functions("S", expr.args, exp=exp)
def _print_mathieucprime(self, expr, exp=None):
return self.__print_mathieu_functions("C", expr.args, prime=True, exp=exp)
def _print_mathieusprime(self, expr, exp=None):
return self.__print_mathieu_functions("S", expr.args, prime=True, exp=exp)
def _print_Rational(self, expr):
if expr.q != 1:
sign = ""
p = expr.p
if expr.p < 0:
sign = "- "
p = -p
if self._settings['fold_short_frac']:
return r"%s%d / %d" % (sign, p, expr.q)
return r"%s\frac{%d}{%d}" % (sign, p, expr.q)
return self._print(expr.p)
def _print_Order(self, expr):
s = self._print(expr.expr)
if expr.point and any(p != S.Zero for p in expr.point) or \
len(expr.variables) > 1:
s += '; '
if len(expr.variables) > 1:
s += self._print(expr.variables)
elif expr.variables:
s += self._print(expr.variables[0])
s += r'\rightarrow '
if len(expr.point) > 1:
s += self._print(expr.point)
s += self._print(expr.point[0])
return r"O\left(%s\right)" % s
def _print_Symbol(self, expr: Symbol, style='plain'):
name: str = self._settings['symbol_names'].get(expr)
if name is not None:
return name
return self._deal_with_super_sub(expr.name, style=style)
_print_RandomSymbol = _print_Symbol
def _deal_with_super_sub(self, string: str, style='plain') -> str:
if '{' in string:
name, supers, subs = string, [], []
name, supers, subs = split_super_sub(string)
name = translate(name)
supers = [translate(sup) for sup in supers]
subs = [translate(sub) for sub in subs]
# apply the style only to the name
if style == 'bold':
name = "\\mathbf{{{}}}".format(name)
# glue all items together:
if supers:
name += "^{%s}" % " ".join(supers)
if subs:
name += "_{%s}" % " ".join(subs)
return name
def _print_Relational(self, expr):
if self._settings['itex']:
gt = r"\gt"
lt = r"\lt"
gt = ">"
lt = "<"
charmap = {
"==": "=",
">": gt,
"<": lt,
">=": r"\geq",
"<=": r"\leq",
"!=": r"\neq",
return "%s %s %s" % (self._print(expr.lhs),
charmap[expr.rel_op], self._print(expr.rhs))
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
ecpairs = [r"%s & \text{for}\: %s" % (self._print(e), self._print(c))
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]]
if expr.args[-1].cond == true:
ecpairs.append(r"%s & \text{otherwise}" %
ecpairs.append(r"%s & \text{for}\: %s" %
tex = r"\begin{cases} %s \end{cases}"
return tex % r" \\".join(ecpairs)
def _print_matrix_contents(self, expr):
lines = []
for line in range(expr.rows): # horrible, should be 'rows'
lines.append(" & ".join([self._print(i) for i in expr[line, :]]))
mat_str = self._settings['mat_str']
if mat_str is None:
if self._settings['mode'] == 'inline':
mat_str = 'smallmatrix'
if (expr.cols <= 10) is True:
mat_str = 'matrix'
mat_str = 'array'
out_str = r'\begin{%MATSTR%}%s\end{%MATSTR%}'
out_str = out_str.replace('%MATSTR%', mat_str)
if mat_str == 'array':
out_str = out_str.replace('%s', '{' + 'c'*expr.cols + '}%s')
return out_str % r"\\".join(lines)
def _print_MatrixBase(self, expr):
out_str = self._print_matrix_contents(expr)
if self._settings['mat_delim']:
left_delim = self._settings['mat_delim']
right_delim = self._delim_dict[left_delim]
out_str = r'\left' + left_delim + out_str + \
r'\right' + right_delim
return out_str
def _print_MatrixElement(self, expr):
return self.parenthesize(expr.parent, PRECEDENCE["Atom"], strict=True)\
+ '_{%s, %s}' % (self._print(expr.i), self._print(expr.j))
def _print_MatrixSlice(self, expr):
def latexslice(x, dim):
x = list(x)
if x[2] == 1:
del x[2]
if x[0] == 0:
x[0] = None
if x[1] == dim:
x[1] = None
return ':'.join(self._print(xi) if xi is not None else '' for xi in x)
return (self.parenthesize(expr.parent, PRECEDENCE["Atom"], strict=True) + r'\left[' +
latexslice(expr.rowslice, expr.parent.rows) + ', ' +
latexslice(expr.colslice, expr.parent.cols) + r'\right]')
def _print_BlockMatrix(self, expr):
return self._print(expr.blocks)
def _print_Transpose(self, expr):
mat = expr.arg
from sympy.matrices import MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix
if (not isinstance(mat, MatrixSymbol) and
not isinstance(mat, BlockMatrix) and mat.is_MatrixExpr):
return r"\left(%s\right)^{T}" % self._print(mat)
s = self.parenthesize(mat, precedence_traditional(expr), True)
if '^' in s:
return r"\left(%s\right)^{T}" % s
return "%s^{T}" % s
def _print_Trace(self, expr):
mat = expr.arg
return r"\operatorname{tr}\left(%s \right)" % self._print(mat)
def _print_Adjoint(self, expr):
mat = expr.arg
from sympy.matrices import MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix
if (not isinstance(mat, MatrixSymbol) and
not isinstance(mat, BlockMatrix) and mat.is_MatrixExpr):
return r"\left(%s\right)^{\dagger}" % self._print(mat)
s = self.parenthesize(mat, precedence_traditional(expr), True)
if '^' in s:
return r"\left(%s\right)^{\dagger}" % s
return r"%s^{\dagger}" % s
def _print_MatMul(self, expr):
from sympy import MatMul
# Parenthesize nested MatMul but not other types of Mul objects:
parens = lambda x: self._print(x) if isinstance(x, Mul) and not isinstance(x, MatMul) else \
self.parenthesize(x, precedence_traditional(expr), False)
args = list(expr.args)
if expr.could_extract_minus_sign():
if args[0] == -1:
args = args[1:]
args[0] = -args[0]
return '- ' + ' '.join(map(parens, args))
return ' '.join(map(parens, args))
def _print_Determinant(self, expr):
mat = expr.arg
if mat.is_MatrixExpr:
from sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix import BlockMatrix
if isinstance(mat, BlockMatrix):
return r"\left|{%s}\right|" % self._print_matrix_contents(mat.blocks)
return r"\left|{%s}\right|" % self._print(mat)
return r"\left|{%s}\right|" % self._print_matrix_contents(mat)
def _print_Mod(self, expr, exp=None):
if exp is not None:
return r'\left(%s \bmod %s\right)^{%s}' % \
(self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PRECEDENCE['Mul'],
self.parenthesize(expr.args[1], PRECEDENCE['Mul'],
return r'%s \bmod %s' % (self.parenthesize(expr.args[0],
