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""" Elliptic Integrals. """
from sympy.core import S, pi, I, Rational
from sympy.core.function import Function, ArgumentIndexError
from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy
from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import sign
from sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic import atanh
from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt
from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import sin, tan
from sympy.functions.special.gamma_functions import gamma
from sympy.functions.special.hyper import hyper, meijerg
class elliptic_k(Function):
The complete elliptic integral of the first kind, defined by
.. math:: K(m) = F\left(\tfrac{\pi}{2}\middle| m\right)
where $F\left(z\middle| m\right)$ is the Legendre incomplete
elliptic integral of the first kind.
The function $K(m)$ is a single-valued function on the complex
plane with branch cut along the interval $(1, \infty)$.
Note that our notation defines the incomplete elliptic integral
in terms of the parameter $m$ instead of the elliptic modulus
(eccentricity) $k$.
In this case, the parameter $m$ is defined as $m=k^2$.
>>> from sympy import elliptic_k, I
>>> from sympy.abc import m
>>> elliptic_k(0)
>>> elliptic_k(1.0 + I)
1.50923695405127 + 0.625146415202697*I
>>> elliptic_k(m).series(n=3)
pi/2 + pi*m/8 + 9*pi*m**2/128 + O(m**3)
See Also
.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_integrals
.. [2] https://functions.wolfram.com/EllipticIntegrals/EllipticK
def eval(cls, m):
if m.is_zero:
return pi*S.Half
elif m is S.Half:
return 8*pi**Rational(3, 2)/gamma(Rational(-1, 4))**2
elif m is S.One:
return S.ComplexInfinity
elif m is S.NegativeOne:
return gamma(Rational(1, 4))**2/(4*sqrt(2*pi))
elif m in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity, I*S.Infinity,
I*S.NegativeInfinity, S.ComplexInfinity):
return S.Zero
def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
m = self.args[0]
return (elliptic_e(m) - (1 - m)*elliptic_k(m))/(2*m*(1 - m))
def _eval_conjugate(self):
m = self.args[0]
if (m.is_real and (m - 1).is_positive) is False:
return self.func(m.conjugate())
def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx, cdir=0):
from sympy.simplify import hyperexpand
return hyperexpand(self.rewrite(hyper)._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx))
def _eval_rewrite_as_hyper(self, m, **kwargs):
return pi*S.Half*hyper((S.Half, S.Half), (S.One,), m)
def _eval_rewrite_as_meijerg(self, m, **kwargs):
return meijerg(((S.Half, S.Half), []), ((S.Zero,), (S.Zero,)), -m)/2
def _eval_is_zero(self):
m = self.args[0]
if m.is_infinite:
return True
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, *args):
from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
t = Dummy('t')
m = self.args[0]
return Integral(1/sqrt(1 - m*sin(t)**2), (t, 0, pi/2))
class elliptic_f(Function):
The Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the first
kind, defined by
.. math:: F\left(z\middle| m\right) =
\int_0^z \frac{dt}{\sqrt{1 - m \sin^2 t}}
This function reduces to a complete elliptic integral of
the first kind, $K(m)$, when $z = \pi/2$.
Note that our notation defines the incomplete elliptic integral
in terms of the parameter $m$ instead of the elliptic modulus
(eccentricity) $k$.
In this case, the parameter $m$ is defined as $m=k^2$.
>>> from sympy import elliptic_f, I
>>> from sympy.abc import z, m
>>> elliptic_f(z, m).series(z)
z + z**5*(3*m**2/40 - m/30) + m*z**3/6 + O(z**6)
>>> elliptic_f(3.0 + I/2, 1.0 + I)
2.909449841483 + 1.74720545502474*I
See Also
.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_integrals
.. [2] https://functions.wolfram.com/EllipticIntegrals/EllipticF
def eval(cls, z, m):
if z.is_zero:
return S.Zero
if m.is_zero:
return z
k = 2*z/pi
if k.is_integer:
return k*elliptic_k(m)
elif m in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
return S.Zero
elif z.could_extract_minus_sign():
return -elliptic_f(-z, m)
def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
z, m = self.args
fm = sqrt(1 - m*sin(z)**2)
if argindex == 1:
return 1/fm
elif argindex == 2:
return (elliptic_e(z, m)/(2*m*(1 - m)) - elliptic_f(z, m)/(2*m) -
sin(2*z)/(4*(1 - m)*fm))
raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
def _eval_conjugate(self):
z, m = self.args
if (m.is_real and (m - 1).is_positive) is False:
return self.func(z.conjugate(), m.conjugate())
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, *args):
from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
t = Dummy('t')
z, m = self.args[0], self.args[1]
return Integral(1/(sqrt(1 - m*sin(t)**2)), (t, 0, z))
def _eval_is_zero(self):
z, m = self.args
if z.is_zero:
return True
if m.is_extended_real and m.is_infinite:
return True
class elliptic_e(Function):
Called with two arguments $z$ and $m$, evaluates the
incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind, defined by
.. math:: E\left(z\middle| m\right) = \int_0^z \sqrt{1 - m \sin^2 t} dt
Called with a single argument $m$, evaluates the Legendre complete
elliptic integral of the second kind
.. math:: E(m) = E\left(\tfrac{\pi}{2}\middle| m\right)
The function $E(m)$ is a single-valued function on the complex
plane with branch cut along the interval $(1, \infty)$.
