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1355 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
from sympy.core import S
from sympy.core.expr import Expr
from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol, symbols as _symbols
from sympy.core.sympify import CantSympify
from sympy.printing.defaults import DefaultPrinting
from sympy.utilities import public
from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten, is_sequence
from sympy.utilities.magic import pollute
from sympy.utilities.misc import as_int
def free_group(symbols):
"""Construct a free group returning ``(FreeGroup, (f_0, f_1, ..., f_(n-1))``.
symbols : str, Symbol/Expr or sequence of str, Symbol/Expr (may be empty)
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y, z = free_group("x, y, z")
>>> F
<free group on the generators (x, y, z)>
>>> x**2*y**-1
>>> type(_)
<class 'sympy.combinatorics.free_groups.FreeGroupElement'>
_free_group = FreeGroup(symbols)
return (_free_group,) + tuple(_free_group.generators)
def xfree_group(symbols):
"""Construct a free group returning ``(FreeGroup, (f_0, f_1, ..., f_(n-1)))``.
symbols : str, Symbol/Expr or sequence of str, Symbol/Expr (may be empty)
>>> from sympy.combinatorics.free_groups import xfree_group
>>> F, (x, y, z) = xfree_group("x, y, z")
>>> F
<free group on the generators (x, y, z)>
>>> y**2*x**-2*z**-1
>>> type(_)
<class 'sympy.combinatorics.free_groups.FreeGroupElement'>
_free_group = FreeGroup(symbols)
return (_free_group, _free_group.generators)
def vfree_group(symbols):
"""Construct a free group and inject ``f_0, f_1, ..., f_(n-1)`` as symbols
into the global namespace.
symbols : str, Symbol/Expr or sequence of str, Symbol/Expr (may be empty)
>>> from sympy.combinatorics.free_groups import vfree_group
>>> vfree_group("x, y, z")
<free group on the generators (x, y, z)>
>>> x**2*y**-2*z # noqa: F821
>>> type(_)
<class 'sympy.combinatorics.free_groups.FreeGroupElement'>
_free_group = FreeGroup(symbols)
pollute([sym.name for sym in _free_group.symbols], _free_group.generators)
return _free_group
def _parse_symbols(symbols):
if not symbols:
return ()
if isinstance(symbols, str):
return _symbols(symbols, seq=True)
elif isinstance(symbols, (Expr, FreeGroupElement)):
return (symbols,)
elif is_sequence(symbols):
if all(isinstance(s, str) for s in symbols):
return _symbols(symbols)
elif all(isinstance(s, Expr) for s in symbols):
return symbols
raise ValueError("The type of `symbols` must be one of the following: "
"a str, Symbol/Expr or a sequence of "
"one of these types")
_free_group_cache: dict[int, FreeGroup] = {}
class FreeGroup(DefaultPrinting):
Free group with finite or infinite number of generators. Its input API
is that of a str, Symbol/Expr or a sequence of one of
these types (which may be empty)
See Also
.. [1] https://www.gap-system.org/Manuals/doc/ref/chap37.html
.. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_group
is_associative = True
is_group = True
is_FreeGroup = True
is_PermutationGroup = False
relators: list[Expr] = []
def __new__(cls, symbols):
symbols = tuple(_parse_symbols(symbols))
rank = len(symbols)
_hash = hash((cls.__name__, symbols, rank))
obj = _free_group_cache.get(_hash)
if obj is None:
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj._hash = _hash
obj._rank = rank
# dtype method is used to create new instances of FreeGroupElement
obj.dtype = type("FreeGroupElement", (FreeGroupElement,), {"group": obj})
obj.symbols = symbols
obj.generators = obj._generators()
obj._gens_set = set(obj.generators)
for symbol, generator in zip(obj.symbols, obj.generators):
if isinstance(symbol, Symbol):
name = symbol.name
if hasattr(obj, name):
setattr(obj, name, generator)
_free_group_cache[_hash] = obj
return obj
def _generators(group):
"""Returns the generators of the FreeGroup.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y, z = free_group("x, y, z")
>>> F.generators
(x, y, z)
gens = []
for sym in group.symbols:
elm = ((sym, 1),)
return tuple(gens)
def clone(self, symbols=None):
return self.__class__(symbols or self.symbols)
def __contains__(self, i):
"""Return True if ``i`` is contained in FreeGroup."""