def _print_HadamardProduct(self, expr):
args = expr.args
prec = PRECEDENCE['Pow']
parens = self.parenthesize
return r' \circ '.join(
(parens(arg, prec, strict=True) for arg in args))
def _print_HadamardPower(self, expr):
if precedence_traditional(expr.exp) < PRECEDENCE["Mul"]:
template = r"%s^{\circ \left({%s}\right)}"
template = r"%s^{\circ {%s}}"
return self._helper_print_standard_power(expr, template)
def _print_KroneckerProduct(self, expr):
args = expr.args
prec = PRECEDENCE['Pow']
parens = self.parenthesize
return r' \otimes '.join(
(parens(arg, prec, strict=True) for arg in args))
def _print_MatPow(self, expr):
base, exp = expr.base, expr.exp
from sympy.matrices import MatrixSymbol
if not isinstance(base, MatrixSymbol) and base.is_MatrixExpr:
return "\\left(%s\\right)^{%s}" % (self._print(base),
base_str = self._print(base)
if '^' in base_str:
return r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}" % (base_str, self._print(exp))
return "%s^{%s}" % (base_str, self._print(exp))
def _print_MatrixSymbol(self, expr):
return self._print_Symbol(expr, style=self._settings[
def _print_ZeroMatrix(self, Z):
return "0" if self._settings[
'mat_symbol_style'] == 'plain' else r"\mathbf{0}"
def _print_OneMatrix(self, O):
return "1" if self._settings[
'mat_symbol_style'] == 'plain' else r"\mathbf{1}"
def _print_Identity(self, I):
return r"\mathbb{I}" if self._settings[
'mat_symbol_style'] == 'plain' else r"\mathbf{I}"
def _print_PermutationMatrix(self, P):
perm_str = self._print(P.args[0])
return "P_{%s}" % perm_str
def _print_NDimArray(self, expr: NDimArray):
if expr.rank() == 0:
return self._print(expr[()])
mat_str = self._settings['mat_str']
if mat_str is None:
if self._settings['mode'] == 'inline':
mat_str = 'smallmatrix'
if (expr.rank() == 0) or (expr.shape[-1] <= 10):
mat_str = 'matrix'
mat_str = 'array'
block_str = r'\begin{%MATSTR%}%s\end{%MATSTR%}'
block_str = block_str.replace('%MATSTR%', mat_str)
if mat_str == 'array':
block_str= block_str.replace('%s','{}%s')
if self._settings['mat_delim']:
left_delim: str = self._settings['mat_delim']
right_delim = self._delim_dict[left_delim]
block_str = r'\left' + left_delim + block_str + \
r'\right' + right_delim
if expr.rank() == 0:
return block_str % ""
level_str: list[list[str]] = [[] for i in range(expr.rank() + 1)]
shape_ranges = [list(range(i)) for i in expr.shape]
for outer_i in itertools.product(*shape_ranges):
even = True
for back_outer_i in range(expr.rank()-1, -1, -1):
if len(level_str[back_outer_i+1]) < expr.shape[back_outer_i]:
if even:
r" & ".join(level_str[back_outer_i+1]))
block_str % (r"\\".join(level_str[back_outer_i+1])))
if len(level_str[back_outer_i+1]) == 1:
level_str[back_outer_i][-1] = r"\left[" + \
level_str[back_outer_i][-1] + r"\right]"
even = not even
level_str[back_outer_i+1] = []
out_str = level_str[0][0]
if expr.rank() % 2 == 1:
out_str = block_str % out_str
return out_str
def _printer_tensor_indices(self, name, indices, index_map: dict):
out_str = self._print(name)
last_valence = None
prev_map = None
for index in indices:
new_valence = index.is_up
if ((index in index_map) or prev_map) and \
last_valence == new_valence:
out_str += ","
if last_valence != new_valence:
if last_valence is not None:
out_str += "}"
if index.is_up:
out_str += "{}^{"
out_str += "{}_{"
out_str += self._print(index.args[0])
if index in index_map:
out_str += "="
out_str += self._print(index_map[index])
prev_map = True
prev_map = False
last_valence = new_valence
if last_valence is not None:
out_str += "}"
return out_str
def _print_Tensor(self, expr):
name = expr.args[0].args[0]
indices = expr.get_indices()
return self._printer_tensor_indices(name, indices, {})
def _print_TensorElement(self, expr):
name = expr.expr.args[0].args[0]
indices = expr.expr.get_indices()
index_map = expr.index_map
return self._printer_tensor_indices(name, indices, index_map)
def _print_TensMul(self, expr):
# prints expressions like "A(a)", "3*A(a)", "(1+x)*A(a)"
sign, args = expr._get_args_for_traditional_printer()
return sign + "".join(
[self.parenthesize(arg, precedence(expr)) for arg in args]
def _print_TensAdd(self, expr):
a = []
args = expr.args
for x in args:
a.append(self.parenthesize(x, precedence(expr)))
s = ' + '.join(a)
s = s.replace('+ -', '- ')
return s
def _print_TensorIndex(self, expr):
return "{}%s{%s}" % (
"^" if expr.is_up else "_",
def _print_PartialDerivative(self, expr):
if len(expr.variables) == 1:
return r"\frac{\partial}{\partial {%s}}{%s}" % (
self.parenthesize(expr.expr, PRECEDENCE["Mul"], False)
return r"\frac{\partial^{%s}}{%s}{%s}" % (
" ".join([r"\partial {%s}" % self._print(i) for i in expr.variables]),
self.parenthesize(expr.expr, PRECEDENCE["Mul"], False)
def _print_ArraySymbol(self, expr):
return self._print(expr.name)
def _print_ArrayElement(self, expr):
return "{{%s}_{%s}}" % (
self.parenthesize(expr.name, PRECEDENCE["Func"], True),
", ".join([f"{self._print(i)}" for i in expr.indices]))
def _print_UniversalSet(self, expr):
return r"\mathbb{U}"
def _print_frac(self, expr, exp=None):
if exp is None:
return r"\operatorname{frac}{\left(%s\right)}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
return r"\operatorname{frac}{\left(%s\right)}^{%s}" % (
self._print(expr.args[0]), exp)
def _print_tuple(self, expr):
if self._settings['decimal_separator'] == 'comma':
sep = ";"
elif self._settings['decimal_separator'] == 'period':
sep = ","
raise ValueError('Unknown Decimal Separator')
if len(expr) == 1:
# 1-tuple needs a trailing separator
return self._add_parens_lspace(self._print(expr[0]) + sep)
return self._add_parens_lspace(
(sep + r" \ ").join([self._print(i) for i in expr]))
def _print_TensorProduct(self, expr):
elements = [self._print(a) for a in expr.args]
return r' \otimes '.join(elements)
def _print_WedgeProduct(self, expr):
elements = [self._print(a) for a in expr.args]
