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2024-05-23 01:57:24 +02:00
from ..libmp.backend import xrange
from .calculus import defun
iteritems = dict.iteritems
except AttributeError:
iteritems = dict.items
# Differentiation #
def difference(ctx, s, n):
Given a sequence `(s_k)` containing at least `n+1` items, returns the
`n`-th forward difference,
.. math ::
\Delta^n = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} (-1)^{k+n} {n \choose k} s_k.
n = int(n)
d =
b = (-1) ** (n & 1)
for k in xrange(n+1):
d += b * s[k]
b = (b * (k-n)) // (k+1)
return d
def hsteps(ctx, f, x, n, prec, **options):
singular = options.get('singular')
addprec = options.get('addprec', 10)
direction = options.get('direction', 0)
workprec = (prec+2*addprec) * (n+1)
orig = ctx.prec
ctx.prec = workprec
h = options.get('h')
if h is None:
if options.get('relative'):
hextramag = int(ctx.mag(x))
hextramag = 0
h = ctx.ldexp(1, -prec-addprec-hextramag)
h = ctx.convert(h)
# Directed: steps x, x+h, ... x+n*h
direction = options.get('direction', 0)
if direction:
h *= ctx.sign(direction)
steps = xrange(n+1)
norm = h
# Central: steps x-n*h, x-(n-2)*h ..., x, ..., x+(n-2)*h, x+n*h
steps = xrange(-n, n+1, 2)
norm = (2*h)
# Perturb
if singular:
x += 0.5*h
values = [f(x+k*h) for k in steps]
return values, norm, workprec
ctx.prec = orig
def diff(ctx, f, x, n=1, **options):
Numerically computes the derivative of `f`, `f'(x)`, or generally for
an integer `n \ge 0`, the `n`-th derivative `f^{(n)}(x)`.
A few basic examples are::
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
>>> diff(lambda x: x**2 + x, 1.0)
>>> diff(lambda x: x**2 + x, 1.0, 2)
>>> diff(lambda x: x**2 + x, 1.0, 3)
>>> nprint([diff(exp, 3, n) for n in range(5)]) # exp'(x) = exp(x)
[20.0855, 20.0855, 20.0855, 20.0855, 20.0855]
Even more generally, given a tuple of arguments `(x_1, \ldots, x_k)`
and order `(n_1, \ldots, n_k)`, the partial derivative
`f^{(n_1,\ldots,n_k)}(x_1,\ldots,x_k)` is evaluated. For example::
>>> diff(lambda x,y: 3*x*y + 2*y - x, (0.25, 0.5), (0,1))
>>> diff(lambda x,y: 3*x*y + 2*y - x, (0.25, 0.5), (1,1))
The following optional keyword arguments are recognized:
Supported methods are ``'step'`` or ``'quad'``: derivatives may be
computed using either a finite difference with a small step
size `h` (default), or numerical quadrature.
Direction of finite difference: can be -1 for a left
difference, 0 for a central difference (default), or +1
for a right difference; more generally can be any complex number.
Extra precision for `h` used to account for the function's
sensitivity to perturbations (default = 10).
Choose `h` relative to the magnitude of `x`, rather than an
absolute value; useful for large or tiny `x` (default = False).
As an alternative to ``addprec`` and ``relative``, manually
select the step size `h`.
If True, evaluation exactly at the point `x` is avoided; this is
useful for differentiating functions with removable singularities.
Default = False.
Radius of integration contour (with ``method = 'quad'``).
Default = 0.25. A larger radius typically is faster and more
accurate, but it must be chosen so that `f` has no
singularities within the radius from the evaluation point.
A finite difference requires `n+1` function evaluations and must be
performed at `(n+1)` times the target precision. Accordingly, `f` must
support fast evaluation at high precision.
With integration, a larger number of function evaluations is
required, but not much extra precision is required. For high order
derivatives, this method may thus be faster if f is very expensive to
evaluate at high precision.
**Further examples**
The direction option is useful for computing left- or right-sided
derivatives of nonsmooth functions::
>>> diff(abs, 0, direction=0)
>>> diff(abs, 0, direction=1)
>>> diff(abs, 0, direction=-1)
More generally, if the direction is nonzero, a right difference
is computed where the step size is multiplied by sign(direction).