if not isinstance(i, FreeGroupElement):
return False
group = i.group
return self == group
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash
def __len__(self):
return self.rank
def __str__(self):
if self.rank > 30:
str_form = "<free group with %s generators>" % self.rank
str_form = "<free group on the generators "
gens = self.generators
str_form += str(gens) + ">"
return str_form
__repr__ = __str__
def __getitem__(self, index):
symbols = self.symbols[index]
return self.clone(symbols=symbols)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""No ``FreeGroup`` is equal to any "other" ``FreeGroup``.
return self is other
def index(self, gen):
"""Return the index of the generator `gen` from ``(f_0, ..., f_(n-1))``.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> F.index(y)
>>> F.index(x)
if isinstance(gen, self.dtype):
return self.generators.index(gen)
raise ValueError("expected a generator of Free Group %s, got %s" % (self, gen))
def order(self):
"""Return the order of the free group.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> F.order()
>>> free_group("")[0].order()
if self.rank == 0:
return S.One
return S.Infinity
def elements(self):
Return the elements of the free group.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> (z,) = free_group("")
>>> z.elements
if self.rank == 0:
# A set containing Identity element of `FreeGroup` self is returned
return {self.identity}
raise ValueError("Group contains infinitely many elements"
", hence cannot be represented")
def rank(self):
In group theory, the `rank` of a group `G`, denoted `G.rank`,
can refer to the smallest cardinality of a generating set
for G, that is
\operatorname{rank}(G)=\min\{ |X|: X\subseteq G, \left\langle X\right\rangle =G\}.
return self._rank
def is_abelian(self):
"""Returns if the group is Abelian.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, x, y, z = free_group("x y z")
>>> f.is_abelian
return self.rank in (0, 1)
def identity(self):
"""Returns the identity element of free group."""
return self.dtype()
def contains(self, g):
"""Tests if Free Group element ``g`` belong to self, ``G``.
In mathematical terms any linear combination of generators
of a Free Group is contained in it.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, x, y, z = free_group("x y z")
>>> f.contains(x**3*y**2)
if not isinstance(g, FreeGroupElement):
return False
elif self != g.group:
return False
return True
def center(self):
"""Returns the center of the free group `self`."""
return {self.identity}
# FreeGroupElement #
class FreeGroupElement(CantSympify, DefaultPrinting, tuple):
"""Used to create elements of FreeGroup. It cannot be used directly to
create a free group element. It is called by the `dtype` method of the
`FreeGroup` class.
is_assoc_word = True
def new(self, init):
return self.__class__(init)
_hash = None
def __hash__(self):
_hash = self._hash
if _hash is None:
self._hash = _hash = hash((self.group, frozenset(tuple(self))))
return _hash
def copy(self):
return self.new(self)
def is_identity(self):
if self.array_form == ():
return True
return False
def array_form(self):
SymPy provides two different internal kinds of representation
of associative words. The first one is called the `array_form`
which is a tuple containing `tuples` as its elements, where the
size of each tuple is two. At the first position the tuple
contains the `symbol-generator`, while at the second position
of tuple contains the exponent of that generator at the position.
Since elements (i.e. words) do not commute, the indexing of tuple
makes that property to stay.