return r' \wedge '.join(elements)
def _print_Tuple(self, expr):
return self._print_tuple(expr)
def _print_list(self, expr):
if self._settings['decimal_separator'] == 'comma':
return r"\left[ %s\right]" % \
r"; \ ".join([self._print(i) for i in expr])
elif self._settings['decimal_separator'] == 'period':
return r"\left[ %s\right]" % \
r", \ ".join([self._print(i) for i in expr])
raise ValueError('Unknown Decimal Separator')
def _print_dict(self, d):
keys = sorted(d.keys(), key=default_sort_key)
items = []
for key in keys:
val = d[key]
items.append("%s : %s" % (self._print(key), self._print(val)))
return r"\left\{ %s\right\}" % r", \ ".join(items)
def _print_Dict(self, expr):
return self._print_dict(expr)
def _print_DiracDelta(self, expr, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 1 or expr.args[1] == 0:
tex = r"\delta\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
tex = r"\delta^{\left( %s \right)}\left( %s \right)" % (
self._print(expr.args[1]), self._print(expr.args[0]))
if exp:
tex = r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_SingularityFunction(self, expr, exp=None):
shift = self._print(expr.args[0] - expr.args[1])
power = self._print(expr.args[2])
tex = r"{\left\langle %s \right\rangle}^{%s}" % (shift, power)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"{\left({\langle %s \rangle}^{%s}\right)}^{%s}" % (shift, power, exp)
return tex
def _print_Heaviside(self, expr, exp=None):
pargs = ', '.join(self._print(arg) for arg in expr.pargs)
tex = r"\theta\left(%s\right)" % pargs
if exp:
tex = r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_KroneckerDelta(self, expr, exp=None):
i = self._print(expr.args[0])
j = self._print(expr.args[1])
if expr.args[0].is_Atom and expr.args[1].is_Atom:
tex = r'\delta_{%s %s}' % (i, j)
tex = r'\delta_{%s, %s}' % (i, j)
if exp is not None:
tex = r'\left(%s\right)^{%s}' % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_LeviCivita(self, expr, exp=None):
indices = map(self._print, expr.args)
if all(x.is_Atom for x in expr.args):
tex = r'\varepsilon_{%s}' % " ".join(indices)
tex = r'\varepsilon_{%s}' % ", ".join(indices)
if exp:
tex = r'\left(%s\right)^{%s}' % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_RandomDomain(self, d):
if hasattr(d, 'as_boolean'):
return '\\text{Domain: }' + self._print(d.as_boolean())
elif hasattr(d, 'set'):
return ('\\text{Domain: }' + self._print(d.symbols) + ' \\in ' +
elif hasattr(d, 'symbols'):
return '\\text{Domain on }' + self._print(d.symbols)
return self._print(None)
def _print_FiniteSet(self, s):
items = sorted(s.args, key=default_sort_key)
return self._print_set(items)
def _print_set(self, s):
items = sorted(s, key=default_sort_key)
if self._settings['decimal_separator'] == 'comma':
items = "; ".join(map(self._print, items))
elif self._settings['decimal_separator'] == 'period':
items = ", ".join(map(self._print, items))
raise ValueError('Unknown Decimal Separator')
return r"\left\{%s\right\}" % items
_print_frozenset = _print_set
def _print_Range(self, s):
def _print_symbolic_range():
# Symbolic Range that cannot be resolved
if s.args[0] == 0:
if s.args[2] == 1:
cont = self._print(s.args[1])
cont = ", ".join(self._print(arg) for arg in s.args)
if s.args[2] == 1:
cont = ", ".join(self._print(arg) for arg in s.args[:2])
cont = ", ".join(self._print(arg) for arg in s.args)
dots = object()
if s.start.is_infinite and s.stop.is_infinite:
if s.step.is_positive:
printset = dots, -1, 0, 1, dots
printset = dots, 1, 0, -1, dots
elif s.start.is_infinite:
printset = dots, s[-1] - s.step, s[-1]
elif s.stop.is_infinite:
it = iter(s)
printset = next(it), next(it), dots
elif s.is_empty is not None:
if (s.size < 4) == True:
printset = tuple(s)
elif s.is_iterable:
it = iter(s)
printset = next(it), next(it), dots, s[-1]
return _print_symbolic_range()
return _print_symbolic_range()
return (r"\left\{" +
r", ".join(self._print(el) if el is not dots else r'\ldots' for el in printset) +
def __print_number_polynomial(self, expr, letter, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 2:
if exp is not None:
return r"%s_{%s}^{%s}\left(%s\right)" % (letter,
self._print(expr.args[0]), exp,
return r"%s_{%s}\left(%s\right)" % (letter,
self._print(expr.args[0]), self._print(expr.args[1]))
tex = r"%s_{%s}" % (letter, self._print(expr.args[0]))
if exp is not None:
tex = r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_bernoulli(self, expr, exp=None):
return self.__print_number_polynomial(expr, "B", exp)
def _print_genocchi(self, expr, exp=None):
return self.__print_number_polynomial(expr, "G", exp)
def _print_bell(self, expr, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 3:
tex1 = r"B_{%s, %s}" % (self._print(expr.args[0]),
tex2 = r"\left(%s\right)" % r", ".join(self._print(el) for
el in expr.args[2])
if exp is not None:
tex = r"%s^{%s}%s" % (tex1, exp, tex2)
tex = tex1 + tex2
return tex
return self.__print_number_polynomial(expr, "B", exp)
def _print_fibonacci(self, expr, exp=None):
return self.__print_number_polynomial(expr, "F", exp)
def _print_lucas(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"L_{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
tex = r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_tribonacci(self, expr, exp=None):
return self.__print_number_polynomial(expr, "T", exp)
def _print_SeqFormula(self, s):
dots = object()
if len(s.start.free_symbols) > 0 or len(s.stop.free_symbols) > 0:
return r"\left\{%s\right\}_{%s=%s}^{%s}" % (
if s.start is S.NegativeInfinity:
stop = s.stop
printset = (dots, s.coeff(stop - 3), s.coeff(stop - 2),
s.coeff(stop - 1), s.coeff(stop))
elif s.stop is S.Infinity or s.length > 4:
printset = s[:4]
printset = tuple(s)
return (r"\left[" +
r", ".join(self._print(el) if el is not dots else r'\ldots' for el in printset) +
_print_SeqPer = _print_SeqFormula
_print_SeqAdd = _print_SeqFormula
_print_SeqMul = _print_SeqFormula