For example, with direction=+j, the derivative from the positive
imaginary direction will be computed::
>>> diff(abs, 0, direction=j)
(0.0 - 1.0j)
With integration, the result may have a small imaginary part
even even if the result is purely real::
>>> diff(sqrt, 1, method='quad') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
(0.5 - 4.59...e-26j)
>>> chop(_)
Adding precision to obtain an accurate value::
>>> diff(cos, 1e-30)
>>> diff(cos, 1e-30, h=0.0001)
>>> diff(cos, 1e-30, addprec=100)
partial = False
orders = list(n)
x = list(x)
partial = True
except TypeError:
if partial:
x = [ctx.convert(_) for _ in x]
return _partial_diff(ctx, f, x, orders, options)
method = options.get('method', 'step')
if n == 0 and method != 'quad' and not options.get('singular'):
return f(ctx.convert(x))
prec = ctx.prec
if method == 'step':
values, norm, workprec = hsteps(ctx, f, x, n, prec, **options)
ctx.prec = workprec
v = ctx.difference(values, n) / norm**n
elif method == 'quad':
ctx.prec += 10
radius = ctx.convert(options.get('radius', 0.25))
def g(t):
rei = radius*ctx.expj(t)
z = x + rei
return f(z) / rei**n
d = ctx.quadts(g, [0, 2*ctx.pi])
v = d * ctx.factorial(n) / (2*ctx.pi)
raise ValueError("unknown method: %r" % method)
ctx.prec = prec
return +v
def _partial_diff(ctx, f, xs, orders, options):
if not orders:
return f()
if not sum(orders):
return f(*xs)
i = 0
for i in range(len(orders)):
if orders[i]:
order = orders[i]
def fdiff_inner(*f_args):
def inner(t):
return f(*(f_args[:i] + (t,) + f_args[i+1:]))
return ctx.diff(inner, f_args[i], order, **options)
orders[i] = 0
return _partial_diff(ctx, fdiff_inner, xs, orders, options)
def diffs(ctx, f, x, n=None, **options):
Returns a generator that yields the sequence of derivatives
.. math ::
f(x), f'(x), f''(x), \ldots, f^{(k)}(x), \ldots
With ``method='step'``, :func:`~mpmath.diffs` uses only `O(k)`
function evaluations to generate the first `k` derivatives,
rather than the roughly `O(k^2)` evaluations
required if one calls :func:`~mpmath.diff` `k` separate times.
With `n < \infty`, the generator stops as soon as the
`n`-th derivative has been generated. If the exact number of
needed derivatives is known in advance, this is further
slightly more efficient.
Options are the same as for :func:`~mpmath.diff`.
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 15
>>> nprint(list(diffs(cos, 1, 5)))
[0.540302, -0.841471, -0.540302, 0.841471, 0.540302, -0.841471]
>>> for i, d in zip(range(6), diffs(cos, 1)):
... print("%s %s" % (i, d))
0 0.54030230586814
1 -0.841470984807897
2 -0.54030230586814
3 0.841470984807897
4 0.54030230586814
5 -0.841470984807897
if n is None:
n = ctx.inf
n = int(n)
if options.get('method', 'step') != 'step':
k = 0
while k < n + 1:
yield ctx.diff(f, x, k, **options)
k += 1
singular = options.get('singular')
if singular:
yield ctx.diff(f, x, 0, singular=True)
yield f(ctx.convert(x))
if n < 1:
if n == ctx.inf:
A, B = 1, 2
A, B = 1, n+1
while 1:
callprec = ctx.prec
y, norm, workprec = hsteps(ctx, f, x, B, callprec, **options)
for k in xrange(A, B):
ctx.prec = workprec
d = ctx.difference(y, k) / norm**k
ctx.prec = callprec
yield +d
if k >= n:
A, B = B, int(A*1.4+1)
B = min(B, n)
def iterable_to_function(gen):
gen = iter(gen)
data = []
def f(k):
for i in xrange(len(data), k+1):
return data[k]
return f
def diffs_prod(ctx, factors):
Given a list of `N` iterables or generators yielding
`f_k(x), f'_k(x), f''_k(x), \ldots` for `k = 1, \ldots, N`,
generate `g(x), g'(x), g''(x), \ldots` where
`g(x) = f_1(x) f_2(x) \cdots f_N(x)`.
At high precision and for large orders, this is typically more efficient
than numerical differentiation if the derivatives of each `f_k(x)`
admit direct computation.
Note: This function does not increase the working precision internally,
so guard digits may have to be added externally for full accuracy.