The structure in ``array_form`` of ``FreeGroupElement`` is of form:
``( ( symbol_of_gen, exponent ), ( , ), ... ( , ) )``
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, x, y, z = free_group("x y z")
>>> (x*z).array_form
((x, 1), (z, 1))
>>> (x**2*z*y*x**2).array_form
((x, 2), (z, 1), (y, 1), (x, 2))
See Also
return tuple(self)
def letter_form(self):
The letter representation of a ``FreeGroupElement`` is a tuple
of generator symbols, with each entry corresponding to a group
generator. Inverses of the generators are represented by
negative generator symbols.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, a, b, c, d = free_group("a b c d")
>>> (a**3).letter_form
(a, a, a)
>>> (a**2*d**-2*a*b**-4).letter_form
(a, a, -d, -d, a, -b, -b, -b, -b)
>>> (a**-2*b**3*d).letter_form
(-a, -a, b, b, b, d)
See Also
return tuple(flatten([(i,)*j if j > 0 else (-i,)*(-j)
for i, j in self.array_form]))
def __getitem__(self, i):
group = self.group
r = self.letter_form[i]
if r.is_Symbol:
return group.dtype(((r, 1),))
return group.dtype(((-r, -1),))
def index(self, gen):
if len(gen) != 1:
raise ValueError()
return (self.letter_form).index(gen.letter_form[0])
def letter_form_elm(self):
group = self.group
r = self.letter_form
return [group.dtype(((elm,1),)) if elm.is_Symbol \
else group.dtype(((-elm,-1),)) for elm in r]
def ext_rep(self):
"""This is called the External Representation of ``FreeGroupElement``
return tuple(flatten(self.array_form))
def __contains__(self, gen):
return gen.array_form[0][0] in tuple([r[0] for r in self.array_form])
def __str__(self):
if self.is_identity:
return "<identity>"
str_form = ""
array_form = self.array_form
for i in range(len(array_form)):
if i == len(array_form) - 1:
if array_form[i][1] == 1:
str_form += str(array_form[i][0])
str_form += str(array_form[i][0]) + \
"**" + str(array_form[i][1])
if array_form[i][1] == 1:
str_form += str(array_form[i][0]) + "*"
str_form += str(array_form[i][0]) + \
"**" + str(array_form[i][1]) + "*"
return str_form
__repr__ = __str__
def __pow__(self, n):
n = as_int(n)
group = self.group
if n == 0:
return group.identity
if n < 0:
n = -n
return (self.inverse())**n
result = self
for i in range(n - 1):
result = result*self
# this method can be improved instead of just returning the
# multiplication of elements
return result
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Returns the product of elements belonging to the same ``FreeGroup``.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, x, y, z = free_group("x y z")
>>> x*y**2*y**-4
>>> z*y**-2
>>> x**2*y*y**-1*x**-2
group = self.group
if not isinstance(other, group.dtype):
raise TypeError("only FreeGroup elements of same FreeGroup can "
"be multiplied")
if self.is_identity:
return other
if other.is_identity:
return self
r = list(self.array_form + other.array_form)
zero_mul_simp(r, len(self.array_form) - 1)
return group.dtype(tuple(r))
def __truediv__(self, other):
group = self.group
if not isinstance(other, group.dtype):
raise TypeError("only FreeGroup elements of same FreeGroup can "
"be multiplied")
return self*(other.inverse())
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
group = self.group
if not isinstance(other, group.dtype):
raise TypeError("only FreeGroup elements of same FreeGroup can "
"be multiplied")
return other*(self.inverse())
def __add__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
def inverse(self):
Returns the inverse of a ``FreeGroupElement`` element
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, x, y, z = free_group("x y z")
>>> x.inverse()
>>> (x*y).inverse()
group = self.group
r = tuple([(i, -j) for i, j in self.array_form[::-1]])
return group.dtype(r)
def order(self):
"""Find the order of a ``FreeGroupElement``.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, x, y = free_group("x y")
>>> (x**2*y*y**-1*x**-2).order()
if self.is_identity:
return S.One
return S.Infinity
def commutator(self, other):
Return the commutator of `self` and `x`: ``~x*~self*x*self``
group = self.group
if not isinstance(other, group.dtype):
raise ValueError("commutator of only FreeGroupElement of the same "
"FreeGroup exists")
return self.inverse()*other.inverse()*self*other
def eliminate_words(self, words, _all=False, inverse=True):
Replace each subword from the dictionary `words` by words[subword].