Note that our notation defines the incomplete elliptic integral
in terms of the parameter $m$ instead of the elliptic modulus
(eccentricity) $k$.
In this case, the parameter $m$ is defined as $m=k^2$.
>>> from sympy import elliptic_e, I
>>> from sympy.abc import z, m
>>> elliptic_e(z, m).series(z)
z + z**5*(-m**2/40 + m/30) - m*z**3/6 + O(z**6)
>>> elliptic_e(m).series(n=4)
pi/2 - pi*m/8 - 3*pi*m**2/128 - 5*pi*m**3/512 + O(m**4)
>>> elliptic_e(1 + I, 2 - I/2).n()
1.55203744279187 + 0.290764986058437*I
>>> elliptic_e(0)
>>> elliptic_e(2.0 - I)
0.991052601328069 + 0.81879421395609*I
.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_integrals
.. [2] https://functions.wolfram.com/EllipticIntegrals/EllipticE2
.. [3] https://functions.wolfram.com/EllipticIntegrals/EllipticE
def eval(cls, m, z=None):
if z is not None:
z, m = m, z
k = 2*z/pi
if m.is_zero:
return z
if z.is_zero:
return S.Zero
elif k.is_integer:
return k*elliptic_e(m)
elif m in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
return S.ComplexInfinity
elif z.could_extract_minus_sign():
return -elliptic_e(-z, m)
if m.is_zero:
return pi/2
elif m is S.One:
return S.One
elif m is S.Infinity:
return I*S.Infinity
elif m is S.NegativeInfinity:
return S.Infinity
elif m is S.ComplexInfinity:
return S.ComplexInfinity
def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
if len(self.args) == 2:
z, m = self.args
if argindex == 1:
return sqrt(1 - m*sin(z)**2)
elif argindex == 2:
return (elliptic_e(z, m) - elliptic_f(z, m))/(2*m)
m = self.args[0]
if argindex == 1:
return (elliptic_e(m) - elliptic_k(m))/(2*m)
raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
def _eval_conjugate(self):
if len(self.args) == 2:
z, m = self.args
if (m.is_real and (m - 1).is_positive) is False:
return self.func(z.conjugate(), m.conjugate())
m = self.args[0]
if (m.is_real and (m - 1).is_positive) is False:
return self.func(m.conjugate())
def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx, cdir=0):
from sympy.simplify import hyperexpand
if len(self.args) == 1:
return hyperexpand(self.rewrite(hyper)._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx))
return super()._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
def _eval_rewrite_as_hyper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args) == 1:
m = args[0]
return (pi/2)*hyper((Rational(-1, 2), S.Half), (S.One,), m)
def _eval_rewrite_as_meijerg(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args) == 1:
m = args[0]
return -meijerg(((S.Half, Rational(3, 2)), []), \
((S.Zero,), (S.Zero,)), -m)/4
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, *args):
from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
z, m = (pi/2, self.args[0]) if len(self.args) == 1 else self.args
t = Dummy('t')
return Integral(sqrt(1 - m*sin(t)**2), (t, 0, z))
class elliptic_pi(Function):
Called with three arguments $n$, $z$ and $m$, evaluates the
Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind, defined by
.. math:: \Pi\left(n; z\middle| m\right) = \int_0^z \frac{dt}
{\left(1 - n \sin^2 t\right) \sqrt{1 - m \sin^2 t}}
Called with two arguments $n$ and $m$, evaluates the complete
elliptic integral of the third kind:
.. math:: \Pi\left(n\middle| m\right) =
\Pi\left(n; \tfrac{\pi}{2}\middle| m\right)
Note that our notation defines the incomplete elliptic integral
in terms of the parameter $m$ instead of the elliptic modulus
(eccentricity) $k$.