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
>>> f = lambda x: exp(x)*cos(x)*sin(x)
>>> u = diffs(f, 1)
>>> v = mp.diffs_prod([diffs(exp,1), diffs(cos,1), diffs(sin,1)])
>>> next(u); next(v)
>>> next(u); next(v)
>>> next(u); next(v)
>>> next(u); next(v)
N = len(factors)
if N == 1:
for c in factors[0]:
yield c
u = iterable_to_function(ctx.diffs_prod(factors[:N//2]))
v = iterable_to_function(ctx.diffs_prod(factors[N//2:]))
n = 0
while 1:
#yield sum(binomial(n,k)*u(n-k)*v(k) for k in xrange(n+1))
s = u(n) * v(0)
a = 1
for k in xrange(1,n+1):
a = a * (n-k+1) // k
s += a * u(n-k) * v(k)
yield s
n += 1
def dpoly(n, _cache={}):
nth differentiation polynomial for exp (Faa di Bruno's formula).
TODO: most exponents are zero, so maybe a sparse representation
would be better.
if n in _cache:
return _cache[n]
if not _cache:
_cache[0] = {(0,):1}
R = dpoly(n-1)
R = dict((c+(0,),v) for (c,v) in iteritems(R))
Ra = {}
for powers, count in iteritems(R):
powers1 = (powers[0]+1,) + powers[1:]
if powers1 in Ra:
Ra[powers1] += count
Ra[powers1] = count
for powers, count in iteritems(R):
if not sum(powers):
for k,p in enumerate(powers):
if p:
powers2 = powers[:k] + (p-1,powers[k+1]+1) + powers[k+2:]
if powers2 in Ra:
Ra[powers2] += p*count
Ra[powers2] = p*count
_cache[n] = Ra
return _cache[n]
def diffs_exp(ctx, fdiffs):
Given an iterable or generator yielding `f(x), f'(x), f''(x), \ldots`
generate `g(x), g'(x), g''(x), \ldots` where `g(x) = \exp(f(x))`.
At high precision and for large orders, this is typically more efficient
than numerical differentiation if the derivatives of `f(x)`
admit direct computation.
Note: This function does not increase the working precision internally,
so guard digits may have to be added externally for full accuracy.
The derivatives of the gamma function can be computed using
logarithmic differentiation::
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
>>> def diffs_loggamma(x):
... yield loggamma(x)
... i = 0
... while 1:
... yield psi(i,x)
... i += 1
>>> u = diffs_exp(diffs_loggamma(3))
>>> v = diffs(gamma, 3)
>>> next(u); next(v)
>>> next(u); next(v)
>>> next(u); next(v)
>>> next(u); next(v)
fn = iterable_to_function(fdiffs)
f0 = ctx.exp(fn(0))
yield f0
i = 1
while 1:
s = ctx.mpf(0)
for powers, c in iteritems(dpoly(i)):
s += c*ctx.fprod(fn(k+1)**p for (k,p) in enumerate(powers) if p)
yield s * f0
i += 1
def differint(ctx, f, x, n=1, x0=0):
Calculates the Riemann-Liouville differintegral, or fractional
derivative, defined by
.. math ::
\,_{x_0}{\mathbb{D}}^n_xf(x) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(m-n)} \frac{d^m}{dx^m}
where `f` is a given (presumably well-behaved) function,
`x` is the evaluation point, `n` is the order, and `x_0` is
the reference point of integration (`m` is an arbitrary
parameter selected automatically).
With `n = 1`, this is just the standard derivative `f'(x)`; with `n = 2`,
the second derivative `f''(x)`, etc. With `n = -1`, it gives
`\int_{x_0}^x f(t) dt`, with `n = -2`
it gives `\int_{x_0}^x \left( \int_{x_0}^t f(u) du \right) dt`, etc.
As `n` is permitted to be any number, this operator generalizes
iterated differentiation and iterated integration to a single
operator with a continuous order parameter.