If words is a list, replace the words by the identity.
again = True
new = self
if isinstance(words, dict):
while again:
again = False
for sub in words:
prev = new
new = new.eliminate_word(sub, words[sub], _all=_all, inverse=inverse)
if new != prev:
again = True
while again:
again = False
for sub in words:
prev = new
new = new.eliminate_word(sub, _all=_all, inverse=inverse)
if new != prev:
again = True
return new
def eliminate_word(self, gen, by=None, _all=False, inverse=True):
For an associative word `self`, a subword `gen`, and an associative
word `by` (identity by default), return the associative word obtained by
replacing each occurrence of `gen` in `self` by `by`. If `_all = True`,
the occurrences of `gen` that may appear after the first substitution will
also be replaced and so on until no occurrences are found. This might not
always terminate (e.g. `(x).eliminate_word(x, x**2, _all=True)`).
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, x, y = free_group("x y")
>>> w = x**5*y*x**2*y**-4*x
>>> w.eliminate_word( x, x**2 )
>>> w.eliminate_word( x, y**-1 )
>>> w.eliminate_word(x**5)
>>> w.eliminate_word(x*y, y)
See Also
if by is None:
by = self.group.identity
if self.is_independent(gen) or gen == by:
return self
if gen == self:
return by
if gen**-1 == by:
_all = False
word = self
l = len(gen)
i = word.subword_index(gen)
k = 1
except ValueError:
if not inverse:
return word
i = word.subword_index(gen**-1)
k = -1
except ValueError:
return word
word = word.subword(0, i)*by**k*word.subword(i+l, len(word)).eliminate_word(gen, by)
if _all:
return word.eliminate_word(gen, by, _all=True, inverse=inverse)
return word
def __len__(self):
For an associative word `self`, returns the number of letters in it.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, a, b = free_group("a b")
>>> w = a**5*b*a**2*b**-4*a
>>> len(w)
>>> len(a**17)
>>> len(w**0)
return sum(abs(j) for (i, j) in self)
def __eq__(self, other):
Two associative words are equal if they are words over the
same alphabet and if they are sequences of the same letters.
This is equivalent to saying that the external representations
of the words are equal.
There is no "universal" empty word, every alphabet has its own
empty word.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, swapnil0, swapnil1 = free_group("swapnil0 swapnil1")
>>> f
<free group on the generators (swapnil0, swapnil1)>
>>> g, swap0, swap1 = free_group("swap0 swap1")
>>> g
<free group on the generators (swap0, swap1)>
>>> swapnil0 == swapnil1
>>> swapnil0*swapnil1 == swapnil1/swapnil1*swapnil0*swapnil1
>>> swapnil0*swapnil1 == swapnil1*swapnil0
>>> swapnil1**0 == swap0**0
group = self.group
if not isinstance(other, group.dtype):
return False
return tuple.__eq__(self, other)
def __lt__(self, other):
The ordering of associative words is defined by length and
lexicography (this ordering is called short-lex ordering), that
is, shorter words are smaller than longer words, and words of the
same length are compared w.r.t. the lexicographical ordering induced
by the ordering of generators. Generators are sorted according
to the order in which they were created. If the generators are
invertible then each generator `g` is larger than its inverse `g^{-1}`,
and `g^{-1}` is larger than every generator that is smaller than `g`.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, a, b = free_group("a b")
>>> b < a
>>> a < a.inverse()
group = self.group
if not isinstance(other, group.dtype):
raise TypeError("only FreeGroup elements of same FreeGroup can "
"be compared")
l = len(self)
m = len(other)
# implement lenlex order
if l < m:
return True
elif l > m:
return False
for i in range(l):
a = self[i].array_form[0]
b = other[i].array_form[0]
p = group.symbols.index(a[0])
q = group.symbols.index(b[0])
if p < q:
return True
elif p > q:
return False