def _print_Interval(self, i):
if i.start == i.end:
return r"\left\{%s\right\}" % self._print(i.start)
if i.left_open:
left = '('
left = '['
if i.right_open:
right = ')'
right = ']'
return r"\left%s%s, %s\right%s" % \
(left, self._print(i.start), self._print(i.end), right)
def _print_AccumulationBounds(self, i):
return r"\left\langle %s, %s\right\rangle" % \
(self._print(i.min), self._print(i.max))
def _print_Union(self, u):
prec = precedence_traditional(u)
args_str = [self.parenthesize(i, prec) for i in u.args]
return r" \cup ".join(args_str)
def _print_Complement(self, u):
prec = precedence_traditional(u)
args_str = [self.parenthesize(i, prec) for i in u.args]
return r" \setminus ".join(args_str)
def _print_Intersection(self, u):
prec = precedence_traditional(u)
args_str = [self.parenthesize(i, prec) for i in u.args]
return r" \cap ".join(args_str)
def _print_SymmetricDifference(self, u):
prec = precedence_traditional(u)
args_str = [self.parenthesize(i, prec) for i in u.args]
return r" \triangle ".join(args_str)
def _print_ProductSet(self, p):
prec = precedence_traditional(p)
if len(p.sets) >= 1 and not has_variety(p.sets):
return self.parenthesize(p.sets[0], prec) + "^{%d}" % len(p.sets)
return r" \times ".join(
self.parenthesize(set, prec) for set in p.sets)
def _print_EmptySet(self, e):
return r"\emptyset"
def _print_Naturals(self, n):
return r"\mathbb{N}"
def _print_Naturals0(self, n):
return r"\mathbb{N}_0"
def _print_Integers(self, i):
return r"\mathbb{Z}"
def _print_Rationals(self, i):
return r"\mathbb{Q}"
def _print_Reals(self, i):
return r"\mathbb{R}"
def _print_Complexes(self, i):
return r"\mathbb{C}"
def _print_ImageSet(self, s):
expr = s.lamda.expr
sig = s.lamda.signature
xys = ((self._print(x), self._print(y)) for x, y in zip(sig, s.base_sets))
xinys = r", ".join(r"%s \in %s" % xy for xy in xys)
return r"\left\{%s\; \middle|\; %s\right\}" % (self._print(expr), xinys)
def _print_ConditionSet(self, s):
vars_print = ', '.join([self._print(var) for var in Tuple(s.sym)])
if s.base_set is S.UniversalSet:
return r"\left\{%s\; \middle|\; %s \right\}" % \
(vars_print, self._print(s.condition))
return r"\left\{%s\; \middle|\; %s \in %s \wedge %s \right\}" % (
def _print_PowerSet(self, expr):
arg_print = self._print(expr.args[0])
return r"\mathcal{{P}}\left({}\right)".format(arg_print)
def _print_ComplexRegion(self, s):
vars_print = ', '.join([self._print(var) for var in s.variables])
return r"\left\{%s\; \middle|\; %s \in %s \right\}" % (
def _print_Contains(self, e):
return r"%s \in %s" % tuple(self._print(a) for a in e.args)
def _print_FourierSeries(self, s):
if s.an.formula is S.Zero and s.bn.formula is S.Zero:
return self._print(s.a0)
return self._print_Add(s.truncate()) + r' + \ldots'
def _print_FormalPowerSeries(self, s):
return self._print_Add(s.infinite)
def _print_FiniteField(self, expr):
return r"\mathbb{F}_{%s}" % expr.mod
def _print_IntegerRing(self, expr):
return r"\mathbb{Z}"
def _print_RationalField(self, expr):
return r"\mathbb{Q}"
def _print_RealField(self, expr):
return r"\mathbb{R}"
def _print_ComplexField(self, expr):
return r"\mathbb{C}"
def _print_PolynomialRing(self, expr):
domain = self._print(expr.domain)
symbols = ", ".join(map(self._print, expr.symbols))
return r"%s\left[%s\right]" % (domain, symbols)
def _print_FractionField(self, expr):
domain = self._print(expr.domain)
symbols = ", ".join(map(self._print, expr.symbols))
return r"%s\left(%s\right)" % (domain, symbols)
def _print_PolynomialRingBase(self, expr):
domain = self._print(expr.domain)
symbols = ", ".join(map(self._print, expr.symbols))
inv = ""
if not expr.is_Poly:
inv = r"S_<^{-1}"
return r"%s%s\left[%s\right]" % (inv, domain, symbols)
def _print_Poly(self, poly):
cls = poly.__class__.__name__
terms = []
for monom, coeff in poly.terms():
s_monom = ''
for i, exp in enumerate(monom):
if exp > 0:
if exp == 1:
s_monom += self._print(poly.gens[i])
s_monom += self._print(pow(poly.gens[i], exp))
if coeff.is_Add:
if s_monom:
s_coeff = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(coeff)
s_coeff = self._print(coeff)
if s_monom:
if coeff is S.One:
terms.extend(['+', s_monom])
if coeff is S.NegativeOne:
terms.extend(['-', s_monom])
s_coeff = self._print(coeff)
if not s_monom:
s_term = s_coeff
s_term = s_coeff + " " + s_monom
if s_term.startswith('-'):
terms.extend(['-', s_term[1:]])
terms.extend(['+', s_term])
if terms[0] in ('-', '+'):
modifier = terms.pop(0)
if modifier == '-':
terms[0] = '-' + terms[0]
expr = ' '.join(terms)
gens = list(map(self._print, poly.gens))
domain = "domain=%s" % self._print(poly.get_domain())
args = ", ".join([expr] + gens + [domain])
if cls in accepted_latex_functions:
tex = r"\%s {\left(%s \right)}" % (cls, args)
tex = r"\operatorname{%s}{\left( %s \right)}" % (cls, args)
return tex
def _print_ComplexRootOf(self, root):
cls = root.__class__.__name__
if cls == "ComplexRootOf":
cls = "CRootOf"
expr = self._print(root.expr)
index = root.index
if cls in accepted_latex_functions:
return r"\%s {\left(%s, %d\right)}" % (cls, expr, index)
return r"\operatorname{%s} {\left(%s, %d\right)}" % (cls, expr,
def _print_RootSum(self, expr):
cls = expr.__class__.__name__
args = [self._print(expr.expr)]
if expr.fun is not S.IdentityFunction:
if cls in accepted_latex_functions:
return r"\%s {\left(%s\right)}" % (cls, ", ".join(args))
return r"\operatorname{%s} {\left(%s\right)}" % (cls,
", ".join(args))
def _print_OrdinalOmega(self, expr):
return r"\omega"
def _print_OmegaPower(self, expr):
exp, mul = expr.args
if mul != 1:
if exp != 1:
return r"{} \omega^{{{}}}".format(mul, exp)
return r"{} \omega".format(mul)
if exp != 1:
return r"\omega^{{{}}}".format(exp)
return r"\omega"
def _print_Ordinal(self, expr):
return " + ".join([self._print(arg) for arg in expr.args])
def _print_PolyElement(self, poly):
mul_symbol = self._settings['mul_symbol_latex']
