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from pathlib import Path
import io
import pytest
from matplotlib import ft2font
from matplotlib.testing.decorators import check_figures_equal
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def test_fallback_errors():
file_name = fm.findfont('DejaVu Sans')
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Fallback list must be a list"):
# failing to be a list will fail before the 0
ft2font.FT2Font(file_name, _fallback_list=(0,)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
with pytest.raises(
TypeError, match="Fallback fonts must be FT2Font objects."
ft2font.FT2Font(file_name, _fallback_list=[0]) # type: ignore[list-item]
def test_ft2font_positive_hinting_factor():
file_name = fm.findfont('DejaVu Sans')
with pytest.raises(
ValueError, match="hinting_factor must be greater than 0"
ft2font.FT2Font(file_name, 0)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('family_name, file_name',
[("WenQuanYi Zen Hei", "wqy-zenhei.ttc"),
("Noto Sans CJK JP", "NotoSansCJK.ttc"),
("Noto Sans TC", "NotoSansTC-Regular.otf")]
def test_fallback_smoke(family_name, file_name):
fp = fm.FontProperties(family=[family_name])
if Path(fm.findfont(fp)).name != file_name:
pytest.skip(f"Font {family_name} ({file_name}) is missing")
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 20
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.75, 1.85))
fig.text(0.05, 0.45, "There are 几个汉字 in between!",
family=['DejaVu Sans', family_name])
fig.text(0.05, 0.85, "There are 几个汉字 in between!",
# TODO enable fallback for other backends!
for fmt in ['png', 'raw']: # ["svg", "pdf", "ps"]:
fig.savefig(io.BytesIO(), format=fmt)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('family_name, file_name',
[("WenQuanYi Zen Hei", "wqy-zenhei"),
("Noto Sans CJK JP", "NotoSansCJK"),
("Noto Sans TC", "NotoSansTC-Regular.otf")]
@check_figures_equal(extensions=["png", "pdf", "eps", "svg"])
def test_font_fallback_chinese(fig_test, fig_ref, family_name, file_name):
fp = fm.FontProperties(family=[family_name])
if file_name not in Path(fm.findfont(fp)).name:
pytest.skip(f"Font {family_name} ({file_name}) is missing")
text = ["There are", "几个汉字", "in between!"]
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 20
test_fonts = [["DejaVu Sans", family_name]] * 3
ref_fonts = [["DejaVu Sans"], [family_name], ["DejaVu Sans"]]
for j, (txt, test_font, ref_font) in enumerate(
zip(text, test_fonts, ref_fonts)
fig_ref.text(0.05, .85 - 0.15*j, txt, family=ref_font)
fig_test.text(0.05, .85 - 0.15*j, txt, family=test_font)
[['DejaVu Serif', 'DejaVu Sans'],
['DejaVu Sans Mono']],
ids=["two fonts", "one font"])
def test_fallback_missing(recwarn, font_list):
fig = plt.figure()
fig.text(.5, .5, "Hello 🙃 World!", family=font_list)
assert all(isinstance(warn.message, UserWarning) for warn in recwarn)
# not sure order is guaranteed on the font listing so
assert recwarn[0].message.args[0].startswith(
"Glyph 128579 (\\N{UPSIDE-DOWN FACE}) missing from font(s)")
assert all([font in recwarn[0].message.args[0] for font in font_list])
"family_name, file_name",
("WenQuanYi Zen Hei", "wqy-zenhei"),
("Noto Sans CJK JP", "NotoSansCJK"),
("Noto Sans TC", "NotoSansTC-Regular.otf")
def test__get_fontmap(family_name, file_name):
fp = fm.FontProperties(family=[family_name])
found_file_name = Path(fm.findfont(fp)).name
if file_name not in found_file_name:
pytest.skip(f"Font {family_name} ({file_name}) is missing")
text = "There are 几个汉字 in between!"
ft = fm.get_font(
fm.FontProperties(family=["DejaVu Sans", family_name])
fontmap = ft._get_fontmap(text)
for char, font in fontmap.items():
if ord(char) > 127:
assert Path(font.fname).name == found_file_name
assert Path(font.fname).name == "DejaVuSans.ttf"