elif a[1] < b[1]:
return True
elif a[1] > b[1]:
return False
return False
def __le__(self, other):
return (self == other or self < other)
def __gt__(self, other):
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, x, y, z = free_group("x y z")
>>> y**2 > x**2
>>> y*z > z*y
>>> x > x.inverse()
group = self.group
if not isinstance(other, group.dtype):
raise TypeError("only FreeGroup elements of same FreeGroup can "
"be compared")
return not self <= other
def __ge__(self, other):
return not self < other
def exponent_sum(self, gen):
For an associative word `self` and a generator or inverse of generator
`gen`, ``exponent_sum`` returns the number of times `gen` appears in
`self` minus the number of times its inverse appears in `self`. If
neither `gen` nor its inverse occur in `self` then 0 is returned.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> w = x**2*y**3
>>> w.exponent_sum(x)
>>> w.exponent_sum(x**-1)
>>> w = x**2*y**4*x**-3
>>> w.exponent_sum(x)
See Also
if len(gen) != 1:
raise ValueError("gen must be a generator or inverse of a generator")
s = gen.array_form[0]
return s[1]*sum([i[1] for i in self.array_form if i[0] == s[0]])
def generator_count(self, gen):
For an associative word `self` and a generator `gen`,
``generator_count`` returns the multiplicity of generator
`gen` in `self`.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> w = x**2*y**3
>>> w.generator_count(x)
>>> w = x**2*y**4*x**-3
>>> w.generator_count(x)
See Also
if len(gen) != 1 or gen.array_form[0][1] < 0:
raise ValueError("gen must be a generator")
s = gen.array_form[0]
return s[1]*sum([abs(i[1]) for i in self.array_form if i[0] == s[0]])
def subword(self, from_i, to_j, strict=True):
For an associative word `self` and two positive integers `from_i` and
`to_j`, `subword` returns the subword of `self` that begins at position
`from_i` and ends at `to_j - 1`, indexing is done with origin 0.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, a, b = free_group("a b")
>>> w = a**5*b*a**2*b**-4*a
>>> w.subword(2, 6)
group = self.group
if not strict:
from_i = max(from_i, 0)
to_j = min(len(self), to_j)
if from_i < 0 or to_j > len(self):
raise ValueError("`from_i`, `to_j` must be positive and no greater than "
"the length of associative word")
if to_j <= from_i:
return group.identity
letter_form = self.letter_form[from_i: to_j]
array_form = letter_form_to_array_form(letter_form, group)
return group.dtype(array_form)
def subword_index(self, word, start = 0):
Find the index of `word` in `self`.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, a, b = free_group("a b")
>>> w = a**2*b*a*b**3
>>> w.subword_index(a*b*a*b)
l = len(word)
self_lf = self.letter_form
word_lf = word.letter_form
index = None
for i in range(start,len(self_lf)-l+1):
if self_lf[i:i+l] == word_lf:
index = i
if index is not None:
return index
raise ValueError("The given word is not a subword of self")
def is_dependent(self, word):
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> (x**4*y**-3).is_dependent(x**4*y**-2)
>>> (x**2*y**-1).is_dependent(x*y)
>>> (x*y**2*x*y**2).is_dependent(x*y**2)
>>> (x**12).is_dependent(x**-4)
See Also
return self.subword_index(word) is not None
except ValueError:
return self.subword_index(word**-1) is not None
except ValueError:
return False
def is_independent(self, word):
See Also
return not self.is_dependent(word)
def contains_generators(self):
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y, z = free_group("x, y, z")
>>> (x**2*y**-1).contains_generators()
{x, y}
>>> (x**3*z).contains_generators()
{x, z}
group = self.group
gens = set()
for syllable in self.array_form:
gens.add(group.dtype(((syllable[0], 1),)))
return set(gens)
def cyclic_subword(self, from_i, to_j):
group = self.group
l = len(self)
letter_form = self.letter_form
period1 = int(from_i/l)
if from_i >= l:
from_i -= l*period1