return poly.str(self, PRECEDENCE, "{%s}^{%d}", mul_symbol)
def _print_FracElement(self, frac):
if frac.denom == 1:
return self._print(frac.numer)
numer = self._print(frac.numer)
denom = self._print(frac.denom)
return r"\frac{%s}{%s}" % (numer, denom)
def _print_euler(self, expr, exp=None):
m, x = (expr.args[0], None) if len(expr.args) == 1 else expr.args
tex = r"E_{%s}" % self._print(m)
if exp is not None:
tex = r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
if x is not None:
tex = r"%s\left(%s\right)" % (tex, self._print(x))
return tex
def _print_catalan(self, expr, exp=None):
tex = r"C_{%s}" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
tex = r"%s^{%s}" % (tex, exp)
return tex
def _print_UnifiedTransform(self, expr, s, inverse=False):
return r"\mathcal{{{}}}{}_{{{}}}\left[{}\right]\left({}\right)".format(s, '^{-1}' if inverse else '', self._print(expr.args[1]), self._print(expr.args[0]), self._print(expr.args[2]))
def _print_MellinTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'M')
def _print_InverseMellinTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'M', True)
def _print_LaplaceTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'L')
def _print_InverseLaplaceTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'L', True)
def _print_FourierTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'F')
def _print_InverseFourierTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'F', True)
def _print_SineTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'SIN')
def _print_InverseSineTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'SIN', True)
def _print_CosineTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'COS')
def _print_InverseCosineTransform(self, expr):
return self._print_UnifiedTransform(expr, 'COS', True)
def _print_DMP(self, p):
if p.ring is not None:
# TODO incorporate order
return self._print(p.ring.to_sympy(p))
except SympifyError:
return self._print(repr(p))
def _print_DMF(self, p):
return self._print_DMP(p)
def _print_Object(self, object):
return self._print(Symbol(object.name))
def _print_LambertW(self, expr, exp=None):
arg0 = self._print(expr.args[0])
exp = r"^{%s}" % (exp,) if exp is not None else ""
if len(expr.args) == 1:
result = r"W%s\left(%s\right)" % (exp, arg0)
arg1 = self._print(expr.args[1])
result = "W{0}_{{{1}}}\\left({2}\\right)".format(exp, arg1, arg0)
return result
def _print_Expectation(self, expr):
return r"\operatorname{{E}}\left[{}\right]".format(self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_Variance(self, expr):
return r"\operatorname{{Var}}\left({}\right)".format(self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_Covariance(self, expr):
return r"\operatorname{{Cov}}\left({}\right)".format(", ".join(self._print(arg) for arg in expr.args))
def _print_Probability(self, expr):
return r"\operatorname{{P}}\left({}\right)".format(self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_Morphism(self, morphism):
domain = self._print(morphism.domain)
codomain = self._print(morphism.codomain)
return "%s\\rightarrow %s" % (domain, codomain)
def _print_TransferFunction(self, expr):
num, den = self._print(expr.num), self._print(expr.den)
return r"\frac{%s}{%s}" % (num, den)
def _print_Series(self, expr):
args = list(expr.args)
parens = lambda x: self.parenthesize(x, precedence_traditional(expr),
return ' '.join(map(parens, args))
def _print_MIMOSeries(self, expr):
from sympy.physics.control.lti import MIMOParallel
args = list(expr.args)[::-1]
parens = lambda x: self.parenthesize(x, precedence_traditional(expr),
False) if isinstance(x, MIMOParallel) else self._print(x)
return r"\cdot".join(map(parens, args))
def _print_Parallel(self, expr):
return ' + '.join(map(self._print, expr.args))
def _print_MIMOParallel(self, expr):
return ' + '.join(map(self._print, expr.args))
def _print_Feedback(self, expr):
from sympy.physics.control import TransferFunction, Series
num, tf = expr.sys1, TransferFunction(1, 1, expr.var)
num_arg_list = list(num.args) if isinstance(num, Series) else [num]
den_arg_list = list(expr.sys2.args) if \
isinstance(expr.sys2, Series) else [expr.sys2]
den_term_1 = tf
if isinstance(num, Series) and isinstance(expr.sys2, Series):
den_term_2 = Series(*num_arg_list, *den_arg_list)
elif isinstance(num, Series) and isinstance(expr.sys2, TransferFunction):
if expr.sys2 == tf:
den_term_2 = Series(*num_arg_list)
den_term_2 = tf, Series(*num_arg_list, expr.sys2)
elif isinstance(num, TransferFunction) and isinstance(expr.sys2, Series):
if num == tf:
den_term_2 = Series(*den_arg_list)
den_term_2 = Series(num, *den_arg_list)
if num == tf:
den_term_2 = Series(*den_arg_list)
elif expr.sys2 == tf:
den_term_2 = Series(*num_arg_list)
den_term_2 = Series(*num_arg_list, *den_arg_list)
numer = self._print(num)
denom_1 = self._print(den_term_1)
denom_2 = self._print(den_term_2)
_sign = "+" if expr.sign == -1 else "-"
return r"\frac{%s}{%s %s %s}" % (numer, denom_1, _sign, denom_2)
def _print_MIMOFeedback(self, expr):
from sympy.physics.control import MIMOSeries
inv_mat = self._print(MIMOSeries(expr.sys2, expr.sys1))
sys1 = self._print(expr.sys1)
_sign = "+" if expr.sign == -1 else "-"
return r"\left(I_{\tau} %s %s\right)^{-1} \cdot %s" % (_sign, inv_mat, sys1)
def _print_TransferFunctionMatrix(self, expr):
mat = self._print(expr._expr_mat)
return r"%s_\tau" % mat
def _print_DFT(self, expr):
return r"\text{{{}}}_{{{}}}".format(expr.__class__.__name__, expr.n)
_print_IDFT = _print_DFT
def _print_NamedMorphism(self, morphism):
pretty_name = self._print(Symbol(morphism.name))
pretty_morphism = self._print_Morphism(morphism)
return "%s:%s" % (pretty_name, pretty_morphism)
def _print_IdentityMorphism(self, morphism):
from sympy.categories import NamedMorphism
return self._print_NamedMorphism(NamedMorphism(
morphism.domain, morphism.codomain, "id"))
def _print_CompositeMorphism(self, morphism):