There is an exact formula for the fractional derivative of a
monomial `x^p`, which may be used as a reference. For example,
the following gives a half-derivative (order 0.5)::
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
>>> x = mpf(3); p = 2; n = 0.5
>>> differint(lambda t: t**p, x, n)
>>> gamma(p+1)/gamma(p-n+1) * x**(p-n)
Another useful test function is the exponential function, whose
integration / differentiation formula easy generalizes
to arbitrary order. Here we first compute a third derivative,
and then a triply nested integral. (The reference point `x_0`
is set to `-\infty` to avoid nonzero endpoint terms.)::
>>> differint(lambda x: exp(pi*x), -1.5, 3)
>>> exp(pi*-1.5) * pi**3
>>> differint(lambda x: exp(pi*x), 3.5, -3, -inf)
>>> exp(pi*3.5) / pi**3
However, for noninteger `n`, the differentiation formula for the
exponential function must be modified to give the same result as the
Riemann-Liouville differintegral::
>>> x = mpf(3.5)
>>> c = pi
>>> n = 1+2*j
>>> differint(lambda x: exp(c*x), x, n)
(-123295.005390743 + 140955.117867654j)
>>> x**(-n) * exp(c)**x * (x*c)**n * gammainc(-n, 0, x*c) / gamma(-n)
(-123295.005390743 + 140955.117867654j)
m = max(int(ctx.ceil(, 1)
r = m-n-1
g = lambda x: ctx.quad(lambda t: (x-t)**r * f(t), [x0, x])
return ctx.diff(g, x, m) / ctx.gamma(m-n)
def diffun(ctx, f, n=1, **options):
Given a function `f`, returns a function `g(x)` that evaluates the nth
derivative `f^{(n)}(x)`::
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
>>> cos2 = diffun(sin)
>>> sin2 = diffun(sin, 4)
>>> cos(1.3), cos2(1.3)
(0.267498828624587, 0.267498828624587)
>>> sin(1.3), sin2(1.3)
(0.963558185417193, 0.963558185417193)
The function `f` must support arbitrary precision evaluation.
See :func:`~mpmath.diff` for additional details and supported
keyword options.
if n == 0:
return f
def g(x):
return ctx.diff(f, x, n, **options)
return g
def taylor(ctx, f, x, n, **options):
Produces a degree-`n` Taylor polynomial around the point `x` of the
given function `f`. The coefficients are returned as a list.
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
>>> nprint(chop(taylor(sin, 0, 5)))
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.166667, 0.0, 0.00833333]
The coefficients are computed using high-order numerical
differentiation. The function must be possible to evaluate
to arbitrary precision. See :func:`~mpmath.diff` for additional details
and supported keyword options.
Note that to evaluate the Taylor polynomial as an approximation
of `f`, e.g. with :func:`~mpmath.polyval`, the coefficients must be reversed,
and the point of the Taylor expansion must be subtracted from
the argument:
>>> p = taylor(exp, 2.0, 10)
>>> polyval(p[::-1], 2.5 - 2.0)
>>> exp(2.5)
gen = enumerate(ctx.diffs(f, x, n, **options))
if options.get("chop", True):
return [ctx.chop(d)/ctx.factorial(i) for i, d in gen]
return [d/ctx.factorial(i) for i, d in gen]
def pade(ctx, a, L, M):
Computes a Pade approximation of degree `(L, M)` to a function.
Given at least `L+M+1` Taylor coefficients `a` approximating
a function `A(x)`, :func:`~mpmath.pade` returns coefficients of
polynomials `P, Q` satisfying
.. math ::
P = \sum_{k=0}^L p_k x^k
Q = \sum_{k=0}^M q_k x^k
Q_0 = 1
A(x) Q(x) = P(x) + O(x^{L+M+1})
`P(x)/Q(x)` can provide a good approximation to an analytic function
beyond the radius of convergence of its Taylor series (example
from G.A. Baker 'Essentials of Pade Approximants' Academic Press,
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
>>> one = mpf(1)
>>> def f(x):
... return sqrt((one + 2*x)/(one + x))
>>> a = taylor(f, 0, 6)
>>> p, q = pade(a, 3, 3)
>>> x = 10
>>> polyval(p[::-1], x)/polyval(q[::-1], x)
>>> f(x)
# To determine L+1 coefficients of P and M coefficients of Q
# L+M+1 coefficients of A must be provided
if len(a) < L+M+1:
raise ValueError("L+M+1 Coefficients should be provided")
if M == 0:
if L == 0:
return [], []
return a[:L+1], []
# Solve first
# a[L]*q[1] + ... + a[L-M+1]*q[M] = -a[L+1]
# ...
# a[L+M-1]*q[1] + ... + a[L]*q[M] = -a[L+M]
A = ctx.matrix(M)
for j in range(M):
for i in range(min(M, L+j+1)):
A[j, i] = a[L+j-i]
v = -ctx.matrix(a[(L+1):(L+M+1)])
x = ctx.lu_solve(A, v)
q = [] + list(x)
# compute p
p = [0]*(L+1)
for i in range(L+1):
s = a[i]
for j in range(1, min(M,i) + 1):
s += q[j]*a[i-j]
p[i] = s
return p, q