In this case, the parameter $m$ is defined as $m=k^2$.
>>> from sympy import elliptic_pi, I
>>> from sympy.abc import z, n, m
>>> elliptic_pi(n, z, m).series(z, n=4)
z + z**3*(m/6 + n/3) + O(z**4)
>>> elliptic_pi(0.5 + I, 1.0 - I, 1.2)
2.50232379629182 - 0.760939574180767*I
>>> elliptic_pi(0, 0)
>>> elliptic_pi(1.0 - I/3, 2.0 + I)
3.29136443417283 + 0.32555634906645*I
.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_integrals
.. [2] https://functions.wolfram.com/EllipticIntegrals/EllipticPi3
.. [3] https://functions.wolfram.com/EllipticIntegrals/EllipticPi
def eval(cls, n, m, z=None):
if z is not None:
n, z, m = n, m, z
if n.is_zero:
return elliptic_f(z, m)
elif n is S.One:
return (elliptic_f(z, m) +
(sqrt(1 - m*sin(z)**2)*tan(z) -
elliptic_e(z, m))/(1 - m))
k = 2*z/pi
if k.is_integer:
return k*elliptic_pi(n, m)
elif m.is_zero:
return atanh(sqrt(n - 1)*tan(z))/sqrt(n - 1)
elif n == m:
return (elliptic_f(z, n) - elliptic_pi(1, z, n) +
tan(z)/sqrt(1 - n*sin(z)**2))
elif n in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
return S.Zero
elif m in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
return S.Zero
elif z.could_extract_minus_sign():
return -elliptic_pi(n, -z, m)
if n.is_zero:
return elliptic_f(z, m)
if m.is_extended_real and m.is_infinite or \
n.is_extended_real and n.is_infinite:
return S.Zero
if n.is_zero:
return elliptic_k(m)
elif n is S.One:
return S.ComplexInfinity
elif m.is_zero:
return pi/(2*sqrt(1 - n))
elif m == S.One:
return S.NegativeInfinity/sign(n - 1)
elif n == m:
return elliptic_e(n)/(1 - n)
elif n in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
return S.Zero
elif m in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
return S.Zero
if n.is_zero:
return elliptic_k(m)
if m.is_extended_real and m.is_infinite or \
n.is_extended_real and n.is_infinite:
return S.Zero
def _eval_conjugate(self):
if len(self.args) == 3:
n, z, m = self.args
if (n.is_real and (n - 1).is_positive) is False and \
(m.is_real and (m - 1).is_positive) is False:
return self.func(n.conjugate(), z.conjugate(), m.conjugate())
n, m = self.args
return self.func(n.conjugate(), m.conjugate())
def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
if len(self.args) == 3:
n, z, m = self.args
fm, fn = sqrt(1 - m*sin(z)**2), 1 - n*sin(z)**2
if argindex == 1:
return (elliptic_e(z, m) + (m - n)*elliptic_f(z, m)/n +
(n**2 - m)*elliptic_pi(n, z, m)/n -
n*fm*sin(2*z)/(2*fn))/(2*(m - n)*(n - 1))
elif argindex == 2:
return 1/(fm*fn)
elif argindex == 3:
return (elliptic_e(z, m)/(m - 1) +
elliptic_pi(n, z, m) -
m*sin(2*z)/(2*(m - 1)*fm))/(2*(n - m))
n, m = self.args
if argindex == 1:
return (elliptic_e(m) + (m - n)*elliptic_k(m)/n +
(n**2 - m)*elliptic_pi(n, m)/n)/(2*(m - n)*(n - 1))
elif argindex == 2:
return (elliptic_e(m)/(m - 1) + elliptic_pi(n, m))/(2*(n - m))
raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, *args):
from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
if len(self.args) == 2:
n, m, z = self.args[0], self.args[1], pi/2
n, z, m = self.args
t = Dummy('t')
return Integral(1/((1 - n*sin(t)**2)*sqrt(1 - m*sin(t)**2)), (t, 0, z))