# All components of the morphism have names and it is thus
# possible to build the name of the composite.
component_names_list = [self._print(Symbol(component.name)) for
component in morphism.components]
component_names = "\\circ ".join(component_names_list) + ":"
pretty_morphism = self._print_Morphism(morphism)
return component_names + pretty_morphism
def _print_Category(self, morphism):
return r"\mathbf{{{}}}".format(self._print(Symbol(morphism.name)))
def _print_Diagram(self, diagram):
if not diagram.premises:
# This is an empty diagram.
return self._print(S.EmptySet)
latex_result = self._print(diagram.premises)
if diagram.conclusions:
latex_result += "\\Longrightarrow %s" % \
return latex_result
def _print_DiagramGrid(self, grid):
latex_result = "\\begin{array}{%s}\n" % ("c" * grid.width)
for i in range(grid.height):
for j in range(grid.width):
if grid[i, j]:
latex_result += latex(grid[i, j])
latex_result += " "
if j != grid.width - 1:
latex_result += "& "
if i != grid.height - 1:
latex_result += "\\\\"
latex_result += "\n"
latex_result += "\\end{array}\n"
return latex_result
def _print_FreeModule(self, M):
return '{{{}}}^{{{}}}'.format(self._print(M.ring), self._print(M.rank))
def _print_FreeModuleElement(self, m):
# Print as row vector for convenience, for now.
return r"\left[ {} \right]".format(",".join(
'{' + self._print(x) + '}' for x in m))
def _print_SubModule(self, m):
return r"\left\langle {} \right\rangle".format(",".join(
'{' + self._print(x) + '}' for x in m.gens))
def _print_ModuleImplementedIdeal(self, m):
return r"\left\langle {} \right\rangle".format(",".join(
'{' + self._print(x) + '}' for [x] in m._module.gens))
def _print_Quaternion(self, expr):
# TODO: This expression is potentially confusing,
# shall we print it as `Quaternion( ... )`?
s = [self.parenthesize(i, PRECEDENCE["Mul"], strict=True)
for i in expr.args]
a = [s[0]] + [i+" "+j for i, j in zip(s[1:], "ijk")]
return " + ".join(a)
def _print_QuotientRing(self, R):
# TODO nicer fractions for few generators...
return r"\frac{{{}}}{{{}}}".format(self._print(R.ring),
def _print_QuotientRingElement(self, x):
return r"{{{}}} + {{{}}}".format(self._print(x.data),
def _print_QuotientModuleElement(self, m):
return r"{{{}}} + {{{}}}".format(self._print(m.data),
def _print_QuotientModule(self, M):
# TODO nicer fractions for few generators...
return r"\frac{{{}}}{{{}}}".format(self._print(M.base),
def _print_MatrixHomomorphism(self, h):
return r"{{{}}} : {{{}}} \to {{{}}}".format(self._print(h._sympy_matrix()),
self._print(h.domain), self._print(h.codomain))
def _print_Manifold(self, manifold):
string = manifold.name.name
if '{' in string:
name, supers, subs = string, [], []
name, supers, subs = split_super_sub(string)
name = translate(name)
supers = [translate(sup) for sup in supers]
subs = [translate(sub) for sub in subs]
name = r'\text{%s}' % name
if supers:
name += "^{%s}" % " ".join(supers)
if subs:
name += "_{%s}" % " ".join(subs)
return name
def _print_Patch(self, patch):
return r'\text{%s}_{%s}' % (self._print(patch.name), self._print(patch.manifold))
def _print_CoordSystem(self, coordsys):
return r'\text{%s}^{\text{%s}}_{%s}' % (
self._print(coordsys.name), self._print(coordsys.patch.name), self._print(coordsys.manifold)
def _print_CovarDerivativeOp(self, cvd):
return r'\mathbb{\nabla}_{%s}' % self._print(cvd._wrt)
def _print_BaseScalarField(self, field):
string = field._coord_sys.symbols[field._index].name
return r'\mathbf{{{}}}'.format(self._print(Symbol(string)))
def _print_BaseVectorField(self, field):
string = field._coord_sys.symbols[field._index].name
return r'\partial_{{{}}}'.format(self._print(Symbol(string)))
def _print_Differential(self, diff):
field = diff._form_field
if hasattr(field, '_coord_sys'):
string = field._coord_sys.symbols[field._index].name
return r'\operatorname{{d}}{}'.format(self._print(Symbol(string)))
string = self._print(field)
return r'\operatorname{{d}}\left({}\right)'.format(string)
def _print_Tr(self, p):
# TODO: Handle indices
contents = self._print(p.args[0])
return r'\operatorname{{tr}}\left({}\right)'.format(contents)
def _print_totient(self, expr, exp=None):
if exp is not None:
return r'\left(\phi\left(%s\right)\right)^{%s}' % \
(self._print(expr.args[0]), exp)
return r'\phi\left(%s\right)' % self._print(expr.args[0])
def _print_reduced_totient(self, expr, exp=None):
if exp is not None:
return r'\left(\lambda\left(%s\right)\right)^{%s}' % \
(self._print(expr.args[0]), exp)
return r'\lambda\left(%s\right)' % self._print(expr.args[0])
def _print_divisor_sigma(self, expr, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 2:
tex = r"_%s\left(%s\right)" % tuple(map(self._print,
(expr.args[1], expr.args[0])))
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"\sigma^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\sigma%s" % tex
def _print_udivisor_sigma(self, expr, exp=None):
if len(expr.args) == 2:
tex = r"_%s\left(%s\right)" % tuple(map(self._print,
(expr.args[1], expr.args[0])))
tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % self._print(expr.args[0])
if exp is not None:
return r"\sigma^*^{%s}%s" % (exp, tex)
return r"\sigma^*%s" % tex
def _print_primenu(self, expr, exp=None):
if exp is not None:
return r'\left(\nu\left(%s\right)\right)^{%s}' % \
(self._print(expr.args[0]), exp)
return r'\nu\left(%s\right)' % self._print(expr.args[0])
def _print_primeomega(self, expr, exp=None):
if exp is not None:
return r'\left(\Omega\left(%s\right)\right)^{%s}' % \
(self._print(expr.args[0]), exp)
return r'\Omega\left(%s\right)' % self._print(expr.args[0])
def _print_Str(self, s):
return str(s.name)
def _print_float(self, expr):
return self._print(Float(expr))
def _print_int(self, expr):
return str(expr)
def _print_mpz(self, expr):
return str(expr)
def _print_mpq(self, expr):
return str(expr)
def _print_Predicate(self, expr):
return r"\operatorname{{Q}}_{{\text{{{}}}}}".format(latex_escape(str(expr.name)))
def _print_AppliedPredicate(self, expr):
pred = expr.function
args = expr.arguments
pred_latex = self._print(pred)
args_latex = ', '.join([self._print(a) for a in args])
return '%s(%s)' % (pred_latex, args_latex)
def emptyPrinter(self, expr):
# default to just printing as monospace, like would normally be shown
s = super().emptyPrinter(expr)
return r"\mathtt{\text{%s}}" % latex_escape(s)
def translate(s: str) -> str:
Check for a modifier ending the string. If present, convert the
modifier to latex and translate the rest recursively.