to_j -= l*period1
diff = to_j - from_i
word = letter_form[from_i: to_j]
period2 = int(to_j/l) - 1
word += letter_form*period2 + letter_form[:diff-l+from_i-l*period2]
word = letter_form_to_array_form(word, group)
return group.dtype(word)
def cyclic_conjugates(self):
"""Returns a words which are cyclic to the word `self`.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> w = x*y*x*y*x
>>> w.cyclic_conjugates()
{x*y*x**2*y, x**2*y*x*y, y*x*y*x**2, y*x**2*y*x, x*y*x*y*x}
>>> s = x*y*x**2*y*x
>>> s.cyclic_conjugates()
{x**2*y*x**2*y, y*x**2*y*x**2, x*y*x**2*y*x}
.. [1] https://planetmath.org/cyclicpermutation
return {self.cyclic_subword(i, i+len(self)) for i in range(len(self))}
def is_cyclic_conjugate(self, w):
Checks whether words ``self``, ``w`` are cyclic conjugates.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> w1 = x**2*y**5
>>> w2 = x*y**5*x
>>> w1.is_cyclic_conjugate(w2)
>>> w3 = x**-1*y**5*x**-1
>>> w3.is_cyclic_conjugate(w2)
l1 = len(self)
l2 = len(w)
if l1 != l2:
return False
w1 = self.identity_cyclic_reduction()
w2 = w.identity_cyclic_reduction()
letter1 = w1.letter_form
letter2 = w2.letter_form
str1 = ' '.join(map(str, letter1))
str2 = ' '.join(map(str, letter2))
if len(str1) != len(str2):
return False
return str1 in str2 + ' ' + str2
def number_syllables(self):
"""Returns the number of syllables of the associative word `self`.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, swapnil0, swapnil1 = free_group("swapnil0 swapnil1")
>>> (swapnil1**3*swapnil0*swapnil1**-1).number_syllables()
return len(self.array_form)
def exponent_syllable(self, i):
Returns the exponent of the `i`-th syllable of the associative word
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, a, b = free_group("a b")
>>> w = a**5*b*a**2*b**-4*a
>>> w.exponent_syllable( 2 )
return self.array_form[i][1]
def generator_syllable(self, i):
Returns the symbol of the generator that is involved in the
i-th syllable of the associative word `self`.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, a, b = free_group("a b")
>>> w = a**5*b*a**2*b**-4*a
>>> w.generator_syllable( 3 )
return self.array_form[i][0]
def sub_syllables(self, from_i, to_j):
`sub_syllables` returns the subword of the associative word `self` that
consists of syllables from positions `from_to` to `to_j`, where
`from_to` and `to_j` must be positive integers and indexing is done
with origin 0.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> f, a, b = free_group("a, b")
>>> w = a**5*b*a**2*b**-4*a
>>> w.sub_syllables(1, 2)
>>> w.sub_syllables(3, 3)
if not isinstance(from_i, int) or not isinstance(to_j, int):
raise ValueError("both arguments should be integers")
group = self.group
if to_j <= from_i:
return group.identity
r = tuple(self.array_form[from_i: to_j])
return group.dtype(r)
def substituted_word(self, from_i, to_j, by):
Returns the associative word obtained by replacing the subword of
`self` that begins at position `from_i` and ends at position `to_j - 1`
by the associative word `by`. `from_i` and `to_j` must be positive
integers, indexing is done with origin 0. In other words,
`w.substituted_word(w, from_i, to_j, by)` is the product of the three
words: `w.subword(0, from_i)`, `by`, and
`w.subword(to_j len(w))`.
See Also
lw = len(self)
if from_i >= to_j or from_i > lw or to_j > lw:
raise ValueError("values should be within bounds")
# otherwise there are four possibilities
# first if from=1 and to=lw then
if from_i == 0 and to_j == lw:
return by
elif from_i == 0: # second if from_i=1 (and to_j < lw) then
return by*self.subword(to_j, lw)
elif to_j == lw: # third if to_j=1 (and from_i > 1) then
return self.subword(0, from_i)*by
else: # finally
return self.subword(0, from_i)*by*self.subword(to_j, lw)
def is_cyclically_reduced(self):
r"""Returns whether the word is cyclically reduced or not.