Given a description of a Greek letter or other special character,
return the appropriate latex.
Let everything else pass as given.
>>> from sympy.printing.latex import translate
>>> translate('alphahatdotprime')
# Process the rest
tex = tex_greek_dictionary.get(s)
if tex:
return tex
elif s.lower() in greek_letters_set:
return "\\" + s.lower()
elif s in other_symbols:
return "\\" + s
# Process modifiers, if any, and recurse
for key in sorted(modifier_dict.keys(), key=len, reverse=True):
if s.lower().endswith(key) and len(s) > len(key):
return modifier_dict[key](translate(s[:-len(key)]))
return s
def latex(expr, **settings):
r"""Convert the given expression to LaTeX string representation.
full_prec: boolean, optional
If set to True, a floating point number is printed with full precision.
fold_frac_powers : boolean, optional
Emit ``^{p/q}`` instead of ``^{\frac{p}{q}}`` for fractional powers.
fold_func_brackets : boolean, optional
Fold function brackets where applicable.
fold_short_frac : boolean, optional
Emit ``p / q`` instead of ``\frac{p}{q}`` when the denominator is
simple enough (at most two terms and no powers). The default value is
``True`` for inline mode, ``False`` otherwise.
inv_trig_style : string, optional
How inverse trig functions should be displayed. Can be one of
``'abbreviated'``, ``'full'``, or ``'power'``. Defaults to
itex : boolean, optional
Specifies if itex-specific syntax is used, including emitting
ln_notation : boolean, optional
If set to ``True``, ``\ln`` is used instead of default ``\log``.
long_frac_ratio : float or None, optional
The allowed ratio of the width of the numerator to the width of the
denominator before the printer breaks off long fractions. If ``None``
(the default value), long fractions are not broken up.
mat_delim : string, optional
The delimiter to wrap around matrices. Can be one of ``'['``, ``'('``,
or the empty string ``''``. Defaults to ``'['``.
mat_str : string, optional
Which matrix environment string to emit. ``'smallmatrix'``,
``'matrix'``, ``'array'``, etc. Defaults to ``'smallmatrix'`` for
inline mode, ``'matrix'`` for matrices of no more than 10 columns, and
``'array'`` otherwise.
mode: string, optional
Specifies how the generated code will be delimited. ``mode`` can be one
of ``'plain'``, ``'inline'``, ``'equation'`` or ``'equation*'``. If
``mode`` is set to ``'plain'``, then the resulting code will not be
delimited at all (this is the default). If ``mode`` is set to
``'inline'`` then inline LaTeX ``$...$`` will be used. If ``mode`` is
set to ``'equation'`` or ``'equation*'``, the resulting code will be
enclosed in the ``equation`` or ``equation*`` environment (remember to
import ``amsmath`` for ``equation*``), unless the ``itex`` option is
set. In the latter case, the ``$$...$$`` syntax is used.
mul_symbol : string or None, optional
The symbol to use for multiplication. Can be one of ``None``,
``'ldot'``, ``'dot'``, or ``'times'``.
order: string, optional
Any of the supported monomial orderings (currently ``'lex'``,
``'grlex'``, or ``'grevlex'``), ``'old'``, and ``'none'``. This
parameter does nothing for `~.Mul` objects. Setting order to ``'old'``
uses the compatibility ordering for ``~.Add`` defined in Printer. For
very large expressions, set the ``order`` keyword to ``'none'`` if
speed is a concern.
symbol_names : dictionary of strings mapped to symbols, optional
Dictionary of symbols and the custom strings they should be emitted as.
root_notation : boolean, optional
If set to ``False``, exponents of the form 1/n are printed in fractonal
form. Default is ``True``, to print exponent in root form.
mat_symbol_style : string, optional
Can be either ``'plain'`` (default) or ``'bold'``. If set to
``'bold'``, a `~.MatrixSymbol` A will be printed as ``\mathbf{A}``,
otherwise as ``A``.
imaginary_unit : string, optional
String to use for the imaginary unit. Defined options are ``'i'``
(default) and ``'j'``. Adding ``r`` or ``t`` in front gives ``\mathrm``
or ``\text``, so ``'ri'`` leads to ``\mathrm{i}`` which gives
gothic_re_im : boolean, optional
If set to ``True``, `\Re` and `\Im` is used for ``re`` and ``im``, respectively.
The default is ``False`` leading to `\operatorname{re}` and `\operatorname{im}`.
decimal_separator : string, optional
Specifies what separator to use to separate the whole and fractional parts of a
floating point number as in `2.5` for the default, ``period`` or `2{,}5`
when ``comma`` is specified. Lists, sets, and tuple are printed with semicolon
separating the elements when ``comma`` is chosen. For example, [1; 2; 3] when
``comma`` is chosen and [1,2,3] for when ``period`` is chosen.
parenthesize_super : boolean, optional
If set to ``False``, superscripted expressions will not be parenthesized when
powered. Default is ``True``, which parenthesizes the expression when powered.
min: Integer or None, optional
Sets the lower bound for the exponent to print floating point numbers in
fixed-point format.
max: Integer or None, optional
Sets the upper bound for the exponent to print floating point numbers in
fixed-point format.
diff_operator: string, optional
String to use for differential operator. Default is ``'d'``, to print in italic
form. ``'rd'``, ``'td'`` are shortcuts for ``\mathrm{d}`` and ``\text{d}``.
Not using a print statement for printing, results in double backslashes for
latex commands since that's the way Python escapes backslashes in strings.
>>> from sympy import latex, Rational
>>> from sympy.abc import tau
>>> latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2))
'8 \\sqrt{2} \\tau^{\\frac{7}{2}}'
>>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2)))
8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{\frac{7}{2}}
>>> from sympy import latex, pi, sin, asin, Integral, Matrix, Rational, log
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, mu, r, tau
Basic usage:
>>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2)))
8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{\frac{7}{2}}
``mode`` and ``itex`` options:
>>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='plain'))
8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}
>>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2), mode='inline'))
$8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{7 / 2}$
>>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation*'))
\begin{equation*}8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}\end{equation*}
>>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation'))
\begin{equation}8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}\end{equation}
>>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation', itex=True))
$$8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}$$
>>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='plain'))
8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}
>>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2), mode='inline'))
$8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{7 / 2}$
>>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation*'))
\begin{equation*}8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}\end{equation*}
>>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation'))
\begin{equation}8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}\end{equation}
>>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation', itex=True))
$$8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}$$
Fraction options:
>>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2), fold_frac_powers=True))
8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{7/2}
>>> print(latex((2*tau)**sin(Rational(7,2))))
\left(2 \tau\right)^{\sin{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}}
>>> print(latex((2*tau)**sin(Rational(7,2)), fold_func_brackets=True))
\left(2 \tau\right)^{\sin {\frac{7}{2}}}
>>> print(latex(3*x**2/y))
\frac{3 x^{2}}{y}
>>> print(latex(3*x**2/y, fold_short_frac=True))
3 x^{2} / y
>>> print(latex(Integral(r, r)/2/pi, long_frac_ratio=2))
\frac{\int r\, dr}{2 \pi}
>>> print(latex(Integral(r, r)/2/pi, long_frac_ratio=0))
\frac{1}{2 \pi} \int r\, dr
Multiplication options:
>>> print(latex((2*tau)**sin(Rational(7,2)), mul_symbol="times"))
\left(2 \times \tau\right)^{\sin{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}}
Trig options:
>>> print(latex(asin(Rational(7,2))))
\operatorname{asin}{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}
>>> print(latex(asin(Rational(7,2)), inv_trig_style="full"))
\arcsin{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}
>>> print(latex(asin(Rational(7,2)), inv_trig_style="power"))
\sin^{-1}{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}
Matrix options:
>>> print(latex(Matrix(2, 1, [x, y])))
>>> print(latex(Matrix(2, 1, [x, y]), mat_str = "array"))
>>> print(latex(Matrix(2, 1, [x, y]), mat_delim="("))
Custom printing of symbols:
>>> print(latex(x**2, symbol_names={x: 'x_i'}))
>>> print(latex(log(10)))
\log{\left(10 \right)}
>>> print(latex(log(10), ln_notation=True))
\ln{\left(10 \right)}
``latex()`` also supports the builtin container types :class:`list`,
:class:`tuple`, and :class:`dict`:
>>> print(latex([2/x, y], mode='inline'))
$\left[ 2 / x, \ y\right]$
Unsupported types are rendered as monospaced plaintext:
>>> print(latex(int))
\mathtt{\text{<class 'int'>}}
>>> print(latex("plain % text"))
\mathtt{\text{plain \% text}}
See :ref:`printer_method_example` for an example of how to override
this behavior for your own types by implementing ``_latex``.
.. versionchanged:: 1.7.0
Unsupported types no longer have their ``str`` representation treated as valid latex.
return LatexPrinter(settings).doprint(expr)
def print_latex(expr, **settings):
"""Prints LaTeX representation of the given expression. Takes the same
settings as ``latex()``."""
print(latex(expr, **settings))
def multiline_latex(lhs, rhs, terms_per_line=1, environment="align*", use_dots=False, **settings):
This function generates a LaTeX equation with a multiline right-hand side
in an ``align*``, ``eqnarray`` or ``IEEEeqnarray`` environment.
lhs : Expr
Left-hand side of equation
rhs : Expr
Right-hand side of equation
terms_per_line : integer, optional
Number of terms per line to print. Default is 1.
environment : "string", optional
Which LaTeX wnvironment to use for the output. Options are "align*"
(default), "eqnarray", and "IEEEeqnarray".
use_dots : boolean, optional
If ``True``, ``\\dots`` is added to the end of each line. Default is ``False``.
>>> from sympy import multiline_latex, symbols, sin, cos, exp, log, I
>>> x, y, alpha = symbols('x y alpha')
>>> expr = sin(alpha*y) + exp(I*alpha) - cos(log(y))
>>> print(multiline_latex(x, expr))
x = & e^{i \alpha} \\
& + \sin{\left(\alpha y \right)} \\
& - \cos{\left(\log{\left(y \right)} \right)}
Using at most two terms per line:
>>> print(multiline_latex(x, expr, 2))
x = & e^{i \alpha} + \sin{\left(\alpha y \right)} \\
& - \cos{\left(\log{\left(y \right)} \right)}
Using ``eqnarray`` and dots:
>>> print(multiline_latex(x, expr, terms_per_line=2, environment="eqnarray", use_dots=True))
x & = & e^{i \alpha} + \sin{\left(\alpha y \right)} \dots\nonumber\\
& & - \cos{\left(\log{\left(y \right)} \right)}
Using ``IEEEeqnarray``:
>>> print(multiline_latex(x, expr, environment="IEEEeqnarray"))
x & = & e^{i \alpha} \nonumber\\
& & + \sin{\left(\alpha y \right)} \nonumber\\
& & - \cos{\left(\log{\left(y \right)} \right)}
All optional parameters from ``latex`` can also be used.
# Based on code from https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/3001
l = LatexPrinter(**settings)
if environment == "eqnarray":
result = r'\begin{eqnarray}' + '\n'
first_term = '& = &'
nonumber = r'\nonumber'
end_term = '\n\\end{eqnarray}'
doubleet = True
elif environment == "IEEEeqnarray":
result = r'\begin{IEEEeqnarray}{rCl}' + '\n'
first_term = '& = &'
nonumber = r'\nonumber'
end_term = '\n\\end{IEEEeqnarray}'
doubleet = True
elif environment == "align*":
result = r'\begin{align*}' + '\n'
first_term = '= &'
nonumber = ''
end_term = '\n\\end{align*}'
doubleet = False
raise ValueError("Unknown environment: {}".format(environment))
dots = ''
if use_dots:
terms = rhs.as_ordered_terms()
n_terms = len(terms)
term_count = 1
for i in range(n_terms):
term = terms[i]
term_start = ''
term_end = ''
sign = '+'
if term_count > terms_per_line:
if doubleet:
term_start = '& & '
term_start = '& '
term_count = 1
if term_count == terms_per_line:
# End of line
if i < n_terms-1:
# There are terms remaining
term_end = dots + nonumber + r'\\' + '\n'
term_end = ''
if term.as_ordered_factors()[0] == -1:
term = -1*term
sign = r'-'
if i == 0: # beginning
if sign == '+':
sign = ''
result += r'{:s} {:s}{:s} {:s} {:s}'.format(l.doprint(lhs),
first_term, sign, l.doprint(term), term_end)
result += r'{:s}{:s} {:s} {:s}'.format(term_start, sign,
l.doprint(term), term_end)
term_count += 1
result += end_term
return result