A word is cyclically reduced if by forming the cycle of the
word, the word is not reduced, i.e a word w = `a_1 ... a_n`
is called cyclically reduced if `a_1 \ne a_n^{-1}`.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> (x**2*y**-1*x**-1).is_cyclically_reduced()
>>> (y*x**2*y**2).is_cyclically_reduced()
if not self:
return True
return self[0] != self[-1]**-1
def identity_cyclic_reduction(self):
"""Return a unique cyclically reduced version of the word.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> (x**2*y**2*x**-1).identity_cyclic_reduction()
>>> (x**-3*y**-1*x**5).identity_cyclic_reduction()
.. [1] https://planetmath.org/cyclicallyreduced
word = self.copy()
group = self.group
while not word.is_cyclically_reduced():
exp1 = word.exponent_syllable(0)
exp2 = word.exponent_syllable(-1)
r = exp1 + exp2
if r == 0:
rep = word.array_form[1: word.number_syllables() - 1]
rep = ((word.generator_syllable(0), exp1 + exp2),) + \
word.array_form[1: word.number_syllables() - 1]
word = group.dtype(rep)
return word
def cyclic_reduction(self, removed=False):
"""Return a cyclically reduced version of the word. Unlike
`identity_cyclic_reduction`, this will not cyclically permute
the reduced word - just remove the "unreduced" bits on either
side of it. Compare the examples with those of
When `removed` is `True`, return a tuple `(word, r)` where
self `r` is such that before the reduction the word was either
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> (x**2*y**2*x**-1).cyclic_reduction()
>>> (x**-3*y**-1*x**5).cyclic_reduction()
>>> (x**-3*y**-1*x**5).cyclic_reduction(removed=True)
(y**-1*x**2, x**-3)
word = self.copy()
g = self.group.identity
while not word.is_cyclically_reduced():
exp1 = abs(word.exponent_syllable(0))
exp2 = abs(word.exponent_syllable(-1))
exp = min(exp1, exp2)
start = word[0]**abs(exp)
end = word[-1]**abs(exp)
word = start**-1*word*end**-1
g = g*start
if removed:
return word, g
return word
def power_of(self, other):
Check if `self == other**n` for some integer n.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
>>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
>>> ((x*y)**2).power_of(x*y)
>>> (x**-3*y**-2*x**3).power_of(x**-3*y*x**3)
if self.is_identity:
return True
l = len(other)
if l == 1:
# self has to be a power of one generator
gens = self.contains_generators()
s = other in gens or other**-1 in gens
return len(gens) == 1 and s
# if self is not cyclically reduced and it is a power of other,
# other isn't cyclically reduced and the parts removed during
# their reduction must be equal
reduced, r1 = self.cyclic_reduction(removed=True)
if not r1.is_identity:
other, r2 = other.cyclic_reduction(removed=True)
if r1 == r2:
return reduced.power_of(other)
return False
if len(self) < l or len(self) % l:
return False
prefix = self.subword(0, l)
if prefix == other or prefix**-1 == other:
rest = self.subword(l, len(self))
return rest.power_of(other)
return False
def letter_form_to_array_form(array_form, group):
This method converts a list given with possible repetitions of elements in
it. It returns a new list such that repetitions of consecutive elements is
removed and replace with a tuple element of size two such that the first
index contains `value` and the second index contains the number of
consecutive repetitions of `value`.
a = list(array_form[:])
new_array = []
n = 1
symbols = group.symbols
for i in range(len(a)):
if i == len(a) - 1:
if a[i] == a[i - 1]:
if (-a[i]) in symbols:
new_array.append((-a[i], -n))
new_array.append((a[i], n))
if (-a[i]) in symbols:
new_array.append((-a[i], -1))
new_array.append((a[i], 1))
return new_array
elif a[i] == a[i + 1]:
n += 1
if (-a[i]) in symbols:
new_array.append((-a[i], -n))
new_array.append((a[i], n))
n = 1
def zero_mul_simp(l, index):
"""Used to combine two reduced words."""
while index >=0 and index < len(l) - 1 and l[index][0] == l[index + 1][0]:
exp = l[index][1] + l[index + 1][1]
base = l[index][0]
l[index] = (base, exp)
del l[index + 1]
if l[index][1] == 0:
del l[index]
index -= 1